_; ` �'`nr.w:�,.:4.;`:. ,i„.�y� _ _______�. - -__ -
<br /> I ��i1e.� .- ., y. ._ . __..
<br /> . .
<br /> � vR• � -
<br /> � '. � .. .... ... .., - -- _:.
<br /> � ,, ..�.... --- ---
<br /> g4�o092'�
<br /> . �. f Q. Cowr►ants o!Tiuttor wlfh R�pvct to Loasos.Without dw priw wdrt�n cans�nt ol Ben�Nclary.Tru:ta ahalf not dlnoMy a►ndlnctly,
<br /> ! ) w�h nap�ct b�ny laa�ol ip�c�in the Tivat Prop�ery,a u►y paNa►dNnof wh�tl�r tuch l�a��!a now a hN�dtM M�xltbnC�:
<br /> r
<br /> . ��:`�"kS'''''.� ��� �,yp�a p�nnit�»Y P^�P�Y�r�dlacount a adwr►c�paym�nt d nnf h�rwnd�r!n�xcaa ol on�montb, ---
<br /> -�����"`�,���F' �' (i) Canc�l or tamlmt�th��»�a�ccopt any cancNhdon.tam1nallon a iW1N1dN tINI�01,OI p/Illdf/11y�v�nt to occur whlch would ------_
<br /> �: '� occw tl�rwwrdN to h►minat�a cancN tfN t�vn�,otha th�n taminatlon Ior nonpaym�nt d rw�t�
<br /> . .. . ... , � (o) M�nd a modly th�wn�ao�ro nduc�tn�t�rm tlNnol,tM nnt�pay�bl�t►�nund�►,a ro clwq�r�►►y nn�wv provl�lont
<br />— .. ' ,� •.- � . d�►Mncont�lnrd,
<br /> (d) Wilw eny d�hult HNr�unda a broaCh th�roof, _-�.._------
<br /> +�---�� •• • -* (�) QIw�ny ca�a�nt,walwr a�pproval thsrounder a t�k��ny otM��cda►!n conn�cdon th�rewlrh,a wlth a NsaN th�roundsr,wldch �,;�;�;,=v��-.�
<br /> • � would haw fh�efhct ollmp�lrin�the vdw ol fh�l�sa'�r Inhn�t fhNwnda a tM Wopnfy+ub/�ot thrn%a ollmpil►!np tiN W
<br /> " ., �= poslUon a lntorost olBanaflclerp thereln.or �-°° =-_- -
<br /> . . ''• (n S�II.s�.tlpn.PlsdDe.matp�p�a othwwlsa dl�pot�o%a�ncun►bn Itr Intu�st in any idd NaH a any nntr,Issuu.ProNti Iswlny �`;,�•-"'-"�=--_
<br /> ,;•, aarlsinpthereunde►. _ T
<br /> _;�� F
<br /> ..� 17, Waiver of Statute ot Um(fadons, Tima!s o/the easenc�in al!ol Tiustor'a ob!lp�tJons and dudes henunda;�nd to tM extent penNK �,.�;_�TN.�r.:
<br /> .a:�s by law. Tivata wdves aU pr�sont a future statutes o!I!mltati�ona wilh resp�ct to any d�bt,dtm�nd a oblip�tMn sscw�d b�nby 1nd _
<br /> --�,?•_-� �ny action cr proceedinp la th�purpose ot entacln thfs Deed of 7rusta an r! ht�a rem�dlw contal�wd 1►��oln. �'��"u�°==
<br /> D Y D r.:.,�•.
<br /> ��• ' 18. Asalynment ot Oeposlts.!n tha event consnuctlon ol lmprovemants/s contemplated by the loan evldsnced by the Note srcured �,, �,_.�„,_„
<br /> -:-�= Nereby.as addltlonal secudry the►efore,Tiusta hereby translers and asaf�ns to BanoflClary,all dyht,dde�nd lnterest b eny end all �,�-_
<br /> monles deposlted by or on behed ol Tiusta wlth any clty,counfy,publ�body a apency,sonitary dlstdct,ud/!ty canpany,and _�
<br /> ��� any atiwr body a apency,lor the lnstalladon a to securo the/nstalhdon o!any utlifry by Trustor,pert�iMng to the Trust Prop�rry. _____ _�.
<br /> �� -:-�-=-.:-
<br /> ,�,�; t�. CorporaUon a Partnership Exlstence.J/Tiustor fs a caporedon, peneral partnarshtp,a Ilm(ted partnersh/p,!f wlll do dl things
<br /> necessary to preserve Us corporate or paAneraThJp exiatanae,as Gw car�rnry!»,and a!1 dphta and privllpes und�r tho Nwi o/tho ,,,�a:.•_�,-
<br /> . , state o/(ts lncaporadon a aganizadon. •
<br /> ..:.
<br /> 20. Forbearanco by Beneflclary Not a Walver.My labearence by Ben�Nclary/n oxercisln p�ny dpht or remody hereunder,a otharwl8� �_�::— �
<br /> allorded by appllcablt+iaw,shap not be a walver ot a p�eclude lhe exaclse o/any such rtyht or romedy. The procurement ot �+'
<br /> lnsurance or the payment ol tazes a the discha�qe o!llens a char�as by BoneNcfary ahat!not ba a walver oi BaneBciary a�(pht to �,�.,:�;� �
<br /> •� eccelerate the matwlty of the indebtedness. � ���
<br /> _►=_
<br /> 21. Remsdles BurrwlaNva.All remedles provlded!n this Deed ol Tivat era disUnct and cumulative to Any other riyht or ranody under thia . -r;,
<br /> • Dead o/Tiust or�fla+ded by/aw a equlty,and may be exerclsed concunenGy,lndependently or successively. �-
<br /> 22. Succes�and Asslgna 8ound;Jdnt and Several Uablllty,•Capt(ons.ihe covenants and apreements here ln con t a lno d a ha l l W n d,e n d �,�,�...., � _
<br /> the dghts he�eunder shaii lnure to,the respecUve successors and asslgns ot Beneflclary, Tiustee,end Tiasta.All covenants and z---
<br /> agreements o/Tiustor shalf be joint and severel.The captions and headings o/the pa►apraphs o�thla Daed ol Tiusi are/or .: ..�`�,`;
<br /> convenlence only and are not to be usad to lnterpret or deJine the provlslons hereot. -°
<br /> 23. Nodce.Except tor any notice requl�ed under appllcable law to be given In another manner,(a)any notice to Trustor provlded lorin d►!a ••rm�
<br /> Deed ol Tiust shell be given by ma!ling such noHce by ceRlNed mall,retum recelpt ieQuested addressed lo Tiustor et Its mailing m} �
<br /> address set lorth above a et such other address as 7astor may deslgnale 6y notice to Bene/iclary as provlded hereln,and(b)any � `�;:;�
<br /> notice ro 8eneflciary,a Tiustee shalf be glven by certUled malt,refum recelpt requested,to BeneNclary's end�rustee's maliing � •`
<br /> addresa statod heretn or to such ether ed�reRC ac Bene/lciary o�Tiustee may deslqnatri by notice to Trusta as provlded herein.My �,�.. .,. -
<br /> .. notice provided/or ln thls Deed o/Trust ahell be deemed to havo bean plven to Tivator,BeneNcUry or Tiartea when plven ln the �
<br /> manner daslgnated he►eln. '�'�'•" '-�`
<br /> 24. Cioveming Law;Severab!!!ry.Thls Deed ol Trust shaU be yovemed by the/ews o►the State of Nebraske. !n the event any provlsJon or � �
<br /> ciause ol thls Deed of Tiust con/Iicts wlth appUca6fe law,such ca►lllct shall not aHect other proWslons ot thls Deed o/Tiust wh/ch cAr► '��,
<br /> confNctln rovlslons and to this end the provlslons o/thls Deed o/7rust are dectared to be severable. , '�'�
<br /> be glven eHect wlthout the g p
<br /> ` 26. Events of Detault Each o/the fofbwlnq occwrences shall conadtute en avent o/de/ault hereunder, (hereinalter called en"Event �;• y��Y
<br /> �. • . o/Default'): � ' ,'{.'°,
<br /> �. (a) Trestor shall lall to pay when due arty principal,fnte�est,or principal�nd lnteiest on the/ndebtedness, � �;��••••
<br /> , ,�. (b) My warranty oi title made by Tiustor hereln shaU be untrue, " _
<br /> �.1, � (c) Tiustor shall lall to observe or pe�lorm any of the covenants,a�reernents,or condltlons in thls Deed of Tiust,
<br /> ��, � (d) My iepresenteBon or wananty made by Trustor on any llnanclal statemenfs or reports submltted to BeneflcJary by or on behaN of �
<br /> Tiusta ahal!prove false or matedally misieading,
<br /> ; (eJ Trustor ahap lalf to perform oi obse►ve any oi the covenants,condlt/ons o�agreements contalned In,or binding upon Tiusror under
<br /> eny bu1lding loan agreement,securlty agreement,loan agreement, linancing statemont,a eny oihe�eflreement,lnstrament oi ,
<br /> ' '� document executed by Trustor tn connectlon with the ben evldenced by the Note. � .
<br /> (/) A trustee,receiver or 1lquidator ol the 7rust Property or ol Trustor shallbe appolnted,or any ol the credltors ol Trustor shall flte a ,
<br /> peNtlon!n bankruptcy against Tiustor,or for the reorganlzatiors of Trus�or pursuant to the Federa!Bankiuptcy Code,or any slm0ar �
<br /> law, whether lederai or stete,and f►such order a pe8tlon sha/l not be dlscha�ged or d/smissed withln thlRy(30)days a/ter/he date , .
<br /> � on which such wder or petttlon was flled, � '
<br /> � � {y) Fiusror shali lile a petltlon puisuant to the Federel Bankruptcy Code or any slmilar law,federal or state,or/1 Tiusto►shafl be � . �'
<br /> ad/udged a bankrupt or be decla�ed/nsolvent,or shat!make an asslgnment lor the bene/it of creditors,or shaN admlt!n wridnQ fts '
<br /> Inablllty to paylts debts as they become due,or shall consent to the eppolntment o/a receiver o/ai!or any part of the Trust Property. .��
<br /> ( • (h) Flnel judgment lor the payment o/money shaU be rendered against Trustor end Tiustoi shelf not discharge the semo,or cause it to •
<br /> 1'�� �'` ' be dlscharged,wlthln thlrty(30)deys aRer the entry thereoJ,vr shall not appeal theret�om or lrom the order,decree or prceess upon
<br /> `g � whlch or pursuant to which said�udgment was granted,based,a entered,end secure a stay of executlon pendJng such appeal,
<br /> �y � (!) 7rustor shall sell o►convey the Tiust Property,or any paR thereof,or eny Interest there(n,or shal!be d(vested of its tltle,or any Interest
<br /> � . ; � theroln,Jn any manner a way,whether voluntarlly or lnvdunterly,wrthout the written consent ot 6eno1lclary being 11rst had and
<br /> : � obtalned,a
<br /> - ,:;: �) i!7rustor Is a corpaaBon or partnershlp 9nd more then fihy percent(50°io)o/the shares a beneficla!lnterests!n suc h corpore GOn a
<br /> �.;� paRnershfp,as the case may be,shalf be transferred or conveyed, whethe►vduntadly a lnvdunterlly, wlthout the wNtlen consent o/
<br /> k•�, 'f BeneffClary being Nrst had and obtalned.
<br /> �! � �' 28. Acceleratlon o/Oebt;Faec/asure.Upon the xcunence ot any Event ol Deteult or any tlme thereaRer,Beneficlary may,et its opflon,
<br /> c• declare sl!the Jndebtedness secured hereby lmmedtately due and paysb/e and the same shaB bea►(nterest at the detauit rate,il any,
<br /> ;a-_ � set Mrth!n the Nofe,or othenvlse at the hlghest rate permltted by law,and,UrespecHve ot whether Beneficfary exercises se(d opflon,!t
<br /> ..�,��;�,,�. „ may,at its option and!n!ts soJo dlscredon,w(thout eny lurther notice a demand to a upon Tiusto�,do one or more of the Idfowlny;
<br /> �r��',r,t, ._;:�y'_ (� Ben?/lclary may enter upon,take possesslon ot,manage and operate the Tiust Properry or any paR thereo%make repalrs a►+d
<br /> g,� ,-••• • alte►atlons and do any acts whlch Bene6�clary deems proper to protect the secunry thareof,and elMer wJth a without taking
<br /> p o s s a a a l o n.!n l t s o w n n a m e,s u e t o r o r o th erwl s e colfect and recetve rents.lssues and prolits,lncludinp those past due snd anpaid,
<br /> �J ff� �L'�l�
<br /> -r• ` �''r •' ' ' i/1C�8p��1@ Sa/YIB,/@SS COSf3 8f]Cl @Xp9/1SRS O/Op6/8Q0l1 dI1Q CO%19C00li,inciuding�ena-w�6`uiv duwr+ir ioo�a�r��.,o:�Q....�a.-��:
<br /> �hi: •�+��w.. .
<br /> - ,�w.:'':: costs,upon the lndebtedness secu�ecf Irereby and fn such wder as Beneficlary may dotermine. �pon request ot Beneliclary,Tiustor
<br /> � ��;%�(�'�`� �� ' 8he1f assemble and stiall make evaUable to Benel�clary any of the Tmsf Prope►ty which has besn removed.The entering upon and
<br /> y:��Y � �;,� ��j�y pp�oss/pn of the Trost Prope�ty,the co/fectlorr ol any rents,lssues and profits,and the eppllcaUon thereof as a/oreseld,shel!
<br /> - "'""'-4u31G:�i:. not cure a w�tve any de/aulf thererofore a thereaRe►xcurrinQ.or affect eny noUce o/de/ault or notice ot sale hereunder a
<br /> .��;�. � � -' �� lrwaUd�te any act done pwswnt to any such notice.NotwithsteadlnQ Benoficlary's conKnuance fn possesslon a recelpt and
<br /> appNCaOra�o�renfs,lssues a proHts,BeneHc(ary sha11 be entlUed to exerclse every dght provlded fa In thls Deed o!Trust a by law
<br /> ' �•r•':_ � upon a after Nw occurrence of an Event M Default,lncludln�the rlyht to exerclse the power of sale.Any o�the actions referred to 1n
<br /> qda pangraph may be teken by B�rwliclary at auch�irw as�wullciuy may datamin�wlthout rayard ro Ma adoquecy of�ny _
<br /> pCUrity for tlw Mdobtodn�ss securod heroby. ;.
<br /> �p) 8�n�lJdary shall,wiNrout reyaM to NN adaquacy of any socuriry fforthe Udabtsdrwss sacund hereby,be entiNQd to the
<br /> -- �ppol�OnMt ol a recNwr by�ny caHt haviny�urtsdk:tion.wlthout notic�,to teke poss�.ssdon o%protoct,and man�pe the Tiast �
<br /> �-. propK(y�nd pp�nro dN
<br /> aant�ind CoAact ftw rwits,lssues rr►d prol�ts thwofiom.
<br /> �.°(r1.�.��F-.�•�`%.
<br /> � y. ;. (�) BM�Ilciary may brk►�any scUon In any ccwR ol competont jurlsdictlon ro/owcbs�thla D�wd o/Trust a enfo►ce eny o e �
<br /> ""'__ _ __� COW/I�l►tsM/0d.
<br /> _ " .. .��:`t`: }
<br />