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> ,.�.,�, ._ _-- , <br /> - - nFl - :�._c. <br /> .✓ ._.. � . . . ...... . , . • ' <br /> .. ` � ', . - ' ' }`: _.::Q� �. <br /> . _ .. ��.ioosz� <br /> . �� Insuranc�pnmlums,pround renta,and ell other ch�rpes wh�fsaw►rlovNd apon a asasased,p►acad a mad��y�inst d�Truif <br /> �•. .. -�", = Prop�Ry.Trueror IuRh�r aprsos.upon wrMNrt nqw+f by BwNHcl� promPNy dollw►to B�nsiktary aIl ncNpta for th�paym�rit ot <br /> r` .. .. . . ,. wcb ch�rpW.Tivator Nk�wl�•apro.s ro p�y+�i raxa,�u�atmw�ta�nd otMr cb+i0�+Nvl�al upon a k�ss�d,plic�d a maW <br /> .., ,�. ,,,:,,;,.� ap�ln�t,a m�asund by,thli Dtid ol Trost a th�ncad�don h�no% <br /> •,.r..T.,�,�.,.;�. ' a. App�ic�don ol P�ym�nb.A!1 payrrHnta ncs►wd by B�n�Nclsry��ro any d�bt YaWliry a obNp�tlon ow�d to B�n�llcl�ry by�ruttor <br /> ,�•, may 6�appM�d by�Nclary to th�paym�nt o/tM Ind�bt�dnaa a M any wch oth�r cNbt,NaWJIry a ob!lpaHon,!n�ny ad�r a <br /> •. •.t. mann�r ol appWcatlon whlcb Ban�Ncl� It��biowt�disantlon,d�na�pproprl�h.UnNas oth�rwls�nl�ct�d by 6a►diaN►Y.�nY <br /> . ° tuch paym�nt ahall b�dNm�d apP�Nd Nnt to th�p+rymrnt ol u�y d�bt,llaWNty a obllpation WtNr than tha Nota. <br /> . " �J B. Chary�s;LNns. Tr,uMr wJll kNp tha Tiust Propsity 1►�1►om u�►l�ns u�d�ncambrancsi whlch In any w�y may,!n th�/udgm�nt or _ <br /> • „ ��••�+�. B�n�Ncl�ry.haw prlodry owr,or knp�lr th�a�curlty W.fhis OMd o/Tru�t but Trusto►nMd not dlrcharp!e any such Il�n so lon�at <br /> � Trwtor sh�!!a�ns,in wrldnp,ro p�y tM abNQ�tior►ircund by auch N�n!n�manrMr acc�ptabb to B�ndlcluy and ah�liln pood/alfh <br /> � cont�st such ilen by appropiloio layal p�oceadlnps eNecdve M provsnt ths�robrc�n�rN ol N►�Il�n+nd th�/os�ol�ny lnt�rwt!n a c-�. <br /> �. . •�.�.� part o/ths Trust Proparty. � <br /> _ � �� 7. Haza►d lnsurancs.Trustor shal!kesp the bulldln�9 t�d olherlmprowm�nts now sxtadnQ a hsnalt�r srected on ths Truat Propsrty r <br /> lnsurod by insurance aMars satlsfactory ro 8eneflclary eQalnat lats by Hre,hazuds lncludsd!n the term"�xtand�d covaepe' �rnd �:,_ <br /> �`=� such uhK hazards,casualNss and con�n�onclss�s may be raqulrsd by 8anelklary,ln such amounts and ta auch porlods�s may b� � <br /> .'-�"A, � f <br /> reqWred by BeneHclary. The{»llcy of Insarence sh�ll beln fam eccept�b/s to B�neHclary,provlde that the same may rwt be �- <br /> -��'i�� cance0ed a modNled without Litewi(t 5)days prlo►wr(tten nodce to Benefklary,and ahNl have los�payable provlstons!n lavor o/and �_ <br /> :,�",• in lorm acceptaWe to Bene Nc lary.A J I prem lums on Insur e n c e p a l l c l s s s h a l!b�p a l d!n the manner provldrd und�r p srapraph 4 hsno/ �; <br /> `�y;;,� � or,(l not pald in such manne�,by Trustor making payment at least NResn(f 5)deys p+la to the due date,direcdy ro the insunnc� ___ <br /> • canler.BeneNciary shal!have the rlyht to hoid the pollcles and renewals thereo!end Tiusta ahell pranpdy/um►sh to Ber►�Nclery all _ <br /> ` renewel notices and ail pald premlum recelpts recetved by!t.!n no eveN shall Beneflclary a Trustee ba held responsiWe/or lallure to <br /> pay lnsuru►co premlums a tor any loss a damaye ar�slnp out o/a de/ect In ar.y polioy a arlslnp out o/any fallure ot any insurance � : <br /> company to pey for eny loss a damaqe lnsured aQainst a lor lallure by Trusta to ef/ect tl►e insurence requlred hereunder.!rt ths ewnt — <br /> o/loss,Trusfa shali�Ive prompt raNce by me!!to the►nsurence oaMer and BeneNclary.BmeRclary may make proot o/bss Jf not — <br /> � made promptty a In proper/orm by Tiusto�Alf poNcles o/Insurance and any and all�alunds of uneamed pnmlums are haroby __ <br /> � . asslgned to Be»eBctary as eddidonel secudty/or the payment of tha/ the event ol BeneHctary'a exerclse ol the power y <br /> ; ol sele contalned hereln.a in the event of loreclosure,a0 Nght,tiUe and interest o/Tiustor!n and to any lnsurence policy then/n lace �� <br /> shall pass to the purchaser at the hustee's sele a Ioreclosure sale.In cese o/any loss,the lnsurance proceeds may,at the opUon ot �,� <br /> Bene/lciary,be applled by Beneflclary upon the lndebtedness,or any part thereo%and!n such order and amount es BeneHclary may <br /> determine;or sald lnsu►ance proceeds,at the opNon o/8eneticlary,may elther be used ln replac�ny or restoNng the 7rust Property �_ <br /> parNally a totepy dosnoyed to a condldon saUstactory to BenaBclary;a sald Insurance proceeds,or any portlon thereo%may be <br /> • released to 7rustor.Unless BeneBc►ary and Tiustor otherwlse agree!n wNdng,any such spp!lcatlon o/lnsurance proceeds ahall not _ <br /> extend a postpone the due daie ot the Note,or any insteliments called lor thereln,a change the amount o/such instellments.!!the — <br /> ' Tiust Properry Is acqulred by Beneticlary pursuant to the exerclae of the power of sale or other foreclosure,afl NQht,dde and�nterest ol � <br /> Trusta in and fo any insurenca proceeds payable es a resutt o/demape fo the Trost Property pda to the sale a acqulsitlon aheli pass �_� <br /> , � � to Beneflclary and ahaU be applled Nrst to the costa and oxpensea,lncJud/ny eKaney/ees,incwred le cdiecUn�auch procaads,tl�w► ---�� <br /> !n the manner and ln the order provlded herefn. _ <br /> 8. Preservatlon and Malntenance of Tiust Properfy.Tiustor wllf keep the bulldings end otherlmprovemants now or herea/ter erected on <br /> H►g Tiust Prop!+�1y!n good repa/r and condlNori and wil!rat commlt a permll waste,wlll not aUer the deslQn or structura/character �: <br /> aonstitutlng eny building now or hereatter erected on and consNtoting the Trast Prope►ty wlthout the pnor wnrcen consent of <br /> • Beneflctary,wlJl not do eny act or thing which would unduly lmpalr or dep�eclate the value o!the Tiust Properry and wlll not abandon �='� <br /> the Trust Property.Trustor wUl not remove any 1lxtures constltuUng the Tiust Property uniess the same are Jmmedlatety repiaced with �'"� <br /> • !!ke prope►ry sub/ect to the!!en and secuNty inte�est ol thls Oeed of Trust and of at least equal value and utlllty.Tivator wil!compJy with � <br /> � all present and luture ordlnances,regafatlons and requlrements of any governmentat body whlch are appllcable to the Tiust Pioperty —.. <br /> and to the xcupancy and use thereo%ll thls Doed o/7rust Is on a unit In a condominium a a pfanned unit development,Tiusta shail �_- <br /> � perlorm alI o/Tastor's obllgatlons under the declarations or covenants cieaUng or goveming the condominlum or the planned unit �'"_ <br /> development,the bylaws and regulatlons o!the condominlom o►planned un(t development,and the constltuent documents. m_ <br /> `• 9. Inspection.Boneflclary or 1ts agents rr+ay,at all reasonable Nmes,enter upon the Trust Prope►ty lor the purpose ollnspection. <br /> i Bene/lclary shall have no dury to make such lnspecUon and shall not be!lable to Tiustor or to eny person/n possesslon!I It makes a <br /> ', tails to make any such Inspectlon. <br /> f0. Protectlon of Security.1/Tiustor/eiis to pedorm any ol the covenants end agreements conta�ned!n thls Deed of Trust orlt any acNon <br /> a prxeeding!s commenced whlch does or may adversely aHect the Trust Property or the lnterest of Trustor or Beneliciary thereln a ` <br /> the Ufle o�Tiustor thereto,then Beneliclary,at lts option,may perform such convenants and agreements,make such appearances, 1 <br /> defend agatnst and(nvestigate such action or proceeding and take such othe�acUon as Benefictary deems necessary to protect its � <br /> lnterest lncluding,but not limfted to,dlsbursement ot reasonable attorney tees and entry upon the Trust Property to rrrake repalrs.My � <br /> amounts disbuised by 8eneflclary pu�suant to thls paragraph i0,with lnterest thereon,shaJ1 consNtute Indebtedness o/Trostor � <br /> secured by thfs Deed o/T�ust. UnJess Trustor and 8enellciary agree to other terms ol payment,such amaunts shail be payable upon <br /> notice lrom Beneilclary to Trusto►requesUng payment thereot,end shall bear lnterest lrom the date o/dlsbursement at the detault iate, , <br /> !�any,set lorth In the Note,or olherwrse at the hlghest rate pe�mltted by lew.Nothfng contalned!n thls perag�aph shai!requlre ; <br /> Beneficiary to lncur any expense or take any acdon hereunde�.Tiustorinevocably authaizes and empowers 8eneflclary to enter upon <br /> the Tiust Property as Tiustor's agent and,in Trustor's name or otherwise to perform any and alf covenants and agreements to be <br /> perfamed by Tiustor as he�eln provlded.Bene/icfary shell,at!ts option,be subrogeted to sny encumbrance,lJen,clalm or demand <br /> f end to alf rights and secarities lor the payment thereo!paid or dischar,qed by Bene/iciary under the provlslons hereot�nd any such <br /> subrogatlon rights shalf be additiona!and cumulative security for this Deed o/7rust. <br /> i 1. Condemnetlon.The Aroceeds of any award or c�a�m lor damages,dlrect or consequential,in connectlon with eny condemnatlon a <br /> - other taking o/the Tiust Prope�ty,or any paR thereo%or to�conveyence fn lieu ol or in an6clpation of condemnetion,are hereby <br /> . assigned to and shall be pald to Heneliclary.Trustor will file ond prosecute,�n good faith and wlth due dilJgence,(ts clatm for any such <br /> � � awa►d a payment,and wllf cause the same to be colfected and pald to Beneliclary,and,shouid rt 1a11 to do so, Trustor inevocabJy <br /> euthorizes and en►powars Bene�iclary,rn the name ol Trustor or otherwlsH,to Ii1e,prosecute.settle or compromise any such clalrn end <br /> } ro coliect,recelpt for and retain the proceeds. q the Trust Property is abandoned by Tiustor,or.after noBce by Bene6clary to Trusta <br /> : that the condemnor oNers to make an award or settfe a claim for damages,7rustor lails to respond to 8eneficlary withln thlrty(30)days <br /> � a/ter the date such notJce is malled,Beneficlary is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds 1n the manner fndlcated herefn. The <br /> � • �� proceeds ot sny award or claim may,after deducting all reasonable cosis and expenses,including attorney fees,whlch may have <br /> • ' ' been Incuned by BeneJicfery in the co!lectlon the�eot,at the sole disc�etion of 8eneliclary,be released to Trustor,app!!ed to <br /> , t restorallon of Trust Property,or applled to the payment ol the lnde6tedness.Unless Benefrc(ary and Trusta otherwise agree in writlng, <br /> any such appllcatlon of proceeds to Indebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due date o/the Note or the paymer+t of any <br /> tnstellments called for thereunder. <br /> � � T2. Trustor Not Released.Extensfon of the tlme/or payment or modlllcatlort o/any emoKlzation o/the lndebtedness granted by 8eneficlery <br /> - �__. _,__ _ to any successa in fnlerest ol Trustor shalt nof operate to release,(n any manner,the liaWlity ol Trostor and Trustor's successas In <br /> _'_., � <br /> �L.��� �J I:rn tn.w n�iv <br /> } ', �—--.--- ---- - lnterest.Benenciery snan not ne�equired ro commence p►oceraoir,ga aya�as�s�.t:��o���o����;ia�uao w'o..iv..v.........., ^••^'° <br /> �,..�........... <br /> " othvrwlse mod(ty emoKfzetfon o�the Jndebtedness by reason o/any demand made by Trustor and Tiustor's successors <br /> � irt lnterest. <br /> !`� f3. Flrrar�clel lnloimallon.Upor►request o/Benefiaary.Trustor wil!prowde ro Benehciary.within n(nery(90)days of the cbse o�each hscal <br /> -�: , year ot Trastor,the consdldated balance sheet and statement ol esrnlnps of Trusta end any and a0 guerentors ot the lndebtedness <br /> • secured hereby,If any,and wIl!provide and deliver to Benellclary such othar Nnw►c�ui ln/ormation and ln such rr+ar+ner as 8enaliclsry <br /> , �V may raasonably request from tlme ro dma. <br /> ��. � 1�. Flnancll�l Covenants.!n addldon to eny other tinancfa►covenants oi Trusta made(n any other egreement,tnsbument or document <br /> .,,;,,, .. Trustashall compty wlth and shail cause any and a!1 guarantors of the lndebtedness secured hereby ro compty with,a be In <br /> � � , ' compNmce wKh,tho/dlowlnp Nnancfa!covanants:(Thls paraQraph sha1J not apply/I covanants and requtromvnts are not set <br /> ��, lo+th t►ereM.) <br /> ��°�" '' 16. Schsdule of Lsases.Withtn ten(f0)days�Ker demand, Trostor shal/lumfsh b Beneficlary a schedule.certihed to by Tiustor,set6rtg <br /> -�• forfh�B leas�s o/the Tiust Property,a any pafhn thwoof,lncluding In each case,ths neme o/the tenants a cecupants,a descnptwn <br /> sr�' � ' ol the space occup(ed by such tenant a occupant,the rente!payable for such spaco,and such other Inlamation end documents w�th <br /> , rospact to such/eases and tenancl�s as BenoNC(ary ma y reasonebty requost. <br /> . � � <br /> e .---- — • -- - ...�_...._�_��.�_.,....�.....,..,�.�,�...s,�.,....�...�r�re�.. .d_. _. <br />