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j���� _ . .' � .. _-;_�.. ., <br /> ' �___;_ <br /> , <br /> , _.. - <br /> . 4 i' _ �._- <br /> ,_ � <br /> , p�ymentr may no lon�er be required.a the optlon of L�ender. if mortg�a insurarce oov9'4'(in��'or�bo palod <br /> 1hNt Lqder roquira)provided by an ia�uter approved by Lender agdn b000ma�vailobla�nd Ir abqined. Bon�owcr�lull p�Y <br /> tbe praniunr rawirod w nW�ain aiort�o inpunioe in efiea,or w provide�low reoerve.untll the roqulrea�aa far owr{��e <br /> iownnoo a�d�!n a000rda�ce with any wr(aen�r�eana�t betwcen Bormwer and Lender ar�pp8cable hw. <br /> !. In�peclloa. Lender or it��ent may moke rc�wn�ble em�ic�upon and in�pocliww of the PrapeRy. l+ender�iwll�ive <br /> Borrower notica�t the time of or prior to an inspoction apocifyin�re�wiublo cwse for tho incpection. <br /> 10. Coodrmaat{oo. The pr0000ds of�ny�ward or claim fbr dam�Qes.diroct or rnnsoquential, in connoction with any <br /> __ oondenuution ur othcr lokln�of ony p�rt of Ihe Property.o�for conv�y�noe In Iku of vondenuwYian�aro ho�eby awi�nod and <br /> - - � rhdl be p�id w l,ender. <br /> In the event of a total tAking of tl►e Ikoperty,the procoeda�iwll be oppliod to the wms savrod by�his Socudty Instrument, <br /> whdher or not then due. with any exces9 paid ta Borrower. In the event af o puti�l laking of U�e Propeny in which the fair <br /> m�r�et value of tha Property i�m�ediately beforc the taking ia equal to or greater than thc anwunt of the wmx securcd by Ihis <br /> Secudty]nstrument immediately beforc the twking, unless Borrower aM Lcnder atherwise agree in writing,ihe sums sxurcd by <br /> t�is Secu�ity Instrument shall 6e raluced by the amount of the procada muldplial by the following fraction: (o)the taal <br /> �� � iunount of the suma socured immadiWely beFore the taking,dividod by(b) the foir tnarket value�f the Propeny immediately <br /> beforo the talcing. Any balance sh�ll be paid to Borrower. In the event of u purtiul wking of thc Propetty in whkh the fair <br /> market value of the Property immediwely before the taking is less than the amount of the sumsti secured immodiately before the <br /> taking.unless Borrower and Lender othenvise agree in wri�ing or unless epplicuble law otherwi�e provides. the proceetls siwll <br /> i bo applied to the sums sxured by thia Secu�iry Instrument whethe�ar not the sums ere then due. <br /> I lf the Ptoperty ia abandonod by Borrower,or if,after notice by Lender to Borrower Ihat the rnndemnor otfers to melce an <br /> ----�� award or settk a claim for damages, Borrower fails�o re.c�xmd to l.encier within 30 days after the date the notice is given, _ <br /> -----m� Lender is au�horized ta collxt tuid Apply the procaeds,at it�option�either to rcstoretion ar repair of the Fropc�ty or to the sums = <br /> - recurod by thia Secu�ity lnsttument.whether o�not then due. - <br />=—_---• Unlcss I.ender and 8orrawer otherwise agree in writing. any upplicritfan of proce�eds to principal shall not extend or <br /> — postpona tha due date of the monthly paymenta referred ta in paragraphs 1 and 2 ar chunge the amount of such paymeota. = <br /> -_.—�, Il.Borrower Not ReleASed;Forbenrauce By Lender Not a WAiver. Extension of the time for payment or modification <br /> -- --- of amortiz�ttion of the sums secured by this Securfty lnstrument granted by l.ender to ony successor in interest of Borrower slu+ll - <br /> --_—. nnt operate to ncic,ese thc liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. l.cnder shall not be required to - <br /> ---- comrt�ence proceedings a�ainst any successor in incerest ar refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise madify amortizAtion <br /> ; of the sums secured by thfs Securiry lnstrument by reason of any demand made by the orlginal Borrower or Borrower's - <br /> --- �r:;,:�; successors in i�terest. Any forbearence by l.endor in exercising uny right or remody shell not be a waiver of or preclude the _ <br /> --` eacenise of any right or remody. <br /> ----- =4�� 12. Successo�s nnd Assi�ns Bound; Jotnt And Several Llpbility;Co-siqaera. The covenunts and aF�cementa of this <br /> ;��_'-��-'"�'`"�. Socu�iry Inatniment shall bind and henefit the successors and assigns of l.ender And Borrower, subject ta the provisions of <br /> -___-._.���—�.a.�. <br /> "`°'�� paragrnph 17. Borrower's covenanta rtnd agreements shull be joint end several. Any BoROwer who w-signs this Se�;urlty <br /> ==`;u'�g`y��,'''`.� tn <br /> ---=�x iF�ayi�y�� Instniment but dces not execute the Note: (n) is ca�igning this Security Inslrument only to maRgage. grant end convey that <br /> _ �.�i.;��•�;r;,,,. Borrower s interes�in the Property under the terms oP this Secur{ty lnstrument: (b) is not personally obligateii to pay the sums <br /> =="--! secured by this Security Ins�rument;wui�c>agreec that I.ender nnd any other Borrower mny ogree to eatend,modify,forbear ar <br /> �.�R"z�-3-'�`x,�?�?�, ! malce ony accommodations with regard to�he termr oi'this Security Inxwment or Ihe NMe wilhout thut Rarrower's consent. <br /> =_-_„�;:��� 13.lman Charges. If the loan secu�d by�his Seruriry Instrument is s�tbject ta a law which seGs meximum loan chorges, <br />- �--�,�'�';::�'� and that law is firwlly inte�preted so�ha�the interest or other loun churger cnllected or to be collected in connection with�he <br /> -_-``;i�t2.tii� loan exceed the pennitted limits,then: (a)uny such loan churge shall be mJuced by the amount necessury to�educe the charge <br /> —'�'`�'°�`'r� to the permitted limit;and(b)any xums alreudy colle�ted from Borrower whirh excecded permilteJ limits will be refunded ta <br /> -'-..;.I,L4�t{+� -_. <br /> _.., �1�4�,; . Borrower. Lender may choose�o make�his rcfund by reducing the principal nweJ wxler the Nae or by making a direct _ <br /> _.,�,;�•;:__�a� payment ro Borrower. lf a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be trcated us u partial prepayment without eny � <br /> ---_� prepayment charge under thc NWe. <br /> "`�""�°� 14.Notices.An notice to Bonower rovided far in this Securit Inslrument shall t►e iven b,y dcliverin it or b mailin <br /> .. '.'..��?�f��� Y p Y � 8 Y � <br /> ---=^v*`-"�"{t i�by first clas.w mail unless npplicnble law requirex use of unMher nxthod.The notice xhull be directed to the Propeny Address <br /> ..�_...If.It'1 <br /> __ "=m�-T�"='=`- or eny othcr address &�rrower designatec by noeice w I.cnJer. Any nairc to 1.enJer shall bc given by first class mail to <br /> =__'�*�_` l.ender's address s�ated hercin or uny other addres�Lender designates by notice to Bnm�wer. Any notice providecl for in this <br /> -- ' Sxudty Insuument shnll be deemed to have been givcn to Borrower or L.endcr when givcn ati pn►vided in ihi�pumgraph. <br /> ---- -- 1S.Governtng I.Aw; Severubillly, '1'his St�curity Instrument shull be gnverneJ by f'cderul luw and the Inw of the <br /> —_� jurisdiction in which the Property i�lact�ed. In the event�hat Yny provisiun or cluux��!'�his Security In�trument or the Note <br /> _ ----- rnnflicts with npplicuble law,sueh rnnflirt shnll nut uffecl ather pmvisiam��f thix Sc�urity lnstrument nr the IVale which can be <br /> ----=-_�� given effect wilhout the canfliding pruvision. To this end the pravi.ions uf this Security Inslrument and�he Note are deelared - <br /> ��--_�`� <br /> -- w be�everable. <br /> — l6.Borrower's Cupy.&�rrower�hall be�iveu une cunfornud copy of�he Wute•rnJ of this Security Instrument. <br /> Fa�n 902d 8100 <br /> �p��oed <br /> _ � <br /> _�'�`____._ ..__-- _ - — �--�_�W <br /> "_:_.r.� _ �.:��i:d4ud.e`•• �t_ � - 'fl.�:s:.i. <br /> -- -- -- - - -,rrr.r��• - <br /> - �iff�P '�_ `�.3 _ ��".'+.: n ° " - Y•.'. <br /> _ ,w. �� �' �tK'v��.+. -' <br /> _y�., . -MYa'�P�.LvS. �; . � . �.. ..+�.•2 ,�« . <br /> _—.�._"'_ :frt Yh.� .Y.. .. .. . .... . .>. .•!..`f . ..�1M�(r' .w�- <br />