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• ' . ., r�� � ,�, -- ,,n.,..- <br /> _ � , �n,..� _ - ---- - �� " ._ _ ., <br /> i v <br /> ., <br /> r a���1 <br /> S. Hwrd ar Ia�ura�e. �ormwu th�ll Iceep �ha lmprovemeau 94 rtit��o`i�Tie�alt�erected on 1he <br /> propeny Inwued�imt�y f7ro. l�ardr included within tho term 'extendad wvera�e' and my ott�r i�d�� includl� <br /> Aad�or flaadin�,for whkh l.e��der requir�a Inwranoo:Thi�inwrance�Iwll bo moitqained�n Ihe uiwunt�anl far the period� ' <br /> th�t l.ender roqulrcA. The inwruke auder providi��he inwrsncc sludl bc ctic►son by Flarrower wbJoct to I.ender'�spprov�l <br /> which �ll not be uanasomtbly wilhheld. If&xrower f�il�lo nuint�in covorn�e desc�ibai abovo. 4endae may. u L�ende�''� <br /> � option.abt�in oov�ta�e to protoct[.ender's N�htr in tha PrapeAy i�accordw�ce with para��ph 7. <br /> � All insunmee pdicies and ranewal��itrll 6e a�table to I.ender�nd rluill includo a awidArd monQa�e eJwse. 1-ender <br /> _'-°`- '-� - _ �-' �hall havc tho right to M�W tt�e polie{er wwl renewWe.IP Leader n�quirc��Borruwu clwll prompdy IIive to l.ender all reoeipt�of <br /> p�id pnemiumit and re�wal tho ovait of lo��Borrower�II�ivo prompt notioe w the inwuanoo c+�n'ier�nd I.a�e�'. - <br /> L�endcr m�y m�ke proof of locs if not m�de promptly by Borrower. <br /> Unleu l.enckr and Borrower otherwise a�roe in writin�.inwr�noe proce�d�sh�ll be applied to rcstoruion or r�epair of the <br /> Prop�Ry dam�ad,if the restoration or nepair i4 eoonomically fewiible and L.etder'�sa.�urity is not(essenod.if the�cstarntion or <br /> repair is not eooiamically faixibie or Lender'a cocurity would be lassenod. tha insuranoe praoeeds�h�ll be applied ta the wms <br /> ----°�°�- �- �ecured by thic Sa.vrity Inurun�ent, whether or oot lhen due. with any eacrss paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the <br /> Pmperty.or does not�wer within 30 dny4 a nolice from Leoder that the inwrw�oe carrler has offued to cutle a claim.then <br /> Lender may wlloct tiie inau� proceeds. I.e�er may use tho prooeeds tu re�air or rcstor�e the Prnperty or to pay wma <br /> �ocurod by thi�Serurity Instrument.whether ur nat ttirn duo.The 30�dwy period will begi�when the notla is given. <br /> Uniess Lender and Borrower otherwlse a�roe in wdtin�. ony applicAtion of procada to principal shWl not exand or <br /> postpora the due dato of the montbly payment�rcferrod to in pu�rapl� ! wnd 2 or change the amount of the payments. If <br /> under pau�gnpfi 21 tho Properly ic acquired by Lender.Borrower's�ight to any insurance policies And procads rcsulting fmm <br /> — damage to the PrnP��'�Y Prior w the acquinitlon slwll p�to L.ende�W the eactent of the wms sxu�d by thia Soeurily im�va�ent <br /> ie�mediatcly prior w the acquisition. <br /> = 6.Occuponcy�Pree�rvwtbn,MpintenAaoe nnd PnntecNoa o�tbe Propetiy;Borrower'a Loan Appflet�tion=I.wscholdo. <br /> Borrower elwll occupy,establish.and use the Property ac Borrower's pdncipal rcsidence within sixty dayc ARer the exocution of <br /> this Security Instrumont and sholl rnntinue to axupy the Property as Barrower's princip3l residenct for at least one year after <br /> - --- the dat�of ocxupancy,unless Lender otherwiae agrcr.s in wridng,which oonscnt sh�ll not be unrr,asonably withheld. or unless <br /> - extenuadng circumstan�x.c exist which are beyond Borruwer's control. Ftorrower shall not destray. damage or impair the <br /> - Property. allow the Property to deteriorate. or commit waste on the Pmperty. Borrower shall be in defeult if eny forfeituro <br /> �� ectlon or proceeding. whether civil or criminal. is begun that in Lender's goad faith judgment could rawlt in forfeiture of the <br /> - Property or otherwise matedally impair the lirn crcated by this Securlty Instrument or Lemler's secur�ry interest.Borrower mAy <br /> �-`�"�'-`_ cure cuch a default and rcinstate,as provided in paragrnph 18,by causing the action�r procoaling to be dismissad with a ruling <br /> ��,�';; that. in Lender's good:f'ailh deterntination. precfudes forfeiture of the Horrower's in[eres� in ihe Pruprriy ur �r tnateriat - <br /> impairnxnt �f the lien crealed by thls Securfty I�strument or L.ender's secu�ity interest. Horrower shall �lso be in defnult if <br /> t BoROwer.du�ing ihe loun application process,gave materi�lly false or inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or failod <br /> to provide I.ender with any material infomwtion)in connoctian wlth the loan evidenced by the Note. including,but not limital <br /> to,reptesentations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Praperty as u principal nesidence. If this Securfty Instrument is on a <br /> '-�':• ^� �' leasehold, 8orrower shall com 1 with all the rovisions of the lease. If Borrower ac uires fee tidc to the A , the <br /> �� ���' � leurehold and the fee dde shall not merge unless l.endcr agrees to the merger in writing. A �� y <br /> ."'�;r,��,�,�,:� � 7.Protectlon of I.endee's Rights in the Property.IY Bormwer fuils to perform the covenants and agreements oontuined in <br />_-� ��{�' this Security Instrument, or there is u legal proceeding th�t mey significently affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a <br /> •, ,,�...,, proc�eding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnetion or forfeiture or to enforce luws or regulatians),then I.ender may do and <br /> �'�� for whatever is neces to rotect the value of the Pro n und Lender's ri hts in the Pro n Lender's actions ma <br /> ' a,�;.�� PaY �' P Pe Y 8 Pe Y• Y <br /> �^ ' 't;'•��'j;•�'� -� include paying any aums secured by a lien which ha.c priority over this Securily Instrument, appearing in coun, paying <br /> •7��.� �•!•r?v <br /> ;..ti,�,h;.,u;:� -��_. . reasonable attorneys' fees und entering on the Propeny to make repairs.Although l.ender muy teke action under this paragraph <br /> •��gA� 1 7.Lender does not have to do so. <br /> _ Any amounls disbursod by Lender under thi+paragraph 7 shull become udditional debt of Bomnwer secured by this <br /> '` �;;f; � :w ' Sec.urity 1nslniment. Unless Bormwer and l.cnder Agree to other terms of payment, these amc►unts shnll bear interest from the <br /> I date of disbursement at the Note riate and shall be payable. wilh interest. upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting <br /> "' „r��.; i payment. <br />- �' �'��' 8.Motigage Insurona.if I.cnder required mongnge insurance as a condition of making the lo�n secured by this Secudty <br /> .• <br /> „�.�,•- <br /> _ ���I <br /> --� Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums requirod to maintain the mortBage insurunce in effoct. If, for any reason, 1he <br /> - - -.;� <br /> ����`�� mongage insuranoe covernge required by l.ender lupses or ceases to be in effect, &irmwer shall pny the premiums requi�l lu <br /> --- - obtein ooverage substantitilly eyuivaient to the mortgago insurance previously in effect,ut a cost substantially equivalent to the <br /> �." ,�"�;" cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurrinnce previously in eff'oct, from an apernate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If <br /> ��,�_;�� substantially equivalent mortgage insurunce coverage is not uvuilable,Borrower shall pay to I.ender euch month a sum equal to <br /> ----- --- -.... .r <br /> -� _ _`� one-twelflh of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Bornower when the insurwice coverage lapsod or ceased to <br /> be in effect.Lender wfll acoept,use end retnin these payments es a lo� reserve in lieu of mohgage insuronce. Lo�.c reserve <br /> ��� �3osa �reo <br /> ��� � �� Pp�9a18 <br /> 'v� �rr11� i �. � <br /> � �. <br /> ._ __ .R.��'1�:; J. X'. _�...y.. "."�==�T..l=7L'L'-Y`L:: �s � •.]r.�Lr'......:...'.._.'.. <br /> - .i1:-_r...aa.`l. +���at i.-tilrt.._,_�..h...5...�:•alai�t nw.��'.�ik�w"iCa.;':.��:.•'. <br /> _.__ _ ._� . ,-� ,� �— �.- .-.r �-N :iY". �S y+17}�z:'.f�-- �. <br /> _ ' ' �—����}�' •.Ylt� . . , i_ . _ .3,T . . . ..� ^_�_ ...�_.sss ..f.�' <br /> - rr.:.A. u • ' . Y �:. �'" �^ <br /> v�f-��.W.�����•ti'f.'f1�.'�_.7`� ...n ..c...wM.` 1 �-:"'�'- <br /> • w:a.l..�..r..r •.�y�+�.�n-�"`�'rF1�R�'�: v 4�n' � La[G. <br /> t� ":.j^. ��- ���'.�i.�iZx�,:rr�r,. �V.�. �,.:.'�-'�� <br /> �,S_Aei�.�:t}.�' .� Q •. _ . �.►•' `" u�n <br /> _ --=�.YlL'..11:. �"'-�" �. .Y . '- . � .1i�i�i�= . <br /> .- .__— __ _ " _ ��4.'yV.M�` ' �f.J'� -�� Li.�t..: <br /> _____-' _ ____`..�.:�n. .. ... ... ' J�.. ,_ _� v.a =. <br />