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<br /> ptOQErty I�il�Od i�illlS�I06S� fllC.6�T�S 1t1C11�tYlt�i!t�1C tCp� �CIUtOdld GOYCIi�C�8fld�y dhE[h�[45, IACIIId1U6
<br /> , tloods or flooding.foi whtch l+ender nequires inwr�nce.9his insurmce sdall 6e maintained in tht amnutNs aq�for the peaods �
<br /> thu l.ender�t�eqaires.T6e��carrier pmviding tLe insutancx shail be chosen Dy Borruwec subjoct to Lender's approva!
<br /> which�11 not be unn�oabty wit6hetd.If Borrower faiis to mai�n covarage describcd u6ode. Leader ma�.aE Luxitr's �
<br /> aption.abtain cover�gc to p�otxt L.ender's dg6ts in the��rty in acconfance with parQgraph 7. �
<br /> ' All msuran�poticies and re�nvals shatl be aoceptaile to l.ender snd st►�!1 include a standard mortgagr ctause:Lerider
<br /> --- -- �it have the right to hotd the policies and ri�k'�ia1s.tf Ikoder c�qui�s,Bomower st�alt PcomptiY 8►ve to Lender�I�rece�pts o€ ----
<br /> P�P�uins and tec�ewai`mRicxs.In the avent of toas.Boribwer sball glve prompt notice ta the insurance carrier and t.ender. .
<br />.V¢;� La�der may make prooFof toss ff twt n�de prouqx{Y bY Borrower. _--
<br /> - : Unless Lender ar�Hormwer otherwise agroe in wridag,insurance proaods.shall be applied to re�oration or cepnir nf the . —
<br />-:= Pnopect�►dama8ed.if d�e�stota[ion or t�ir is eooaomic�dty feas�fe amd I eader's security is not lessened.If the restoration or . -
<br /> -=.' np�fr is not a�nicaUy feasible or I�eodePs ses,urity waild be lessetKd.the insunnce procceds s6�11 be applied to the sums
<br /> --_ sanund by this Securiry Itutrument, wt�ther or nart then due. witb a�r exass paid to Bonower. If Borrowu abandos�s the ---.
<br /> Pmpaty.or does not answec within 30 days a notia from I�eader thaz tLe insurance cazrier has offued to settle a c[aim.tlxn __
<br />,t,: Lender may oollea the iawtanee proceeds. �.eoder may use the pra.�eods to repair or rcstott tl�e Pmperty or to p�y sums __
<br /> - savrod by this Security Inmument,whaher or not ttxn dt�e.T6e 30-day periad will begin when the nopice is given. �:A��_
<br />: ! • Unless I�erider aad Bormwer otherwise agne�in writing, anY ePPlicadon af praoeods tn principal sf�all not exte�d or `�s°.�;;�
<br /> •. postpone tbe due date of the monthlY PaYmenu refem�d w in pa�grapt�s 1 and 2 or change tbe anwunt of the payments. If ,; q�--°
<br /> upder p�ragraph 21 tLe Property is acquired by I.ender.Hornnwer's rtght to any insurance policies and procreds rautting fmm , ����—
<br /> - -- - dannge to tho P�aperty priar to the acqnisition shall pass to Leader to the exteat of the surns securod 6y this Savrityr InstN�meat `r�"�
<br /> - , immediately prior to the aoquisiuon: . . , -'�;:� -
<br /> f.O�eeap�o�y,Ptrserv�ion,Maintemnoe and Ptotection of tbe Aopaty;BoROwds I.oat Applkstian;Lasebolds. _ -
<br /> - Bomower s�ll oxupy,estabtish,ac�d use the Piopecty as Batrower's princIpal residence within sixty days afte'the cxecution of =��'';.�
<br /> �� t6is Saa�rity Instrnment and shall cantinue to occuPY the Property as Sorcower s principal nsidence for at least one year after ' �'`"`'� =
<br /> '�.'�"'��=:": h� the date of ooaipancy:untess Le�der atherwise agarees in writing,which constnt,shall�t be unreasonably withheid.or unless ��`��..,�,�"•. �
<br /> _- . „^���: _, � ,..' entenuating cirwmstances ezist which are tieyond Borrower's conhol. Bomower shall not destmy. damage or impair tbe - .. - -
<br /> � �,- �� . _
<br /> �£;__ ,:; Property,albw the F�nperty to deteriorate.or c4mmit waste on the P�operty.$orrower shall be in default if any forfeiture � _
<br /> =' ' "`..'��'�`' actioa or pmoeediag,w(�ether civil or criminal.is btgun that in Lender's good faith judgment couId result in forfeiturie of the • -
<br />-"�, �`-:.. ..
<br /> '.',��"',:'-.:::�•._ :?� _ Pdiperty or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Inserument or l.ender's security interest Bornowelr may , _ .. . .
<br /> . _. �- '�_�3;�� _- cmie 5ach a defaalt and tcinstate.as provided in paragraph lS..hy causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed a-ith a roiing . —_-- ---
<br /> 'i'-,.:,,%",..:?':-.�: . ,;
<br /> �'•�`�° • ' • �" that, in I.endePs aod faith determination. precludes forfeiture of the 8orrower's interest in the Property or other material � �
<br /> '�3'�7r%��s.Jj.,j�.h��i; g . . .
<br /> f,; impaimKnt af tLe lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender s security interest. Borroae��all also 6e in default if , "";Z'''
<br /> .w�_..,-�_;..._:....,.. ,
<br /> - --�'.:�:_�:r�=;�`�:�-� � Borrower,during the loan application pr�..gave matedally false orinaecurate info�on or a�:r.�ents to I.ender(or faited _:_--�;�__��.
<br /> r�'� � to provide Lender witb any material informationj in connectian with the loan evidencod by the l�c�Fncluding,but nat timited
<br /> i ,�tu , ' . ' to.represeMations concemiug Bomnwer's occupancy of the Property as a principal r�sidence.If this Security Insttument is on a � ,n`y;��
<br /> `;r". ,: �„ leasehold. Borrower shall oomply with all the provisavc�of the lease. Ii Boaawer acquires fee title to the Property. the �•.:ft)!,;:`.. . . `_
<br /> • ' " ieasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless l,ender agees to the merger in writing. :;
<br /> • � ' � � . 7.Protaxion ot Laider's Wghts in the Properiy.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreemenu contained in � �" . `.
<br /> � this Security Instrument, or there is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's righis in the Property (such as a ��. " ""� -,.� .�
<br />. ,^�.:J,-• � "�� proceeding in bankruptcy,probate. for wndemnation or f�rfeiture ar to enforce laws or regulations).then I.ender may do and .�'.'
<br /> - • ' pay for whatever is rKCCSSary to protect the value of the Property and l.ender's rights in the Propeny. Lender's actions may ,�
<br /> ���,- -.`r�,� � include n an sums secured b a lien which has norit over this Securit Iastnunent, a in court. a in ��
<br />_',I PaY� 8 Y Y P � Y Y PP��S P Y 8 • ,,r
<br /> . - . � reasonable attomeys fees and entering on the Pmperty ta make repairs.Although Lender may take actian under this paragraph E, : j
<br /> - +' '' 7.Lender dces not have to du so. �. •
<br /> = � . .� . ,�,,.j,. -.
<br /> '= ' My amounts disbursed b I.ender under this ra h 7 shall became additional debt of Borrower secured b this r . •
<br />, ;.;�.,... .• . Y . P�S P Y t;.,����;;�:..;: ,
<br /> ��,:;,�a.y,,�.�. • Security Instrument. Untess Bomuwer and l.ender agree ta other terms of payment.tLese amounts shall bear interest Prom the �::,.:.'„?`{:;: '"
<br /> • ;�t��+�;_s.. • date of disbursemeat at the Note rate and shall be payable, with int4rest. apon notice from l.ender to Borrower requesting ��"���?:,• , ��
<br /> ;' . . D�y�t �� . .. �
<br /> `';4 �_�=�,,' '. 8.Mort�yage Insut�nce.If Lender required mongaae insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Securiry =
<br /> :- ^` '�'�' /ashument.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mor�gage insurance in effect. If, for any rrason. the .� ����� . ' �
<br /> k ' ' mortgage insurance coverage required by l.ender lapses ar ceaces ta be in effect.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to E'•'."..:
<br /> �..,
<br />�- � obtain coverage substantialJy equivatent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect.at a cost substantially equivalent to the 6' � '
<br /> '". �� cost to$onower of the mortgage insurance previously in effecl, from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. lf �;:--��'..:_: ��
<br /> ' '��,�- � '' � � substanfially equivalent mortgage insurance ooverage is not availabte.Borrower shall pay to Lender cach month a sum equal to �;' � .
<br /> °-,-�,�.��.�::.. ��,.;;,.:-, -
<br />° ono-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insuranoe coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br />- 6e in effect.Lender will accept.usc and retain these paymems ac a toss re:,erve in lieu of mo»gage insurancc. Loss reserve I!`�':�';;,•,� .
<br /> °� Form 302a 8l90 � �,
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