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3 C < a i-a U*L . � ' .. � � <br /> . � .� G�..� `F . ` ,�` . <br /> —. . . ��� Y _r�%.._-- <br />..—�_�.._�—• ,.---�--`.--� -- - ---.�T� —_ --- - --'--�--------- - — - -- -_.-. _. <br /> -- -. - ' 00�759 � � . <br /> .... _ -- �::.:� � . . . . � ` � _�4-. � . � : � <br /> � ; '�oc�6�wrrH.0 t�e imp�v�o�.no�►�r�e�+eada aa t6e p�v�en�r.aod su as�m�s:�u�t�oa;.ia � . <br /> fiawteE aow or ha�au�ter s p�t.of tl�•piopQty. Atl �pi�ommts aad addi6oc� sh�ll`aJso!r� Qavend by this`Seaadty . <br /> , LatnupaK.�A}I oE the forcjoie�is te�'e�ned to iu this Secunry tmtnunent as the'PropMy." � . <br /> ' HORR011V,F.Et COYENANC'S that Bomo�rer is Ia�vfuUy setaed of the est�te heneby oonreyed and has iLe right ta gpmt� <br /> • canveai the'Pt�erty and th�t tlk Ptoperty�is unaxumbecetl.esoept for en�vmb�ances af cocord. Barrower wanants aod will <br /> � � defead garet�dly the title to tl�e Prnperty against aU ctai�and dcm�nds,�6ject to any eocumbrnees o�neoord. � . . <br /> TWS SECURiTY INSTRI)MEN7'combitks uniform oqvenants for natim�l use and mn•uniform covec�nu with limited <br /> variations by jurisdictlon to conStitute a uniform seeurity insCn�ment coveton8 r�a!pmperty , <br /> UNIF�RIw!CUYENAI�TS.HoAOwer sod I.ender covenu�aad ag�ee a4 follows: . - � — <br /> � . 1. Parme�t of H�iudp�l a�d Inta�est;Heps�uKat a�d Late L'I�e4. Bot�owu shall P��Y PaY when due t6e <br /> principa!of ud intetest on.tht ekbt tvi�k�ncetl by the Nae And anY P�Y�c and tate charges dae w�der tIx Note. <br /> -- 2.F�ds far Taus and lnwcana.Subject to applicable law ar to st written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay to . <br /> � ?inder on t6�dry moot6ly payments an dua u�der the Nae.until tl�ee Note is paid in full,a sum t"Fu�ds')for.(a)Yearly tues <br /> -- and ats�maus which may att�in priority ovet this Sa,uriry instrument as a lim on the Pr�erty:(b?Yeariy leasehoid payma�ls <br /> -- or ground reots on the PEOptrty.if u►y:(c)Yeuly I�a�ard or propeAy insurarxr premiunu:(d)yearly tlood insurance pmniums, <br /> -- if any:te)Yarty mortgage icrsurance pcemiums.if azry:aod(8 anY su�PaYable by 8orrower to accordana with <br />- = tHe pruvisions of paragraph lieu of the pa}m�ent of mortgage insuranoe premiums.T6ese items are calted"Escruw Items.' <br /> _ , l.endtr may. at ury time,wilett and hald Funds in an amaunt not to eacetd thc maximum amoam a lerder far a federalty <br /> � , reFated inottgage loan may roquire for Borrower's escrow aeoount w�der the federal geal Fstate Settlement Procedures Act of <br /> _ 1974 aS amendeA fmra time to time. 12 U.S.C.Soction 2b01 et seq. ("RFSPA").unless another law that applies to the�w�ds — <br /> sets a lesser amouiu.If so,l.ender aay time.copect ard hold Funds in an amount nw to exoeea the lesser amount. � _-=_—_ <br />- :I.enckr may estimate the amount af Funds due on the 6asis of cument data and reasonabtc esamates of expenditures of futurc � v:��:�- <br /> Escraw Items ar otl�erwise m acaordance witL app6rable law. � . ;:;4;:`-=_ <br /> - � The Funds sl�all be held ia an institution whose deposits are insured 6y a federal agen�y, instrumentality, or entity �.���'- <br />-- (includittg Leader.if I.�.Kder is such an institution)or'in any Fedecal Home l�oan Bank.l.ender shall apply the Fnnds to pay the _`�=�;_. <br />- Escruw Items.Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funts.aanually analyzing the escrow account,or ��� "'-�`r = <br /> -�;�,�.i'.;. verifying the Escrow Items.unless L,ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law pemtits I.ender ta make such • := <br /> �~�.,,. a charge.However,Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an indepcndent ma!estatc taa reporting service -- - <br />