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P! A <br />THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING AGREEMENT: IF NOT UNDERSTOOD, SEEK LEGAL ADVICE. <br />� PURCHASE AGREEMENT , <br />FIRST BROKERS <br />200406342 <br />1515 N. Webb Road Grand Island, Nebraska 68ay.i <br />November 22, 2003 <br />The undersigned, as Buyer, agrees to purchase the following Property: <br />Address: =41RIM iOrSEI?WYE............ <br />Legal Description: WASMNGT O.N. I!' k' P,. AtltEA. AO1'!' L&N E. S.0 J).. I. O:J C.. 7. HALL CO .............................................. ............................... <br />including all fixtures and equipment permanently attached to the Property provided Seller has a marketable title in fee simple. The only <br />personal property is included as follows: <br />AS.$]:AIED.ON.TK' AU,S.SHEET.j, CT&C.RAN.GxE,.DiSH.WA,S ,.REMG>EaRA,T.M. AND. WA, SHM. J? BM.AND ................... <br />GARAGE.RE,ERIGERA, TOR ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................... <br />.......................................... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . <br />d <br />Seller agrees to furnish a title insurance policy insuring marketability and Buyer shall be furnished a current title insurance commitment by Seller before <br />closing. The cost of owner's title insurance policy excluding buyer's and lender's endorsements issued for this sale, if any, shall be equally divided <br />between Buyer and Seller. However, if Buyer and Seller agree, Seller may furnish an abstract of title certified to date in lieu of title insurance. If any <br />defects in title are found in the abstract Buyer agrees to furnish a copy of a written title opinion from Buyer's attorney showing the defects. Buyer agrees <br />that should a valid title defect exist, Seller has a reasonable time to correct said defect. If the title defects are not cured within a reasonable time period, <br />the Buyer may declare this agreement null and void and the deposit shall be refunded. Seller agrees to convey to Buyer by warranty deed or its equal <br />free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, special assessments levied or assesses, except as noted in paragraph #3 below, and subject to all easements <br />and restrictions or covenants now of record. Seller agrees to pay any assessments for items such as paving, curbing, sidewalk or utilities previously <br />constructed, now under construction, or ordered to be constructed by public authority not yet assessed. The documentary stamp tax shall be paid by <br />the Seller. <br />Buyer agrees to pay $ 133500 DOLLARS, on the following terms: an earnest money deposit of <br />$ 200 DOLLARS at this time as shown by the receipt herein. If paid by check it will be cashed. The earnest money will <br />be transferred to the listing broker on acceptance, if the selling broker is other than the listing broker. All monies shall be deposited in a trust <br />account, to be held until the time of closing or until transferred to an escrow agent by agreement of Buyer and Seller; balance to be paid as shown in <br />Paragraph(s) # 2 following <br />#1. All Cash: Balance of $ 0 shall be paid in cash, or by certified check at time of delivery of deed, no financing being <br />required. <br />#2. Conditional Upon Loan: Balance of $ 133300 shall be paid in cash, contingent upon Buyer's ability to obtain a loan to <br />be secured by a first mortgage or deed of trust on the above described property in the amount of $ 113300 . The Loan <br />Shall Be: Conventional , with terms providing for initial interest not exceeding 7 % per <br />annum, plus mortgage insurance, if required, amortized over not less than _20 years. Loan origination or service fees shall be paid by <br />Buyer. Seller shall pay, in discount points only, not more than 0 % of Buyer's loan as stated above to Lender. Buyer agrees to make <br />application for the loan within 7 days of acceptance of this offer, sign all papers, pay all costs, except as provided herein, <br />and to establish escrow reserves for taxes and insurance if required by Lender. If processing of the application has not been completed by the <br />lending agency by the closing specified elsewhere in this agreement, such time limit shall be automatically extended until the lending agency has, in <br />normal course of its business, advised either approval or rejection. <br />#3. Other Provisions: <br />#4. See Attached Addendum (initials required) <br />Initials: Buyer's Seller's <br />Seller's total liability for any costs for replacement and/or repairs requested in any items listed in paragraphs 3 or 4 above shall not exceed <br />$ — . Should replacement and/or repairs exceed this amount and Seller does not elect to pay the cost in excess <br />of such amount, Buyer shall have the option of declaring this Agreement null and void and be entitled to full return of the earnest money. <br />Seller shall pay all taxes to and including 2003 . Taxes for the calendar year 2004 , together with interest and <br />rents and homeowner association dues, if any, shall be prorated to date of possession. Calculation of Tax Prorates at Closing: All tax prorates <br />shall be calculated on the basis of the County Assessor's valuation at the date of closing and the most recent certifigd mill levy. <br />If this proposition is accepted, Buyer agrees to close the purchase on or before w <br />Possession of the property shall be given Buyer on the date and time of closin . <br />Buyer requests a termite and wood destroying insect inspection of the building(s) at Buyer's expense (except should Buyer obtain a VA loan, the <br />expense shall be paid by Seller.) Should evidence of termites or wood destroying insects be found, the building(s) shall be treated at Seller's <br />expense. Buyer agrees to accept the treated property. If visible evidence of previously treated infestation which is now inactive is found, treatment <br />shall not be required. Should damage from such insects be found, the damage shall be corrected at Seller's expense. However, if the cost required for <br />repairs exceeds 1% of the purchase price and Seller does not elect to pay the cost in excess of such amount, Buyer shall have the option of <br />declaring this Agreement null and void and be entitled to full return of the earnest money. <br />This offer is based upon Buyer's personal inspection or investigation of the Property. Buyer agrees to accept the Property in its present <br />condition, except as provided herein. However, unless otherwise provided specifically in this agreement, Buyer, or any designee, at Buyer's <br />expense (or as otherwise agreed), shall have the right to any inspection desired of the real estate and personal property to be sold hereunder within <br />10 days from date of acceptance of this contract which is the inspection deadline provided. Buyer shall have 5 calendar days after the inspection <br />deadline, the notice deadline, to give notice to the Seller of any unsatisfactory conditions revealed by inspection. If the Buyer fails to notify the <br />Seller of an unsatisfactory condition Buyer agrees to accept the property in its condition on the inspection deadline. If such notice is received by the <br />Seller, as set forth above, this agreement shall terminate 7 days after notice is received by the Seller, the resolution deadline, unless Seller and Buyer <br />have agreed to a resolution of the unsatisfactory condition in writing or Buyer has waived such condition in writing. <br />Buyer's Right of Access: Seller agrees to allow reasonable and timely access to the property to Buyer, Buyer's agents, his/her inspectors, appraisers, <br />or any other designee to fulfill the provisions of this agreement. Seller further agrees to provide accurate and truthful information and cooperate fully <br />to the best of their ability. <br />