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, _ . -a:. <br /> -:c : _ � . '.. _ <br /> -,s... "__ �- -- <br /> . � - � � �,, - ; . � 94-ioo�rio . <br /> ` aaodemaatioq or dAer t�icing of any put of d�Pmperty.,a fa condeyaaa in tiea of cardanmtion.a�e 6ereby assig�ned and . <br /> . slult be p�id to i.ttder. . , • , <br /> ' In fhe event of s tntal takipg of the Ptoperty. t� p�+nceeds shal! 6e applied to the sums secuied 6y this Security . <br /> instrumMt.,whet6ar ar not then due.with any exr�ss paid ta Bamwa. [a tlie event of s�p�rtiatt taking of due pmpe�ty in — <br /> whici�d�e fair martoet vatoe of the P�aperty imnxdiateiy 6efon the taim�g is equat to ar grcater than the amount of the sums -- <br /> � ' seciued by t�is Security Insuwnent irrnnediatety�efore the talcing.ttt�kss Boaower and Lender otherwise agra in writing. - <br /> tl�e su�s secuted 6y thic Security tn��++N±*spaU be aeduced by.the amount of the proceeds multiplied by tht foflowing -- <br /> �fi�ioi►: fa}the sow!amauat oE the sums see�ia�odiatsly befo[�the t�king.divided hy Eb)t!x fair tnadcu valve'of tbe �s <br /> Piope�ty immediaaly 6efae ti�e talcin8- MY balarw�sfiall be gaid to Barro�ver. In the eveat of a pactial taldng of.tGe <br />