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: �. , . . <br /> :F-: _ . , � . _ _ - <br /> r=-:�" - _ <br /> .37' s� , _ — _.� <br /> >. . � ,�•. <br /> -- - - -- �" - - ----- - - <br /> , . ` � ' , ` ` ��_��� _ ' , <br /> pariods tfiu lander�equi�c� '['he ias��.cacricr pmvidiag the insu�aace shall 6e chosen by Borcower subject to Lenddr� ,' <br /> � : � �ppnoval whicb sh�lf tat 6e un�ra.wnaWy withheW. If Batawer fails to m:�imain coverage describ�d above.Lertder may;at., <br /> l,ender's optioe.dxain covepge to p�ottcM L.ender's r�ghts in�the Propeny in acoorda�Y with pauaB�Ph�: j�� <br /> All inwt�nce policies wd nnewaLs s6a11 be acceptabie to Leader and shall inetude a standani mor�gage clause. Lsqa� <br /> , shall htve the right to hold th4 policies and nnewal� [f Lender requin�s.Barrower slaall promptly give to Lender all rueipts ,, . <br /> - of piid pemiums aad rrnea�l t�otices. In the event of loss.Borrower shall give prompt notice to thc insur.u�ce carrier and <br /> ` Lei�. Lcnder may ma�e pioof of toss if not made ptomPtfY bl+Bormwcr. <br /> lMtess Lender and Bamwer dt�rwise agree in writing,ins�rance�roceeds shall be agplied w restaradon ar iepnir of — <br /> ��Y�8�+if tir c�sto�ation or�epair is esonomicatly fnsible and lxnder's security is not lessened. If tbe <br /> cestoration or-repair is aot aonomically feasibTe or Leader�s security woutd be lesseaed the insurance proceeds st�tl be <br /> ' appliod to'tt�e sums secuied by this Securiry Instru�nent.whether or not tfien due.with any excess paid to Borrower. If — <br /> Honuwec abaejdau tbe PknpeRy.a does not answa within 30 days a naice fcom Lender t[iat the�r��.�•�carrier has <br /> offeced to settfe a cla�,ti�en l.eader may coltect the insueance proceeds. S.e�er may ttse the prooeeds to repait or restore <br /> t6e Ptoptrty os to pay swns secmred by Utis Sax�riry lnstrument,whether or nat then due. The 30-day period will begin when — <br /> ttK tatica is given. , . — <br /> Unkss l.ender and Bomnwer otherwise agr�e in wtiting.any applicati�on of praceeds to principal shall not extrnd or =- <br /> postpon�the due date of the montiily payments�refermd to in paiagraphs 1 and 2.or change the amaune of the paymenss. If — <br /> aader pazagrapii 21 the Propecty is acquired by Lender.Borrower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting =- <br /> fr�n daznagt to the Praperty prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the esteat of the sums secured bp this Securiry � <br /> Insuuiueat immediately prior to tT►e acquisiuon "''' <br /> 6. Oceupaacy, Preservatioa, M�iateeance and Protection ot the Proprrt9; Borrn�vu's I.os�n ApplkAtloA; � � ��• <br /> Ix�ase�ai�s'Borrower shall occupy,establish.and use the Property as Barrower's principal residence withu�sixty days after �,f-' <br /> the eaec�tioti of this Securiry Instcument and shall coniinue to occupy the Fropeny as Boa�ower's principal residence for at <br /> ' last one ye�' after the dat+e of accupanc.y, untess L`ender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall no� be �'�; <br /> aru+asottabiy wiihheld,or unless eateauatiug circumstances exist which ace beyond Bormwer's cantrol. $ormwer shall na ' ="�: <br /> • destmy.damage or impair tix Ptoperty.aUow the Pnoperty to deteriorate,or commit waste a�n the Ptuperty. BorrQwer siia[1 �;:°: <br /> be in default if any forfeiture action or pioceeding,whether civil or ceminal,is lieegun that in l.ender's good faith judgment j <br /> could result�,forfeiture of the Ptoperty or othe-rwise materiatly imp"air the lien created by tl.v�•Security lnstrurrKnt or <br /> I�eader`'s security inteces�.Bomowet p�ay p�re such adefault and zeinstate,as provided in paragr�i 18,by causing tbe action • - <br /> or pme�ed'mg to be dismissed with a ruling tha�in Lender's good faith determination,precludes forfeiture of the Bortuwer's <br /> inteiest in the Prupe►tk ar viher rriaterial impairment of the lien created by this Security Insdument or Lend�r's security • <br /> intenst. Borrowu.shalt:�,�w he in default if Borrower. during the loan application process, gave materialty false or <br /> inaccurate infoimariai ar slatements to Lender(or fai2eA to provlde Lender with any materiai infommtion)in connection with <br /> the loan evi�3oa�1.�}r the Note. including, but not limited to. representations conceming Botrower's accupancy of the _ <br /> Property as a�4,iesidence. If this Security Instmment is on a leasehotd.Bomnwer shall camply with aA the provisivns �29''��'' <br /> of ttie lease. I€.Boizodveracquiies fee title to ihe Ptoperty,the leasehold and the fee tislc shall not merge unless l.ender agrees �m�_ <br /> to the merger in writing. .. . �=___= <br /> 7. Prutestiort o�i�ender's Rights in the Property. If Barrawer fails tq perform t6e covenants and.agreements " __ <br /> , contained in this Security tnspument�or there is a legal proceeding that may significantty at�'ect Lender's rights in the <br /> Pmpetty isa�h as a proceeding in baniauptcy,probate.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforoe iaws or regulations),then <br /> Lender may do and pay for whatevet is mecessary to protect the vatue of the Property anci Len�r's rights in the Property. <br /> I.ertder's act�ions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has pdority over this 5ecurity Instrument,appearing <br /> in court,paying reasoaable aaomeys'fees and entering on the Propeny to make cepaics. Ahliough l.ender may take action '' <br /> under this pa�agaph 7.[.ender dces not have to do so. <br /> Any amounts distwrsed by Lender�under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of 8orrower secured by this �� <br /> Security Inshument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of paymen�these amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> date of disbursemen[at the Note rate and shall be payable,with interest,upon �otice from Lender to Borrower requesting ' <br /> payment. . • <br /> ��%:,;;. <br /> S. Mortgage Insoeance. If Lender required mort�e insurance at a conditioh of making the toan secured by this �.``��� <br /> .�Security Insuumen�Borrower shall pay thc premiums requ�red to maintain the mortgage iasurance in effect. If.for any � <br /> rea.son, the mortgage insurance coverage urqaired by Lender lapses or ceases to be in efferi. Borrower shall pay the � <br /> premiums�quired to obtain coveraga �:i�sqacttially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previmusly in effect. at a cos� . <br /> substantially equivatent to the cost to Bmttrmwer of che mortgage insurance previousty in effect.from an alter�a�mo�sg��e , � ; • <br /> insunr approved by L.endei. (t substartEially equivaxent mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Bmroar�a�f�4t p�yr oa : <br /> , l.ender each month a sum ea�ual to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance p�nium t�eing paid by Bomau+�s R�Eten tt2e • R�,'� <br /> insurance coverage lapsed�ceased to Ne in effect. l.ender will accept,use und retain these payment�s as a loss reserve in 1iea� . . i''•'' <br /> of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no tanger be re4uired,at the option of Lendcr,if mortgage insura�eoz , ��' ..�' <br /> coverage(in the amount ar�d for the period[hai Lender requires)pro._ded by an;nsurer approved by Lender again becarmes . ` <br /> �L�i,r�.. <br /> avaitable and is obtained.��,rower shaH pay the preminms requin;d to maintain rr�ortgage insurance in`effect.or to provide a ' �,t�;, <br /> toss reserve.until the nequiirrment for mortgage insur.�nce endc in accordance weeh aay written ugreement betw�ro I�nower �:t,;:�: <br /> and Lender or applicabte L�,v+. � ;•� <br /> 9 Inspection. l.ender or its agent may make masonable entries upon and inspcctium of the Property. Lertder shall • <br /> , give Bomower notice at the time of or peiar to an inspection specifyins reaxonable c:�use for the inspection. <br /> 10 Condemnation. 17ie proceed�4 of nny award or claim for or connection with acty ' <br /> Singte Family-f'�ek:11ae1Freddie Mac 4NI�OR;11tiSTRU51fiiT••Unifarm Covmants 9!� Ipagr.���6 po,qPal ' <br /> ' t�ea latn�F'us+.ine.• r, .. <br /> ToOideefL•t�5YB6.'fD93�.K10PA%6!&?Dt•lti# f - <br /> � . <br /> • � ' <br /> . <br /> �, , <br /> _ - - - - -- -- � " <br /> —_--__-- ��:�;�„ .- <br /> -- --- --_=-- _ �'�: <br /> „a,�^ri.�---»;F,ri?.'4Zi' . --._r: ;r u�-. , .�'�x:s�,=...s..- . - <br /> _ . ..•�..,•. <br /> "_ �;Z1:� ._ _ ._. _ .. . _ . _ . .. �'__��.�� � . _ . __ . .. _ . � . <br />