,:� � � ;��:-. ' ' . . a ` . _ �-. .Y . f�,.
<br /> _ _xi ' y'��° �� . -� x- -.
<br /> .__ _.: �._._:._ ��� -�,�, . , � . : ;` ; � : � . : - -94_i ( ,
<br /> � . oo��s .
<br /> � 17.Tra�da at ttie oc s ae�dlef�i ti�eie�t i��orrs�ar'if alt or any pact of tbe P�opaty or�ay iate�c�at in it . � ,
<br /> • is soW or trinsfetcrd tor iE�ida1 iatenst in Bonowa i3 sotd or tr�teried aed Borroxes is�wt a mtu[aE pn�on)�viNwut �
<br /> L`ader's priar writtEn�uosent. l.mder may. at its option, �mmed'iate psymait in Poll of all saa�s seCUred by thio '
<br /> Soctttity It�ent.Howevsr.this option sh�tl noc be e:ec�cisdd�Le�er if ex�ise�s P�oi�ibited by fedet8law�s of the datG -
<br /> _ ,of,ihis�avrity Ynstruntent. � �
<br /> , if I.ender exercises this nption.,iknder st�all give Boirower riotix af aa�eratIon.The notice s1W1 provide a perlod of noi
<br /> . less than 30 dsys�from the d�e t1K nwice is i'leli�vend or�mified within`vrhi�h Borrowes rtwst pay a!!satms sxurod by this
<br /> Securiry Instntntent. (f$orrowet f�its to pay tlrese sums pcior to the eapirrtion of this period.Lendcr may involce any ranedies �
<br /> peanittod by this Secun inst�ummt witl�aut further notia or deonand on Borrower. �
<br /> 18. B1Kro�ser's �t to Rdostata �f Borrower meets cenain catditions. Borrower sha11 have tite dght to have
<br /> ,enforremern of this 5ecurity Imuumrnt d'LSOOntinired a[any fime paor to the prliu of: (a)S days`(or such athet period as
<br /> appticable t�w rnay specify for r�einsaten�ent) befor�e sate of the Pmperty pursuane to aqy powa of sate eo�ined ia this
<br /> Securicy L�ctnunent:ot(b)uNcy of a judgment enfocc3ng this Socnriry Instn�rnenE.Those rnndrtions ane th�t Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> Leader at1 sums which then woutd 6e dae�tnder this Security[nstnunent and tLe Note a4 if m acaccetetation tiad oaurred: (b)
<br /> cuus ury defavlt of any aher coveaaues or agrameats: (c)PaYs al1 expensea ipcvrnd in enfomng this Security InstiumeaE,
<br /> ` inctuding,but not limited�to.reasonable auoraeys'foes;and(d)takes such action as Lender may Tr,awnabty rcquin ta assure � .:
<br /> that the liat of this Sea►rity Instrummt,Lender's rights m tbe Propetty ud Borrower's obtigation to pay tlte sums sewrod by
<br /> this 5ecurity Instrume►x sf�11 continu� unclrangod. Upm reinst3temeat by Borrawer. this Security Inwument aad the . .
<br /> obligatioas savred hea�by shall remain fuQy effedivs as if no acceleration had aocurred.Howevcc this�ight.m reinstate si�a!!�
<br /> notappiy in the case of acaleration under paragraph 17. �
<br /> . 19.Sak ot Nate;Chan�e ot LoYn Servicer. The Nae or a pa�tial inserest in the l�'ote�itogether with this Se�rity
<br /> _ tnsawaeny may be sotd oae or more qmes without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may resutt in a change in the entity(Imown
<br />_- as the"Loan 5ervicer")that collects anunthlY paymenu due under the Note and tbis Security InStrument.Theee also may be one
<br /> or more changes of the Laan Servicer unrelated to a s�le af the Note.If there is a change af the Lo�n Secvicer.Bormwer wiil be
<br />- --- given wriuen aotice of the cl�ange ia accordance witti pazag�aph t�above and applicable law.The notior wil!state ihe name and
<br /> - � address of the uew Loan Secvicer and the address to which payments shouid be made.The natice will also cantain any ather
<br /> infom�ation tequicod lry appficabte faw. < � � --
<br /> � Z0. Hazardo�cs Sa6stanoes. Borrower shatl not cause or pemrit the pnsertce. use.disposat. storage.or r+etease of any
<br />_- Hazardous Subs�s on or ia the Property. Borrower sl�all irot do,.nor allow anyone else to do. anything affecKing the �
<br />-_ Property that is in'violat{on of any Environmental law. The preceding two sentences sball�t app{y to the presence,use,or
<br />" swrage on the Prope�ty of smzll qw�ntities of Hazardous Substances that ar�e generally recognized w 6e appropriate to nom�al �_
<br /> '� residential uses and to maintemance of the Property. _
<br /> Borrower shat!promptly give Lender written notice of any investigatioa.cla�;demand. tawsuit or otj�er acaon by any ��,,�;:=�
<br />_� govecnmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law ���-.
<br />`'_ �, of which Borrower has actual knowledge.If Bormwer leams.or is n�tified hy any govemmenta!or regutatory aathority,that • �:
<br /> - any removal or bther remediation of any Haiardaus Substanoe affecting the Property is necessary.Borrower shall prompdy txke �;t
<br />'. _`.��-;�_ .' ' all neeesssary ecmediat actions in accordance with Eavim�a�aental Law. -,,�,._u�:
<br /> - As used in this_paEagaph 20, "Hazardous Substana�s"are those substax-�ces defined as toaic or hazardous substances by ''"�--��
<br /> EnvironmenW Law and the following substances: gasoline, kecosEne,otfier Ylaminable or toxic petroleum prodacts. toxac ��
<br /> �.��+..,. ••.� pesticides atd UerbiCides,volatile solveats.materials containing asbestas or formatdehyde,and radioactive materials.As useci!in: ��--�..�•
<br /> ' '"�� �tf � this paragraph 20. "Environmental taw" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiclion where the Property is locatect ¢iaat`, �;�__
<br /> relate to heatth,safety or enviranmentat protection. � �'"�"'"�"
<br />. � .S'f.:f ' . L. .
<br /> '�'��'F'�. NON-iJNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and`[,endcr further covenant and as follows: -�-•� �
<br /> �">_
<br /> •i 4,,�.��,�w�.'-` �� •; ,�.�-;��• ..
<br /> ;;} ,.,�; , . , ;,..t Zl.Acceterution;Re�e�ies.l.ender shall give natice to Borrower prtor to acceleratton tollowing Borraaee s breac6 �,,.'j _
<br /> ,�,�°�-� , of any covenant or ag�+eement in this Security Instrameat (but not prior to acceleration under pamg�-aph 17 unless
<br /> �; `,"_�'°•�;::.., _-
<br /> � ►'��F '• ..�r'� applicable 1aw provides other�ise).The notice shall specify: (a)the deisult;(b)the actian required to cure the defac3i: _
<br /> �;�;,�-�,:�.. • .a.;.. . . - -
<br /> � %�• � ' � (c)a date,not less than 30 days trom the date the notice is gjven to Borrower.by which the default must 6e cured;am� • --
<br /> t:. " ;;�':;i;r;;..: ,:,;�� (d)that failure to cure the default on or before t6e date spociGed in the notice may result in acceleration ot tNe sums ' �
<br /> } <: �r�_,.;�.,:,,'�; siocused by this S�curt t y Insdvment and sale o!the Prope r t y. The notice sfiafi further inform Borrower ot the ri g ht to ��_
<br /> ;` �;;.�.,.-,•.,._ reinstate aRer acceleration and the right to 6ring a wurt action to asscrt the non�xistence ot a default or stny otUer . �
<br /> ���f�:,,.'��r.�_�� detense ot Borrower to acceleration and sale. if the detaoN is not cured on or betore the date specified in the notice, �;
<br /> Lender, at its option,may require immediate payme�rt in full of ail sums secured by this Security Instrament Rtthoat . ,.;�
<br /> "``'�' turther demand and ma invokc the Rer oF sale and an other remedies '
<br /> I� ��,�::';�::
<br /> � -Y�'-•• • Y tb Y permltted by appllcable taw. I.ender shali be '.,
<br /> °• �£: � '., "�'.".'. entitled to collect a0 expenses incarred in pursuiag thc remedies provlded in this paragruph 21.�rnludin�.but not limited �, �,
<br /> . lA .
<br /> ... ''t is .> :. �. 1 .� ) � .
<br /> ��� � � S W,reasonable pttorneys fees and costs of title evtds�oe. �. �� � �
<br /> , �:i"ii'� •' � i`c.
<br /> :�yw.,,.:: �, - If the power oi sale is invoked,Tnistee sl�all romrd a notice of default in each coutm In w6ic�n�sv part of the �,t'; -
<br /> • � • �'�'�� Property is focated and sl�all mail coples at such nottce in Ihe manner prescn"bed by applicabte law tu Sorrower and to -
<br /> �� "�- `•lih'.;:�: ihe other person.4 prescrlbed by applicable law.After the time requi�ed by appticable law,Trostee shatl give�public noticx� - ��;`_
<br /> '� �•- �`� ���•+' ot sale to the persorrs and in the manner pnscribed by apppca6le taw.Trnstee,without demand on Borruwer.siuiii sc�- �
<br /> �.�,� :�.;..;,. rs .
<br /> ¢=� :•. - the Property at pu6lic 9uction to the highest bldder at the time and place pnd under the terms deslp,nated in the notiee of .� �'�
<br /> "•:� :,• � sale in one ar more roets and in an order Tn�stce determines.Trustee ma
<br /> ,�,�t,:;;.; • pa y y postpone sale ot all or any parcel o!the � � � . � _
<br /> �; �• � • Property by public annou�oement at the time aad ace of an •
<br /> � '��'':`�'� r+chase the Pro rt at an s�te. � Y Previously schedulcd sale. l.ender or its desiy,nee may
<br /> :. ....� P� Pe Y Y .
<br /> ;.; i{7,'s`' �,
<br />_ r'1•y�.,a•�_Y��i{'�• . . - .
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