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<br /> . �y�� � ...... ..... . ... .
<br /> � � :�; � �: . � �: .� . �. . _ 9�-i�D'�l1s
<br /> p�:e�s.ry m la��6e�eq�i,ea.it�ee cpion.ot i:eoaa,if�oet�i�a.o�ao�er�e c��e a.o..c art for�e��io� .. � .
<br /> ' Nrit j.eMder �Peari�ed b�r Mi n�erappnwed b9 Iyander�u 6e000�es ava�'I�ble�aed i�o6t�d:Ba�ii�rar�l�lt phr _
<br /> � eie Preiru��aqeited to n�iqq�a mo�t�e�in effat,at�e provlde a las te�eive,ootil tt�reqair¢nert!or�eoAp�e; . '
<br /> � �,itiunacc mds ia w�+�e with�ay�rritka asreemmt tiet�era Bam�va aod laadet ot�pplic�ble�a�v. , .
<br /> . � !.L�eclhi�,t,eoder ac its.�eat mty�`m�ire rea+onbk eotries a�on aod inapectiaas of t6e Piopaty. Latder.s�U jive '
<br /> - - Bat�er mlia at Uie time of or pri�►r to an in�atioa speoifymg tasayble ciase far dya i�nlpeaion. `.
<br /> ` . •1�. C�.1'6e p�uoeeds af my a�rard or cl�icn for d�nn�ges,di�ct or ooatoqumti�l..in ooeaecxion pidt aoy, .
<br /> waciam�itioa br atha i�ldng of auy pat of tLe Pcopartp,ot for aoaveyaooe in lieo of wodemn�tioa,ue he�bY+usiSmd aod
<br /> siu�6epdd to E.snder. ' - . • _ � ' . � - � - .
<br /> . � in tbe evait af a taui tal�iag of she Prope�ty.dye pE+noe�ds shwll be appliad w the sun�'sa��ed bY�,��Y�.'
<br /> wlrtRer or not tban due, with any excess padd to Horm�ver.tn the event of a p�tial qtdng of tbe Pmpetty ie whicb the fair
<br /> mtricd value of t6e Propecty immed'wtely before the t�lCing is equai to dr g�ater t�n the amount af ttie su�sCCV�ed by tLis
<br /> SeAUiry�CUment immediauly b�fore the talong.unless Borruwer aod I�en�kr at6awi.se agrx in wrlEins.the wms aea�c+ed by .
<br /> this 5a,viity Instn�meat shall be ndoced by tbe ama�nt of tHe pmceeds multiptied!sy the foUowing frscdon: h)tHe ton!
<br /> amount of tLe sams saatiod immodiately.befane the taldng.divided by(b}tbe fiir mtrket valne of t6e Pmparty inmodi�tdy .
<br /> befae tbe talnag. My 6alance s1nU be piid w Bo►iowet. In the eva►t of a paRial talting of the Pmperty in which dre fiir
<br /> 'tmrlcd vAlne of the Pnnpeity imajediauly 6efocz tbe talcing is lass than the amamt of tbe swas saa�nd immediately before tbe
<br /> t�lcing,�uikss Borrower amd I.ader other�vise agree in writiag.qc anless applicabtt taw othenwise provides,tLe praceats sls�ll , .
<br /> be app�iod to the sartu securod by this Sa;arity Ins�nt wh�ur not the swns are thea due. , ; :
<br /> If We Fmeaty is abandoned 1sg Homnwer,or if,after noti�ei�g.�ader to Borrower tl�at t1�e ootdemnor offeis ta`trialce afi � .
<br /> awat�d�or sottZe a claim for Bornnwer faiLs w` `'
<br /> dama8es. naporx�`tis_�:�vithia�0 days aftet the daze the aotioe�is giveti,
<br /> ` Irender is aathorized to ooll�oct and appi}r�the proaeds,ai its op�,e.*.�ier'ta'i�storarion or repair of the F�erty or t4;t�e snms. -
<br /> savnd by tttis Security Instn�,wl�ether or noe tl�en i1ue:. ... ':�.�;;
<br /> Unless I,ender and Borruwer otherwise agrx in writrpg;`an5'�a�pI`x�,tion of pt+nceeds to prin�ipa�,.s�i�-�ic+t'ciit�ct ot ,. . ,
<br /> postpone the dae date of the monthlY PaY��nfamod to in.p�As�"an32 or cl�angc tha anwunt o€siie�pay=ments.
<br /> 11.Borro�ra Not Rela�sed;Forbeararroe�y.�.ender Not a Wni�fr.:�ensinn of the time for pa�iie�br.modifrration:
<br /> of anwfizadon of the sn�ats secuse�by this Securrtj:.�nstrument granted by f�er to arsy successor in im�i�±iif Borrower shall� : -� ,
<br /> �- not operate to release thc�aiii.'L�`iy c�,�.ith�ari��br�ower or Borrower's successors in iateresG Lender shafI aot 6e reqairod to r'":::"
<br /> oommence proeeedings agaiti.a a�y s�u�cessor'ig interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise mo�ify araort'ua6oa �
<br /> of the sums saa�rad by this�.a�ri€y'Ias�c�t,by reawn ot any demard made by the original Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> successars in intecest. My forbearanc�by I�r�er'in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclade the
<br /> eaercise afany right orremody. . . .
<br /> 12. Suoce�sors and A�igns�oand;Jotnt and Several LiabiUty;Co-sigeers. Tbe covenantc�nd agreements of this
<br /> Savrity Instrument shall bind a�.i benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of ,
<br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agraments shall be joint and several.. Any Borrower who co-signs this Securiry
<br /> Instcument but�oes a,i�t execute the Note: (a)is aa-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage..gram and convey that , . ,
<br /> Bomower's interest•i�r3re Property under the t�of this Security Instru�at:(b)is nat personally obas.�ased to pay the sums -
<br /> setured by this Security Instrument:and(c)a�res that Lender and any otheiBdrrower mzy agree to exten�;modify.forbear or �., '
<br /> . malce any aeeommodadons with regard to the tec�i�of this Seeurity Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> . 13.l.oau C6arges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subjett to a law which sets maximum loan charges, -
<br /> and that law is finally interpreted so that the inzerest or other loan charges callected or to be callected in connection with the _
<br /> loan exceed the permitted limiu.then: (a)any such toan ctrarge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge -
<br /> to the petmitted limit:and(b)any sums atread��mllected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to
<br /> Borrower. Lendet may choose to make this refund by re.ducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct =
<br /> payment'�b Barmwer�-If a refund reduces principal. the reduction will be treated as a partia! prepaymeni wilhout any
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note. • _
<br /> 14.NoNces.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by de[ivering it or by mailing - -
<br /> it by first'class mait unless applicablc law requims usc of another method.The notice shall be directed ra the Property Address �
<br /> or any other address Borrower desisnates by notice to l.ender. Any notice to L.ender shall be given by first class mAil to ' -
<br /> , Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by natice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this .
<br /> Socarity Instrument sha116e deem�d 2o have been given to Bc�mower ar Lcnder when given as provided i�this paragraph.,
<br /> 15.Governing I.aw; Seveisibility. �s Security Instrument shall.6c govemed by federaE �::sx and the law of the -
<br /> jurisdiction in whic8 the Property is lo�ated. in.the event that any provision or claure of Ihis Seca�ti�I.�strument or the Note -
<br /> conflicts with Applicab}e law.such oonflict shall not affect diher provisions of this Sccunty Instrumeni or the Note which can be •�
<br /> given effe�t without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this 5r.curity Instrument and the Note are declared '
<br /> to be severable. �
<br /> 16.Bamov��er's Copy.Borrower shall be given ane conformed copy of the Notc snd of this Security lnstrument.
<br /> . Fam 3028 9180
<br /> � . � Papo 4 of B • . � ,
<br /> __--=-_.+i�:.1��,4.k/�y•N!`�?i � T��.l`R,'�cv f •Yt'_
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