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_�iy . �• _ . �.t:-- - — <br /> , r . . , .. _---- <br /> .-�-•''� � ��`. . • s�..r�-. <br /> , ��� �r,: � ��.� ... - _.�.—._ <br /> : _�.' - ------ -� <br />� '� . � , .. ,. - . � . . . . . _ ' � -. . . . . <br /> S. Hasrd a[Ropaty b�raoce. Borrow�er s8sll loeep the imptovearents now—eu'�sh'ng oir�h�iE��atc�ed dn t6e <br /> �. propaty i�uceid ag�t toss 6y fire,har�rds iuc1uded withm tLe term 'extended covexage'aod any athar h�ds;indudnK <br /> � IIoods or flooding.for which T.enrkr ra�utt+es j�uranoe.Tt�i's ins�uance s�116e maintained in the amo�nts and for the periods <br /> � that I.etider t+eqtutes.�The umuaao�c�riar providing the�++n�,�ns s�a�l be ctwser!bY Boirower snbjxt to Lajdcr's approvpl <br /> which slnll n�be unnasonably witl�held. If Bortower fails to maintain mverage descdbed above. I,ender rrny,at Ltnder's <br /> csption.obtain oovetage to protect Lender's righu in the Property in acanrdar�oe with parag�aph 7.. � ' , <br /> A]!is�surjnce poiicies aod r�tv�als s3�a41 be acceptable to t.erider and sdall inciude a standacd moitg�ge cTause. I,ender <br /> st�lt l�fve dfe righE ta hold!he poliCies iuld nt�als.[E Lender requins,Borrower st�all prom�ptlY Sive to L,ender all��ecsipts ot <br /> P�P��tns and t�akwal not�ae.s.In Wc�vent of loss.Borrower sl�alt give pmmpt aotia w tbe it�rance qrrier and Lender. <br /> •Lader tr�ay m�lce proof of loss if not made pranptlY�+Y Borrower. <br /> . Unku 1.ender pnd 8oc�uvrer othecwise ajree ia writin�.inwr�nee p(oceeds sl�all be appfied to nsto�tion or repair of the <br /> ` F�npeAY d�ed-it�he�estontion or rsp�ic is a%aramiwily fea�tbte�ud t.ender's secuciry is na iesserod.if the iestoration or � <br /> csp�ir is not eooaomiatly fasibfe or i.ender's eecurity would be lea�ened,the inuirance procceds'shall be�ppliod to the wms <br /> ierurod by this Socurity tnsttun�eM,.whe�her ar oot Ihen due.with�ny lx�cess p�W to Boitnwet. if Aarrower abrndor�s the <br /> PrnptitY•a doea not�swer within 3p d�ys�natiue from Lender t6�t tlie insurance carrier Gas offered to settle r�ctum.tisen� <br /> 'Lender mtty oollect th�insnranoe prncads. l,emkr m�y use eha proceed.4 to Rpsir ar�store the Prnpeny or tw paty r�ums <br /> seeured by ihis Security insttuntent.whether or nut tf�due.Tt�e 3U-day periad will begin Jvhea the�x+tice is given.•, <br /> . UnlesR L�ender anJ Boerower otf�ecwise agroe in wdtin8.anY appliauioa of pmceods to princtpal sfiaJl not exter�d or <br /> postpone the due d�te of the moruhly.payments neferred to in paragrapbs 1 aid 2 or ch�nge tNe amount of thc psym�nts.If <br /> - under panigraph 2i the Pmperty is acquired 6y Lender.Bortower's right to any insurance policies u�d proce�ds;�sulting '*an <br /> d�nuge to We P:operty prior to tfie acquisiaao ahat!pass Lo Lrnder ta the extent of the sum4 savred by this Socuriry Insuumient _� <br /> iaunodiatety prior to tbe acquisition. <br /> 6.Ootap�y,Pt+dervallon.Mainte�ance aad Ptatectioe ot the Ptoperty,Borr+nwer's I�APplicatJon+i.ea�ehoid�• __ <br /> Borrowa shall uc�cupy.establish.and ust the Ptoperty as Borrower's principal residence within siaty days after the exa,ution of =�,.._ <br /> tWs Sxuriry Inswmeat and shail continue to occupy the Property as Borrowa's principal reside�x�for at least one year�aftec ��"`�-' <br /> the date of ovcupatxy:unless lendec otherwise in writi which cwnsent shal!not be uncpasonably wlthheld.or wiless -�''}�`: <br /> _.E.y� 8gflE5 �� �-s r�,-_f:_ <br /> . — eatenuating circwtutances exist which are bryond Borrower's control. Bbrrower shal} not destroy. damage or impair the <br /> ----- -- Property,allow the Propecty t3 deteriorate:or oommit waste on the Borrower sl�al!be in default if any forFeiture �`���-'_-'. <br /> _� ptopertY. -��::��,-: <br /> _� actian or pro�eeding,whdher civil or began that in I.ender's good faith judgnxnt could result in forfeiture of the =�`�`�`%� =� <br />_-, <br />