;l �_� r � . - > . "__
<br /> :,�''��,;::��, ` _ � . �� ,.,�,�-_
<br /> �. �. ,. . � -
<br /> -- . _.; .F � . . � _ , ;. _--`-- -
<br /> __ __ _ .�-, , 4 , ,, ,. , . , . � , � � . . . - �4_ _��,�
<br /> . � �,ET�A�vr�ali a�e-„��eav�s u�►oc ha�x�ea an�t�piopeet,►:.aod�u�..ppn���ooa. � �
<br /> ' fwaees ooN Qr Matta.s'p�t of tbe pmparty. All replaoemcafs aad�taat'sh�U atso be oovesed bY tins SecotiitY, _ <
<br /> , io�tumeat.All of t�e�oeegoit�is refermd tu in this Sa�:icy LmwmeaR ss t6e`Pro�tY." . .
<br /> � BORROWER COYENANTS tl�c BonoweE is lawfullg seised of the a+fate 6etoby conveyed and bas�he rig5t to grant aqcl � .
<br /> rnmrray d�e Pnopaty smd tiv4 tfie PmQetty is�mbet�ed, t�oept for enairt�lnanoes of noord. BorrovPer.wana�s md w�l
<br /> , defmd gea�erally tha title tp the Pmperty�aU clai�aa@ demands.subjxt to sny e�n6r�oes of�econl. .
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRtTMEI�iT oom�bines uniform covmants fur national•nse and iaa-uniform Qovena�s with limiud
<br /> variatians byinrisdiainn tu mnstiwte a+�niform_sbauity iastrument caveiing�+ral prnpercY• �
<br /> 1JNIFORM COVENlR��S;&�e�iwer and I.eadei coverraot and agroe as folfows: , . .``-s':�.� ��
<br /> 1.P�ymmt ot P��rii+p�.airi.�ntmst3 �sMMY�t aa�L�e C�.Borrowet shatl Pro�Y P$Y�►:�_�
<br /> `:��:•��inc}p�!+of and intecest o�f"ibti�e6¢�by d�e Note and anY P�Y�nt and fau charges d�e�kr ti�e 3�Iote.
<br /> _ " �:��I.s toe Ta�ces and Iasa��iaoG Subjoct m appiieabk taw oF w a written waiver by Yxnder,Bosmwer sl�ll pay m
<br /> � ::t�lei o�t t6e day mootlily payments aiedae under tBe Notc.a�the Noue is paid in fiil1,a sam t"�umds')for.(a)yeaziY taus
<br /> and assrs�+++c±!�whic�may auain priority over this Saurtty Instnimeat as a liea on the Prdperty;ro�y�ty t�no�a�ymen�
<br /> � oc grourd raits on the Propeny.if ury;(c)Year1Y bazatd or pioperty msurano�pt+emiwns;(d)Yearly flood insara�ce premitu�. .
<br /> if any:(e)YeariY mortgage iasura�x p�+eiaiwac,if any;and ($anF svms PaYa6le by Bnrcower to Leader.i»a�oordance witb _
<br /> tbe pmvisiorts of pangr�ph S.in tiw of the payt�nt-of mortgage inwrar�pruniums.Tlxse items are calted"Esccow Items.".�
<br /> Lender nnay,`at any sime. collxt aid Iwld Funds in_an amount.aot to eaceed tbe maximwn aa�ount a lender for a federalty,
<br />— �nlued mortgage loan may require for Borrower's escrovir aocauu under the federal Reat Estate Settle►nrnt Froa�ures Act ot
<br /> ' 1974�amer�ded frorrt,time to timc, 12 U.S.C. 5ection 2601 ct s�q.("RE5PA"),unless anott�er�aw that applies to the Funds '
<br /> - ' xu�lesser amaurn. If so,'i.cnder m�y,at u►y time.coHact and hold Fnnds in an ambunt not�ta eacad.the lesser amaunl. ,
<br /> - r.rnder may cstimatc the amount of Fuads due on the basis of curnat data a�d�uonabte estimates of expenditures of futnre
<br /> Eserow Items ar otherwise in acoordance with applipble law. �
<br /> - Thc Funds shali be held in�n i�utituaon whose deposits arc insurod by a_foderal agency. instrumentality. or entity.
<br /> (inc[uding Lender.if Lender is such an instiwtion)or in any Fode�al Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Furids to p�y`the . _ __
<br />°r Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for hot�ng and apptying the Funtts.annually analyxing the escrow account.or =
<br /> - - — vedfying the Fsemw Itecn9,uuless Leader pays Borcower interest on the Funds and applieable taw permits Lender to make such _ ______
<br /> a chazge. Howevar.Leisder may require Borrower to pay a une-time charge for an independent res!estate tax reporting service ���_'
<br /> used by Lender in connection with this loan, unless applicable law.provides otherwise. Unless an agrcement is made or �;:=--•--
<br /> applicable law requires itrterest to be paid,Lender sha11 not be required to pay Borrowec any tirtemst or eamings on the Funds. -�-'-�-``��=-
<br /> �:�}�
<br />: Borrower and lsnder rpay agree in wridng,however,that interest shall be paid on the Fu�_Lender shall give to Borrower. ..�,_ --
<br /> cvHhout charge,an annual a�xountiag.of the Funds,showing crediu and debits to the Fs�3s a�d the purpose for which each �"`�-;
<br />. n..• :e'.-`;--_:
<br /> debit m the Futds was inade.The Fuads are pledgal�additional security for all sums sec�ca�.ay this Security Instrumect
<br /> If the Fwids held by Lender exc�d i.'�e amoants permitted to be held by applicable lau,�.ender shall account to Boaower '�"
<br /> for the excess Funds in accordance wicl�the requirements of a hcable law_If the amount of the Funds hela b Lender at an .�``�
<br /> pp' Y Y ����.
<br /> t ` r time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow�tems when due.Lender may sa natify Borrower in aa�ting,and.in suctz ca�e Bc�rmwer
<br /> %� , �i:,:
<br /> ,V;r�; ?,i :��,;�`� `shatl pay to Lender the amount nece�ssary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make u3�the deficiency in no morz than . . _
<br /> f�f'�,;�cr`�:%+•`f�?r.�' twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sale discretion. ' "—i
<br /> �''�'��' ' `'�`��'" Upon paymc,mt in full of all sumc secured by this Security Instrument. Le:►der shall promptly refunct to Borrower any -'=
<br /> � .,,�;..:... .
<br />. +''°i.z':,'' '.� � . . ._,�-'_'
<br /> • • ���1.':.`:` ' Funds held by l.ender. If,under paragrapfi 21.Lender shafl acquire or sell the Pro}�erty.Lender,prior to the acquisition ar sale r. _. •:,''�
<br /> �h' � '�� �� � of the Pro shall a 1 an Funds held.b Leader at the time of ac uisn�an or sale as a credit a;�.sz zfre sums secured b ' "
<br /> � ,.y',� -;�;;'�..;��. ; per[Y• PpY Y Y 9 • � Y l . � .i4':
<br /> _ `'y .v`^..r i��:_>t.�yi:. .
<br /> # ':�_;�.'.,.-, ,:,;��',s:. this Securiry Instrument. /�`�,;,,,�
<br /> '.�:..�`•_:�_�..'�a.l..�?*i yl..�, -)`.
<br /> . �I"J'•�'�•.�r ' 3.Applicat[on ot Paymeats.Uniess applica8le law provides otherwise.all payments recei��zd by Lender under paragraphs � F ;::;�;;;
<br />� ..:i!kr:_•�',=}�["�•;:�.�vi• ; � )� �;� ir;;l
<br /> ^;r��•r�t.:;�'i{�;>i;yN.`; : � 1 and 2 shall be applied:fir�t, to as�y�rtpay mena cLarges due under the Note:secand,to amounts payable under paragraph 2: i ��.f.;;;
<br /> ...��:�.,:,.,�... ,
<br /> - "- '''�-���'�'��•'� � third.to interest dac:fouAh,to nr:..^i al d+�.:aTad tas�.to an late char es due under the Notc. '`'' '
<br /> �. , �.:�� ., . p� � Y S ...:•;y`:,-,:
<br /> ,...,:,-.. �, ._ .
<br /> ,_..,._..-;;;,�
<br /> •_�.�:'. � . :,�.w,.w;. : • 4.Charges; Uens. Borrower si�all pay all tazes,assessments,cfiargcs,fines and impotiitioos attributable ta the Praperty �. . _ '� .��!.��::
<br /> '•'` ���'�.'"'� which ma attain riarit aver this S�curit Instrument, and leasehold a ment�or round rents, if un . Borrower shaU a � � �
<br /> •,. n,,:..: .;:.,..,•,. .. . Y P Y Y P Y S Y P Y � .:i;;:::��:.
<br /> •�5�*,•�;:�a ='�`.' �� , these obligations in the manner procided in paragraph 2,or if nat paid in that manncr.Borrawer shall pay them on time directly • :;•%i.';;:�,
<br /> �;• :, . : :.
<br /> -� ''' to the person owed payment.Barrowcr shall pramptly fumish Io Lender all notices af amounts to be paid undcr this Qaragrapb. i� ,• ; .�'�
<br /> , ��. Fr .. .•� .
<br /> ' � } ° If Botrower niakes these payments dirccQy.8onower shall promplly fumisb ta Lcnder reccipts evidcncing thc payments. ;;�-
<br /> `'"�°�' � ' Borrower shall rom tl discl�ar e an lien which hac norit over this Securit lnstrument unless�on'ower: Ia)a ees in " �` � '
<br /> ,..,,. f :
<br /> __ ;,:,c;5,:, � P P Y $ Y � P � Y Y � :��.�':'-';;t'., �: .
<br /> , ' wrlting to the payment of the abti�ati�n secured by the lien in�manner acceptable to l.ender. (b>conte�ss in gcx�d faith Ihe lien • .
<br /> _ }�, ��rr'�;�__ by. o�defends against enforcemen¢of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the l.ender s op;nion operate'to prevent the �'�� �'�,�;'�,��:�
<br /> � �''��r�'��� ` enforcement of the lien:or(c)SecLr�s from the holder of'the lien an agrecment sati+facton t�t.ender,ubordinuting thc licn to : "
<br /> �-�t'•"�'`�'tti��';.;, this Securit lnstrument. If Lender c��temsines that an art of the Pro rt �s sub'ect to a lien�Lhich me attain riorit over ��
<br /> �.:;,,, .,, Y Y P Pe Y� J 5 ' P Y �"." . ..__.:':;;;.
<br /> '" ���;��:.'•, this Secvrity Instrument. Lender may give Borrower A notice identifying thc licn.BarroH•er shall sat"s�f�•th:{ien or take ane or ;� = '-. -�.. .
<br /> ' 1' . . . :..;,�.
<br /> more of the actions set fonh above within 10 days of the giving of noticc. ' -
<br /> ; . ,„ -
<br /> Pam 3028 9180 ! 'u,�'„
<br /> `_'ti_ , � Page2o18 t._�..� . _ .
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