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<br /> pariods,WR Leada eeq,,;�e,. 't'he�neoe catr jer pavid�d�e�iewi�,o��Lau ee d�oem�y ec��rower sW�jece a Lendert � . .
<br /> � �ppevral�ich�oot be uorea�oa�biy wilhfidd. if Banawea fa�s to m�ida4n swetaae datisn'beit abuva.l.eedes may,�t <
<br /> Laide�r�soption,a6aun�ave�e to�oct l.ender�ng6hs in the Ptopeity in�oQocd�n�x with priw�ph 7.
<br /> . e AII iqwraece poLc�IrW,teneWals s1wU 6c aoceptiWe to ireetler atd af�1 itictude a st�odud tnQt�e clause. I.ender
<br /> shal!ba�►e the tight to hoW the pdicia aid Knewals. IlLender�uirts.Bartowgr shali P�P�Y 8�w l.edkr all tep4i�pts .
<br /> � �P�P���.�d tenewal notibes. In the event bf[oss,Bon�ower sh�ll give p�nipt notic�e w the inwrance caaier and
<br /> , . t�eoaer. Lenaer m�p n�tce pcoof of bss if na m�ae penmptly by Bannwef
<br /> Uaies�Lecdes�d Baaower od�e�wise agroe In writing,insutuka paceeds st�lt�6e�pptied to astaatian or�epair of
<br /> . drc Puop�ttY dam�ged.if t6e trstar�tioo or rep�ir is eaaamic�llY feav'!sk atd L�ender�sec�tity is noc tessene� if the
<br /> � r�oo or ttp�it is twt eoa�omk�lly fe�"�ie or Lenda's sxuriry�arould 6e ks.xt�od,tt�iiwurance p�ocoods s1�aU b� .
<br /> . apptied ta the s�mts secuerd 6y�his Seeurity Insoro�ent.whether or not t1Krt due.with any excacs paid w S�mwv. If
<br /> Bcxiowa ab�ndons tbe Ht�teny.or daes not answer witbia 30 days a natice icom Lender that the iawrrnoe carrier h�s
<br /> o�rned to seette s c�aim.tl�Lender mry coliect tbe insurmoe proceods. l.ender may use tbe praaeds ta�ir or nstatt
<br /> tbe Pmppty or to pay auns secared by t6is Sxurity L�trument,wbdher os not d�m dae. 'il�e 3Q�day period will begin wl�en �
<br /> ' tbe aotice is given. �
<br /> IJNess t.ender and Bamwer othe�wise apee in wrritin8,anY application of procceds to principat st�11 iwt eateiM or
<br /> postpone thc du�date of the monthly paymrnts cefsmed 4o in paragraphs t and 2 or ch�nge tbe anwont of the payments. If �
<br /> �P�S�21 the Ptoperty is scquind by Lender,.Bormwer's nght to a�ty insvnu�ce Policies and p�ocecds re.witing
<br /> " ftom.damage to the Ptoperty pria w tbe acquisitia�shaU pass w Lender to d�e exte�of the sams socutiod by this Security
<br /> Insuument i�ediatety prior to the aoquisition.
<br /> f. Oc�opvc� Pnxrr�tioe. Maintd�lAa aod Protection of tbe Propertj; Borro�rer's Lo�a Applicatioa; ,
<br /> I.a�e�olds Bormwer shall occupy.establ�sh.aad nse the.Property as Bonuwer?s prirx.tipal nsidence yvithirt sixty days aftec
<br /> tbe execution of tfiis Secariry insnwnent�d shall continue to aocupy the Ptopecty as Botrowers prinerpaE nsidence for at •
<br /> triu ane year aRer the date of occupancy, untess�Lender otberwise agrecs in writing, which conseat shall not bc �
<br /> wneawna6ly vritl�6eld�wlkss e�tteauating cincwn.4tances e�st which ace 6eyond Bamwer's contrnl. Borrower shall not
<br /> destroy.d�maSe a impair the ptapectY.allow the Pi�operty to deteriarate,a commit waue an the Pre�perty. Bw�tuwer shall �
<br /> 6e in defaa!t if any farfeipue actian or ptnceedjng,w�ther civil,or criminal.is 6egun tbat ia l.etder�s good faith judg�aent •
<br /> coaW resuit in forfeimre of the Ptoperty or dherwise materially impair tt�e lien creaocd by this Security tncaument a
<br /> Lender�s secarity inteRSt. Boirower may c�ne sucti a default and reinstat�as�uvided in paragraph!8,by causing the action
<br /> or proceediag to be dismissed with a ruling th�t,in l.endea�s guod faiW dete�maaaw P��des forfeitute of the Bormw,er�s
<br /> iaterest ia the Ptoperty or other material iaipairtnent of the l�ea c�eated by ttus Security Imtrumrnt or Lender�secvrity
<br /> intt�st Borrower shall also be in default if Bormwer,�the loan application process, gave materialty fals�or
<br /> ` inaccurate informatinn or statert�ents to l,ender(or faited to pro►;�e I.en�r wit6 any material information)in connection with
<br /> the loan evidenced by the Nota, including,6nt na limited to, represenEatinns conceming Borrower�s occuparicy of the
<br /> Froperty'as a principal.resldenoe. [f this Secur�Inswment is on a leasehold.Borrower shall comply with aD the pe+ov�nons
<br /> of the kase. If BoRUwer acquires fee title.to the Ptoperty,the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge untess I.cnderage+ees
<br /> to the merger in�vriting. . . ;'";:. ••
<br /> . . 7. Ptotection d Leeder's.R�hts ie t6e Propecty. If Borrower fands to perform the covenants aad.aga�ements
<br /> contai�d in tWs Sec�rity Inst�i�men�.or there.is a lega! praceeding that mnay significantly affect Leodec's,rigf�ts ia�the
<br /> P�operty(such as a p�ncecding in baniwptcg.�ate.for condemnation or ff�:..�imre or to enforce taws or itgulations},then
<br /> Lender may do and pay for wfiatever is neces.�::to protect the valae af�a.:�roperty and Lender's righ►s�in the flnpeny
<br /> l.ender's actions may include paying any sums sec,ured iry a Ei�.,�-a which has priority over this Securiry lnstrument,appearing
<br /> . in court,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on t�e�ropeity to make repairs.Although Lender may talce actian
<br /> under this p�aregraph 7.Lender does not have to do so. .
<br /> My amounts disbutsed by Lcnder under this paragrapit 7 sfiall become additional debt oF Borrower secured by this
<br /> Securiry InstrumenE. Unless Bomawer and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rete and shall be payable,with interest.upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> •PaYmen�
<br /> 8. Mortg,�ge Insurane� L€l.ender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secumd by this
<br /> Secutity Jnstrument. Borrower sG�:l pay the premiums tequired to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If,for any
<br /> ceason. the mortgage inSUran� coverage tequired by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Borrower shall pay,the .
<br /> � pt+emlums nequIred to abtain coverage substantially eqaivalent to tfie mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost
<br /> ' .� substandally equiva��n.E ta�'ie cost to Borrower of ihe mortgage insurance�'e�viously in effect,from an altemate mortgage
<br /> � insu,�approved by Lender..if substantialiy equivalent mort�,��insucanoe�verage is r•�o!available.Bortuwer shaU pacgr to
<br /> Les;f�Qach month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearty'a�aaFt�age insurance premium being paid by$orrower wl�ecr;lize
<br /> ins��ec coverage lapsed or cea.9ed tp 6e in effect. l.ender K e��cept,ase and retain these payments as a lass reservc i�C;�� ,
<br /> of matgage lnsurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be reyuired,at the option of I.ender.if mortgage ins�nance
<br /> roverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender rcquires)provide�fiy an insurer approved by Lender again becomes
<br /> ' available and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to matatain mortgage insutance in effect,nr ta pmvide a
<br /> foss reserve,until the mquimment for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any wriit�,�agreement between BoROwer
<br /> and Lerxter or apQlicable law. .
<br /> 9. InspecHon. Lender or itS agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspect�ons of the Property. Lender shall
<br /> give Bortawer notiee at the time of or pdor to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection.
<br /> IO Coodemtwtlat The proceeds of any award or claim for damages,direct or consequential.in connection with any
<br /> Singk Family�--R�le MadFnd�k Mae IitilFdRbf I�S7RUNE'�T-•Unitorm Coven3ma !!!� 1pnRe i oJo pa�e�l
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