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. . -� � . . .. ... -_- <br />, . . . .. . .. ,_y� - <br /> =,: . ca ` . ' - . - _— <br /> �_ . . ' - ' . , . < . , c `. . � . Hi. .. _. <br /> �, � 9�'z0os�� ' �� � _ <br /> � .. , � _ . . - - . � t� <br /> � ���;n��a��'�:..a.0�,•�. <br /> . � �17�wr�H�t t1e� aoa.adi�ioo.a, be oa,►e�ea b�►�S sa�! � <br /> �d fi�tres ww at�a�edlee a p�t af die p�operty. Ali� ,. <br /> La�umea�t. All d tl�e faie�oie�is tetenad w ie tbit SaoncY���'`�►'�pat�r." ,. .� � <br /> . 80RROWER CO�VBNANfS tl�t Haao�es is la�vfulty�eised af ffia ettate 6aeby canveyed and Aa,tbe ri�ht to�et <br /> ` aod coovey�he PtdpatY�od tttat d�Fro�paty is oneoa�mbe�od.tsoept fat eu�um6�oces af corad. Banower w�naots�od , <br /> �riq dekod�Snaally U�e tak to 1Ne Aopaty sg+dns��il claims aod dem�ods.subjat to�ny���� . <br /> T�S SiiCURFi'Y IHS'fR�JMPId'I'oombines unifam omr�u foc national use �nd noa-�miforai oova�als �th . <br /> -� limiied v�tiatiaas by�ta�e sumfomn security�mi oovexiug t�al pcoperty .' <br /> � tJ�VIE�RMC�OVENANt'S.Hottower�odl.eaderooveaantaoda6teeasfolbas: <br /> !. �Jre�t d tsiictNt a�i�i�e�;h'�y�e�t a�i Lak CMe'Ri Barowa sha11 P�om[niY PaY�ben�e tbe <br /> � principd of ad inksest an dti debt evidmced bY tlkNate aod anY P'�P�Y�?���due onder'tbe Nott. <br /> t l+Y�i lri��a�i L�area Sobje�.'t to�PPtia�ble ta�v ar w a wnmea w�iva by I�eader,Aaaoaer s6all pay to <br /> I�eadec on the dry montNY P�Y��'e dae undec the Nooe.urw�t6e Nate is pW m fd�l.a sum('I�Latk")fa:ig?Y�9 <br /> w�es�d assessmaxs which msy att�a priarity ava dns Sx�uity IostrumaK as a liea on tha PiopestY N)Y�Y� <br /> pay�a or�ou�d t+aNs an t6e Pmp�tY• �mY:f�)Y�Y �a PvP�Y � PK�iums: (d?�Y � <br /> > imvtmce premiums.�f say:t�)Y�Y�8���b P����Y:aod(�anS►sw�P�Y� �► �0�to <br /> i,eader,in aoco[dma with d�c pmvisioos of pa�ph Iku of the payment of mortgage iawraax p�canTiuras. 7]KSe <br /> items aoe calkd"Escl+nw Ite�ns." Lender aaq tnne.collacc aod MW 1"emds in aa�mount not w exoad the ma�cImom <br /> aaiount a Imder.for A federally related moitg�ge loan may req�ire for Boaowec's esc[+uw accbant wider tUe federal Real <br /> F.state Sefdement Piooedu[es Act of 1474�s aa�eaded from timF�v tiaae:l2 II.S.0$26111 u a�q.t"�pA"?.unkss anott�er <br /> , 1e�w a�t appliss w the F�ds sea a lesser amoune tf so.l.enacr auy ws�e,odlxt aaa hoid Fu�ds in�►a�momt noc m <br /> C7cCCXd tbC ks.Sei�AlOqd. I..EOdO[AIaS►.C�13LG 1hC�t Of�s dllG 00 t116�4t3 Of CO[iL�E dita�ttC�SO11abZC <br /> estimate.s of expe�u�s of fuwce Eurow items ar othaovjse in acc�+dawx arith applicabk iaw. • . <br /> liie A�nds shall be held"m an iastid�tian whos�deposits ace insuned by a foderal ag�eaY.��Y+��►�Y�- <br /> (in�L�ng Lender,if I.en3er is such�u unstiwtion)a m mry Federal Home Laaa Baoic.-Lend�r slialt�y t6e d�e 'eu�w <br /> tbe Fsceaw ltems. i.endec may uot cb�rge BoimsPer for.Mtding�od apQlying tAe Runds,annuailY Y�8 <br /> aceounk or vuifying tbe Escrow Iurt�,unless I.ender pays�otm�ver in�on th�Punds 9od.applicabk law penuits .: <br /> � L�ender to m�lce such a charge. Howeve�Lender may sequi�e Barovver w pay a ooe-time c6arge fa aa iadependent mat , <br /> . .�t�rax t�porting setvux usod bl►l�det in cbnuecdan witb dus Ioan.unless applicabte taw pmvides othezwlse. Qakss an <br /> ag�eme�rt is made or applipble law requices interest to be paid,Lender shail not be required to pay Bamwer any imte�est or <br /> eamings on tHe Fvnds. Bao�ower a�i.eader may agrec in ariting,however,tl�at intecest sbaU 6e paid a►the Fuu�ds. Ixhdet <br /> sh�ll glve w Borrowe��Ritbout charge,ao annual accoimting of the Funds.showing cnedits and debits to the Fands and iha <br /> purpose fa which each debit w the F�xts was made. The Funds are pledged as additional secur[ty for�11 sua�s sa�tmed.hy <br /> this Secu�ityinxtrumc(tt. <br /> If the�'�nds heRl by i,ender exceed d�e amouats permitied to be held by applicabte law. Leader s6a11 account ta <br /> Bormwer for the excess Funds in accordance with t�e.aa4umements of applicable law. If the aawunt of tfie Funds held by <br /> Leuckr araay tune is not sufFicient to pay the Escna+a:��ms when due,Lender may so nodfy Borrower in writia� <br /> such case Boa+ower shall PaY-to Lcnder the�¢�aoessary tn make up tlie deficiency. i3omnwer shall:�up the <br /> deficiency i�no moce thaa twelve monslilY PaYme�:si�ender's sole discze6on. ':� <br /> Upon m fiill of ali sums secured by t�s Secan'1y;.[n.a�atenb Leodcr shaU promptly refund to Bomuwer any . _. <br /> . Ft�nds held y l.ender. i�under paragraph 21.I.endec s[►all aoquic�or sell the Property,Lender,prior to tbe acquisi6on or <br /> • . sale of the�.�u app1Y anY Funds held by i.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a cm.dit against the sums _. <br /> securM by this Security Usstrument. - <br /> � 3. Applkation ot Paymenis. Unless applica6te law provides otherwise.all payments received by I.ender under _ <br /> ' paragraphs 1 aad Z shall be appTied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second,to amounts payable�mder � <br /> ..,,parag�aph 2; inurest due:fourth,to principal due;and any late charges due under the Note. _ <br /> 4. C6arges:Lienv. Bortower shall pay all taaes,assessments:charges,fines aad impo'si�ians aan'hutable to the _ <br /> �ropetty which may attain prioriry over this Secacity dastrument.and tcasehold payments or ground nenu,if any. Borrower = <br /> ' ' ,s1�a11 pay these obligations i�the manner provIded in patagraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shaflL��ray them on _ <br /> � time directly to the person owed payment. Botrower shaD!prompdy fwnish to Lender all noGces of amounts to be paid under • , <br /> this paragr�a. If Borrower makes these payments directly.Bomuwes shall prompdy fumish to Lender receipts evidencid; - <br /> the payments. . � - <br /> $ormwer sha11 pro�tly discharge any lien which has priority o��er this Security Inswment unless Borro�ver.(a)agees _ <br /> in writing to the payme�t�the obligation secnred 6y d�e tien�n a manner acceptable to l.ender.(b)contests ia�ood faith the _ <br /> �ien by.or defends againsa eaforcement oi the lien in:lea�l praceedings which in ttse[.ender's opinion operate Qo�teveat the <br /> � � enfa�ement of Ihe lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to�er subor0iasting the lien _ <br /> �p 11us Socurity lnstrumen� If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a tie:��c�ich may attain priority _ <br /> over this Secacity lnstrumertt.l.ender may give Botrower a notice iden6fying the lien. Boaower sha11 satisfy the lien or take _ <br /> one or more of 1he actions set fath above within 10 days of the giving of aotice. _: <br /> . s. Uaab pr Property lnsurance. Boaower shall keep the impmvements now existing or hereafte�ecected on the � <br /> property insured against loss by fire,hazacds included withln the term"extended coverage"and any other J�azacds,including _ <br /> floods or fiaading.for which Lender requires insurance. 7'his insurance shal!be maintained in the amouats and for the = <br /> Pots3�2t fVf� (Pn8c2oI6Pa8�t _ <br /> - - -- - �}_ -.- � -T, st - _-. . <br /> _ °�--'°i�.y,�4+�+ i'�f�',tad ''�,..'S�'.�k: <br /> .�_:�;�i�T�;h; .- . '^"�'�+`� j�-� •'� <br /> _R..��:�..;rr . � ..i <br /> 3T. :a r `?S'�i`. rt.t' <br /> _— . . ----.�iz- . _ . . . - � . .. . .. _. . . __ . _ . . .-..- ... . .. . . . .. . . <br />