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<br /> penods tlw i.eader tequires. 71�insuru�oe c�rier P�►id�aS d��sAau be chasert 6y e«mwer su, .
<br /> aQpmvat wnicn sl�u aoc be umeasa�awy w�hela. if scn+o«rer f�.c p�maincain canr«age aes�cdnea sbove.l.a�r may.at .
<br /> • I,eader's o�ciaa o6nia t?avaase to praocK L.ender's dgbts in ti�e Fmpe�ty,in accord�r�oe wah puigraph 7.
<br /> /UI inwrmce poUMes aod renewats_slntl De�ecepabk to Lender aod shall include a standard maRgage etause. Lepder .
<br /> stsall l�ave the rigM t�hold the poticies ud,renewais. If La�der�+oquines.Bomnwer sbaft prutnptly give�ta I.ender at!reoeipts ,
<br /> � of pud perniums u�d miewal notioes. In the e'vent af loss.Batrower s6a11 give pmmpt notice to the insuran�.'e carri�r and
<br /> l.endec Leader may makt p�nof of lass if nat made pranptty by i3atower.
<br /> Unkss.Letjder and�arrower otherwise agroe in writiag,����M••pcoceeds shall be applied to«�storation ar repai�of
<br /> tl�e Property dunaged;if t6e cesta�uion or iepair is ecunomica(ly fr,�si6k and Le�dti's securitq is.nat fessened. If tt�e .
<br /> Kstaratim or npair is not ocononiir�lly feasibk or i.ader's seauity vwuld be lessened.tl�e iRSUrance prooeeds s6aU be
<br /> ' applied to the s�uns secu�d by this Security Inswmaru.whdher or not thert due.witb any exc�ss paid w Bonewer. S ,
<br /> Borrawa a6andons the Pt�perty.or daes uot answer within 30 days a notiee from Lender that the insurance curier has
<br /> offerod w settle a claim,tUa�Leader may wlket the in.swarnee pmceedc. [�er�ter soay use the proceeds to tapair ar reuoce
<br /> the ptope�ty or to pay sums secu�ed by t6is 5avriiy Instrument,whether or not lhen due. The 3Q-day penod wili begin when
<br /> the aotice is givea. '
<br /> Unkss LaKkr and Bomower o�l�erarLse agces in writin&�i'ePPlicatian of pocads to priscipal sbalt not extend or
<br /> poa-lpone the due daUe of thc monthly paymems refersed fo in patagraphs 1 and 2 or change the amoant of the payments. If
<br /> under puagcapli 21 the Ptoperty is acqui�ed by Lender.Bomower's right to any insurance po�icies and praceds resuitmg
<br /> from damage to the Propetry prior to the acquisitian shail pass to Lender to the extent of tf�e sums sceuned by this Security ,
<br /> instrument immediateiy pdor to the acquisiHon. '
<br /> 6s OceuPanc9. Preservatioa, Mauntenance�nd Proteeti4Q;ot t6e Propertyi Borrower's Loa�n Applkstion;
<br /> I.e�el�oWs. 8ormwer s6aU accupy.establish.and use the Property as�oauwer�s princitm!�esidence within sixty days after
<br /> ifhe execotion of this 5ecuriry Insaument and shall conriwe to occapg the P�ape�ty as Borrawerb principal residence for at
<br /> kast one year after tl�e date of occupancy. untess Lender � ag�s in writing. which eonsent shali not be
<br /> � unnasanabiy withi�eld,or unless extenuating circumstarxes exist w�Olh'are 6eyond Bnnawer's cmtml. Borrower shall not
<br /> deshuy.damage or impair the Ptoperry.a!tow the Raperty w deterior�'.�.or commit waste on the;Prope�ty. Borrowee shall
<br /> be in default if any forfeitu�e action or�iceeding,whether civil or�.Snal,is 6egun t6at in E:eadei�good faith judgment
<br /> could result in forfeituie of the Property or otherwige inaterially ii�i�eair the lien created by'this Security Ins�urt�nt or
<br /> Lcnder§seclmty interes� Borrower may cure such ade�aalt and ieinalate,as provided in paragraph'18,by causing the action
<br /> or p�ooeeding to 6cdismissod with a ruling that.in Lender's good fait6 determa�ation.precludeS forfeiAUe of the Borrower's
<br /> intciest i�dce Pr+operty or other materi�ampairmertt of the lien c:�ated by this Securiry Ins[cament or Lender's security =-�
<br /> interast.:l�uower shalf also be in defa�cr�.if Bnmawer, during the toan appiication pro�ss.gave materially false or �_�-
<br /> inaccura��umtatian or statements to Lender�af fa�'[ed ro provide Lender with any materiat,infoi�nadon)in oonnecqon with - ---
<br /> the loan evidenced 6y t�te Note,including.bnt not;,-��ited to. tepcesentations aonceming Boirower's ooeupancy of the _—
<br /> Pmperty as a princip�l reside�rce. If this Sgcurity Cas6racunent is on a leasehold.Borrower shall comply witft all the provisions �
<br /> of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee�cCe tu the Prope�fy.the Irasehold and the fee titte shall not merge unless I.ender agrees
<br /> to the merger in writing. : .� . , —
<br /> 7. Protection o�I.eoder's R�s u�the Pcoperty. If Bomiwer fails fo perfonn the covenantc and agreemenu —
<br /> contained in this Security In.4trumen�'iir'thepe is a��e�l proceeding that may sign�ficantly.�ff�Ct Leqder:s rightc in the =
<br /> property(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy.praba�for condemnatian or forfeitace or to eaforee taws or regulaaons).then =-_-
<br /> ` Lender may do and pay for wha3ever is necessary ta protect the vatue of the Propeaty.and Lender s righu in tUe Pmperty. �"-
<br /> Lender's actions may inelude paying any sums secured 6y a lien which has prioriry ovec this 5eounty Instrument,appeanng �''�'•
<br /> in court,paying masonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Althci�fi Lender may take action �=W
<br /> under this paragraph 7.Lender does not have to do so. :`
<br /> Any amounts disbutsed by l.ender under this paragraph 7 shafl become addrtional deM of Borrower secured by this
<br /> Security lnstrument. Untess Borrower and l.ender agree to ather terms af payment:these amounts shall bear interest from ihe _
<br /> date of dislwrsement at the l�tote rate and shall 6e payable.with intcres�,upoa noric�fmm Lender to Bortower requecting -
<br /> PaYment.
<br /> _ S. Mortgage I�arance. tf Exnder myuimd mongage insur.uuc ac a candirian of inaLing the loan secvred by this
<br /> Security in.strumen�, Borrower shall�av ihe premiums reyuired to maintain the mort�e insurance in effect. lf.for any �
<br /> r�ason. the mortgage ia+urance coverage reyuired hy Lender lapses ar ceaseti to be in effect. Borrower shaU pay the ,
<br /> premiums required to obtai�coverage substantiaily eyuivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect.at a cost
<br /> substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrowcr af tfie martgage insurance pmvioutily in effect,from an altemate mongage ,
<br /> insurer approved by Lender. If substantialty eyuivalent maRgage insurance coverage is not�vailable.Borrower shall pay to _
<br /> Lender each month a sum eyual to one-iwciftfi af ihe yearly mortgage insurartcc premium being paid by Borrower whert the '�`Y
<br /> insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. l.ender will accept,use and retain the,e payments ati a loss r�serve in lieu -
<br /> of mortgage i�urance. Loss reserve paymentti may no longcr be myuired.at the option af Lender,i!mortgage intiurance _
<br /> coverage(in the amount and for the periad that Lendcr reyuire+)provided by an insurer approved by l.ender again becomes �
<br /> avwlable and is obtained.Borrower tihali pay the'prcmiums reyuired ta maintain mortgage insurance in effect.or to provide a , �
<br /> loss reserve.until the reyuirement for mortgage insurancc endc in accardancc with any writtcn agmcment between Borrower - } '
<br /> and Lender or applicable law. .
<br /> 9. lnspecNon. Lender or itc ag�t may make reawnable entries upon and inspectiony n£ihe Propeny. Lender shall ,
<br /> give Borrower notice at the time af or prior to an in�pection speciiying maxonable cause for the cmpection.
<br /> 10. Condemnation: 'I]�e proceeds of any award or claim for damagec.direct or consequential,in connection with any
<br /> � Singk Family—Fannk FladFreQdie!lfac U�ilil)R!1f ItiSTRLStEhT--llnifomiCovrnants 9�`� I/wR�;��IhDQRP��
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