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��_ _ �i _ , . . . . . .. . '. . - ^e <br /> � _ _, <br /> - - - -- '•y_ _- ---< _-- - <br />--� 4 . � , - � ` L , . _ < , . - , ` . <br /> . ' . . .. f. : . ' 1 '��� � . . <br /> . ���Mn�!�t�0�d'�e��pOC��(��yr��(�����r • <br /> a�d 5s�a��Ow a'Mr��Aet a wt Ot tiQ po�a�x Ag aepi�oeraa Md additiar�hl!ala be c�ve'led b!►�.Sea�Y. <br /> LaaMme�t: IUl d�Me�o�ai�b iefa�ed�a is�is SaMnt�t h�nmed n the'it�operty.• . - .. <br /> • � HORROWOE C�dYENAM'S ebM Borio�ra a faNlWty�ed af die ep�e Gaeby ooareyed fis��1be ri j6t to�t <br /> ad oaavey u�c R�apaty.u��at 8re A�apaty is uoeae�fbaaf.exaqR for�acaa�basoa d necad. 8ano�w�i�r wraeraets� � � <br /> �ril!dafeed=a�aaUy the t&1e io d�e P►opatY apiek ail�cttimt�nd dem�eds.wb,�o��t eo�t e�cum6�t�oa af t�ead � . <br /> .� 'lN6S.S�GIJRITY INS'iRUIY�N!'comYioes uoiforin oovea�nts far n�tiaaal use aod aon�mifam,ooYemoa �vkb <br /> Ijatiied rui�tiom 6yr jari�ias to�e:t�facm�oweit�►ia�tr�at-ca�reri�ral pope�ty . ' � � . <br /> UN�ORM�dVBNANI'S. Bac�owrr aod I.enderooMemet adapee=s fclb�rs:- � <br /> ` 1. !lsae�t�C l'eiret�l aM Lle,naq Tes�sy�e�t ai LMe Cr■efe■.Bonv�rer�MU P�P�9 P�Y whar dae�he `� <br /> pci�.t o�aaa�m the aebc eviae�ioea ey the No�e ana my p�spaayment aad l�e cl�es ade uo�da�6e rTo�e. <br /> L I+t�i�lie'daes aM b�we� Sabjact w�PPtieabie hw ocoa s�reaen�vaiva by Le�da.Hcnv�ra s1Wt pyr ta <br /> i.eader an dre daY�Y P�Y��a[e dnt w�der dra No1G�the No�is p�id in foli.a sum f'P`.ads'�far.(a)Yrac1Y • <br /> tues aud�which mty�ttaio p�iodty av�a tbis Seaatity T�aia�eat ss s lien oa tb�Ptogaty;(b)3�,Y kaseLotd <br /> ps�rn�ts ac srotrd trats ao t�Aupaty. if any;�(c)Ye�lr 6uard ae prupaty iawpaaa peemiumK t��Y.� <br /> i�aaoce p�e�ums.if aay:(e)Y�Y�S��P��mY:�(�ao9�p�Y�bY�*��p . <br /> La�der,in acoo�dmoe with tbe provisiqas of pra��h 8.m liea of dfe payment of martpge.ins�uance pcmiwas. The�t <br /> ircms ate plled'Escmw�tems." Isader may.�t any timG coliect�d 6oid Iia�in ao a�oaint no't to exaad tha mu�q <br /> amop�t a ie�er f�s fedaally ntaad mo�gsge lo�may reqaue for Saaa�s escmw aoca�mt aoder Wa fedeisl lipl <br /> Estate Seuka�eot Rvoeduc�s Act of 1974 as ama�ded from dme to time,l2 U.S.0§2601 et stq.('RFSA'�").aoiess� , <br /> ' law t�t applies to tbe I�od`s sets s ks�er atao�cn� If so.I.eade� asl►fime,oolleet aad boid liods ia an amowit not to <br /> ex�oeed tbe lesser amoua� Lender msy estim�te d�e smoont of Fimds�e ca t5e b4sis qf¢wiaat d�s aod tra�oiqrbie <br /> es�imat�4 of expenditutss of fudse Fsciuw Item9 or otherwise in aaca+d�nce with applicable law. <br /> � '!be limds sbaU be Leid in an inuitution vrhose deposits aie ia9ued b�,:fcderat s�em.y.�h�iih►•a eatitp <br /> . ('mclu�na I,mder.if I.eader is s�cb aq inuitutioo)or in any Fedad Hdne I.o�u Banic I�ender aMll appiy d�e i�k b pay . <br /> tbe.Escraw Items. l�ender may not clwge Boan�rer far holding aod�pplying die�ods.�a�w�ily sw{yzio�d�e escco�v. . <br /> � account,or verifjnng t(�e F.senow I.eoder pays Barowa intaest au tbe FWnds sod appiicable I�v.pamits . <br /> l.eader to make'suc6 a chuge. However.I.ender may requi�e Barawer w pay a ooe-time cl�rge far�o independait reai . <br /> estate tau nport;ng savioe usea!►y I.eadri ia coaaca�wich tLis lo�n.unless aypucabk law p�pvides ah�cwise. I�Taless an _ <br /> agnement is made or appl'icable law�+equines inucnesst to be paid.l.eoder siralt aot be roquired to pay Ba�ower any int�e.0 ar_ <br /> eamings on the F�mds. Bomnwer and l.ender may agrec iu wntiag.howerer.dtat inte�est shall be p�id aa the Ftimds. l.eoder <br /> shall give w Bormwer,witha�t amual acCaanting of the�'vnds.showing ciedits aad dd�Its to ihe F1u�ds and tbe <br /> purp�se for which each debit to the i�nds was made. The Funds acr pkdged a9 addi6oaal securiry for�11 sums sec�ued by <br /> ihis Security IastrumeAi. . <br /> If the l�mds hetd by Lender excoed tbe amounts permitted tu be held 6y applicable law.Lender c,Hall aoca�nt to <br /> Bamwer for the excess Fiu�ds in accordance with the nequuements of applieabk taw. If the amom�t of tbe FiuKls hetd by <br /> Lender nt any time is not sufficiant to pay the Esccuw Items whea due.Ixnder may so notify Bamower in writing, <br /> such case Batuwer shall pay to I,,eader the amount noces.sary to make up We deficieacy. Bonuwer s1�aU m�k�e up the � . <br /> =--'� deficien�.y in no more than tweive mondily�.ender's sole discredon. <br /> �� Upon payment in fu11 of alt sams secaned hry this Security last�mnent,l.ender shall pomptly tef�uid w Boirawer any , <br />_;,;_,A Funds held by Lender. If.under parag�r'aph 21.F�nder shall acquire or sell the Property.Lender,prior to the acquisition or. <br />.�:� sale of the Property.shall apply any Funds held 6y Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums <br /> =�_� secured by this Secutiry lnstrument •. <br /> �''�;� 3. AppllcaHon d P�yments. Unless z��tieable law provides othenvise, all paymenu received by Lender aader <br />—�. <br /> --__-� paragraphs l and 2 shall be applied:firs�to any r_.�ayment chazges due under the Note;second,to amo�mts�ayable ander <br />:`�� parapaph Z;third,w iaterest due:foun6,w pric�c-��due;and iast�to any late chazges due under tl�e Note. <br /> 4. CharSes;,I�ites. Bocrower shall pay ail taaes.assessmenu,charges. fines and impositions atm'butabk to the <br /> _ P►tiperty which maq�ualn prlatity over this Security Inshumen�and teasehold paymencs or ga�nd nmts,if any. Barrowa <br />':r;�"� shali pay td�ese obligations in the m,anner provi�ed in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on <br />��`""�= time directly to the person owed payment. Borrawer shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under <br />-i''-�� this pardgraph. IY Bafrawer makes tfiese paym�acs directly.Borrower shalf promptiy fumish to Lender receipts evidencing • <br /> �" � thePaYments. • ' , <br /> •:�•' Borrower shall prorriptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Insm..c.�ent unless Borrower.(a)agrees <br />'�'�"` in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Le¢�der.(b)contests in good faitb tAe <br /> lien by.or defends against eafacement of the lien in.Iegsil proceedings which in the l.ender's opinion operate to preveat the , <br />_ - enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to I.ender subordina6ng the�en <br />�_��`'� to tliis Security Instrumen� If Lender detecmines that any part af the Property is subject to a lien whicb may attain priority <br />- �-�=•� over this Security�.ar�ment,l.ender may glve Boaower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shail sadsfy the lien or take <br /> - � ane ar mare of ttie accions set forth above within 10 days of thc giving o�notice. " � <br /> - 5. AaTarQ or Property IosurancG Borrower shall kecp thc improvements naw eusting or hereafter erecte�va�'se <br />'�r,.. ' Propecty insuned against loss by t"ut:,hazards included within the teim"eatended covera���ad any other�y�:�tg <br /> lloods or fiooding,for which I.ender requires insurancc. 74�is insurance shall be main�ai�ed in the amounu and for tt�e . <br /> For.3�ZS ltlf� Ioage2oJ6paa�:) � <br /> r,� . . . — .._ .. . _ .�_ . ._.. ._------- . . . • � . <br /> . . . .�.�..- �: � ,--r.-.. -,. ._. . . . . , � �'c'jr":�'-a x:-i.. <br /> _ �5, - . ' ' .���_�_��� _��, — — _ _ <br /> � �?+2�Af�Pt4`>, . y�r `yi,:�.,� �i" c. :l� F��'_ - -- - -- --- <br /> . .,a..... e�i,i�P�..:_�.'.:l.wei� .�v:�roix?• ? _-- <br /> '..�,rt��' " . -- -.- -- - .;R..: ;,r,yu"�7's'.C�lir:'r::3'��!;ur I�,�'� .'•. <br /> - -���� .l.._ . _ -," . . �. " " -. 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