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200406260 <br />IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />KATRINA M. TUMA, <br />VS. <br />ROSS A. TUMA, <br />titiFILED <br />DEC 151989 <br />ELLOISE L. CARRICO <br />CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT <br />Case No. 98 -257 <br />ROPERTY SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT <br />WHEREAS, a suit is pending between the undersigned parties <br />in the District Court of Hall County, Nebraska, wherein Katrina <br />M. Tuma is Petitioner and Ross A. Tuma is Respondent, in which <br />said Petitioner seeks a dissolution of marriage from Respondent <br />on the grounds that the marriage between the parties is irretriev- <br />ably broken, and the parties wish to settle their property rights <br />between themselves, and <br />WHEREAS, said parties represent that they own certain real <br />and personal property which they acquired during their marriage <br />to each other, and each party represents to the other that they <br />have made a true and complete disclosure of all assets and <br />liabilities, and each party relies on the truthfulness thereof, <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the parties are desirous of settling between them- <br />selves the matters of property distribution and.responsibility <br />for debts; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties as <br />follows: <br />A EXHIB: <br />