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<br /> . �5/�(�j��(��aA�by ll�� a7iYyWl������Yi.tC� CIIlIIdQd COY!l�i��IRi�y Wli� IWy[�L7�dl�j�� .
<br /> �Toods or ftooding.far which I�eeder r+equisrs icis�urince.This inwranee sMil be maiMairod in the amaents a�for the periods
<br /> ' th�t L�der rcqt�iros.'i'he it�suranoe carrier providing the insurance sAatl be chasen by Bo�wes subject to Lendes's a�roval - .
<br /> w�ti s6a�l not'6e.unreasonabty wlthi�etd. If Borrower feits 4o maintain coverage dcscatiod ahove. i.ead�'aiay. at lrender's.
<br /> , c�ption,aMain cavenge w pnxect La�der's righu in the Property in aocordancti Mrith paragraph 7.
<br /> , � `A11 ins�u�nce policies and ronewa�s shall be ac�oeptaDte to [.ender and shall include a sta�dard mortgage clause. Le�xfer
<br /> shal!_ha�re the rigLt to hcrld the policies a�rsoewals.lf lrnder requites,Borrower st�l1 pro�pt[Y 8►ve to Leader all rocgipts of _
<br /> ' p�ic�premiums wd renevval notices.In s1Ee evet�t of Iass,Borrower si�ll give pmmpt noticr to the inwranoe rarrier and L�ei�der.
<br /> � l,ender�aaymake proof of loss if mt m�de Pma�ptlY bp Hocrower. � ---
<br /> Unless I.ertder ud Bomower otheiwise�gree in writiag.insuranoe ptocads shalt 6e appGed to restoration or repair of the °—
<br /> pmpaty damaged.[f the cestan�on or repair is eaoaomialty fi�'ble u�d l.endec's senuity is not lessene6.If t1x resfaration or =-=
<br /> . �ir is not aanomically frasible or Lsader`s secvrity woatd 6e tessened.il�e insur�ct pmcoeds shall 6e applied to tde sums `_
<br /> savrod by this Savrity Inurvm�ent,whettkr or not tlren due. whb any eaccess paid to Bortowu. If Borrov�rer abandons the =–
<br /> Propecry,or does,rat answer witbin 30 days a notice fmm L.ender t1�at the ir�uance�ier has offered ro s�ettle a claim,�il�en —
<br /> i.ender tmy oollece the iawrance proceeds. Lendet may use tht praoeeds to t�eQair or restore the Froperty or to pay sums , _--
<br /> sa�rcd by tbis Security Iastrument,wbett�er or not then dua.The 30-day period will begin wlxn the notia is gevea. �_
<br /> Unless Le�der aad Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any appHcuion of pr0000ds to principai shall not eatead or E-:=
<br /> postpone the due date of the ironthly payments iefer[ed to in pa�agrapt�s 1 and 2 or chaoge the aimuat of tfie payments. If ��
<br /> under puag�aph 21�the Property is asquind by t.e�der,Eorrower's right to aay iasuranoe pnlicies aad prooeedst+esWting_from �.
<br /> damage to the Properey prior to tix acqu�sidon stiall pass to I.rndec to tUe exteat of the sua�secured by tUis Sec�ritY I�u�urneai `�_-
<br /> immodi�bely prior to tbe acquisition. �
<br /> �=
<br /> �Ooc�p�cy,Prrsesvstion,M�inteoaea asd Pkotection of t6e Ptoperty:lTaro�re�s I.o�n Appli�ioa;�.a�fiolds. �_
<br /> Borrorrmr sl�ll oaaipy:establish,and use tLe Pmpe�ty as Barmwet's principal resideace within sixty days after the execution of --_
<br /> this Sxurity I�trument and shaU contuxu to oxuP9���nY as Borrowec's principal nsidence for at least one yeaz afteE �
<br /> c�_
<br /> � tlu date of occupancy,unless I.ender otherarise agrees in writing,wbich consent shatl not be unre�rsonabiy witliheld,or wiless �:
<br /> � extea�ting circunutanoes exist whiicli are 6eyo� Bormwer's rnnuvl. Borrower sf�all aot d�stmy. damage,or impair the �'r�";':'
<br /> Property.altow the Propeccy to deterio�ate�ar oommit waste on the Property_Borrower s[�all be in det�utt if any forfeiau+e .�
<br /> ac6on or proaee�ing,whdhei civil or criminal.is 6egua tLat in Lender's goal faith judgment oould result in forfeiture of the
<br /> Praperty or wherwise materially impair the lien created by this Securit,r�nsmuneat or Lender's security intenst:Borrower maY ==
<br /> cun such a default and reiaatate,as providod in paragraph 18,by cat��,�rhe action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruliag F�
<br /> that, in Le�der s goad-.�ith.determination, pcecludes forfeitune of tfr Bomower's ilrterest in the Pcoperty or other material ���i
<br /> • ' impainnent of the lim�1sy t6is Security I� or Lendet's seauity intec+est. Borrower shall also be in default if �"`_�'
<br /> Bormwer,during the la�a�;,a`:ication piocess.gave m��alty false or inaccurate inform�tion or statements to Lender(or faited �:�:
<br /> 'trs provlde Lendei vvids�.�iaterial infom�ation)ia cormaction with the loan evidencod.by the Ma2e,includiag.but not lu� �=_
<br /> to.representauous i�o�Borrawe�s o�avpancy of the P[operty as a principal residence:If tbis Security Inswment is m�� - -
<br /> leasehold. Boirmower str2JI`a�mply with a1t the ptovisions of the [e�e. If BoTrower acquires fee ritle to the Property,�ti�
<br /> leasehotd ard the fee title�atl not merge unlas Lender agrees to the merger in writing. n�;;"r.;
<br /> 7.Protection ot I.endEr's Rights in't6e Pro If Borrower fails to rform the covenants and a ments wntained in '-�
<br /> perty Pe 8� k���
<br /> t}iis Security Instrument.ar there is a legal proceeding that may significantiy affect Lender's righu in the Property(such as a .
<br /> ptoc�ading in bankruptcy.pr�obate.for condemnation ar forfeiture or to enforce laws ar regulations).then L�erber may do and
<br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property anJ Lender's rights in the Property.I.ender's actions may .
<br /> inclnde'paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Secur_ry lnstrument. appearing in couR, paying �,,•
<br /> reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Property rrsniake repairs. Aithough I.�der may take actian ua�erthis pa�agraph
<br /> 7.Lender does not have to do so. � �
<br /> 'My amounts disbu�sed by I.endcr uader this �ragraph ? sltalt become additional deSt���B Borrawer secured by this �
<br /> Savrity/nstrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other t�cf payment.tliese amau�a shall bear interest from the
<br /> date of disbutsement at the t�ote rate and shall be payable, with interest. upon notice from l.ender to Borrower requesting �;:•
<br /> POYment. • tl?;'1;
<br /> S. e Inguras��ff l.ender uired mort �e insurance as a wndition of making the loan secured by this'Security �`�'�'t!
<br /> ��$ � �a
<br /> tnstntmeM. Borrower shalf pay the premiums tequired to maintain the mortgase'insurance in effect. If, for any rcason. the r ,,"
<br /> mortgage insnrance coverage required by l.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower shall pay the premiums requirod to
<br /> obtain coverage substantialig equivalent to the mortgage insurancc pteviously in effect.at a cost substantially equivalent to the
<br /> uxst to Borrower of the crrarsgage insurance previously L.effect. from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If �
<br /> �bstantialiy equivalent mortgage insurance coverage i�r,�i available.Borrower shall pay to Lender each mantlt a sum equal to (.
<br /> one-twelflh of the yearly mortgage insurance premium��eing paid by Bonower when the insurance coverage fa�sed or ceased to i = ��
<br /> De in effect.Lender will accept.use and retain these Qayments as a loss rescrve in lieu of mortga;e ituttr�rstce. Loss mserve s ..
<br /> iorm 3028 9/90
<br /> Pp�3ut8 t . .
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