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_.� , c . . . _ .. - -- .. <br /> , _ �-s:�= <br /> 'x- � :°�a.--- <br /> _�.- t _ . �_:_--- ___ <br /> , �� � �� .. . � � � � . 9�:��5� - <br /> . . r 'L�O(�'fii0t WI'�H au,are impea►a�s oo�v dc�«edea on t�pcopercy.�oa,U e�md��uoa�oa,�d. -.� .�� <br /> `.. Ali �od additiom }�ilso be oove�od by diis Sec�c�tj► ' <br /> ��ixtiu�a► oaw ct baraRer a p�ict of tbe penperty: " �lfoemaots �1 <br /> Jpqnuap�t.All+�f 1tie fae�oeog is tef�t+ed`to In tLis Sea�rity In�t�enE�s the'Prc�pe�ty.` . <br /> � BORRnWER�OVBNl1N'I�tMt 8orrov�es is 4wli¢ly seisad of the�state henl►y�eonveyed and hts tbe sigLt w graat add <br /> , oouvry tbe�Pioperty and t1�tMe ProFefty is uoencumba�Dd.ex�ept for erxumbrances oT reoord. But�wer aarrmts�od will , <br /> . defad geaera[!y tbe tit�e ta tfie`Pmperty a�ai�t aU ctaims and demu�ds:sub,jact to ury.cricumbrances ot ncocd. `� � <br /> . THIS SF.CURITY lNS11tUMENT-oombiaes uqifoim�wven�uus for a�tiona�use and�pn-aniform covrnants wit6limitod. , <br /> - varixio�s by jurisdiction to rnastituu a'uaiform soairity iauiuma�t coverinS�P�KY• ' <br /> UNIIflRM(301PH+iAN7'S.8astowa�l.eoder mvemnt pnd�grre as faRows: -: -- <br /> �l. Pti�dpd a�d.L�ter�t; 1h+epaya�mt a���tRe�. eorrowa sh�ll P�Y P�Y when due the ' <br /> prinapat of sad inta�st on We de6t tUe Note aad�aY P�Y�nt aod fate chuge4 dne under tise Note. ° <br /> , 2.F1�aIs for Taus aad IuSar�wca Subject to�ppiic�bte 1aw or to a written waiver by[.eu�fer.Bornow�r shaU pay to , <br /> • I,ander cia d�e day m�mhfy payaknts ue due ander thc Note,untit tl�e Note is�id in fall.a snm t"FnMs')for:(a)Yatly nxes <br /> aod s�sseumrnts which may attain priArity ova this Security�nstrument as a lien on the Property;(b}y�arly tnsehotd giyments <br /> �• oc around recxs on the Propezly.if ar�y:(c)Yea�iy harrrd ar ProPertY incur•uue prcminms:(d)yeatiy ftoo�ic�.wrance premiu�, <br /> � if arry:(e)yeulY mortSage.i�r�n�Pnea�iumc.if any:and t�any su�payablt by Borrower to aoeordance with <br /> the prov'�sions of pa�agtapI'�8;in lieu of the payment of mortgage i�uraaoe premiiims.l7�esc items are calted"Fscruw Items." <br /> treflder msy, at any time,coltect and hold Fands in an arnount nat to exceed thc maximum amoanc a tender for a fedetsiliy <br /> �ed mortga�e loaa may roquis for Borrower's�+crow acr.aint under the federat Real Estate Setdement Procedures Ad of <br /> 1974 as ameaded fr.o�n time to time, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et a�q. ("RFSPA`).unless u�other law tisat applies tp the Funds <br /> sets a lesses amowu. If sa.l.tuder any time, vollect and hold Funds in au amo�nt mt m axceed the lesser att�ount. <br /> I.ender may.estimzte the amoant of Funds due on the 6asis of cument data aond`reasonablc e�timates of eaptndiwres of Poture <br /> � F.scrow Itans a otherwise in aococdance with applirabh law. � � ' <br /> 'i'be Funds shall be hdd•in an institutioa wbose deposits are insured by a fedcra[:agetxy..instn�mentaliry: or entity. <br /> (iqctudina L�der,ff Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan i3ank.I.eAder�shalt apply the Fwids w pay thc <br /> Esccow Items.I,ender may not ctrarge Bombwer fur i�olding and appiying the Funds.aru�uaIly analyzing the escrnw aocount.or <br /> verifying the Escrow Items.unless Lxader pays Borrower interest on the Fucxls and applis�trfe law pem►its Lender to malce such <br /> s ch�c�e.Horrever.l.e�rkr may roqnine Borrower to pay a one-time cbarge for an iodeperdedt reat est�te taz repordngrscavioe .. <br /> �std by Leader in connection with this loan, uutess applicable law provides otherwise. Unless ara�ment is made or . .. <br /> applic�ble law roquires interest to be paid;Lender sf�all not be required to pay Bormwer any intetest er;.�s`imings on the Funds. . <br /> ' Borrower and Lender may agree in writing,however.that i�erest shall be paid on the Funds. I.endet��s'iall give to Borrower, <br /> without annual accounting of the Funds, shawin�ccrdiu and debiu to the F�fs and the putpose far:a�ii,�li:eac6 <br /> debit to ti�ee Fw�ds w�e�ade.The Funds are pledged as additiac�al security for all sums�by this Security Inst�im�. <br /> ' If tLe Fands hekt by Lender excced the amoMnts permitted to 6e held by applicable taar,Lender shati accou�to�:�i!�er.•• • <br /> for the excacs Funds ur.accordance with tbe requinments af applicable la�.If the amount 9f the Fun�ts�e1d by I.ender at�::.. .: <br /> time is not sufficiecat���say ilxEscrow Items when due.lxvdes may sonotify�8ormwer inwriting,an3.m such case Borrori�tc:-;. .�, — <br /> sLall pay to Lender�e�tiwuai�sary to make up the de6ciency. Borrowet shall crrate up the deficiency in no�t�an"'•'"' _ <br /> twelve monthly Lender's sole discretion. �' �'�' , � -- <br /> Upon payment�s full of aQ sums secnre�6y this Security Instrus.ent. Lender shall promptly refand to Barfo-her any.`: ..` — <br /> Funds held by L.e�eF'.If,under paragraph 2!,b.c,�r shal l acquire or sell the Property,Lender.prior t4 the acquisition or sate •. _ <br /> of the Property.shail apply any Funds held by L.-�rnier at tlte tscne of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secs�red by �. = <br /> tlt�8 SP.CU[Ityt IILS[RIIDCJIt. � ' , � <br /> 3.Ap�iicatton oi Psymrnts.Unless appliqble Iaw prov'ides otherwise,all paymenu received by Lender under paragraphs = <br /> 1 and 2 sha11 be:ap�Tied: first,to any prepayrt�ent charges due under the N�te;second,to amounts payable under paragraph 2; _ <br /> interest d'r:s;� principal due;and any late charges"dii�under the Note. _ <br /> 4.Cl�arges;�.af�.Borros�ea shall pay atl,char��:.'��.-�es and i!vpositions attributable to tfie Property = <br /> which may attain Froriry ovet dsi�5ewrity Instrument. and leacehold Fa;��!s or�r�rents: if any. Bonower shall pay }_, <br /> these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not p3id irtiftit tr,xnner.�a•rn�.aer shall pay+them on timc dirxtly : <br /> to the perso�owed�yment.Borrower shall�S�?mptly fumish to Lender alI m.�ices of amounts to be paid undcr this paragraph. � <br /> If Borruwer matces t�cse payments directly.Born�'.�er shall promptly fumisli�a Lender receipts evidencing the payments. . • <br /> Boarowerstx^.ID.�:omply discharge any lien�which has pnority over this Security Instrument unl��a Bortower,(a)agrees in - <br /> writinS ca the�rayment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner ec¢eptable to Lender;(b)rnntests in gaod faith the lien - <br /> by.or defends against enforcement of the lien io. legal proceedings whicb in the Lendes's opinion operate W prevent the <br /> enforam�me of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of th�licn an agrcement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to <br /> thia Security Insuucn+ent. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority over ', _ <br /> this Security Instrumer�t.Lender,may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Barrawer shall satisfy thc lien or take one or _ <br /> . mot�e of the acdons set fonh abar�wlthin 10 days of the giving of notice. � _ <br /> • � � ' � Fam 3o2s Also - <br /> . v,oe s or a • . — <br /> . �' �, <br /> . • i3 • • . - <br />