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<br /> . appruval whkfi slwU mt be'u�u�tun�aabty wid�Aeld. If Burtu�ret fiils/o miienio so"va�ga descdbod above,Ladet u�y.�c.
<br /> ` 1.ender�s option,at�in coyer�ge ta�otoct Ltnder�s riahts in tbe Property in acca�oae witA para�aph 7. .
<br /> • . All inswmce poticies�d�ewals shilt be aocept�bk[o[render aad shalf include a stauda�d mortg�ge ctause. Lender
<br /> swll tiave the right to hoid tl�e policies u�d neotw�ts. If Lendan�qa6es.Boriawer shatl P�P�Y 8�va to L.eade�aU t�eceipt� .
<br /> ' of gaid Prert►iums and Rnew�l notices. In the evrnt of Ios�•BOR�OWCf S�1�II$lVC p[OmF[OO4CG W L�1G 1�SIli�11C�pRl���
<br /> t.ender. l.ender mss m�ke proof of toss if uot made P�I�Y bY�Wn. ,
<br /> • Un�l.aides aat!Bottowa uthawise agnee�ia writing.insurance pcocQed.g shall 6e applied m re.aaation a itpair of. .�.
<br /> r the A'opetty.d�ged,,if the trsta[ation,ar repair is eaanomic�ity fqsi6fe and Lendei�s sec�uity is not ks�tned. If the _
<br /> ratanuian ar eepair is not eca�ani�lty fasibk a l�ender�s soc�ity woWd be ksseaed.the insurance praceeds sb�ll be
<br /> apptied to the s�uns secuisd by this Securiry Inswmrn�wlxtt�er or na tl�en due.with any esoess p�id to Botrower. If
<br /> � Ba=nwer�b�odoas t6e P[opttty;ar does not answer within`30 days a natice from Lender that the inau�ce canier has
<br /> ofPe�a!to stuk a cWm.tl�en l,endies may calkct tLe iasatance procads. Lender msjr•.use tbe piocads ta npair or restor+e
<br /> the PropertY ar to pay swas secuted by tiris Seatriry Instn�nt,whetixr or not then due.The 30�day period will6egin when
<br /> � the notice is�tiven.
<br /> tTnksc l.ender aod Bonowa o�}�wisc�neG in writing,any appIication of pmceeds to principal shall rtot exuM a
<br /> postpone the due date of the mont6iy paymerrts zefeaed to itt p�ragraphs 1 and 2 or c�Gange ttte arnont►t of the payments. If
<br /> wider pa�agra�h 21 the P�opeRy is acquind by I.enikkr.Borrower�s right to any insuran�e policies and p�aceeds res�tting
<br /> . fran damage to tde Pmperty prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to tbe extent oC thF sums secuad by this Sccurity _ __
<br /> tnstrwnent immediately prior w the acquisition. � . . . -- -
<br /> f. Ooa�puoc9. Preservadon. Mainteasace aed ProteMion ot the Propeety: BdrroRer's Laqn Appli�atfo¢; ---
<br /> l.�ehWds. Borrowtr shall occapy,estal�is6.and�ise the Property as Barower's principal residence within sixty days after . —_____
<br /> the.execution.of this Security Iastnuneat and shall cuntinue to accupy the Property as Borrower�s principal cesideace for at "--
<br /> k�st one year after the d�e �f ooc�tpatky. unless I.ender athe�wi.ge sg�ee.4 in wriwtg, wluch consent sl�all aot be �-'�=-="_
<br /> �-_--
<br /> un�aconably withheld.or unkss extenoatin8 ci�nnstances exist which are beyond Horrower's control. Bomuwer shall na II�F��.
<br /> destiro pair allow the A+npecty w deteriorate,or commit waste on the Property. Barower shall �-=
<br /> y.damage or im Ehe Ptoperty, �.��;
<br /> be in default if any forfeitare sction or procoeding,wbether civil or criminal.is_begun that in Lender's goud faith judgment . �:'_' —
<br /> could result in forfeitun of t5e Fioperty or otheswise materially impair the Gen created by this Security Instrament or �T�
<br /> . Lender's security intec�est. Boaowa may cure such a defauit and ninstate,as pcovided ia paragraph 18.by causing the action ,:.;
<br /> �����
<br /> or proceeding to be dismissed witD a mling tha�iu Ixader�s gaod faith�atiun,F�eei¢des forfeitwe of tix Bormwer�s �;::;��.
<br /> inceres[ in the Ytc�perty or other material impaimient of the Gen��aeated by this Securiry Insuument or Lender's security �`�'`�=,�•
<br /> interest. Borrower shap also be in default if Borrower. during the loan application pmces.s, gave materialty faLse or `'-�:�'�=��:'--
<br /> it�accurate iaformation or statements to I.ender(or faited to provide[.ender with any material.information)in connection with ."�`��:�=
<br /> . # �q
<br /> , the loan evidenced.by the Note.including, but not limited w, reptesentatioas conceming Barrower's occupancy of the • '_�'�����—
<br /> -.���._..-_�
<br /> Property as a principal residence. If this Savrity instrument is on a tea4ehold,Boaower shall comply with all the provisions `s�'=�<--'-�
<br /> of the lease. If Bormwer ac uues fee title to the tha lesschold and the fee title shaU riot merge uniess II.znder a s ' '�'—"r�'""
<br /> g pi,oPertY• gra �.:_��_=
<br /> to the'merger in writing. ' ��
<br /> lj;.�v
<br /> 7. Protedion ot Ltnder's Rigt�in fhe Property. If Sasmwer fails to perform the covenants az3'agra�neats �.-��,Y
<br /> • contained in this Security I�me�t,ax there is a lega} proceeding that may significantly affect Leader�.i�ghu in the (�..`'�,4�,:
<br /> . � Property(such as a aceedin in b tc . rot�aYe.for wndemnation or fodeiture or ro enforce tows or •ulations)then 'x ~-��
<br /> P� 8 � Y P � 4,,"";"`:F`�',.:
<br /> ' Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary c4 pratect the value of the Ptoperty and L.ender's rights'im�:e Properiy. � ��,�!"�=:'.-�_
<br /> , ., Lender's actions may include pa}�ir�=any sums secured by a lien ahich has prioriry over this Secwity Instrumeat,appearing � fti�:?:?�;�i_�t,�;_,_
<br /> ,�h;�:':,.w�;.,=:
<br /> in court.Qaying reasonabie aaco:�eys'fess and entering on the Ptoperty to make repairs.Although Lender may take action ,�.. _
<br /> under this paragraph 7.Lend:r dces noi have to do so. ���' � •
<br /> My amounts disbursed by I.ender under this paragraph 7 s�ha:!become additianal debt of Horrower secured by this f ' ; ,��
<br /> Security lnstrumen� Unfess Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amoun�c shall bear inte�st from the �,';:: �. ' -:=•,.�.
<br /> date of disbutsement at the Note rato and shall be payable,with interest,upon notice from Lender to Bormwrr mquesting iE�.1� �•• � ��:
<br /> , Pay�� � . �
<br /> - S. Mortgpge Insuranca If Lender reyuired mortgage ins�ance a5 a condition of making the loan secured by this � �-°�-'
<br /> Security[nsteument,Boaower shalt pay rhe premiums required ca maintain the morgage insurance in effect. If,for any r,y..:
<br /> reason. the mortgage insurance coverag�required by l.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Bortower shall pay the z„,;:. � .�` ��.�
<br /> premiums reyuired to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect. at a cost ��•� . , . �.
<br /> j,c,:;';,:,,,', .;':_. '�
<br /> substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of¢'f�c moRgage insurance previously in effect.from an aEc�na2e mortgage ,;�;. °
<br /> �.. incurer a roved b Lender. If substantiall .civa9ent mort aae insurance eovera e is not available.Borrowes shall a to '�+'-���r�' `� •� ��
<br /> PP Y Y� 8� g P Y ,y;;:,:;1:..::; _—.-
<br /> Lender each month a sum equaf to one-twelfth of the yearly moragage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when t:re ��'•, -•. i}�-
<br /> insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in eifec� Lender w;ll aa�epb use and retain tflese payments as a loss reserve iaa 9ie�u 4��.
<br /> of mottgage insurance. Wss reserve payments may no lon�er be�.qaind.at the option of L.ender,if mortgage ins�ec� ' 7 �ti
<br /> t d for the riod that Len�er uires ocided 6 an insurer a roved b Lender a ain becames � .�•. 'y 1'� �
<br /> c o v e r a g e(m t h e a m o u n a n p e re y )p r y p p y 8
<br /> ' available and is obtained.Borrower sha11 pay the pre�ums mquireQ co maintain mortgage insurance in effec�or ta provide a ' . " ' �':i��
<br /> loss nserve.until the requirement for mortgage insurance ends in arcordance with any written agceement betw�een Borr��+er i . • : �. _
<br /> . and LerMer or applicable l�w. ('--:: •. '
<br /> 9. Inspectbn. I.ender or its agent may make reasonab'.t entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender s::ai� f � ;`r;'�:;
<br /> �.. �. , ::, ,�.-,.�
<br /> give Bonower no6ce at the time of or pr�ar to an inspecrion specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. � ,,.:, . .' �;r r.,,-;:
<br /> 16. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages.direct or consequential.in carmection with any ',;;�•�`� :�
<br /> 5in Famil f�ankM�eli�lrcQdieMacUNIFORl111ti5TR4MEN7-•UniformCavenantw 9,'�9 ! ge3o6 tal �,,•,�; ,� ,�� .' . .
<br /> ak v� va I n�x ,C,<,
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