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#' " .�`__:__ —_-- = - - -_-- <br /> _ , . � , ' � ' . . . _ -, . .. <br /> -- _ � � . , . . .� ` <br /> ' . . 1��t$ , <br /> . � �. . _ � - � _ ; ; 94- �. � . <br /> ,�i+o��iir�x�u mo��oo��a�a�xcea�m���y.�a�e�r�,�a�a. . <br /> � ' ��Ili1RK OOrH 0�bR�fEf i�Ct Of!hC Q[�OpC1lj1. 1�1EQ�i0E�1�Yla/d�fiO�S Sbi���Sd bE CWE'lQd by1�US.SCCO[ltrr <br /> <.(RSU111lIdlt. �Of 1�1E f0[C$Olfl$IS!Cf![Rd tD ln 1�115 SCCY[I��i4 if1C�PDDQpt)'� ` , � <br /> . $QjSR�R/��{��A��t�[BOf1�vYEf 1S�YWfUIIJi SCISld OE fj1C ES17tC bC[!�}i CO[IYC���fi3�1C 1�$�1�W$�I <br /> �nd oonvty the�vperry and tl�at the P�ope�ty is une��cum6e�Q.exap�t for encws►brmces of rxocd: Barmwer wacraots and ' . <br /> ' "will defentt geoeallY the t�tk w tLe Plmpe�tY a8�inst all cl�imc aod dern�ncls.sab,ja�to ar►y encumb�ts af recad <br /> � ' �' _THIS SECIJRITY II�ISTRUMENT aombines uNform coveoartts fa r�tional usE u+d nai-unifottu coven�nts arith , <br /> limite�v�riatians by jurisd'�ctioa to oonsdtuCe a untffonn socucity insuumcnt caveiing reai�+roperty - <br /> � tJNIf�R1Vi QOVENANTS.Boriawer and Lender covenwt a�nd'agrcc as faAows: <br /> � l. P�1ant d PeLcipsi asd Lte�t:PrspltY�t aad Late Cd�raes Bonoaer sliail P�PUY PaY wl�en due the _ <br /> �p�cipal af aod intefcest on the debt evidencM by the Note and anY P�P�Y�nt aud 1au�dne under ihe Note. ' <br /> • `.2. .FTi�is far 7Lzes a�d Iasaaoea S�bjaot m applicabla law or to a written waiver y Le�der.Barowa shaU pay to, <br /> Lender an dre day morrthlY WY��aze due under ihe Notc.unhi t6e Note is paid in full.a sum C'Funds"1 for.(a)yeulY <br /> taaes iod ps�c�•�r�whicb may attain priority over ihis Saurity Instr�unent as a lirn on the Propaty.tD)Yea�rlg IeaseltoW <br /> PsY��8��tetns on the Ptopeity, �f aaY: (c)Yeu1Y 1�za�d�p�p�Y���Q P'0miums: (d)Yar1Y flood <br /> incunnce piemiums.�f any: (e)Y�Y�Se��e premiwns.if any:and(tZ anY�ums PaYa61e by Bomawer w <br /> � l.endar,in accorAance widt tt�e Da►visioas of parag�aph 8,in lieu of the�y'ment.of mortgage insurance pfertuams- Tl�se <br /> items an called"Escrow Items." Lender any timc,wltect and hoid tvnds in an anwunt nnt ta exaed the inaximum <br /> au�a�mt a[ender for a f�alty related wa[gage loan may requue far RarrowcY s esecow accoimt under the federal Real <br /> gstate S�te�nt proc�dim�s qct� -,�'!4,as amended from time to time.12 U.S.C.$2601 et.s�q.("RESPA"),unless another <br /> laa�tbat�pQties tu tlu Funds setc�;��r a,mq��.,Lender any time,eoUoct and hold Funds in an amount.not to <br /> ' excxd the lesser amoant Lender may��b�We amoant of Funds due on the basis of cuRent data and rea5orabte . <br /> esdtnrtes af e��pe�xditunes ot'fiit�tre Egctaw Iiencs or otherwise in accardaace with applicabte law. � . <br /> Tl�e Funds sha;11 be held in an instttudon.whose deposits are incured by a federal aS�Y•����`•��� . ` . <br /> • (iacluding Latder,if Lender is such aa instiwtion)or in'any Fedetai Hane Loan Bank. Lender shail apply the Funds to�y. . <br /> d�e Escmw Items.. �.ender may not chuge Borrower for hold"utg and applying tT�e Fw�ds,annually analyaing the es�mw <br /> aocAUnt,or verify�:.�lie Esccow Items. unless Lender pays Bartovi�;�;tteoest on the Funds and applicable law pemiits f <br /> (,endes to make s�,'�-cl�arge. However,Lea�r may require Botroaer�`pay a one-time charge for an independent real <br /> estsfe iax repor[ing�xvice used bg l.ender in cau�ec6on with i�is loan,��s applicable law provides othetwise. Untess an. . •,;:.:7- <br /> agc�eement is made or applicable law requires interest to be paid,�Lender siraIl�ot 6e required to pay BoROwer any intcrest ar <br /> eamings oa tbe l�ads. Bomuwer and l.ender nlay agree in writing.however.that inieTest shall be paid on ihe Funds. Lender _ - <br /> shall give to Bormwer,without annuai acconnting of t6e Funds,shawing cmd'its and de6iu to the Funds and the _ <br /> purpose for wluch eacb debit to the Funds aas made. The Fimds ace pledg+�f as ad�iuc�ral security for ail sums secured by <br /> this Se¢iuity Instr�meM. � . <br /> ` ' tf t6e Fundc heid by Lender eaceed the amoonts permitted to be�e�d by app�icable law..i�`�•shall accouat to <br /> �,'�r;:,!. <br /> Bormwer for zhe excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable Ia�i.; If the amoutit'o€1t�te Funds held bY <br /> . �:mder at any time is not suf�CCient to pay the Escrow Ite�ns v��xn due,Lender may'su notify Borrower:in ai�$,�d,ln , <br /> '.,�,, such c�se Basrowtr shall pay to Lender the azaount n�to malce.up the deficiency. Bomoavei�shall.�ce:,s�:the <br /> . deficiency in no more than tweIve monthly Len�tr's sote dis�etion. ` :;:. - <br /> �. Upon payment in full of all sums secuced by ti»s Security lnsuumeqi,Lender shall promptiy refwnd to.8aidw�;s a�y' ' <br /> Funds held by l.ender. If,under paragraph��;�.ender shall acyuire or sell the Property,l.ender,prior'to the acquls�ivn or , <br /> sale of the ptoperty,shall apply any Fundt held by Lendes at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against ttta.sums _ <br /> secured by this SECUrity inswment. - <br /> � 3. Applkation o�PAyments. Qntess applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under • , <br /> ' paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firs�to any prepayment chazges due under the amounts payable under = <br /> �•:��;'` paragraph 2;third,to interest due:fourth.m principal due;and last,to any late ci�arges due under the Note. .- <br /> 4. C6sr`es;Lkas. Borrower shaU pay al! tazes.assessmenu. charges, f,nes and impositions atuibutable to the . <br /> Property whlch may attain priority over this Securiry Instrument.and leasehold paymenu or ground ren�s.if any. Borrower - <br /> shall pay these obligations in ti�e mannes provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Boaower shall pay them on <br /> time directly to the person owed payment. 8orrower shall gr�ptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid�ader <br /> • this paragraph, If Hrnrower makes these paF-�rnu direc:�y'.�vrmwer sE�a�t promptly fumish to Lender neceipts evj��:ei�g <br /> the payments. � <br /> • . Borrower st�:prompdy discharge any�eam whict�fi.�;p.�asity aver this Security Instrument untess Borrower:(a1 z� <br /> in�a��aiting to the payment of the vbligadon secaiied by tt�e iia�ia a manner acceptable to Lender:(b)contests�n good�-,`�the . <br /> Uen�y.or defends against enforcement of the lien in,i��eeedings which in the LenAer�s opinion o�erate to p�.:�at the <br /> enfflrcement of the lien;or(c)secures from tl�e holder�of¢i��`Fien an agceement satisfaciory to Lendet subotdinating 1he lien <br /> � to this Security InstrumenG if Lender detertnines that any gart of the Propeny is sutiject to a lien whic�may attain priority <br /> ovet this Securiry Inswment,l.ender may gice i$orrovicea a natice identifying the I ien. Borrower shalt�atisfy the lien or take <br /> ., ts�r dr more of the actions set ferth above wit�no t0 days u�6 c&�e giving of nodce. �� <br /> . ;�i, Huard q�prop�eR�b�suranca Bora�ower s!haUD k�p the improvemenu now existing or hereafter erected on the - <br /> • �cwp�aty insured against loss icyfre.hazards inCluded wi��:.�the term"extended coveray�"•and any other hazards,i-sluding <br /> tloods or tloodia�.for which Lender This insutance sfia11 be ma�mained ia the amounts,and for the . <br /> � . ,: . <br /> . ' � • � Fan�302� �ll0 /PaRr 2 oj6 pagea) <br /> , . � ', <br /> + � �. � <br /> . . . , <br /> ,r . .. . <br /> - rr ,. <br />