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==� i __ .. . c . - r G :. -.. <br />. T_,._-._ __ 1 _ —_ " .. -. <br /> �...r .�td�._.=`� .` . _. ( ' � ` � . . .. . � <�`_���, ` .. . . . ( � t�.. <br /> G _. . _ . . . . �. ' . � . ,����� �� , � <br /> ,3. ��''���0l. �lt'l�D�lf����10�R1'Y�IIE�{IIQIP �Q�L'!l�,�lOCM��1�6.- <br /> Pirop�artY iu�ned api�t k�s_b�fi�, hr�incirded widw�tre iRem'e�ieaded oa�ren�e'aod a�r oll�a l�raedi.`i�ic�.'. <br /> , ` floods or tloodinj, for w6ich�.ender��oqui�x im�ce.This iowranoe ahaU bc p�intained in H�e amomits l�nd for We pariods ' . <br /> . tWt I.ader cequitrs.Tbe inwrance ca�rier pmvidie�Wa imur�nc�e rMli be c�osa�Isy Bormwer subject tv[.eader`s appno�val. <br /> ' whic�ah�1t na 6e unr�easoe�bly witi�hetd, If Hor�ovver fu'Is ta m�ain ooveiage deacn'bed a,bova Lander mry,at l�eodrt's <br /> , qRioo:obaiq oovetaae to�dect ltnder's rights�in ihc P�opetty m�eo�d�uoe widt pa�gtaph 7.� � , <br /> 1411 ins�uaiocee poiicla�od eeoe+�rals sMl1 b�a�oGphdie w•L�nder aod ab�t1 iurlude s standu�mort�e.elao�. Lande� � . <br /> �shtlt tnva tba sf�t to boW t1�e golicies��eorals.If�xier tr�qams,Borci�w+er sLail pmmpttx give to ltader a11 raoeipts� ` <br /> P�P��aad noe�v�l aotioes:tn tbe eveat of loss.Bamwec�11 aive plampt notica w tl�e iasutmoa cutier aod L-aider. ' . <br /> `t.eaaa m�►��ire pr�of or wss if poe mde p'�P�r�I►Eoee�ra• . , ._ . _ <br /> Unkss I�eadec�od Bocm�ver athecMrise��ree'in writiug,ia�arxc proee�ds s1W1 b�apptiad to�totition or repur of 16e <br /> P'topettY d�n�ed,if dre�tar�tion or zep�ir is�iy fa�aible�nd tendes's 3oca�ity is mt fe�eoad.if d�e�ratoation ar <br /> npnr is not eoonomic�Ity fas�bta or i.eoder's sxurity w�otiW be�insaraop�piuoecds sMl!be applied to the aams <br /> secueed by t6is Sewrity Inso�umeat, �v6etLer or not thdi due,with�ny eutat paid to Borrrnver. If BoRO�rrt abaudoos 1f� <br /> � Propaty.or does not aaswer within 30 days a mtice 8nnaa L�oder tTnt the ins�uaooe nrrier bas offaod to aettle s claim.dim <br /> Leader may collect tbe inturnnct pnoaeds. I,end�er may nse the proaeds to i�ep�ir or zestore tUe Pc�o�atty or to pay sums <br /> sea�red by dus Sea,rity imuounet►t,whaher or not r�,due.�['he 3oday paiod wiu tiogia.vhea rhe notiae is givaa�. <br /> -� Unt�ss I.endes 9ad Bormwer othawise agroe in virriturg.any applic�tiae of prac�eeds to principal s1uU nat ext�ad ar . <br /> � postpooe iLe due date of d�e�Awnthly pnyinarts neferred W in parap�hs I aad 2 tsr chaaae We amo�e of the pryma�ts.If _ <br /> - u�der p�gr�ph 21 the Propecty is accjaired by Lender,Borrower's rig6t to aay u�anx policia ud prooeeds s�autting from <br /> damage to the Pmpeity�ar ta the acquisipan��ss to I,ender to tbe eatent of the sum�sec�tted by this Sa�rity I�n�a�, <br /> immedi�uety prior to acquisitian. ` :`i` � � ` <br /> � 6.Oat*p�ey,Ytr�e�tios.�i�e a4d 1'�rofatlos o[tLe Aopaty;So�s+ri�=�'k`�.an App�iqr,I.eiluioli�. <br /> Bonuwer shili aocapy,.�17aD.�n3�tl�e ptup�3y�s Bonowa's principal.. .:�afdeppe vvit�'tiu siaty drys.�fta t6e execution of <br /> this Security I�;�'sh�ll ooatinue to oo�iy tf�e Property as Borsovvae°:s.,�p�+clpal msiden�e f�`��e�st ase yar aftu ' �:i:': <br /> the date of occupan�y;�ess I.ender otherwise agras in writiag,which coast�'.s'h�ll not 6e unreasoir�?'m�3��vith6eld,ar unle3s� , ':: <br /> exten�`.�eiram�res`exist which az+e beyorid Borrower's oontiol. Bomower sialj not de.u�+oy,`�g�or ic�%�.t�,,"�`c,',:�`'�. <br /> Propeit;,r;i�:�iw the�erty to deterio�ate,or oommit waste on the Ptoperty. Botrowtc shall be in de`�,au.,'�t_if any:�ai��e . • <br /> xtion rir'�mceqdiag;v4�5ether civil or criminal,is begun that in Leader's good faith judgmart ooWd res�:.�a fatfett�iq�the <br /> Property•or aherwise�aterially impair the Gen eneatod bq this Seeurity Insuument or Lender's sauriry i�.Boccoaef may . <br /> • cure sucb a defai�lt and ninstate,as providod ia pasag� causing the action or prooxding to 6e dismissed with a n�lin& . <br /> that. in��nder's good fait6 determination.procludes forfeiture of the Bormwer's intcrest in the Propetty or od�er mnterla! , <br /> ' impairm�rt of the lien creatat by this Security Instrument or Lender's sa:uriry inurest. Borrower shall also 6e in default if • <br /> Bortawcr,duriAg the loan application pmcess.gave maurially false or inacauate infarmation or aAr�^ts to Lender(or failed <br /> — � pmvide Lender witbi ariy material infom�ation)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note.inctad'utg,but tat limitod <br /> �ro.n:presentations iaaa�ing&�rrower's oaupancy of the Prnperty as a pcineipaE sesidenee.If this Socu�i�+j tn�trument is on a . <br /> � - _— "' �leasehold. Borrower stia]1 comply with all the pmvisions of the leace. If Borrower acquires fee tiUe m the Property, the•. : <br /> =v�.r�� leasehofd and the fee atTe sha11 not merge uniess Lender agrees to the merger in writing. <br /> ---�,�; 7.Ptotectioa olLender's Rtgdts ia the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreemeats contaiRed in. <br />=�:--�;;�`���� this Security Insuument.or there is a legal proceeding that may signifccandy affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a <br /> -- proceeding in bankruptcy,pro6ate.for mndemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulatians).then Lender may do and <br />__-__�_."'�� pay for whatevcr is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender s rights in the Property. Lender's actions rr�y <br /> -- `-���:�'-�� include paying any sums secured by a tien which has priority over this Securiry Instrumen� appearing in court, paying <br /> �-�'�=n�`'��.'�'-;�'��' reasanable attameys'fees and entering on the Praperty to make repairs.Although Lender may take acdon uader this paragraph <br /> :�����_�''`r<;� 7.Lender does not have to do so. , _. <br />_�..=��t-,:;� .. <br />:_,��_,j_�:�,�.� Any amounts disbursed by l.ender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Be�r�ower secured by this . <br /> --`_-`'` ' Security Instn�ment. Unless Boaower and l.ender agree to other temis of payznent,these amounts shalC• '�ar interest from ihe _ <br /> '�����,�;�,;_ 'date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, with ioterest, upon notice from Lender to Sorrower requesting ' <br /> _`='�`-'�_i"�?r,';ii� j13yII1CQl. <br /> �-�=�{-��: 8.��fgage L�»ance.lf Lender.rtquired mortgage insurance as a candition of making the loan secured by this Savriry <br /> �-�``'{''�� lnsuutner+, Borro��r s5all pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. �or arry reason. the <br /> _�; ,_��.. . <br /> —_�LL r, � mortgage insurance et+S��mge required by L.ender lapses or ceases in e�E�.Horrower shall pay the p��iums requirod to <br /> "`':►'�'°`� obtain coverege substabtialty equivalent to the mortgage insurance previausiy in a wst substantiaity equivalem to the <br /> _�.;:1.:i;;..•.•. <br /> — �k.��LL�;:,:..,•. ' wst to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previausly ln effect. from ao alterrtate mongage insuret approved by Lender.If <br />—_-�:'��-�;��� '•' substantially equivalent mortgage insurance wvernse is not available,Borrower shull pay to Lendcr each month a sum equal to ' - <br /> _....�?-;�: <br /> ___�.�-'_{?'__ , o�n-twelfth of the yean�3�mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower whcn the insurance covee�:,�lapsed or ceased to <br /> —__.__._.__ . be in effect.Lender w��1 accept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in•lieu af martgage ice..carance. Los.c reserve . <br /> ---- . Fatm 3028 9l90 " <br /> - - Pape 3 018 ' � , <br /> �� — <br /> �i..s .�,�-� "�4.. . � �,'�'�L �.. <br /> � 1 ,. <br /> .==Mi.�-,�,�w T�i� t�, z -.a��'J . <br /> .— -�'{ T +.`' <br /> '�; fi 7.� 's�-�s <br /> -'-�`t 1 � �.�r� '�" --°" <br /> � ��av'- - . - --- ��-- =- .�..T`.vF - �vx .�^-: <br /> - -•-• <br /> , � <br /> • , . .+i <br /> —. .�u�:...'Fi ♦ .. , . - - . ni . <br /> . <br /> _�__._. ' - � <br /> . _ .:..._ .• <br /> �_� _--�_x'- . . . � . .. - � .. . ' - _-�"`- ' - _. . - -- . . <br />