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<br /> . . `.��i �. ; ' , , ' . . " . . �,. _ . , �.. ,,. .. r' ,. � t. ' ; . . .
<br /> i� ` . _ . � � � � .. . � � _ _ .. _ . . '. � . : . �� � _��� . . : ,• << .
<br /> � ,TOGBYl18R�II[t7i aH f1�t ii�p�!wbwelr��raw air tiwi�w�Md aq�pn+�ety�a�i�II:Ni�e�r:�S:�,<,� '�
<br /> �1i�a�oi�►ai ir�i�w�er s prt�of dia r+a�rty. Alt t�Gpaoeis<ri�i:aiiWac� tla be ar�led Iy►.t��oaeYS►.� ;.
<br /> 4. <I�i�e:�►tt�otd�.taK�oi�i���.��,��i.s.a�riry��et,rt�e'lrapeety.•._ �. : - . '
<br /> � OOItROiNER QOVENAHTS d�t 8am�wet i�InvlWly�ei�ed d d�e at�e 6a�eb�►oQwe�rad�od Ms tbe ri�1M to'�t i� ` .` .,
<br /> � .�aaarry�he�ropeny�ad tl�t the Prnpetty is�ed.e�oept!or-o�oet a�'�eoanl.�orrawr�r watnaef�d.�
<br /> a�a�y uKew��a�r�y,�.0���a ae�na..�x b■!s►��`-�a�_. .' � � .
<br /> . TFtrs sBCUI�r nvsTlcaM�I'cort�e�m�rn�m covaw�w ra�oo�l w��ea mnareir«aa oov�.�h,t;a�ea
<br /> � vsri�onc�Dy�aioa�w coeetiates naiform ie�ity iaMtw�ait covsdr�+a1 P�P�Y� ` � :
<br /> � ON�DRM tAVENANI'S:8ur:o�ver apd Is�deir oa�awit ind aPae�s fdbws= , - '� . ��
<br /> � ��,!lryae�t�t ltVet�l all�L�t�ti�lQ1�t�i Ltle C�E►Bocra�rrr�hd!pcomrxlY paY w4en dne We_ .
<br /> principtl of aad intarat ao the dd�c evideacad by d�e No�a�ad any.p�e�psymait aod We�cha�es de�unda the l�Fate., .
<br /> 2.F1�i far Taus a�d Lwea�oe.Subjac�to�PDlic+bk Lrv or w a rviitoen w�iva by I.adri.�Acxrwver ah�U pay�ta
<br /> I.�nder oa�e dsi'�Y P�+oe�due ueder tha N1a1t.�end1 d�e Nane is p�c!ie fuli._�um('Funds'}far. (�lractY qza
<br /> . �ad awtatmeats�rAich nry�in prioriry avec this Secvrity?a�ument as a lien on�e Prohe�ty:(b)Y�Y�P!Y� �
<br /> or Snoond raw ao tbe P�uparty.if aay:(c)YeadY htx�t+d oc p[opest�t i�suraooa p�;{d)Ye�rly Sood�ranoe�i�s.
<br /> . if.mY:(e�Y�Y mottg�e i�uzaooe pmnioma,if my;and(�anY sut�pa3►abk bY Bon�a�w l�ander.irt axor�noe�ilh �
<br /> � tbe provisions of puag�aplt 8,in lieu of tAe payment af mortpge iawtaaoe pnemiutns.These itans are p!{ed'Faccox"I�em�.' . .
<br /> , Leoder mry,�t�ury dme. coUect and bold Funds in aa Amom�t mt to e�coeed ti�e muimam amouat a Imder far s fedat�lty
<br /> nel�tad mottg�ge lan miy nequim for Bocmwer's esetow�oeou�tmder tl�e faterrld Real FstKe S�ttlema�t,Prooeduns Act of .,
<br /> 1974 ab�llldOd f1�Dm�iIOC to t1me� 12 U.S.C.Sa�ion 26Q1 a arq. ("RESPA')�lU1�CS6�lavY ibi�a�11lCS t0 tbls FWfld� ; '
<br /> seta s kuer unoa�rt. If so, i,ender�y,�t any time,ooltect aid lwld Fwtds in an amount not to exoeed the kssa�momit. ,
<br /> i,ender may�e tl�e amount of Fw►ds dua oa du basis of carrent data�nd�omble estimues of expeadimres of futuce
<br /> F�Itea►s a atberwtse in aocordance with applicabte l�w. ° • `
<br /> ;:•.`•�'�;'be F��ods sf�U be held ia an institutton wLose deposits m inwc+od by�t fedetsl agetwy. �wa�ity. a' eadtY .
<br /> (i��ipf�eg Ixnder..if LeMer is su�h an institwion)or in aay Fadzt�l Horoe Loatn Bank.Lender a1,�t�app1Y tbe Fwds a pay.ie�e
<br /> Escrow Iteias.�a,�cier mey not charge Bo�mwer for holding aod applying the Funds.anmially anAlyzmg tlie esemw a000uat,.or
<br /> , verifying the F.scrow Items,unlass l.ender pays Borrower intaest ou the Fu�ts and applicabte law pennits Lader w m�lce sucli
<br /> a ci�arge: �iowever,l.ender inay reqnire Bormwer to pay a ano-time ci�arge�r`auu independait nai esiate tu reportipg savla
<br /> ased by.l,eoder in connoctiat with this loan, tuiless,appllc�ble law pcoviitees dtheEwise. Unless an ag�+amait is made'or
<br /> applicable law t�cquitrs�to be paid.I:ender shall not 6e required to PaY Borrower any inter�est or earnings on tbe Fimds.
<br /> . Borrower atid Lender may agree in wriang. however.that interest sfiall be paid on the Funds. L,ender slu�ll give to Borrower, .
<br /> ' witLout chuge,an annual accarnting of'the Funds,slwwing credits aad dcbits to tt�e Funds and the Rurpose for which exh
<br /> deb�:�o the Funds was�ti3de:The Ftu�ds are pledged as additional socuriry for all sums.sqcured by this Sa:urity Iautuma�� ' �
<br /> ; ':�the Funds held lry L.eader exaed the amounts permiti�d to be hdd by applica6te law.Lender shall aceo�mt�o�orrower '
<br /> ' fut�t�e a�cess Fwxts in accordanae'with the roquirements of�pplicable�aw-.If tLe snnam't oF the Funds hcld by,t�der at�ay
<br /> ;, � ' Hmc i�not su�cient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender tnay sa ma�tp Bocrowei in wrjting,and;in suCli i�t Bor�ower•.:
<br /> -- sT�atl p1y to Leridei�t6e amo�nc�ressa�Y to make up the de�iciency. Hoxidwes shall malce up the de,�i�eiency in no more t�aiii.°,.:
<br /> -- — tweive monthly payments.at.I;e�der's sole discretioa.
<br /> -__--- ��lpon payment in full qf ail sums secured by this Security Instrument, Les�der sHall promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> =__=_- _ Funds held by Lender.If.undes paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or se11 the Property;L.ender,pcior to the acquisition or sate
<br /> -
<br />