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.`. .. T,_^� ;,.�' ,� �. .. . .� . � 4� --� <br /> �." J!; <br /> 1•, <br /> , . � . . ...: , <br /> . .��'.. �� � � ' . . .... <br /> - .. <br /> . <br /> r4.. �.:' " �' �r'^� <br /> __ . _— _ . -Y°� _ -- -tr. —.�_'__ _.,_'.'_______.___ �,. _-__ � <br /> r.... �. = t.'1� . . � . . . . , . . _ - . ., �. <br /> - . ` �: � � , ,. . < < . � ... � � ` 94- i��s: Y �. � . �� , <br /> - � '�oasii�O�R wnx.0 e�e impovanmts�m,u a�ieat�er aa�lea ae ttie p�pai,►.,.d au�«uma�s,�t�a�,,° � <br /> aad fixlmes mw a�6eeeaher a p�t of tbe pmpaty. A11 repiaame�s�od ad�tjQas ab�ll�iso be oovaed'by t�is Secu�ity ,' <br /> � In�nm�art.AL af the fa�oitl��t tefaied to in tbis Seca�iry Ir�u�enc ss the»Pcopaty• ,` . <br /> . � Hc�RxowEx ca�@rwNTS c1ac.B«rower is taarfuuy s�ea of a�e estue haeb�r aonveyoa aaa tns.tba riBhc w g�aat <br /> and caavey 8�e ftopeity and t6at 1be Piopacty�Lt imeonimbened.exapt forenc�m6nnas of�ecold. Baroaer warsnts aad <br /> .Y;11 aefena aeneauy me 6tk w d�PenQeicy a�all cl�i��oa aem�nas.wtijecc to my eacumaaoces of ncoN. <br /> THIS SFCURTTY INS!'RI1�EN1'�aao6�n�c unifa�covanants fa natiowi use.aod nni�-uoiform covao�ots with <br /> � limotted vmiuiaas by jurisdiction to cansriwte a aniform seanrity ins�vmenf covering teal propeny. , <br /> , tJNIPORM OQVF.NAN'IS. Bo�nwaaod I.eader cava�aat�nd agcae as foUows: � . <br /> l. Rjaeat atPrLe�pN aud 1�teYa�Piip�7aeat aoi Late CWrsn. Boaower.shail P�'a�Y WY wDen doe t6e <br /> ' prioeip�l of�od intaest on the debt evidet�ced by t6e Note md any p�epayment�od lue chargac due nnder t6e Natc. , <br /> t. #�S ibe 7�ioa�d Iea�ae.Subjecc m applic�bk Iaw or w a wiitten waiva by I�Wer.8on�wa st�li pay w � <br /> - I.ead�er oo th�daY�Y PaYa�s ac�e.d�under tbe Note.uaW the Nate is paid ia folt,a sam("Fmds°)foc:ta}Y�Y <br /> ta�ces aad asse.tstneats wLich may s�in priariry over this Socmrity Ia�meiu u a lien on tbe Pmp�(h)YearlY te�.cehuld . <br /> ptyments a ground nats ou dre Property, if aay; (c)Y�Y��P�P��Y� P�'�; (�Y�Y flood <br /> insiu�uce premiwns,if any; (e)Y�Y�8a8��P'�� ��►Y.�(��Y�WY�Ie by Boaower w , <br /> - Leodeti in eccad�ct with the pmvisinas of paragaph S,in lieu of tha payment of mo�tgage insutance pnemiams 1lyese <br /> iums ace called"Fscmw Iums." Lender any time.sollax and hold Fimds in an amo�nt not to excoed the amximum � <br /> amouat a teo�kr for a federally ceiated moitgage laan may requi�for Boaowe�s escrow account under.the federal R�ea2 - <br /> Estate Setilement:Ptviceduees Act of 1974 as ameudod fnam time to tim� 12 U.S.0¢2601 a seq.("RFSPA',unless anotha <br /> - taw that applies w tt�e Fiu�ds sets a tesser amaah� If so,Lender may,at aay tinre,�.roltert.and 6o1d�nds in an atnount aot to <br /> exaed the ksser aenount Lender atay estimate the azaonnt of Tunds dpe��.�basis of cumtnt data and irasonabk <br /> �of espendiWnes of fahae Fscraw ltemc or od�wise in xcord�no�:v�nt2iag�cabte 1��:; �. <br /> 7Ue�imds s1ia11 be held ia an institudoa wbose deposits are insiu�iI�`a��r�1 aSc�s:-�''::�stiumeatalit}r.or entity <br /> , ('including Lender,if Leode�is sucb an institiwrion)or in any Federal Home Loan�r3c: I.e�sRa12 apply t�ie.�nds to PaY <br /> tbe Esc[ow Items. Lender may not charge Bomowet for hoidin8�aPP�B�'�'�t:�yanalyzi�g.lbe escrow <br /> acxoant,or verifying the Fscmw Items.�mtess Leuder pays Borruwer intenst on tLe P4�.s�:d applicable taw permiu <br /> - ' I�ender to malce sucb a cbuge. However.L.ender may nquine Botrower to pay a o�-tims s�^x for an indepeudeat neal <br /> • estate taa m�po�ting service nsed by I.ender in connecuon with tbis lo�nn,unless appTicable tacv pr�iides ottierwise. Unless aa <br />_ agreement is made or applirable law requ'ues intenest to be paid,Leader stiall not be required to pay Borrower aay interest oi <br /> ;:;•:+earnings on tfie F�nds. Barower�d Lender may agree in writing,howevet,that interest shail be paid oa the Funds. Lender <br /> •.�:�:�s�ali give to Bomower.arithout annual acconqting of the Funds,shoiving credits and debifs to the Fac�ls and ttie <br /> •.`.'pwpose far wlrich each debit to the Rmds was made. The Funds are pledged as addiaoaal security for all sums'•'secured by <br /> thic Sa�riry Inst�umen� • <br /> 1f the Punds t�eld by L.ender eaceed the amounts pemiitted to be held by applicable law,I.ender shall account to <br /> Bomnwer for the excess Funds in flecordance with the tequirements of appGcabte law. If the amount of the Funds held by <br /> Leader at aay tuae is not sufficieat to pay the Fsccow Items when due,Lender may so notify Bomnwer in azit'sng.and,in � <br /> ' soch case Bormwer shall pay to i.ender the amormt necessary to make up the deticiency. Borrower shatl malce up the <br /> .:r deficiency in au more t6an twelve montlilY Lender's sote discretioa <br /> }� � •��`� Upon p�yment in full of all sums secured by this Seruriry lnshumen�Lcader shall pmmpdy refund to Borrower any <br /> ; • - ,,,. _ � _ <br /> � �:�.<;:,� ,_��,_� Funds held by L.ender. If,under paiagraph 21,Lender shall acguire or sell thc Property.Leade�prior to the acquisitioa or = <br /> { �,�, F..��. L� sale of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the tirne of acquisiti�an or sale as a credit against tl�e sums = <br /> :�"�`��.�:-• ' serured by tlus Securiry Inswment = <br /> _r.� ., f;. . ,, . . <br /> '�" '�,;��p�' ,y�' ' �. Applicatbn of Pt�yments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise. aIl payments received by Lendcr under = <br /> - �;:�;. , ;; paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firs�to any prepayment charges due underthe Nae:secnnd,to amounis payable under _. <br />��' ° �.:�" paragraph Z;third,to interest due:foucth,to principal due;and las�to any late charges due under the Note. `- <br /> - .r�`''' -` . CDarges;I.teas. Borrower shall pay all taxes,assessmeats, charges, fines and impositions attributable to the _ <br /> `�'t"'� Pro which ma attain riori over this Securi Instrumen�and leasehold a nts ar und renu,if an Bonower - <br /> "•Y r PenY Y P tY tY P Y� 8� Y- :� <br /> ..y�� �'?" ` ~- .�. shall pay tl�ese obligations in the manner provided in�+►aragraph 2,or if not pnid in that manner.Bomower shait pay them on <br /> ,;� ;j,,f, , .,., ara <br /> .�a •� :- ,. �.. time directly to the person oked paymen� Borrower slnad prompdy fumish to Lender all notices of amounts tQ 6e paid under � <br /> :t' ' {. ` �.;=;" this paragraph If Borrower makes these paymenu directiy.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing = <br /> �'' _i �", the PaYments• = <br /> ' '"'' n''� ' . �` Borrower shall rom dischar e an Iten which has norit over this Securit lnstrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees <br /> ��x:��;_;� = <br /> . ��;•••r`r_F>.;;-i in writing to the paympent othe obligadon secured by thc lien in a manner acceptable to l.ender.(b)contesu in good faith the ° <br /> ._ �-;��r;.:� lien by.or defends against e�forcement of the lien proceedings which in t6e Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enforceme�t of the lien:a�a fc)secures from the holder of the lien an agreemem satisfactory to Lender su6ordinating the lien <br /> �� --- -�'�'"�` to this Securi lnstrumer.�. If Lender determines art of the Pro � ` <br /> ty y p perty is subject to a lien which may attain priority L_ <br /> '�" over this Saurlry lnstrument,Lender may give Botrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower s�a11 satisfy the lien or take � <br />;';is _,t� •.'•"_ oae ar more of tlie actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. , _ <br /> - -,•.�.,- S. �rd or Pr�e�ty l�urance. Bomower shall keep the now existing ar�r•,x�ftes erected on the • �;; <br /> • ����_•+ Property insured againsc��.��ay fire,hazards included v�ithin the term"eatended am�erage"and any�:.�es{r�.ac'd3,including �;:: <br /> '' � ttoods or flooding,for��>a"';I.e:�er requires insurance. This insurance shatt 6a�mairttained in the .ar.uu��.and for the ° <br /> �'= i'at�31� l/�i fpaSe?oJ6pageal = <br /> + , . <br /> — -_ ._ _ __ - — ---- - --- —_ _ __ —_ <br /> �f�-'� V ^ �� — <br /> � 'i� �� .�.. _— <br /> -�yi'Ni� - L. 1� _ <br /> j'"�t�rt �_.��i'b'f .,.::�-�'":�'y" � <br /> — .}1a.L.....a.. _ . <br /> .�' .. . - T I! ~.: '!'iA �,.�.. �'��!'71F'Ri4'�7Rj S��'.�. <br /> — _� ' . � . .�. t, � .i.l" . <br /> _ =nt�!.aL�'!._.i.. . ' • ' . ' . � _._TI �_�b3E;�!�"3,'2-:'� ., .. . . � _. ,. . <br />