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. . ... . . \_ .•l�i'_ '- <br /> _¢ . � ' ' t , i-i ___._.� <br /> T'y <br /> . ' �.�__"'�.�-'_"" ". . ..__ <br /> .`�'_ �"-:__. - . -..�-:-.��-�. <br /> � . ' . ' ! < . .. . � . . . � . <br /> _ .� . _ ._ . . . 94- �ooa�o � �-� � � <br /> '. P�.�t L�a�der�eq�. 7Ue;�ru,a c�r p�vvi�t�e i�aoe ah.n be cho.«�by Ba�v�a anbje«m l.�da1� . <br /> �. appowat which aot be unieasaowHiy�vit�etd. 1f Boma�d�tis to ieaItwin covera�e described a6a+re.I.ender <br /> ' . :L,a�derb option.obt�n c.orer�e to pro�ect Lender�d�6ts in tha P�ope�ty in si�cordacwc with prr�gnph T. <br /> � AU i�u�noe policies�md ee�eaais s6�i16a aooepnble to Lendet aad sd�U iuctude,s st�nd�nd mo�ga�e ct�wse: Laoder <br /> sh�ll hsve the�gbt to buW the policles aad[eaew�. If Leader�oquiies.Bqrnower slWi p�oimptiY Bive t�Lender ali naipts <br /> � of p�id prcmiums and c+enevirit aaices. IA the enent of tass.Barower sh�il give qanpt cwtice w the insu�nce cuaier�u�d <br /> � L,ender. Lender mag make p�oof of toss if nat m�de pcompdy by Borrower. � � � � <br /> Unlas l,ender�nd Ho�tower ot2serwise agee in writing,iacuaace pcocads shali ae spQikd w nstoration or npa'u of <br /> tbe RnQesty dam�god. if the iestoration a repair is eoonomicalty feas�bk and LeMer�secaiity is not tessene�. If tht <br /> � test r,t; iepeir is noc ecoaom;cauy rasiblE ur I.eaaerl�sec�ulry wouta ne kssc�nea.d,e;�tl,��p�ooads shau ue . , <br /> applied�to du sams u�v�by tlus Saxairy Iactrument,wf�ethv or not thm dua.with any excess paid to gatower: If <br /> $ormwa ahindaas the PCOperty,or does not answer wlthin 30 days a notice frum l.wder thst the.ulseraooe cdnitt l�as <br /> offaad w setda a tlaim.thea Lender may oollcct the ins�aac�piarocds. I.ender may use tix piooeeds to lepair a testone <br /> the Propaty or to pay sums secuKd by this Secwity li�suument.whdher or nat then dua 'IUe 30-day penod will 6egin whcn <br /> tlte aotice is gived. . <br /> Linkss Lender u�d bonowec otbawise agnee in wlidn8.�Y$PP���P��to principsl sha11 not extead or <br /> pos�pane the due date of tLe mont6IY payme�ts tefe�red to ia paragr�phs t and 2 or c6ange the amount of the payments. zf <br /> u�er p�a�agraph 21 the Propert7!.,is.?�cqu+mod 6Y:I:,ender,Bomnwer's rigi�t to any iasurance policies au��s iesulling <br /> � fmm dantage to the Frugerty pfiaE�a dk a�on shall pass to I.endar m the extmt of tt�smas se��r�s�Secucit}► <br /> . Insuu�t anmed�eiy�rt�si�e•�xri,;�.:.- . . . : ;',:��' <.:•_' <br /> • � f. �OQ���91� �10� O�vle Pl'OQEtLR"s �Y�1Fd''S jJdit•�i <br /> #.liil�IO�S�. �'�S�'l8��"0�1��.�,��f�C�[y 1S BO[III��.'OSt3��ui�IC�'R'YZift�97[ijl C�S�^�TPaT, <br /> �`�ie execadQn e�d:us�e±�uaty 7nst�er�t an�I sha��ia accupy the�as�c'vu's prr�ipal iesidesc�e far�i�"` . ..., <br /> ...,,'•;,;: . <br /> ,,:,,' : '�`m+e:. ._.. af�i'�i�e of <br /> - . . <br /> . �a-s.`�,u�z�;�.en3�_�therwise agr�es in.wricing, aluch consent shaII.�ii�.be� <br /> �.,• :::,;:->, . z <br /> : .. . .., �a&�:�Se�vri�'�e"ss'�ting cucpimstanoese�st whicti aze beyond Horrower�s caatrol. Bortower sbait�i�ot � <br /> de�v�:�stage or impair the Ftvg�ty,allow the Pmperty w de0.ziorate,or canmit wastc on the Froperty. Borrower shall <br /> � be in d'iefault if an}�forfeitttne act"ron a pcocoediag,wlxther civ�or 6egun that in Lender's good faith j4dgment <br /> couW result in forfeitune of tl�Pcoperty or ahe�wise materially impair the lien cneated by this Socunty Instrument ur , <br /> La�der'�socurity inte�st.Borrowar may cuoe such a default and ceinstate,as provided in paragraph causiag the sction <br /> or pnxbeding to be dismtssed with a r�ling Lender?s goad faith determination,Prcc�udes fafeitu�e of the Borrowuk_ <br /> interest in the Ptopecty or other material imptirtnent of the lirn orcaud by thts 5ecurity Instcument or Lender�s recurity <br /> iatertst. Borrower sh�ll also 6e in default if Bomnwer. during the loan application proass. gave materially false or <br /> inaccurate infamaaon ar statements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any material infortnation)in connection-with - <br /> the toan evldenced by the Note.�includ'cng. but not Itmited to.reprssenwtion.4 conceming Borrowerk accupancy of the <br /> Propetty as a princip�aesidena. If this Security Instrument is on a kasehaJd.9ortower shall camply with all the provisions <br /> of the lease. [f Bormwr�Acquires foe tide to the Property.the kasehold and tha fce tide shall�rot me�ge unless Lender agrees <br /> to the merger in wri�ing. ' __ <br /> 7. ProtRCtion ot Lender's Rl�hts in the Property. If Borrower fails to perfocm the covenants aad agrcemenu <br /> cantaitkd In ttris Security Instrument.or ihe�e is a legal praooeding that may signiticantty a�'fect Lender's rig6ta in�tho <br /> propetty(such av a procuding in bankruptcy.probate,for condemnallon or forfeiture or to enfoc�ce laws or regulations},•then <br /> Lender may do and pay far whatever is necessary to protect the vaiue of the Property and Lender�s rights in the Ptapetty. � <br /> Lender's actions may include paying any sums secuced by a lien which has priority over this Securiry Instrument,appearing = <br /> in wurt,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to makc repa'us.Aithougi�Lender may ta[ce acdan = <br /> under this paragraph 7.Lender dces not have to do so. - <br /> My amounts disbu�sed by Lender under this paragraph 7 sha116ecome additionai debt of Borcower secured by this � �. <br /> Security Insmiment Unless Bomower aad Lender agree to other terms of payment.these amounts shal!bear interest from the - <br /> date of disbursement at the Note sate and ah�ll be paya6te.with interes�upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting � <br /> paymecu. . . <br /> �.•'.4lortgpge Insur�ca If Lender requlred mortgage�[s�rance as a condidon of making the loan secured by this� _ <br /> Secur:*.j�nstrumen�Bonower��ay the premiums requirr.�•yo maintain the mortgage•insurance in effect. If.for.any - <br /> aeason, the mortgage insuraaoe ezi�•�age required by l.ender tapses or ceases to be in�effect. Borrower shall �•the ° <br /> premiums required to obtain coc�rage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance prevIously ia effect,at a wst - <br /> substaniially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance pceviously in effect,from an altemate rnoitgage - <br /> insmrec approved by Lender. I£sn�bstantially equivalent mort�age insurance wverage is aot available,Borrower sha�`[�pay to - <br /> Lxnd�r each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly rriortgage insurance premiam bejng paid by Borrower�heYt the ° <br /> insurance cwerage lapsed arce�ed to be in effect. Lender wil�•acsept.use and retain L'he"sepayments as a loss reser+�e in lieu � - <br /> of mortgage iasurance. Loss resenre payments may no longer be required,at the optiop of Lender.if mortgage insurance . -_ <br /> coverage(in the amaunt and for the period that Lender requires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes " <br /> availa62e and is ebia�ed.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain mottgage 9ns�rance m effect.or to provlde a <br /> toss re,serve.until�e requinment for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any w:�;cEn agreement betwcen Borrawer _ <br /> and Lender or applicable law. _, <br /> 9 lnspectbn. Lender or its agent may make rcasonabte entries upon and inspections of the Praperty. Lender shall <br /> give Horrower notice at the time of or prior to�cesspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. _ <br /> 10. Condemnatbn. 'Ihe proceeds of any award crr claim for damages,dimct or consequential,in connectian with arty - <br /> SSnglc Famlly-Faiwk M�eJEYeddie Mac UNIFORBt 1115"17tUML+NT••UaiformCuvenmcs sn� �poge 3 ofe yaAes�� - <br /> �i,rae.rr..ras,uw• _ <br /> ' �o o�r c+t�aoosao�oa o�uc e�resn�a�� _ <br /> . C! - <br />