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. e _ . . . � . .. . .. ,\ ' ,_ . � : _ . .. _.. <br /> _ i . , ' c � . . - - , . ,` •• _ � ` . ` -,�� t � e <br /> r <br /> a . .. � ' �. . . ' <br /> � '. " • 4 �.a - ���` _ � � <br /> '- � . �����!�w V���V M Y���t������`, , <br /> rd li�es io�r or�eeafks a�wc at die propa�t�, Au eepi.op�aka�W adiW�ico�aWt ala be ooMared b�►+rk�� <br /> Ia�a�emt. AU at,tbe farejoi��i�refarod b in tins 5ecir�ty to�aaxnt�tbe"P�cpe�ty.'. � � � ' , , <br /> � � � 901tROVVFR cov�tvANrS ma�c saioirer Is Ja,vPolty seisaa oE the eat�e M+eby oonrered and!�t thr d�lrt a�i <br /> � ind oa�vry the PYogaty and ttp[�he Abpasy i�uneacu�aibered,exapt ia wcomb�ces of tecad. Baerower w�eranctt�nd ,� <br /> � ���t�7 tbe nde a the p9roperty s�iat atl cWms and deeunds,aubjecc w any�cwnbnaca nt[aead. , � � ' <br /> � TfiIS SFC7JR�fY INS'IRLJM£N1'aombi��a unitaem.wrr�oants iur►�tic��l ease and rwe�-unifam�nve�tc with . <br /> tiooe�vs�i�tian:i�r jurisdictian w c�mtitura wri[oras xcurity�cmering�ea1 p�patg• . . � <br /> �� 1.�at Fsi�ei�l I�t�e�lre��eN�I.Me C�ar� Bortower awll P�P�9 PaY what due the • <br />: prLtclptt d mi i�raest aa die debtevdenced bp the Notp aM�nY pzWNJ�t and tatr clurges due under d�e 3�iote. <br /> t F�t�r 1ir�ess�Iawrs�ea Sabject to apptiabte law ar w a wnaen rraiver by La�der.Ba�mwa ahW P�Y� <br /> ' I.eader on the d�y tnoc�d�Iy paymeats�ne due unda dje Nate.wm'1 the Note is p�id m full.a swn("Wnds")fpr(s)Y�'�Y � <br /> ` t�cea and assessments�may�tnin priority over this Securiry�as a liee at t6e Ptopat�t:(b)Y�Y� <br /> , payatents or paind zmp�'aa ti�e Ptopaty. if auy; (c).Y�Y �+�a P�Y�P�i�:t� Y�p � . <br /> ins�uaoce pnmiwns,if aay: (e) Y�Y�SaB��P�laros.if any:and(f)u►y sums payabk by Bondwer w <br /> � Lrender,in aocord�ncx wItb the pmvisioos of lieu of th�pgymait of rnatgage insun+nce p�emiums. 'llxse <br /> � items a�e csllod"Escmw Itc�s." Le�der may,at auty tirn�Colloct aad iwid Funds in an�mount not to eacad the mazimam <br /> ' amount a lender far a federaDy tNated mo�tgage!mQ may ieq�e for Banuwer�s esLtow aacondt cu�da tha,foderal Rtal . <br /> Fst�te Seulana�t Praadures Acx of b9?4 as amended fram time to time,l2 U.S.C.�2601 et s�q.("RESPA'7,unless u�ottiet <br /> Lw t6at applks w the�nds sets�iess�i amno� if so.Lender aay time.collect ud hold��s iin an amount noEw <br /> eac�eM fie kscer�oa� I:ea��,�.tve amoant of fvaci4 d�e on tbe buis of curr+a�t,dataf and�neasanable <br /> . e�*s*_�of cxpaoc5�mes of fntqre�sraow it'a�its��s•se in accard�nce witfi applicable law. <br /> 'f�e Fvndc s�Q fit'hetd itm'aa:�ti�;ti�Tib"se_d��'cs.ate insuue�by a fed�r+1 agency, instrumm[aliry,ar euutity . <br /> (fnclut�'mg I.�tec,if I�nder is s�h att institutioQi}o�in�y�6deeal I�Loain H�ic Lender shaU apply tbe F,u�ds to pay <br /> tlie Esrsaqv'Itea�.�;�Lcnde.r.aiay;aat��ige�aricuacrs�'ar.Aa7,"c�,�aad.applyin8 the Fwds,annually snaty�ng the esemw <br /> accu�.�ur v�tli�Escro'rv tt�ms,anles��ifier{�S�s$om�R�iaeerest on the Funds and applicable law pem�its• . <br /> . . ..�t suc3�'a cP�rg�.`:Hawi�e�;:�:ea�r•may roquue Bom�wes tu•PaY a aro-time charge for an independent nal• <br /> .�� - estAte sax re.porting service use3��j!�:;eqder.ia:eo�necti�on with ttds loaa,unt�s appliribk law pmvides otberwise..UNess an <br /> . . agnement is made or applicati2e 3aw�requims interest to 6e paid,Lender sball not be required to paY Barawer any inucest or <br /> eamings on the Punds. Borrower aad Lender may agree in writing,Iwwever.tGat inmest shall be p�ud on t6e Funds. Lender <br /> sh�ll give to Bomower.without ciurge,an�tutual accourtting of tl�e Fundt,showiag endits artd debits to the Funds and the <br /> putpt�se far whtah each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds an pledged as additional securiry for all sums secured by <br /> ' this Security Instrumea� ' � ' • <br /> If the Funds heW by 1etWa exceed the amounts pertnht�d to be h�ld �y applicable law. Lender shaQ accaunt to <br /> Bor�wer for the excess Funds in accordance with the�+equirements of appiicabte law. If the amount oP the FuMs held by <br /> Lender�t any timc is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may sci natify Botrawcr in wr� � <br /> . such case Bornnwer shall psy to Lender the amount necessar}r to make up thc dcftciency. .Borrower shall maka up the <br /> deficiency in no more than twelve monthlY Lender s sole discrepon. <br /> LTpon payment in fuil of ati sums secured by this Security tnstrumert.Lender shall promply refimd to Borrower any <br /> �txts held by Lender. If,under paragmph 21,I.ender shall acguire or seil the Property.Lender.prior to the aoquisitian or <br /> sale of the Property.shail apply any Funds held by l.ender ai the time of acquisition or sate ac a credit against the sums <br /> secura!by this Security InstrumenG <br /> 3. Application o�Payments. Unless applicable law provides othenvise, aU payments received by Lender under <br /> puagraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firs�to any prepayment charges due under the Nate; amounts payable under <br /> puagraph Z; interest due:fourth,to principal due:and last,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> 4. C6uges;Litns. Borrower sha11 pay all taxes,assessments.charges. fines and impositions attributable to the <br /> Property wrich may auain priority pver this Security Ins�rer.�t,and teasehold payments or ground rents.if any. Bormwer <br /> shall pay these abtigations in th�manner provided in�ra�z�:�2,or if not paid in that mariner,Bonower shall pay them on <br /> time direcdy to the p�erson owed payment. Banower s!sa78 pres:��tly furRish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under <br /> this paragraph. If Horrower maices ihese paymsnrs directry.�unow•er s�i Qromptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing _ <br /> thc payments. <br /> Borrower sha11 promptly Qischarge any lien w�irh t�as p:iaiity over thi3 Serurity instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees - <br /> ,• in wmiting to the payment of che c�bligation secured by cI+le��;:n a mmmer acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the <br /> lien by,or dcfends against enfor¢ement of the li�n in.iegal p�eeedings which in the[.ender's opinion operate w prevent the <br /> enforcerr�ea�t of ti�e tien;or(c)secures from t��holder of t3�e lien an agreement satisfactory to l.ender subordinating 1he lien <br /> , to this Secvrity Instrumen� If Lender dete�ai.�:s that arry part of the Praperty is subjec�to a tien which may attain priority _ <br /> • over this Sectuity Instrument,Lender may give Bonower.�natice ideatifying the lien. Borrower shall satLsfy the lien or take <br /> one or more of the actians set forth above wit��,in�0 days a'��ra giving of aotice. <br /> S. Ha�rd or Proptrty Insurance. Borrower sh�keep the ict�rovements now eaisting or hereafter erected on the <br /> Property insured against loss by fire.hazards��cIuded within the term ext�nded coveeage"and any other hazards,including <br /> , tloals or flooding,for whieh Lender requQres�sw�ance. This insurenae sfiall be maimained in the amounts and for the <br /> Po►w 3i2s !f� lpadt 2 oJ6 pagn! <br /> � . �. . ' � <br /> _••��;._`°.�"�.�{:;�y.r�_��e.� .._ ..-'�. . . :���--���.... <br />