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. . . ' . �� - ��z��-.= <br /> _.4-. . . _ _-- <br /> _ _ .._ _. __.. _ _ . ,__ '_�L. . .. . " . '.— .-. ___ ,� . _- _. _ ` . . � . . ' . <br /> _ . . t � � .� � _ . � . � - 94= =�4� - . . <br /> `� � s. �e+i�r rl�+a�e�e� ��.oe. BonviMer�b�l! k�ep the iieope�mremesws no�►�adsong ar�a+e�ed cn dre.. <br /> , ` �+aperqr iae�ted,�las by fne�I�ds induded�ithin the�arm•euaoda�ooraqe•.�aod aay other 4w�'d�.�ocl�ltai ` ., <br /> Aood�ar floadin�,fot which Lende�t�equit+�x iawrinoe•171is�nac�oe slWt 6�mtiiataiued in t6e��W for the paiods <br /> . tl�t.Lesder�quirrs.�'l'ba i�ur�uice prrier pmviding the insuranoe shaU bc dwsea bjr Horrrower subject to Lendts's approval <br /> . t whidti alull not bo unreaso�bly withheld. If Bormwer ftiitsc to mainsaia cuversge describai above.l.eider mry,at I,ender's <br /> optiott.a6taiq aaverage to p�utoc�Lender's rigRts in tAe PraQerey in s000rdance witb puagrap6l. <br /> • �sAl!insurance poiicia aid nn�wals sinit be acaptable w Le,a�er and slnll iactud�a stmdacd mvltg�ge ctause. I.endet. , <br /> atftll have tLe riglu to tjold t6e poticies snd�eoewals.�If Lwder reqains.Bamwer shall P�P�Y 8�'e to Lender ail teoeipts of <br /> P�P'�un�s ana tieaewal m�ias:tn tLe eveat of tos�.Bortovu�et chaU givc pmmpt�to fLe ias�raooe carrier and� <br /> L�eoder nqy mdoe proof of loss if not mide pmmptY bY Boriower. - � ' • <br /> Unkss I,ender and BoROare�r otl�ecwise�gnee in�vriting,insuranoe pmoeods siwtl6�aQptiod to nstorAtion or nprir of the <br /> P�vpe�ty da�,�d.if dre�on or reair is uonoauc�Uy feav'bla aad Imda's sauriry is uot tessenod..If the restoration or <br /> nep�ir is not aoonomipity fa�nbk or ItMer's sewrity wonid be k�ied,the iasoraaioe pmvads shall be applied to the sums <br /> ee¢urod 6y thit Sa:urity Imdvu�ent.whether ar not Wen due. veit6 aay etcess patd to Bocrower. 1f Barraveer abs�aa�the <br /> �operty:oc does not answer wirhin 30 days a notice fmm La�der t6at the inwraax car�kr has affrnd to sdtte a c1um,then <br /> t.enaer may couea a�e in.wranoe prooeeas. r�e�Sec may use We procaas w repair or rescone the Properey or w pay sarns <br /> sewrod bp tbis Socaritg Iasttvrnmt,whether or not then due.77re 30-day period v�il�bcgin whea thc naRicx is givea. . <br /> Untess I.ender aad Borrower odrxwise ag�ee in writmg. any applicatian of ptooeeds to griucipaE.slsait na e�ar,nd.or . <br /> postpone the dae d�te af the mo�Lly paymarts iefened to in�a�hg t and 2 or clmge tbe amo�uY.of the pa��.'s:.;�€€'��' . <br /> ander p�uagr�ph 21 the P�perty is acquired by I.eotler.Borcawet's rigfit tq aay ias�irance poticies aad pnooeeds sests.**:�g.��vii► � ��", <br /> dam�ge w the Pruperty prior w dtie acx�uisition si�U p�ss W Lp�der to t6e extent of the sums se�uiat 6y dns Savrity I�ent. <br /> imaxdiately prior w thia acquisipon: . <br /> i.Oocupocy,Pk+esa�vstiop,Maiatanecs sud PtWe4lon of tbe proptlRy,Borrower's I�oan AppiicatJon;I�oMs. <br /> Ba�rmwer stnll oocupy.espiblish,aod use the P�+nperty as Bormwer's principal rrsidence whbin si�[ty days after tbe exasution of <br /> this Socurity I�itun�ud s6a!}continne to oFeupy the Propaty as Borrower's princip�l residenre far at least one ye�rafter � <br /> the date of oxupanc.y,wiless Lender otherwise agrxs in writing.which a�onsea�t shall iwt be unnrasonably withtxtd.or�tess <br /> • eatenuating circumstancxs exist which a�+e beyond Borrower's control. Bora�nwer shall not destroy, damage or impair the <br /> Propeny,altow tfie Ptopetty to deteriarate,or commit waste on the Pm�erty.Bomnwer shali be in dcfault if aay forfeiwne � • <br /> action or pnooeeding,whdlxr eivil or crimiaat,is begun that in Lender's good faith judga�t could Tesult in forfeitune of the <br /> Property or atherwise mateciaUy Imgair t6e lien ereated Iry this Sea�rity Inmument or I.ender's sxurity intenst.Homnwer may . . <br /> cune sueh a default and pmvided in patagraph 18;by c�using the adion or proceeding to 6e dismissed with a ruling <br /> that,in Leader's goal F�t&d�on. preciudes forkitu�+e of the Borrower's intenst In the Yinperiy or other material <br /> ; impairma�t of the liea�6p fhi's Security I�serument or Ler�der's sect�`interest. Borrower sha11 also be in default if' - <br /> . Bormwer,during tl�ee floa�application pracess,ga�e materialty false or inaccu��informaGon or stateraents to I.ender(os faiied � , . <br /> _ �' to provid�.l.ender witH.Bny material infonnation)in conaa:tion with tl�e loan edidenced by the Note.including,but noe.Cixcated <br /> to.repr�sentations conceming Borrawer's accupancy of tbe Property as a principal residence.If this Security Instn�mait�:s;on a <br /> leasehold,Borrower �a11 comply with al! the provisions of the teace. I#'Borrower acquites fee tiUe to the P'roperty. the <br /> leasehold and the fee ar�;,shall nat merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. <br /> 7.Proteetton of#eaidei's Rights in tLe Prop�tq.If Bomower fails to perform the covenants aad agreements coatained in <br /> this Socurity InstsumerR,or thene is a legal proceeding that may signifirantly affect I:ender's rights in the Property (sueh as a <br /> proceeding in bankrupccy,probate, for condemnatIon or farfeiture or to enforce laws or regWations),then Lendcr may do aad <br /> pay for whatever is�ssary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Froperty. Lendei's actions u�y <br /> inctude paying any 5�sa secured by a lien which has priority over this 5ecurity �nstrum�mt. appearing in wurt. paying <br /> • t�easonable attorneys'•��and entering on the Property to make repairs.Atthciogh l�ender may take actiot�under this paragraph <br /> 7.Lendcr daa n�t have�a dQ so. , <br /> ' Any amounts disburxed by Lemder under this paragraph 3 s.'ia}1 become additional debt of Borrower secuc��5 this <br /> '. Secudty Instrument. t7a2ess Borrower and l.ender agree to other rerms of pzy�ent.these amounts shalt bear interest�+s:n the <br /> ' �date of disbursement a¢the Note rate and shall be payable, with inter�ss..c�on notice fmm Lender to�3ocrower nquesdng <br /> ` PaYmeet. : , . <br /> - S.Mortssige Insurance.If Lender reqaired mortgage insurance as a coi�ditian of malcing the loart secured by this Security • <br /> Inswce�t..�t, Borrowe�shall pay the pc�emiums required to maictain the mortgage insura�ce in effect. lf. for any reacon.the = <br /> . mortg.�'insurana cqverage roquired by I.ender lapses or ceases to be ln effect,Borrower shall pay the premiums roquind to = <br /> >_� obtain coverage suQs�frally equivatent to tf�e mortgage insurarke a wst substantially equivalent to the _ <br /> • cosi to Borrower Qf tYn.,inortgage insurancae previously in effect,from an a�c�emate mortgage insurer approved by LeMer. If - <br /> ,' svbstaritialiy equivalem mortgage insurance ooverage ls not available. Borrar��ea.sfial!pay to Lender each month a sum equal to = <br /> one•tw�ftfit�a of the yeariy mortgage insurar�ce premium being paid by Borro�►�er when the insurance coverage lapsod or�eased to r <br /> � be in effac�.Leader will.accept,use and retain these payments as a toss resece�e ia lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve ' <br /> ' • fann 302A 8l90 <br /> :i` <br /> vaa.3 a e <br /> � � ' " i� <br /> _--.._-_-:.d���:_`�'. -�::?._ <br /> ---- -.�:K�e,. . ,".t',d.� <br /> - ���.7'Y7�-"�� 7!:^•:, ,:�T�i'n.-'.-r+-:-ar-;ar�5.. <br /> —_--._ -�' s . , i <br /> '—__.d�:+l.'�1CiY�y.f•-.,±��.s . . ... . . . , . <br /> ..__ .._ _- ' �' ��' �- . ....... ..� .. .,_ . . .. <br /> _--__.'_ _'.... . _._... .i , . . . S. ..'f. ..... _1R .. - <br />