_ .. - . : ; ; - -- . , ; � � . . ,�4-i . . � . . . _�
<br />- - � i�iB'!4�wm�,at tbe mipcovaon�b no,v oc ha�lia aec�ea on t�popaty,aew,u aa�maw.a��.�ea . „
<br /> ` fi�Ain�es so�r a l�aa�iter :;p�t oE� propaty. Itlt �(�oament�i �ad�ddjtiar� shil al�o be coveied b�t6is.Spd�eity .' ` .
<br /> , to�unmd�t-All o�the fore�oia�ic t+eferrod w i�t thisSaa�iry Imtt�uomt as tbe•�tiopetty.• .
<br /> , � `� HORRONER CaYENAt�,TS th�`t Bo�ra�x is 4wfuily eehed of the e�utt�ebY com'aYed aod f�s t6e ri�t�to p�nt�od �
<br /> ;� conv�ey�tbe'Prcpe�ty'aod!l�at tbe P�opeity is uneoa�mberod.expEpt;for ei�cumb�of raeo�d. Horn�wa Marrults�nd�ril! ' .
<br /> dol8od�meratly tbe t[tk to`the Pmpc�ty ag,�ia�t sii clai�aad det�unds.subject ta any�eanoes oF necord.
<br /> 9'HLS SECI7RITY 1NSIRUMENT combines uniform ceva�mcs for tin�tion�l us{e aod non-unifonu covet�nts aith limited ` .
<br /> . vari�icn�by jurisd;ct;oa m ooastitute a nnifam�xuriry iaswnienc coveriag�eal pcoperty. � ` ,
<br /> U�M CAVENANTS.$ocrmver u�d i.eoder covemm and ag�x i�folbws: , '
<br /> 1.PU►��eat et 8ti�cipd aMl Ietere�Pt+epitlmeat�nd L�te Cdt�ee. Bormwer�all.PmmptlY PlY�aliea dae the
<br /> pcincip�l of sad intaest an the de6t evidenoed by tha Note a!b�nY P�WY�and I�tc diuges dUe nnder the No1e. � ' �
<br /> 2.F1��ds for Taus and Iax�adoe. Subjax W applicabie taw oF w a written waiver by laoder,Borcower sh�l!pay fo
<br /> � Lpder on the daY�Y P�Y�spt due wder the Nate,nntil the Note is p�id in fiill.a sum('Furds')for.(a)Y�Y�
<br /> . �ad a�sessmeots which mry aqain priority ova tlus Securiry Insttammt as a litn on the Pmpaty;(b)YearlY 1a�O1d PsY� �
<br /> or g�ound�uts on tl�e P�vpc�ty.if auy:ta)Yearly harrtd or prope�ty iasnrance premiumg;(d1 Yeuty tlaod i�sivaaoe premTiun►�. ,
<br /> � if�mtY;(e)Y�F�S��P��• if any;and(�any su�.payabk 6y Bormwer w T�nder,in aorord�nc�e.vvith
<br /> • � tbe pravisioffi of paragraph 8.in fiea of tl�e payment of mortgage iasurance premiuraS.lUesc itcmc a�called"Escmw Itan�."
<br /> _ Lznder t�y.at anp dme.collect and hold Fands in an aaaunt not to e�iceed the maaimam amount•a teoder for a fcderatly!;
<br /> related mortgage Ie�uz:may roquire for Ba�co`vv�'s eserow account wjder cUe faderal Real Estate Settlanent•Pmcedares Ad of•:.
<br /> ��•rf' 1974 as ameaded fnuas time to tia�e, 12 II.$:C.SaKion 260t et seq. ('RFSPA'?.unless�other law that applies ta the Funds
<br /> ` aets a lessec amount. If sa, Lender may. at a�y tune,oollect and hold Funds in an asno�nt na w exceed the lessei amount
<br /> Lender mry es�te the amamt of Faads due on the basis a�carrrent data�d r�asot�able estirn�tes of expeodittuo��of fimme
<br /> Escmw Itams or otGerwise_in acaoNence with applicable taw. .
<br /> .T6e Funds shall be hdd in an institation arhose de�osits ane incun�d by a federal agcncy. insuumentality. or eatity '
<br /> • ('wcluding I,endec,if LeMer is such`an institutioa)or in any Federal Home L,oan Bank.Lender Sl�all apply the Funcls to pay the .
<br /> Escrow Itentti.L�atder roay not�e 8onower for holding ai-�,d applying the Funds,anrx�ally analyzing the escmw ac�nt,or
<br /> verifying the'Esemw Iums,�gss�nder pays Boaower i�.�at on the Fnnds and applicable law permits I.ender ta m�lce sueh �
<br /> ,_ a eLarge.However.Lender may:rg�tire Satmwer to pay a oae-ume chatge for an independeai reat est�taa reporting servioe .
<br /> osed by 4nder iri connection with this loan. unless applica6le law provides otherwise. Unless an�reemerrt is made dr
<br /> ., ��pplica6le law nqaires interest w be paid,Lender shall�t 6e res��3red to.pay Borrower any intenest o�esmings on t1�e Funds..• ..:.:...�. .
<br /> Barmwer and l.eader may ag�ee in writing,however,that i�terest sha116e paid an the Funds. I.ender sf�alt give�w�orcower,;'= :::. :,
<br /> without charge,an annual accounting of the Funds.showing credits and debits to the Funds and the piupase fus�$ich ea�h .�•.;�;�:
<br /> . debit to tbe Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as addifiona!se�vrit�far all sums saunod by this Security Inctniment. ,
<br /> If t6e Funds hrY�f by Ixnder exceed tJ�e amounts ptrmitted to be he1s�try applicable law,Letider s�z!I account to Boaower
<br /> for the eacess Fanc�s in aocordance witb the requirements of applicable law.If the amount of the Funds field by Lender at any
<br /> time is not sufficienE to pay theEscrnw Items when due.I,ender may so natify Boaowerin writing,and,in such case Boriower
<br /> shall pay to Lender the amouM azcessary to make up the deficiency. Borr�wer shall make np 1he deficiency in na more than
<br /> twelve monthlY pay-�nents.at I.ender's sote dis�r�tion.
<br /> ' 'LJpon payrr�f in full of all sums secure�4 by this Security lnstrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any -
<br /> Funds held by Lender.lf.under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property,Lender.prior to the aoqnisition or sals ' -
<br /> of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender ai th�time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by -
<br /> this Savrity lnstrument. � .
<br /> 3.Appiication oi Payments.Untess applicable law provides otherarise,aU Payments received by Lender underparagraphs =
<br /> . 1 and 2 shali be ap�i�d:first.to any prepaym�,mt charge5 due under whr Note�secand,to amounts payabte under paragiaph 2; -
<br /> third,to intenst dur;fourth,to princtipal due:and last,to any late charg�das under the Kote.
<br /> 4.•Charges;i.ieng.Borrower shall pay all taxes,assessments,charges.fin�asid impositions attributable to the Property -
<br /> whidz may attain prierity over this Security Instrument, and E�sehotd gayments or�raund renu, if any.Hormwer shall pay -
<br /> th�se obligations in the mannec pmvided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in tbtat manner.Bonower shall pay them on time directly
<br /> to the person owed payrnent.Borrower shall prompUy furnish to Lender�ii notices of amounts to be pzid under this paragraph. -
<br /> lf Borrower makes ifiese payments dimctty.Bonawer shall promptly fumish to Lender re�.�ts evid�cing the paymenu.
<br /> Borrower slWl promptly discharge any lien which has prenrity over this Security Instrument unless Batrower:(a)agrees in �
<br /> writutg to tf�e p�yment of the obligation secnred by the lien i�a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the lien -
<br /> by.�o�defends�.gainst enforcement of the lien in. tegal proccedings wbich ln the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the .
<br /> . enforcement of il�t 3ien;or(c)secares fram the holder of the tien an agreement wtisfactory to I.cnder s:i8brdinating the liento '
<br /> this Srcurity Insuument. [f Lender determines that any part of the Propercy is subject to s lien which�ay attain priority over
<br /> this Se,c�usity Insttument.Lender may give Borrower a natice identifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the Ilen or tzke one or -
<br /> ma��f the actians set forth above within 10 days of the giti�i.��of notice. ,
<br /> , . Fann 302� 9!!0
<br /> ' v��o�s
<br />