..,> , ..
<br /> _ ..� � `; :.
<br /> . � _ . . - - ._ . `�t�l.4 ��
<br /> � � � ,9� � . F '
<br /> ��` s. �:�n.�i, i�.:��� a�u �m� �n�+�;.�-a� e,�e�ea m � �_
<br /> �yt j�p1�OQ�OIt�C�S�I'�.���YIdUR i11C f�[l¢�E7[�Ed COY�l�C' �i�►�IGt�. �
<br /> � ttaod�or tloadiot,for wrhic8 I�etWer�imur�noe.Tt►is iaaur�eoe ah�ll be maintaimd'm the`�niounts iad fa tLe paiads . _
<br /> . tbat Leader ra�uirra.'[be iawr�ooe i�rrier pnwidfiig the insuranoe�shdl be cisos�n bY Borrower subject to Ltnder's tppcnwl�
<br /> . ��hall ad be ivaa�mbly arithbrM.if.8orro�irer fails m mainyin oover�e d�scribed�v�.I s�r may.u Leader's
<br /> . °o�ption,obdiin ooverige W pcotect Isnder s agWs ia the PtvQeny in aocondanpt with paragraplt 7. � - . . ' �
<br /> .Ali inwtmoe policks ard taxwals sl�all be�ooeptable ta l.edder and shall inclndo a studu�Q moagage clause.l eoder
<br /> sfull htve the rtgt�t w hotd tbe polici�and reaewals.'If I.eader reqains.Borrowa shati promptfx give to i�r ill naipt�of ���
<br /> p�id p+a�riums ud m�ew�mtias.in the event of loss,Bonower s�iti giv�prnropt notioe ta tbt ins�raoa c�ar am l.endet:
<br /> I�eoder may mdce pmof of loss if nut mide prnn�ptig by Bormwer. � �, . • _ �
<br /> Unkss Lealer srd 8amwer od�wise a�x in writing,instsrance ptoceeds s�att be applied to restor�tion or.rep�aiir of the
<br /> Propeny damage,d,if the cestoration or�pair is ecommiplly feasibl�and LeMer's sowrity is na le.sssscnod.If the rtstorsRion ot
<br /> �+epa'v is not economic�li�t fasible or I,ender's sec�rity vroaW be lessaiod.tbe unurance p�ooeeds slWl be appiiod W tbe su�s
<br /> scau+ed 6y this Securiry I�nme�,whetLer ar mt thea duc,with a�r exoess paid to Bormwer. If Homnwu�b�ndons the
<br /> � � . Pmpe�ty.or do�mt am�ver within 30 days a aotioe fmm I,ender ttiat the imvmrsce carrier�s offered to satte a claim,tlkn
<br /> Lrnder may collat tGe ir�uianoe pmcoods. I�ender may ux ti�e pmooeds W ropair or resw�the�timperty or w piy s�ms
<br /> sxured by this Sa�uity I�t;.wbaher or not then due.The 30-day periad will begin wiien tha notice is given.
<br /> .'L'nless Isnder nod Borrower otherwise agroe in writing. any appliqaan of proaods to prittcipal sh�U not extend or `
<br /> po�pon�the dae daoe of the monWiy payments refa�ad to in pa�agiaphs i and 2 or change the amotmt of tt�e paymeius-If
<br /> Qn�er pasagrap6 21 the Pimpetty is xqaized by I,ender,Somnwer's right to any idsura�e policies and pruoeMs raWtinB!'rom —
<br /> dansaSe tQ the Pmpe�ty prior w t�e acquisitiun shaU pass in�rader to the extent of the smns sauYr�by this Socarity I�rumeat
<br /> • - immediately prior to the acquisition. � � '
<br /> ��P�9��.Mainte�a�ce and pintection of t6e Pl+nperty:Borrower's Loan Appiiationi Le�oids. `.
<br /> Bormwer s�il oovupy.establis4,and t�se the PropeRy as Bacrowa's principal residence within sixty days after tbe exowtio�of
<br /> this Socarity Instmme�t snd sLaI1 contirnie to oavpy the Property as Borrower s pc�apal nside�x�e for at least oae year aRer
<br /> tUe date of ocwpancy.anless I.eader ahecwise agtees in writing,which consrat shall not be urrnason�bly withlteld,or unIess �
<br /> extenuating ci�exist whicb are beyond_Bompwer's controi. Borrower shall rat destroy. damage or impair ihe
<br /> Pmperty. a]Iow the Propetty to deteriordte,o'i co�ivaste on the Propecty.Bormwer sball be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> aaion or proceeding,whetl�er civil or crimiaal.is be��;�r.�at in Lender's good faith judgment could resutt in forfeiture of the �
<br /> Property or otherwise materialIy impair Rhe lien create��'thLs Security Iaswmeat or Lender's securiry interest.Bormwer may
<br /> cure such a default ard reinstate,as provided in pardgrapA 18,by ransing the action or pcuceading to be dismisse�a9th a mling
<br /> that,in LendePs good:faith determination, precIades•forfeituie of the 8orrower's interest in the.Property or�other mateci�.. .�
<br /> `impaim�eat of the lien crratod by this Security Instrument or Ltndecs security inte�est. Borrower st�all also be in defauEE�_ .'
<br /> Borrower,during the loan application pracess,gave ma¢�ai}y false ar inaccnrate i�€ozcnation or statements w Lender(or fa� �
<br /> �to provide Lender witb any s�ateteal infonnation)in coanaction witb the toan evide�t..eQ by the Note,iacluding, bat not limited
<br /> to,representations conceming�orrawer's occupancy af thc Property as a principat r�Jence.If this Sewrity Instiument is on a
<br /> tCasehold, Borrower shall camply witb alI tI�e pmvesions oi the Eease. If Borcvwer aalaires fee iitle tv the Property, tbe
<br /> leasehold and the fee tide shatl not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. ' '
<br /> 7.Pratectlon oi I,eade�s Rights ta the Property.T€Borrower fa�'ls to perfom�i a�covenants and agreemenu oontained in
<br /> ttus Security Instrumen�or there is a legal proceedir�that may significandy affeci Lender's rights in the Pres�erty(such as a
<br /> proceeding in bankruptcy,probate.for condemnation or forf'eiture oa to enforce law�s or regulations),then Lenmisr may do and =
<br /> pay far whatever is necessary to protect[he value of the Properc}aaid Lender's rights in the Prapeny. Lender's actioas may . ``
<br /> include paying an}± sums secured by a lien which has priority awer t�is Sec�rity Insuument, appearing in aourt, p�yin8
<br /> . �onable atto�rs fees a*sd entering on the Property to make repaics.Although I.ender may talce aetion under this pua�
<br /> 7,Lerder daes not have to dm so.
<br /> My anwunts disburse�!by Lender under this pz�raph 7 shall become additianal de6t of Borrower s�acred by this -_
<br /> Security Instrument.Unless Borrower and l.ender agree to other tetmg of paynxnt,these amounu shall bear ini2rest from the .--
<br /> d�te of disbursemem at the Note rate and shall be payable. with interest. upon noticc from Lender to Borrower requestiag -
<br /> payment. . —
<br /> •.Mort�ge L�sar�neG if I.ender required,r�wrtg�e casurance as a condition of maicing the loan secured l�ssy this Security
<br /> Instrument, Barrower shall pay the premiums requir+e�f e��:�aintain the tnartgage insurance in effect. If, for��reason, tbe
<br /> mortgage iasvra�xe coverage required by Lender lapses�r ceases to be in effect.Borrawer shall pay the premiLmc requirod to -
<br /> obain wveragt substantially equivalent to t�mortgage insurdnce preziously in effect.at a cost substantially equivaleM to the
<br /> cast to Bornawer of the mortgage insura�ue previousty in effect, from an atternate mottgage insurer approved 6y I.ender. 1f —
<br /> substantialty equiva�ent mortgage insnrance coverage is not available. Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum eqnal to =_
<br /> or�atwelfth of the yearly mortgage insur�►ce premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance wverage t�ed or ceaged to -
<br /> be in effect.L,ender will aocept.us�e and retain thesc payments as a loss rescrve in lteu of mortgage insaranee. Loss reserve
<br /> . . Fam 3o2s sHo
<br /> • v.oe a o+e � —
<br />