� , .. � -.. , .jTtr,'�„�,L�_
<br /> "''�� � . " . �];-_i�- --
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<br /> ` �, , �--� --__ -- --- -__;- -- - -`�- � --- : g3- - �:�.4 - .._-: --, _ .-- . - - -,( -`
<br /> :roc�eTl�BR wrrA�u�e��,«��'��P�Paey►�aoa�u p.a�:�pp�o�,•da ,
<br /> ` : lf:p�ros`aow or ba�ld�er s �tt of d�e poapaty. AU.tephoanc�ts and ��d�tioos�ll d�o be c�nreeed by this Se�airity , � .
<br /> �oaeat.All of die faejae�i�retat�ed w i�tbis Sea�rkl►iivaGateat at�the'Propaty' `� . ` , .
<br /> � HO1tAOWER bb�FENANI'�t6rt Horto+ra�Ia�vfuUy ni�ed of die atale`hee�y oonvs�red'ard I�tbe�i�ht b p�t�od �
<br /> . coevry the Qrapetty and th�t the pmpatY is uaencum6a�ed,exaept for ennu�raooer of roco�d.BamMer wrrraots aod MiII� .
<br /> defend�ehadig tlie titk a tbe P�mpetty�'�11 ctaim�md dmrnds�aubjeM w a�ry encumfxaaces ot too�rd. . .
<br /> �� '[1YIS SECfJR1TY.INSIRUMENT oombunes uoiform oovenmts fqr n�iaai use and noe-uniform ooveai�ms attfz lirm'tbd
<br /> , vsri�tions by juriS�dktiion ta oonstiwte a tip�fo�m securiry in�stNmeat oovesing ral p�!npe�tY. ,
<br /> - UNRORM i�1�ENAI�7'�.Bolm�rer�ed t�erider covm�mc�oc!agnee a;foUaws: .
<br /> .i. Plryereiit K Pri�eipl a�d I�hre� Arelry�t.erd L�Ite.CYrZes. BoROwer s1n111x'�!P�Y P�X wh�doe tbe
<br /> principal of aod inre�rst on the de6t�videnoed by tbe'Note aod anY P�'�P�Y��tate csuges due u�dg the Nate. �
<br /> I.Foi for'Fssa•nad L�a�ce.Subjxt to�pplic�ble!aw oc to a writtm waiver by[.endtr.Bortnwet s1n1!pay to
<br /> � Leader on the dsY��Y P+Y�are due iuder the Note.wxil tbe Nate is pnd iR fall,a auu('Fuads'}far(s)Y�Y�
<br /> �od�ssessmaits which may attain priority over i6is Securiry it�suumeat ss a lieo on the Property:.(b)Y�9�PrY�
<br /> or grouM raYS on the PcopeAy.if ury;tc)Ye�r1Y h�ta�d or propaty insu�ance preminrt�s:(d)YeulY iWod inwuutce pamiums.
<br /> if anY:(e)Y�Y��P��if aay:and.(tl�nY�Pa9�k bY Bortawes W i,eader,in�eco�d�noe with
<br /> the provisior�of puagrapl�8,in liev of the paymeat o[.mnrtgage inwrance praniams.11�ese icaf�ar�e calted'Esc�ow ttems.'
<br /> i,e�der msy.at any wne.oolle�t wd hotd Fmbs iu an amo�mt not to exceed the maacimum amount 4leader for a fa�tr�lly
<br />. �mottgtge lom may�equire for Bocmwa's escmw account under ihe federai Rral F.st�te Setttement Pmoedures Act of
<br /> 19?4 ss an�ended fmm time to time, 12 U.S.C.Sartian`26fl1 a scq.("RESPA').unless aro�r law t1�t applies W the Funds
<br /> sets s'I�tser aaiount. If so.Ix�er m�y. at at►y timo.collact am bold Fuods in an amount nat to ea000d the tesset amouat.
<br /> LsMer may�e the amonnt of Fandc due on ti�e basis of�vment d�ta and reasooabte esm�tes of expaiditu�es of future
<br /> Fscrow ttans ot atherwice m�oa�damae with gPplicable lsw.
<br /> 17�Funds shall 6e held in an ir�stitudon whose depasiu ac+e insund by a federal agency. inst�umantality.or eMity •
<br /> (iaclud'u�g I.et�der,if I.wder is sach aa iastitution)or in any Fodoral Home Loaa Baok.L,eader shaq apply the Fands to paY the
<br /> Escrow Iums.I.elde�inay not charge Bomnwer for hoiding and a�iYinS the Funds,annually analyvng tbe escrow xcoumt,oc
<br /> vedfying tl�ee Escmw Itemc,uNess I.ender pays Borrower inte�t�the Funds and applicable lasv permits I�der w make such
<br /> a clmrge.Ho�reva,LeMer may r+equiTe Ramwer to pay a�c,h�rge for aa jndependent real estate tax repaRiag servix
<br /> nsed by I,ender in connaxion with this loan, unless applicabie��aw prnvides otherwise. Untess an agreEment is made or '
<br /> applirable law roquires interest ta be patd.Lender shall aot be required to pay Borrowe�any iaterest or eaznings on the Funds.
<br /> Bomower and Lender may agree in wrPting,however,that interai shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower.
<br /> without charge. an annual accounting of the Fands. shovving credits aad de6its to the fiunds and the putpose for wluch each .
<br /> debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are Pledged as additional security for a!I sums secured by this 5ecurity lnsttument.
<br /> If the Funds held by I.ender ea«oed the arnounts permittod to be held by applicable law.I.ender si�ll aceant to Borrower
<br /> for the ezcess Funds in accordariee with the req�irements of applicable law.If the anaunt of the Fua�fs hetd 6y Lender at any
<br /> dme is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.irender may so nocify Borrower in writing,aid.in such case Borrower
<br /> sl�all pay to Lender the amount neoessary to make up t6e deficiency.Borrower shal!make up the deficiency in no moR thau
<br /> twelve mo�iy paymeats.at Lendec"s sote discr�ion.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secu[ed by this Securiry Instrument. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower at�y
<br /> Funds hetd by Lender.If,under paragraph 21. Lender shall acquire or se11 the Property.Lender.prior to the acquisition ar sale
<br /> of the Property. shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by
<br /> this Securiry Instrument. .
<br /> 3:Applic�tion of Payments.Unless appl icable law provides otherwise.all payments recetved by Lender under paragrapfu
<br /> 1 an�l 2 shall be applied:first,to any prcpayment chsuges due under the Note:second.to amounu payable undet paragraph 2:
<br /> thlyd,to interest due:fourth.to principal due;and last,to any tate charges due u:�der the Note.
<br /> 4.Charges;Lienv.Borrowcr sha1T pay all taxes,asse.ssments.charges. f�and impositions attn'butable to the Property
<br /> whieh may attain prioriry over this Security Instrument,and leasehold payme,-s or ground rents.if au5: Bonower shall pay
<br /> these obligations in the marmer provided in paragraph 2,or if not pmid in that manner.Bonoa•er shall pay them on Nme directly ,
<br /> to the person owed payment.Borroaiv,�s shall promptly fumish tu l�znder all notices af amou�s�a be paid u�1er this paragraph.
<br /> If Borrower makes these paymentsdi:z�fy.Boirawer shall promptly furnish to Lender rereipt�e:idertcir,g t��payments.
<br /> � � Borrower shall�r�tly dischasge any lien��i��has priority oves this Security Mstrument unless B��wer:(a)agrees in
<br /> , writing to the paymene e+f ttie obliga:'rfln secured b�e:��tien in a manner acceptable to l.endcr.(b)contests ir�good faith the lien
<br /> by.or defends against e-*-:orcer.rnt,o`the lien in. tegal prooeedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br />, enforcement of tfle lieo:os(e}se�:�.��'rum the holder of the[n�an agreement satisfactor}rt�rn Q.ender subordinating the lien to
<br /> this Securiry Instrusne�v.if�.end�r determines th�any part cf the Propetry is wbject to s[z�which may attain priority over
<br /> tttls Secudey Instnm�r:..l.ender may give Borrri�ie*a noticc i;entifying the��:'s. Borrower shali satisfy�r.lien or take one or
<br /> mon of the actions seE�`orth above within 10 days'of thc giver�of notice.
<br /> � iorT 3028 9/90
<br /> v.rp3o,6 � . ,_ .... . � . -
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<br /> •4
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