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<br /> . �101�1��1'OQll�lp. 7tiE IO�I�IOP.GfilEt/�'�l��!I�OE i�bi c��rwl�b�►�1rb�Gt 10� ` �.
<br /> ,�pprovr whicb�.n.eoc be v�enoa�j►M3�iiela.`I[Hatr�o�r tait�io m�iu�orara�:aeu:ibea�.Irasda�e.!►,re' :
<br />.� [,e�der�opti011.obhln CovC�je b peolec.'t LAldetl�liailb in 1Ge� t1l.sxoedMOC wMb p�t�pap6 7:_ , . .
<br /> . A11 ir�nnoe pdic�a tiodreaewab�IaU be sooe�abk to L�eo�et rind.h�u ioclyde a�d mott�e�iwta Lendet ,
<br /> • �Irll have thc ri�+t w Ldd the palicies,�od tea�vab. f l�ajde�iet�s.Haan�ec�11 pramptly�ivc to Lend�r�aaxipb ..
<br /> , ot pdd pee�ninms aod�alcwa!notioes. �nn t6�dvent oi 1oas:Botno�er�11 five pene�t aotloe to t6e m�aace carrkr aod
<br /> � ` e.�a� c�a�r�.y.��ro�w�.��,�.a�`�r��*• ` � . , ,
<br /> � untas La�der.nd Bono+�er otha.�i�e apee m«ri�.!�pviceodr a�h.0 be apptiea w rawoc�tion os iep�r at � .
<br /> .� dw.pro�tty d�n�s�ed.if We tesror�im ar nep�'v is eaonom�liy fe�ie�aed t:d6da�s sac�aity is not le�emd. It die
<br /> . . teuarshan ar iepdr ts dot xoaomicsl[Y�Cds�ie or Lrendett.sccurky woui(i be Its+a�ed.-tba�wr�ooe pocee��IWf 6e
<br /> applied w tse sums�a�wed by this Saa�tity I�a�t.�rhetha or nat thar►due,witb say eza�'p�id m Bono�rer. It .
<br /> Bor�wa�abindons the Pt�petty,or does tbt aeb�rer wnd�in 34 days a notia fraa►�,eader Wat the Lt�ivance curfa Uai�
<br /> ` . aQeaed�o�ettk a cT�n.t6en I.eeder n�ay oaikcE d�e inas�ace pia'eeds. I.eader may ure ibe procEcdt to tep�ir a te�or�
<br /> tbe I�topeicy ar to pay siam sauRd by tiri,s Sa,�iry ta�ormm�w�a na d�a�du�. 71�e 30�day paiod will bePn w6d�
<br /> the notkx is giva�. . . .
<br /> Unkas Lrnda ad BormMer ad�eiwise�nee iu wriW6.anY�PP����P'�'�to principd s�U not exleod�cr
<br /> postpone the dne due of d�e moatdiY P�Y�re[eaed w in paragrapin 1 and 2 a chaage d�e�mnunt of t6e paymmes..tf
<br /> unde€p�ragnpd 2I the Property is acqwced by I.eoder.Bonovrer'�ri;hCw any inw�aoce poLcxa ard praceads�
<br /> fran d�mage to tbe Frope�ty prior to the aoquisitioa ab�l!pas m 1.eader w die exteat of tbe swt�s aa�tM by t6is Saavity
<br /> Iaswmeat imrnedi�kly prior w d�e acquisio'wa ° .
<br /> � f, .Oee�pMC� pn�errsflos, Mabteaiwae a�d Proteetlo� d tie Ptoperty; Eorrower's I.a� ArpYa�ioM;
<br /> I.aaeMolds. So�mwer s6�ll axupy,es�blisb,and use the Pmpeny�s Ho�mwet�s(xiacipal iesida�ce within sixty days aikr ,
<br /> the a�ecotian of tlds Secuaty IasmmXat�ad s6all coo8nue to 16e Propetty is Baaower�s pdocipRl nsidenoe for at
<br /> last aae ytar a8er the date of oocupoocy, unless Leitder��� agtoes � writing. whicd ��o�sent ahsll not be '
<br /> unoeason�biy wIt1�UeTd.or imkss exteauatmg c�ocs acist which ue l�eyon8 Bomower�canerol. Banowsz abaU not�
<br /> destmY.dan�a8e a imp�ir the pmperty,allow the Ptopaty to detetioi�te,ac commit waste aa the Pmpetty. Burrower ahall
<br /> u��n a��awt s�y�acwG.caoa or pmoeea�a�whether civil or cdatiilsl.is begun d�t in I,ender�s gmd faitb jodgmau
<br /> cadd nsult ln forfeitw�e of tde ProQetty or ot6erwase matecially impur the lien c�eatod by Uris Security Iaswment ar
<br /> I.ender�s security interest. Bomower may cuce such a defAUlt ard reinstue.ss provided in pa�agrapl�18.bY a�8��� .
<br /> a pmoeeding w ba dismitstd wIth a niling t1�at,ia L�eudrr�s goad faith detecmio�tiaa.Fncludes fafeiva�e of dtie 8anawerts.
<br /> interest in tbe Pmnecty or otfier material impa'vment of tbe lien arated by this Secuiity lnstiument ar L,ender�s sxurity
<br /> intet�est Bortvwer s6a11 also be in default if Bomnwer. during the loan applic�tion prncess. gave materialIy filse or
<br /> inaccurate infamation or staumaus to L.ender(ot faikd to pauvide Lender with any matctial info�atioa)iu corukctioa with
<br /> the loau evidence�by the Note, including, t�nt aot limited m, npiesentaaous ca�cemiag Borrower's.,aoa�eacy of tl�e �
<br /> � Property as a principal residence. If lhis Secwiry Inst:ument is an a leasehold.Sarrawer shall compJy.�a`�I rdse pcovisions
<br /> of the lease. If Bamwer acqeri�es fee titte tn the Property.the leasehold aad the fee title shall�wt merge i��at ag�tes
<br /> to the merger in writing. ,: ` � .
<br /> 7. Prohctjoa d I.eeder's Ri�ts in tUe PropMy. If Borrower fails to perfam the oaG�is�ts aad agamenu •
<br /> ca�tained in thls Security Inmument,or thero is a kga! procading that may significandy af�xt�.ender�s reghts ia N�e
<br /> Ptivperty(such as a proceeding In 6anlwptcy.probate,for condemnation or forfeitune or to enforce faws or regWations),theit
<br /> 9Ra�dec may do and pay foc vuhatever is necessary to p�otecK the vatue of tt�e Pmpeny acd Lender'�rights in the Ptoperty.
<br /> ' IIRnder's actions may include yayIng atty sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument,appearing
<br /> in�oun,paying reasonable attomeys'4'ees and entering on the Property to make npairs.Ahhough Lender may tatce action
<br /> un�er this pa�agraph 7.Lender does not have to do so
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by L.ender mder this paragraph 7 shall hecome addidonal debt of Borrower secur�ed by this
<br /> Seeurity Insuumen� Unless Borrower and l.ender agne to other terms of payment,these amounts shall M�r interest from the :
<br /> cRaz$of disbursement at the Note rate and shaU be payabte,with Intenst.upon notice from,Lender to Bomawer neqnesting
<br /> n�
<br /> �8� Mot3g�e Insurana. If Lender reqwred mortgage insurance as a candition of malcing the loan savned by this
<br /> Security lnstr�ument,Bonower shall pay the premiums required to maiatain the mortgage insurance in effect. If,for any
<br /> reason. the ino�tgage insurance coverage re.quired by L.ender lapses or ceases to be in effec� BoROwer shall pay the
<br /> grrzmiums required to obtai�coverage sttbstantialty eguivaient to the mortgage inv�m,..nce pieviously in effect, at a cost
<br /> sc*.R�stantially equivalent to ttxe cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previou�y�;�effect,from a�altemare mortgage
<br /> ucj,�urer approved by l.ender. If substantially�quivalent mongage insurance coverage ds�s�availabte,Borrower sCrifl pay to
<br /> Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance'premis:r.�being paid�y Barrower�hen the .
<br /> insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be i�effect. Lender will accept.use and retain these paymeea��a lnss reserve in lieu
<br /> af mortgage insurarxe. Loss seserve pa3�:ents may no longer be required.at the opti4n of Len�e���F mortgage insurance
<br /> caverage(in thc amount aad�fc�s rTrrt�penod that Lender reyuires)provided by an inswer approved bv C,ender agai.h becomes
<br /> av�lable and is o6tained.Bm�►w�shall pay the pcemiums required to maintain mortgagc insurance�effecK.or tu p:ovide a
<br /> r-�ss reserve.until the requireinent for mortgage insurance ends in accordance wilh 8ny wriaen agreer.�ent betwee�s i�orrower _
<br /> and Lender or applicable law. �
<br /> 9. InspecNoa L.ender or its agent may make reasonab2e ea:r�apon and inspe.ctions of the Property. Lender sha(G =
<br /> g'rve Borrower notice at the time of or priar to an inspectieec s�ecifS iag reasonable cause for the inspection. -
<br /> 10 Condemnatlon. The proceeds of anx award or claim for damages,direct ca,consequential.in connection with ar.y =
<br /> SingleFimily—FmeieMaelfreddie?ls1JNIFORMINS7'RL'HE'�'0'--L'n7formCoven�ntv �lfs lyaRe�nfbpdgeal -
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