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<br /> � 'E+OGE�FR wrn��n d�e i�p�v�a�now or�aeta enoc�ea oa are rrape�ty.:na.�u e�eeets,�oa.;° ,
<br /> °aal fixt�es d�r`or baeaf�a pat d�e pcopaty. AU npiaomrm��additla�a�shalt abo be ca�a�ed by diis Se�uifit�r' �
<br /> I�ro�ea�. Al!otd�e fo�egoieg is eeferred io in dtis Sayutity t m�m t e n t as W e"P 4 o p i a t y." � ' .
<br /> ` BORROWFR COVENA�2TS durt Barovres u iswfuily seised of q�e estace fia�ebY oonreyed aa�t�s the right ou,pcaat .
<br /> � `� and edtrvey tde Ptoperty and that tBe Pr'op�cry is�a�eecumbes�ed,txcept for eac�hranoes of tecad Bamower wnanta md .
<br /> ' . will defemd geneni3y the u8e to tl�e Propetey a8ua�t all cl�ims aad dem�nds,sub,ject to any encumb�xs ot recad. .
<br /> . , 17iIS SEC[3R1TY�TS7R13M8NT combines taufame oovernnta fo�a�stiao�i use sad tion-aeifam oovaiant.c witb , , ,
<br /> Ilmit�YfilStlO�S�(j!lA5�0[t LO CO�SdAIIQ�IIN�OQ111ECII�Ity 1�S1i9lpEdI,CAYE�Fs:�P���t _
<br /> ' iRd�ORM COVFNANTS. Iloriower and La�der co�redaot md agRru foUow� .
<br /> , L A�ae�t d PrLciMi a�0 I�teres�PnMl�re�t a�d I.ats CYr�e�. Bumwer ahal!p+amPUY P�►Y�due tbe ' � .
<br /> pri�ipal of`�nd intecrst aa the debt evida�ced 6y the Note and anY P�W7�!��1a1e cEnrges due iiirder the TTote. `
<br /> � . 2 I�L�s far 7i��es sd Lu�ra�oe. Subjecc to applicaWe Juw a m a amtten w�iver by L�mder,Barowa stnll psy to
<br /> - t,ei�der oo thc day mootht9 PsY�ane due under du Nae.una"1 the Nc��P��fnU.a s�aa("Rmds")for.(a)�arlY �
<br /> tues ad u.sessments wdich may#��P��t9 over Wis 5avriry Iosavment it a liea oa the Ptvpaty:(b)Y�Y�
<br /> r�r� a�� �u,�r�o�y, ��r.c��r«ay n�a a.pmpany � r��:ta�y�r� .
<br /> ms�aance piemiurt�s.d any�,te)Y«�Y�B�sC:"�•••'"•.•l�,;wns,d aay:aaa c�l�►Y�n�r�ble br Barorvu tc
<br /> 1„enda.ip acoo�id�nce wiqi tbe povisioas of p�r�graph 8.11111d1 of IhC p1yNe11t of IDo[[$�$C�nai�nr�.p��; q�
<br /> i�ns ane calied"E,sce�w Items." Lender.may.u any time.collect aad huld limds in m anaunt,dot to exceed ti�muimum
<br /> �t a taider f�a f�dezaUy nlatod mortgaga loan snay scquir�e for Bamwer's escrow aceamt under th�federal Rtal
<br /> �state Seulemenf P.�ocedures Act of Ig74 as amended fran time to.t�me,12 US.0�2601 rt srq.("RFSPA"),uokss mo1Mr
<br /> law that applies to the Amds sets a lesser amo�m� If so,LecWer may,at any time,coikct aud dold Iimds in ad a�noant aot ta
<br /> � exceod.the tessa.amcwnt. Lender may estiroau the amount of Amds doe on tt�e basis of cwmtnt d�ti and�easawbk
<br /> �of t�of future Escrow Items or otherwise in aceordance with applicabie law. .
<br /> The Fiu�s sball bS hetd in an ir�stitution whas¢depo5its u+s iawnd by.a fedtral agsney. In�tur�ali�Y+a��Y �
<br /> ('mcIudiag l.ender,J Latdet is such an instiRation)or in any�+ederal Ha�ue I�o�n B�uilc. Lender shall apply d�e FYnds to P�Y.
<br /> tha F.seeow Itemc. 1.endeF msy aot eharge Bormwer for hotdin8��Y�S��,�onually amiyziu�the eaczcwv
<br /> a000unt,or verifying the Escc�nw Items.unkss Lender pays Borrowa inte�.�.fsa tbe Fiuds �id spplicable law pem�its ,
<br /> I,ender to m�lce such a c�sazge. However,l.ender may requite Horrower to p�;��ane-tude cl�arge far sn iodependent ral
<br /> . estaoe tax iepo�ting servlce nsed by Lender in cnnnecdon with this loan,unkss ap};�ble law provides otherwisa. Unless an . . -
<br /> agteement,�snade or appticabte taw roqui�s interest to be paid.Lender sbal!noi Ge tequi�ed to pay BoROrver any inteiest o�;� ';' '.; .
<br /> .qmings ait�e Arnds. Borrower and Lender maY a8ne in wnting.howaver.d�at iatenst shaU bep�ud nn t6e FtiMs. Le�kr;` ., `
<br /> shill give fo Bartower.witlwut charge.an azmual accounting of the Ii�nds,sf�owing c�rdits and debits fo the��nd tiK•-� '
<br /> porpose fa wfiicb eacb debie to the Funds was made. The F�nds ace plodged as addidonal security for�ali swn4 sectu�ed by
<br /> this Secarity Izudurnen� ' � ' .
<br /> If the�Ixld by Lender eacad the amo�nts pemutted to De held by applicaWe lstw.Lentler shall aecamu to-•
<br /> "Bamwer for the eacess F�nds in accmdance with the requirements of applieabk taw. ff the amount uf the FLnds beld by
<br /> i,ender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.l.etider may so Aotify Bormwer in writing,and,ia
<br /> � sueb cz�se Aomnwer shaU pay to Lender the sunount neeessary w make up the defieie�ey. Bo�mwer aTu�ll m�lce up tbe
<br /> �` •�eficlency in no mare thab�tarelve monWy payments,at i.ender�s sote discredon. � .
<br /> UPon PaYmeat in.Cu3��f all sums securec�bX this Security tnstrument,L�ca�3er shall promptly tefw�d 8b�a�rower aey .
<br /> .`�?nds held by Lender. �G!under paragraPh 21.�.ender shall arquire or sell the R�+pe►ty,Lender,prior to tb�aoqwsi6on or
<br /> sale of the Ptopeciy.s��apply any Funds held by Lender at the Gme of acquisi6on or sale as a cttdit againat the sums
<br /> secured by this SeCurity Insuument
<br /> � 3. Applicatb�oP�ynients. Unless aQplicabie law provides otherwise.all payments received by Lender nnder
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shal!be applied:firs�to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second.to amounts payable under
<br /> paragr�ph 2;third,to inren�st due;fourtt�.ta principal due;and IaSt.to any lau charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4. Charges; Lieas. Borrower shall pay all taaes,assessments, charges,fines and imposidoas attribut�bk to the
<br /> Property which may attaiu priarity over this Security tnswmen�and leasehold paymenu or gronnd nnts,if any. Harower
<br /> shall pay tt�se obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Barrower shall pay them on
<br /> time dircetiy to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly famish to Lender all notices of amounu to be paid uixkr
<br /> this paragcaph. If Bonower makes these payments directly.Borrower shall prompUy fumish to Lender�+oce�ts evidencing
<br /> the PaYmenta.
<br /> Bortower shall prompdy discharge any lien which has prioriry over this Security lnsttument unless Bon��:r.(a)agr�es .
<br /> in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manr�er acceptuble to Lender.(b)contests in good ftith the
<br /> lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,tegal praceedings which in the Lender�s opinion operate to pt�event the
<br /> enforeemeAt crf the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien aa s�eement satisfactory to Lender subordinadeg the lien�
<br /> ro this Sec:ir.ty Insuu�� If Lender determines that any part of tf:e i�►vpe�t�is subject to a lien which may,attain ptlotity .
<br /> over this Security Instrt;-nen�l.ender may give Borrower a ratice identifg u�ti�1'sen. Borrower shall satisfy�:lien or take
<br /> � one or mon of the actions set foM above wiUun 10 days of the giving of r,cti�a:.. .�
<br /> S. H�r�or Property InsurAnca�Borrower shall keep the improtiements now existing or hereaftet erected on the
<br /> Property insur�ed against loss by fire.hazards included within the term"extended wverage'and any other hazards:including
<br /> . floods or flooding.for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintairted in the amo�:�u and for the
<br /> ' " Fors 312S �!!� ��;t�2 oJ6 paga)
<br /> - -. ..... _. — ,�n� �. ._ ._ ... ___" '�,�i . :"'`•v��-�^l�'�':'�'° �-�
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<br /> -b-- ��`'�e"3',5,,.�-,�' �� ,. r e �� _ — — --�� �-� _'
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