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<br /> y, . ���00�Of�00�„��f�I1�Mt+M��1!t�1��.1�f�11f�OR��'bi A1���i�MO�. `. ��_,.
<br /> . ir+t 1��M p�dMcti��ip�ie+R'�'M irui�r�s aR'i�r ' tis i�ra�o�.idZ 1�s.Riow�b!►� •, �� =.
<br /> �-___`-�ioLri�rts-appeo�a��i�iat��if�t i��lr�itl�dt�li �1lQ��wea�t.�'� _
<br /> �ba;�e,trader�aq.s�I�d�'s opt�art,o6qia oorwe�e t�p!o�t lwed�e�a nd�tr ia etia!'roprtT b►�aa�*i� . ,
<br /> ���t�w�s potia'ks�ed r�ee�rab#�ll,b�aoapbias io I,�id�a�t�od�Il ind�d�s�sand�ed a�oreNa�diu�: . '�
<br /> _- i.••a••�-i6�1L1rva�a�ht�a�Lut+!t1��licies,�nd��.It I��det _t+�e�. Borro+nat"�1!peoenP'ar.i��'!e,t� .
<br /> ---- . 't�aider aii �i --- - – " . _ ""�—__.:_—= –
<br /> irurw�oa u�eriee�o�d .LeodeK mar m�ke peuo[d bs ii ao�t itnde Pe'omPB�r bp 8ai'o^►'er.
<br /> - —_ - -,__. • �,���_...w�►�iywt�ulr►lL�e-s'dted__w,•••�n.r.ti.y.et.rerr -_ � _
<br /> p[:��hpjlO�ty�A'I�Od,�t50 t�10f�ti0�0[l�Q�C 1S��Orl�O�����OCUI'lt��t UOt�OMEp!'�.Ut�
<br /> t�lpnq�p Qt t'E�If fs ADLli0Q�l4l111C����O 0[�llid0�'i/01�11lit�'MSM1�66�.t�l01fIN[i1100����10.
<br /> tOd�0.3�10 d11f11t lOCI�b7��44N'���.R��n EIt�1lOt t�lEll��1i�1�tlj Q�O��.a W�f'dM.ii�:� � .
<br /> Ofl�Owel'��IldOfls Sf10�OQ��r:�K Q���M'�'�i�Q?'�,��'Qdy00���OII[�.OIIaCr�Mt t��iMOl�fICO C�!!'lEt df'.
<br /> dierod�ro s�ttle a ddm.t6m I:e�►d,er�Yuy colkct the i�ita°noti'-pe�oceed�.i.eader miy uee�e p�000eds to evP���
<br /> . natoee tb Ptnpersy a.w p�y sanis6eauoed b9 tau Sac�rttY tr�pt�i�meat,whet5�ar oe�nbt i1�o.n�T6e 3a'd�y period witl
<br /> ;"'be�in wh�n tbe tatio,e i��ven. ' m ehalt not eaundor
<br /> � Unlees La�der a�d'Y�ormwa othecwise sa+ee ia Mritiai.,u►F sppt�atiod of pr+oceeds pn�aP�
<br /> . ,..,postpontthe d�data ot the monttJY Pri�euts rden+e¢t�in peapspbd t atd 2 or ctwi�e thc unowt ot thap aya►eats.
<br /> Ii under •21 the Pe�upat9 is aoqaired bY Lender• Bo�roNec's d�ht ta aay i�ua�policies and peoc�e�ds
<br /> y 7,ender to tbe erteat ot tl�sr�ns a�ecui+nd by►
<br /> e�ultio��i�anfa�a to the P�oparty prioc�o the aoqt�sition d�sll pass to
<br /> . thiaSecueityI�trumentim:nediitdypciartotheaoq�as�tioa Hocrower'sLa�sApptialRior �
<br /> 6.�bccupaacp .F�a�ri►aNae,Msia►+te�s�oe atd Protmetlaa at ti�PrnpestY;
<br /> � I,essel�olds.Borrower el�ll oxuPY,e�aubli�h.atd uee tLo Pi+operty as Borro�rer's principal residetsoe�rithin euty'days � .
<br /> atter the ezacution af this Sec�rit9 Inetrurnent+�d ah�ri ooaw►ve to oacupy tLe Properslr� HorrnMa's principd
<br /> rcgidence for at lea�t a�e yar attestba dste ot oxupatwy,unlees Laid�er other�rise a�es in Nritir�.Rhich ooneait aWit .
<br /> _'� not be�nraeonably Withheld.or udese eYUnustin�cirwmatances e=ist Which ara bcYoad Bormxer'e oontrol.Borro�rer ..
<br /> - sLs11 twt dex�OY.d�or impair the:Propetty.s11oR the Yroperty to deteriontt�ot corntnit rvaste oa the Propetty:
<br /> &►tro�rer st�li be in defaolt it aay.torfeitim action or pca�eed'in8;�hettiet civit or crimiaa}.is beNa tbat in I.ende�s . .
<br />= - �ood faith jud�ment wutd rasult in�orteiture ot the PrnpectY or otiierRise maurislly impair the lien ccested by this ,
<br /> ood
<br /> _ Securi Instrument or Lendet'a securitq iaterest.Bomoxer snsy cure snch a detault and reinstate,�s provided in ,
<br /> tY 'th
<br /> s fu
<br /> -- in Let�''
<br /> ths
<br /> with s tulin t, �'�
<br /> = p�apapa 18. bp causin� the action.or procadin� to be d�smissed �
<br /> determinstzon.precludes forteituc+a oi tha Borroper'e u►tenst ia the Propercy or otuet mateci�l impirment of tt►e tien .
<br /> creatod by tLis Sec�mity Instcumeat or I.ender's sxuritY interes�Borm.rer shall also be in detault if Borsflker.d�tring
<br /> 's:�'r.a"•
<br /> the losn app1�'sc�atian proceae,8+ve m�urially islse or naccuau intaa►ation or abuments to�.enckr (of failed to
<br /> � pr�nvida I�endec Rith my materiv informstion)in connoction Mith the floan evidenced by the Nou.includin�,but not
<br /> ...�. jL lirnited to, npfesentationa concerniA�BorroNe�s t�ccupancy of the Property�s s pnncipal res►dence.U this Scc�n�ity .:
<br /> -_ � -.-�.=.s�;.:.,.,z . .
<br /> F=�x.'-,;�;�;;:y;;':y Instrumeas�s oa a le�aehold.Botrawcr shsll comply�vith e11 the provisions of the teasc.I�Bortower acquites fee tdttz w � __
<br /> `�'•'`,;�,��.'°` the Prup�ty,the leasehold and the fee titie sha11 aot merge unless Lender agroes to C&e sner�'in wr�ting.. - .
<br /> ` � . • �, ptotection ot I.ender's RitDts in the Property.li Borrower fails to periorm the covenants and ag�es:�rnts '. . �=_-
<br /> �:
<br /> ' contained in this Sxurity Instrumen�os thero is a legal procadi�a"�a�t may significantly sftect Lender'S f1�1T81A S�'a4 . . ' `.�c'^i_��
<br /> . • . Property (such as a pcocading in bankruptcy. pra l�ate. for ea:�d e m n a t i o n o t f o r f e i t u r e o r t o e n f o t c e l a w s a r .. .,� �
<br /> � � regulauons).then Lender may do and pay for whatever is nec�ary to protect the value of the Property and Len�3es s ,;
<br /> � � •, �• rights in the Property.I.e n da's actions may inc l u de p a yi n g a n y s u m s s e c u r e d b y a l i e n w h i c h h a s p n o r i t}•�ver fhis • r :� ••.,-:
<br /> ' Security lastrument,appesring in coutt,paying reasonable attorneys'fees arrd entering on the Property to mafre repairs• __Y_;
<br /> �' � , � . ' Although Lrnder may t9ke action under this paragraph 9,Lender does not have to do so. . �?__
<br />'' � Any amounts disbutsed by Lender under this parsgraph 7 shali boa►me addition�debt oi Borrower socuro3 by this� � .,:.7.
<br /> �� , ' :_ '... Security Instrument.Unless Borrower and Lender agee to other tes�s of payment.these amounts shall bear interest F.. . :. . _.. . ..
<br /> � ��� � � •���',:-�,� -- from thedate of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payaWe,ait:�interest.upon notice trom I.ender to Borrower � . �
<br />� • request+a8 PaYmant. � ` • �;�'�`�. .
<br /> •� • 8.Mottpse Insuraace.If Lender required mortgage.insura�ce as a conditicar��i making the toan secured by this w;� , -
<br /> ' Secutity lnstrumen�.Borrower sha11 psy the premiums requir+ed to m.aca�r�n the mortgage insurance in eifec�li.for any , 4 �. . '�.�
<br /> �-�� ' --� � �� reason.the mottgage insurance coverage reqwred by Lender lapses��c ceases to be in effect,Bortower shall pay the ; ;
<br /> . ...- ._.... . . _ ptemiums required to obtain coversge substantially equi���►t to the mortgage insurance previously in effoct.at a cost ! � �
<br /> substantiatly equivalent to the cosc to Borrower of the Qnortgage insurance previously ir► effect,from an alternate
<br /> �``� � � moragage insurer approved by Lendee. If substantialt� equivalent mottgage msurance coverage is not available. . ,
<br /> � " Borrower shaU pay to Lender each montb a sum equal to one-twelfth oi the yearly mortgage insurance premium being
<br /> --�- � • � paid by Bofrow1er when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in eftect.Lendet will accept,use and retain these
<br /> - , � _.. payments as a loss resetva in lieu of mortgage �nsurance. Loss reserbe payments ma} no longer be reqqired.
<br /> ��. '' . FK� 302t / 0
<br /> '� - . � �1/I��o4os0.5� . r����N e '. . . (niti�tf:_L�� • • . . -
<br />_ � . .. . .. , . � �•�,r •... . .
<br /> - :�.:.__._ .... .-.. _ . . .. . . . . ... _ . . . . . .. .. ., . .: , r ..
<br /> � � � ._---.� .. .. . . .
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