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<br /> drgc+petil. � � . . . . • _: . � . : .
<br /> :THIS�HCt1RF'T1f Iir13TRUI�N'F�on�biaee adfaea oova�ats for atiar�l uic md non-uaifam covaanb�rith .
<br /> _ li�ait�vuisti� _'oa to ooMi�uoea naitorns sa.�it�r iterttutnent poverla�rat propatY. � �• .
<br /> _�� _ — — waaedl.t_o�_too�---�:--- -- - --- ,» — —_� . — — ,��
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<br /> . 1.P�ymbat d Prttciptl atd Lt�[�s�PreP�Yme�t a�d La�e Cbsr=et.Boerowe�e6a11 p�^o�nP'�g PiY rltieet dut - -
<br /> -- — - -- _..___4 ,- ���a� • . . �ri�a��n�sdt�e.unde_r_tl�eNnte. --
<br /> 2 Fu�ds iot Tsns sad Lsarance.Subject w spplicable fa�oE to s�rnttea waiver bg Lender.HorroMec e1�lI T
<br /> y to I.a�ec oa t1�dsy montblT Paymeats are duc uoder tbe Note.una'1 thd Note is p�id in fuU.s su�i('Fwds")foc:
<br /> �i}.yarty b�ee a�d a�eeemeats which tns�sttm►peiorit7 over this Sixnrity I�urt�ait as a lien+oa the Pr�ty;(b} .
<br /> � Yat1�r ta�did�paymenta or�etiwnd rmss on tha Pt+op�itty:if atU►:(c)Ydir1Y hazsr�3 a pcopaty Iae�Yiooe pres�u��
<br /> . (d?ypitly ltnod�m�x�aoa premiuina,if aay;(e)Yar1�r mort�i�ra�ca Pnemiw�,ii any;snd(f}any s�ttns paysbta
<br /> ' �by Borivwa to I.e�sda,iA aOOO�i1CC witb tT1a pf0�►isoas 0�p�taQapllB.in lieu ot tbe pYma►t ot mortp�e iaeuranx ,
<br /> , premiums.T6eae itema are p11ed'Baa+arr Itema"I.endet nay,at say time.ooilect aud bold Fi�ds in an amouat nos "
<br /> to�ceod tt�m��num smount a leade�.tar a fede�uY cdated st�ostpge to�n miy requira tos.Borm�rer's eecrox �
<br /> aa:owet�mder tbc tederal Ral F.stste S�t1ee►eat Prncedu�Act of 197�as ameaded fmm tinta to tiie►e. t2 U.S.0
<br /> - Section Z601 et ierf_CRESPA").ualess snotiyer lsw that applies w t�a Fu�da sets:Ie�er unoim�Ii eo.Lende�may.
<br /> . at.any time.ooilact aad hoid Fw�ds ia an amount not to ezceed the le�er anount I�endea�mig satimste ttie unount af .
<br /> Fw�ds due a►tbe b�eis of c�ureat dats.and raeonsble eatimstea of e:pe�s�tur�of h�m�a�v ltemsar ottw�rise us
<br /> soGO�r�oe�rith applicsbla 1s�r. ' �
<br /> � The Fw�da el�all be beld in m imtiwfion xbase depoeim a�s i�ured by a federal a�eucy,iuswmentslity,or e,ntity
<br /> _ (inctudie�I.ender,ii I.ender is such ur imstitution)or in say FedGral Home Laan Banfc.I.endex ehall sppiy tha Fwda to
<br /> � � Pay tbe F�cro�v Item�I.e�dei msy not chu�e Botroxer fur taldi�and applYta�the F�innutUy ar�lyziag the �
<br /> - c�crow acrount,ot verifying�e F�cm�v It�ms,unless I.ender pays Bottowet intereat oa the Fustds and applicable Isw
<br /> " permits I�ender tn matce s�fi�chuge:Hoxever, Lender msy req�ure Borno�rer w PaY a onatime�arge for sn ,
<br /> indeper�dentradk estateta�ssportingxrvioe�ned by I�der'sn oonnaction�vith thisloaa,unte�applicaWe taw provides -
<br /> ra
<br /> otherw�se.Ur,�ess a�agcdement is inade or appticable la�v reqvires interest m be paid I.endet sha11 not be ralvind to. - ----
<br /> -- psg$orrower aztq interest�s�rninga on the Fnnds.Bartower and Lender maq agx in writiag,hawever,that iaterzsE _
<br /> -_ sha3!be peid on tha Fund�.lL�ackr shall give to Borroker,�rithout charge.aa ac�atiai accounting of the Funds.showing -_-
<br /> , credits and debib to the�,and tha purpose for which eacfi debit to the Funds�as made.The Funds are pledged�s =__
<br /> additionsl aec�riry forali'suirssseaured by this S�ecurity Ingttnimen� _ _--�----
<br />_ • :. � If the F�ds hetd'by Le�rdec ezcxc!�the smounts permittod to be held by applieable daW.I.ender shall secount to �°-�
<br /> -'� ��' +' Borrower for the excess Funds in accar�noe with the requ�rements of applicable taw,If the amount of the Funds held —
<br /> �. �� .�".f" by Lender at any tima is not suEticiem ao pay the Eacrow Items when due.Lendes may so aotify Borrowa iA writing, �'�__
<br /> ' � '�'�t,��;-':•"'`' and,in such case Borroaer shall pay ta Lender tlie araount necessary to make vg the d�ciency.Borrower sha11 make .".` ,.:
<br />_� - ��fi,;`�'•��. .�' up the d�cienay in no more than twelve monthty paynsents,at Lender's sole d'ascretion. �%'j,N���;= .
<br /> �"' ''�" U n snent in full oi all sums secured b this Securit Instrucnent,�,er.3et shall rom tl refund to Bonawer ' ��,�.
<br /> �`�r•.� ' � Po PaY Y Y , P P Y �;�•'�'r�;:�
<br /> "� ' ' any Funds he`�bp Lender. If,under patagraph 21, Lender shai� any:;.re flr seti the Property, Lendec, prior to ti�e �.�::
<br /> ';�;°�'_... • � � aoquisttion or�is of the Property,ahall apply any Funds held by II.�d�aa ti��time of acquisition or sate as a credit � � - ' � �=
<br /> � " a g s i n s t t h e s u m s s e c u r e d b;t.�i s S e c u r i t y I n s t r u m e r►t. �. ;-t:i.;��: .,�;•.. t
<br /> �: . - ' - 3. Application ot Ps�ments.Unlesa applicable law provides otherRiser aak payments received by Lender under � ���� �
<br />` ` ' P�S�+Phs 1 and 2 shall be applied:�rst.to any PcepaY 8 Pa ����;;,j, l�.:,'
<br /> - ment char es due ur�r:the Note:second.to amounts yable r;`'�
<br /> f��' � • '°� onder psragraph 2;third,w interest due:tourth,w principal due:and last,to any late charges due under the Note. ,� ,
<br /> .`, F.:�,,,;....: .
<br /> - • 4. Charses; Liens. Borcower shalf pay all taxes,asses�smrnts.charges,�nes and impasitions attributable to the ( � ' . ' .-
<br /> . � �" Property,M �c�.nisy sttain priority over this Security Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground rents.if any. i , ;, � � �•�
<br /> � - � • Horrowe��11 �'ttfese obli tions in the manner rovided in ra a h 2,or if not id in that maz�n�r,Borrower '�""�'�-�"� '���"(�.
<br /> :: pa Sa P Pa 8r P P$ ; 1,.;;;�;,, �,
<br /> � �"�'•f`;�� � �� shall pay them on time directly to the person owed payment.Borrower shall promptly fumish to l,ender a!i notices of �;;��':. �'-� ,
<br /> �', :.,�..;,
<br /> • ' . � • amounts to be paid under t�tis paragaph.If Borrower makes these payments d�rectly,Borrower shall pro�ptly fumish �•�<,1,;..,
<br /> . � • to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. . : .�,..:�-,.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly discharga any lien which has priotity'over this Security Instrument unless Botrower.f a� �'. '� . :��'�;�
<br /> '��' � � � agras in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a ma.nner acceptable to I.ender;(bj contests in ����; ' ' �� • �
<br />` � ��: �;,,''�'��°'� �. good faith the lien by.or c�xPet�ds against enforcement of the lien in,leget proceedings whieh in the I.ender's apinion .-� ' �'
<br /> �., .
<br /> �',V.C.
<br /> ''"_` � � operete to prevent the enfoc�wraent oi the lien;or(c)secures from the holder af the lien an agreement satistactory to
<br /> ' , :
<br /> .:�r'�FJ i;� Lender subotdinating the lien to this S�curity Instrument.If Lender determines that any part of the Ptoperty is subject ; '
<br /> �� � .
<br /> '_ �,�:;,.;,,;- ; ., , to a lien which may attain priority o���this Security lnstrument,l.ender may give Borroaer a notice identifying the
<br /> ,:.i�;;'�r�r. ���. lien.Botrower shall satisfy the lien or take one ot more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of ��
<br /> . • .��,::�.,;•.°-. ' notice.
<br /> ; �, �;,�• ,
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