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<br /> . - �: � .. . . : +; r . _ � � , � r - -- .
<br /> . - ��.iw4i.:!R._�'iM�► iw�1�1ww�Mr`ii�• .i:. 'ari.idi�ii��r rw�i�r�ri w r
<br /> � i� i�a��t. :. ..:
<br /> .;� ._
<br /> .-- ��i�t�r i�ri'+i�iiiMe.T��r�r Aw'.iii���t�inohiM w1Yi 1M Meiii tidri4a . � . �wi.iii�►i�_i�ii�. . .
<br /> ���_
<br /> �oo�i a#o�o�'��iar w'�i�8�re�iet�i�w iwa�:'1'W fl�oi iii�l Ds-���i��wa-�rii�di�-
<br /> : .. 1�Yt Ledet req�ifo�:'�1rc�carriar porldi�Iha iri�ia�ce iiulL ite�.b�loe�e`'iubji�et;to-I.MA�r's�o�!nl " �
<br /> �iri ill r�ut be�r�+rod6ly wi��reld:.If Soerawr+r bib�b ari�t�ii oo+ro��/e de�t�ib��6oMe, lx�k�r�iy►.;aR L�r��
<br /> bptk�.tlbti c�et�e b penibct Yre�dee.'t�b die�i�opeity in�a�oe wkb p�e�ii?: _ •
<br /> � _ , ..,: - . . _--, ' ., .
<br /> `- _- Aff�troe policies�� �_�coephbl�_I�_Isi�dec isd.�Il3�r�d�}� - - -
<br /> fli�ll iiira 16E iyhe.b lioid ftie po�icies�od earnM�k.1f Lerdarteq��es.Aoa+o�er iA p�owptly pve b 1snlet�Il�a�1r of� . :
<br /> . --�-- p��!t�i�------- . - B�!r�e��l��=�e se�t��s�---��...-�: _
<br /> _-- `-�endar e�►m�io�poof of 1oa�d sot srde Rvmpdy!y Baraw�er. � . . . . _-
<br /> iTalas I.s+ida��nd Har�rer uqK+hvire�pae ia wrili�,pirYi�oe pn��eed��i.li 6t nppFied ia°�aloeatioa cs reg�ir��
<br /> ' . Aq�atY d�m�ed.if dre r�tion ur rcp�ie b eeonomically�kaWble aod i.erder'a saaaity is aot la�eaed.l�t6e naMx�l�oa ot �
<br /> reqir I:not eoonoa�iaiUy faable ar L�ide�'s�ec,wity wAUid be kamed.die iro�oe pcooeed��II be appiad b tie�
<br /> ���+Y�.�iY��.+�tlia a not tGp�dre,wri�b aey exoer.ppd ta 8amwv tf HaRwRi�6�do�d�e _
<br /> Propaty,or dbei nat ansrva�vithin 30 day�t a t�otice fran l�eader ddt tAe�carrler!w�af�rod to�tttte a d�ies.�hee �
<br /> � I�a�ler mry eollect tbe;�sur/inoe p�oeeada. La�der mry a�tha prooee�fs to reprir or i�estae+e d�c ProQet�yr or to pry �a '
<br /> 3oairod by tAis Se4wiry�nstc�ment.wl�thx or not thm dae.T6e 30�daq pe�iod w�716eE6�w�6�ea tbe ndice k Sive�dt. .
<br /> . Unkss I.ader aod Barmwer otbawl�e agr�ee iu wtitina, anY ap�li'ption uf P�ucneas w pnacip�l s6�U�mt e:Wd ot '
<br /> postpooe t1�e da�date of the monthlY 1�Y�nts.nefated w in
<br /> pu�iJa;i,aqd�.Z��os cha�e tbe.smount of t6e paymmts.-If,
<br /> imder p�gaph 21'tht Ptepe�ty is aoquiad by I.endect.8ormwer'a��iglitYo:�in�i��ns7ur�oe Poiicks and pioeeeds��ho� .
<br /> �. d+uawge w tbe Pmpeity prior w the avqaisiNoa ab�ll-p�.0 to I�etiikito,thecxx�oritoidif�secu�ed by t6is Saa�rKy,I�ment
<br /> inanedivaly prior to the soquisition. . • - �•s:� .
<br /> ,,
<br /> :.:,,,�:'�:'.
<br /> ---_-, 6. Maiateaanoe ana-�'sote�tlon oi tbe:�►i±opetty��'s�s A�idibTa�;Lra�dwii�.. .
<br /> Botmwer sivU oa.upy.establtsl�.aad ase t�.Ptiopetty�s Boirovver.'s prlpcipai n,adence rvit8ia sixty days aRet We exewtion of .
<br /> t6is Ser,urity L�sdument and slwt!canttupe,�a.'ax�PY the Pcupeety��Si��omnwu's principal nestdenoe fa u lau aae yar after
<br /> d�e.d�te of ooc�pan�y.w�ksa I�nder o�e agcees in wri6ag,whicb oa�seat siyl!not be nn�o�bly�,a wdeas•
<br /> -= extwu�ng ci�r�aaoa e�ast which a� bcyond Bori�wer's conmol. Borrower shaU not dest�oy, damage or ia�pair the
<br />_- PftipettY..allow the Pcapetty.[o deteriotate,or commit wa.4te on the Pmpetty. Borrower shall tie in default if any focfeitune
<br /> = �ction or pinoeoding,whether ctvil or criminai,is begun that in Lender's gaod faith judgmeat'cauld ns�tlt in fodeidue of the
<br /> ° _ Proptrty or otbe�wise meteriaUy impatr thc llen created by tDis Sewrity Instrumrnt or L.ender's security intecat.Horrower may
<br />-_- aue snch a default and rein�,tate,as provided in pa�agraph t8,by causing the action or proaeding to be di�ssed with A ntling
<br /> __ _ cisai, in Leader's good;fa�iit�etmin�tion. Precludes forfeiture of the Borrowa's.�q�est in the Prapercy,or otlxr matecial
<br /> -- ��pairn�ent of the lien cre�t.�y this Socurity Instrument or l;ender's socarity.�:Borrowor s6�11 atso tie in det`ault if
<br />�.;w: Horrower,duriug ihe loan aj,p7icaaon pmoe�c,,gave materially false or inaccacate�ation or stateirknts to L'ender(or faile¢. .
<br /> _ •> to pmvide I.ender with any material�iafocmaaon)in connection with the Ioart evidertwd by the Note,including.but not limitett
<br />;;�� ti , to.representations oonceming Borroaier's ocaipancy of the Propectyi as'a principal res�dence.If this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> '��{p�i ., lea5ehold, Borrower shall oomply with%ail;the provisions of the lease. If Borrowes acquircs fce title to the Propetty. tlie
<br /> ::�;; j' >� •a`': ieasehold and the fee Htle st�all not me e untess Lender a
<br /> �'•'��f:--:�s�' rg grees to the merger in wdting.
<br />_;; ��,-{�';.��.'�_?�.-,�. ..� 7•P�+utectton of Leader's Rights ia the Peoperty.If Bonower fails to perform ti�e covenanu and agreements cantained in
<br />;:;;� �+�+*'�:?:�'��° •-z�r•� this SeCUrity Ictstrument.or there is a legal proceeding that may stgnifccandy affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> - •.�.�%'�.:���.�,'.:�'�'.t proceeding i�Ga�[.`ruptcy.probate.for condemnation or forFeiture o"r to enforce laws or regulations);then l.eader may do and
<br /> •�"`�`�'� � � • pay for whace�er is necessary to protect the value of,the �'roperty and I.ender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> °����=� � � - � include paying any sums.secvsrod by a lien whish:'has pdority over this Security instrument, apptaring in cuuR. paying
<br /> . .,.. ,.
<br /> . ' - � e�axbie attomcys'fees and entering on.thC ProperEy to atake repairs. Atthough Txader may take action under ahis pacagraph �°
<br /> . • .. .. 'Z`��c�oes not have to do so. �
<br /> � , `, "'� �� Any �ss disbursed by L.ender under this paragrapb 7 shall'become additi�nal debt a�f Sorrower securecf hy this `_
<br /> . Socurity Insi�:sent. Unless Borrower anc� Lender agree ta other terms of paymen�[hese amounts shall be�r interest from the �;
<br /> � ,�� , . ��te of disbursement at the Nnte rate and shall be payable, with interest, upon notice from Lender to Barrower�queshng �,
<br /> •'���� . �:--• -� payment. • ___
<br /> �'��, � �-�``:r..��:=� - =�: � 8.Mort�age ingueance:If Lender required mortgage insuranee as a Qonditian of making the�loan secured by this Security
<br /> '; �•• • . lnstrument. Borrower shaU a the cemiums rc uired to maintuin the mqrt �
<br /> p Y P q gage.insurance in et�'eet. If, for any re�son;,tE�e Q
<br /> �:�e;:_. . • moRgage insurance oovCrage ieyuired by Lendcr.lapscs or ccases to be in effect;Borrawer sh�ll pay thc premiums requiredto.
<br /> � '•�:
<br /> , .,5i};�°,,: ,., _ obtain wvern e substuntialt uivatent ta the mort a e insurance reviousl, in effv�. at a cost�ubstantiall
<br /> • ;r.•,'-_--.. g S��I � S P Y Y Cq�ivalent to the
<br /> ' • , w�t to Bormwcr of the mi�rtgage insur�nce prcviously in cffect, from an altemate mortgagc insurcr appmved by Lender.If
<br /> ' • = substantially equivalent mortgage insurnpce onveragc is r�at availAblv.Sonower shatl pay to Lender each month a sum equal ia
<br /> f.' ' � ' : .,�s,'�� one-twelflh of the earl rnntt a c insucqneo premium bein y € P
<br />'-`'�i,:, Y Y S S S paid b �orrowcr when the incurance covera e la sed or ceased to
<br /> .,.
<br /> � ba ln effect. Lendcr will uuc�tpt,usc and rrtain thcse payments as a loss rcwervc in licu of mortg�ac insurance. Loss rescrve
<br /> ,., . .
<br /> . . .
<br /> , . .� .
<br /> . •{�;,,�r;�?S:'. , ,
<br /> ' 'i!�i,i�; �. .- .. Form 3028 9190
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