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<br /> � fflM a �0li0�1.'t 1�t�f IrE �lp�lY l� l�01�� � l�10� � rq 60 CL1tlqi0�� 1�/ ��' .
<br /> � �e�ae�.�Il$Ihe i�ee�ls.�afamd.l0_1�d�Sean�t�t�!�eat�tk"_l�!?Iat�' _ -�_---- - --- --•--
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<br /> SdRRO'li►E1t COVENAN'i'S t6�t Ha�inwa is 1s�rli�UY�bed ds6e aale�eedy coav�Yedaoditi��e ri�to�raot asd�;-, . �-
<br /> aot�tvey We°Pronat,�od tirt t�e Pt�npeety ia�maic�mebaad.exoept fac�of.ieoa�d. �+va�ants�d�►ii! � ,
<br /> dpked�ly ihe tiNb/o Ihe Prope�ty�umt�Il clai�s t�d den�ads.abject ta�ai►�cu�oa of�coed. , � . ,
<br /> THtS S�C[iRTiY INSIRUM�11'oombi�s oaifam awemnts for u�tia�i�se aod aoa-udfam oavemo�ts�rotb timile�
<br /> v�it�bg j�diepoa iacatt�utc=aamform fe�y i���pro'�!►• - -- =
<br /> -- -- -i3�fi�3Ri�t tlE3i�it+k�'!'S.En��wrs aa�I.tadsr ar�ea�at s�sSrx as foUoa��a: - - ` -- :- - _-____- ---
<br /> _— _ _ _ ------ _,_-_=�,����� :��! "' • i'�e-=�e'�S-,Ancr�rcc�h�ll.�1Y,RiY..�d�a.�_fLe _ '
<br /> pa�cipd ofaod iaoerest oa t6e debt evld�aoed bp tha Note md aay p�+epaymqit aad•I�e c�r�es due undu the Note. _ - -
<br /> 2. �i[�Ta�a a�t bwrace.Sayax ta�pplicabJe ta+r ar to s�vriccee waiva by I,e�der.Bo�wa sh�l!pry w
<br /> Isader oa d�e dry a�L1Y P�Y�S a�e dne uoder the Note,u�nti!d�e Nate is pid in fnU,�s�m t"Fuods•)foc:ts)Yar1Y w�et
<br /> iod atressmeots�d�rh may�in priority ova this 5ecnriry tas�umeat ss a liea on the pmputy:(b)Y�Y�P�Y�
<br /> or�o4nd oaats oo ibe Prope�ty.if apy;(c)Ya�fY htt�ed or pcopecEy inwcaox prxmium�;(d}YqriY flood iasur�noe�.
<br /> if mY:`te)r�Y.�8�i�rmoe p�emiva�s,if any:aea(�anY�v��Y sorro�va w Leada.in accocd��.ridt
<br /> dre p�ovisions of pu�yph 8.in liev oPtbe payment of mo�tgage iruuranoe premi�•'i'hese items�c�e alkd"Fscior Itaa�-"
<br /> lseder aa!'.at any rime. collea snd hold F�ds�an aanutr not Lo txas�t6c muimum�moant a kader for a fadentty
<br /> telated mortgage loan may�ite for Bomuwer s escrow scca�K under tbe fedeal Rai Est�tc Seulan�R P�ocedures Act of
<br /> 1974 as ametded itom time to timc, 12 U.S.C.Sxtioa 2601 a seq.("RESPA").uniess aeotbec law th�t applies to tbe Fads
<br /> ects a tesser amount.If so.l.a�der may, at any time,coitea'aad 6old Fnuds in an anwu�nat to ea000d die tessa anant:
<br /> I.ader mry euira�te ti�e amount ot Fuuds d�e oo We b�is of cumait d�ta a�i�le�tes af e�npe�ditntes of futune
<br /> Escrow Itar�s or otUetwise in�coord�nce with applicabk law.
<br /> _ Ttie Fuads shall 6e heid in an institatian whast depc�cits are iflsu:e�by a fedecal agency. inwumcetality. ar aai�y - __
<br /> rncluding I.ender.i!`�.erder is such an instimtion)or in amr Federal Home Loan�ank.I,eadtt sl�11 apply the Funds to�Y ti�
<br /> = Bscmw Itans.Leader tnay not charge Borrowet for hold'mg and app[ying the Funds.annual3y znalyzing the eserow a000unt,or
<br /> _- verifging the Esc,�oc�Items.antess I.erder pays Borrower imerest on the Funds ard spplicabk law pertiits t.ender to m�i such
<br /> - a charge.However.Lender may require Bomnwu to pay a one-time ct�arge for an irdeperdent rcal est�i"�x s�portirg service
<br /> _- usod by [.entter in connection with this loan, unless applicable law pc�ovides othe:wlse. Unless an�t is made ar
<br /> applicable!aw requires interest w be paid.Lender s6a11 not be�quired w pay Borrower a��terest or rifnings on t}se Furds.
<br /> �•: ' Bormwer and Letfder may agrce in v��'rting.however,that iirte�est sha116e paid an the F¢m�.;.#:ecadec sha11 give to Borrower.
<br />�-�;t_ without charge,a��annpal accou��f the Fw�ds. showing credits and debiu to the F�a�d the Fxiip4se for which esed
<br /> =''�'� debit to the Funds was inade.The F�di±are plodged as addidonal securiry for ail sums secured by this Se�xi,�ty Instrument:
<br /> If the Fuads l�etd by Ixnder e�c�:he amounu permitted to be held by applicable law,I.ender shall a000unt to Borrower
<br /> ,. ' for t}�e excess Funds in accordance�the requirements of applicabte law.If the artwunt of the Funds held(ry Lender at re�y
<br /> _ � � � ' time is aot sufficiertt to pay the F.scr.�w Iterns when due.Lender may so notify Boaower in writing.and.in such case&-►xrower
<br />: . �� �;.; _� ;�;.�,� ! shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make op the defiri:ncy. Borrower shal!make up the deficiency in no monz than �
<br /> ,� ,..���:;.�, : YP�Y��•
<br /> _ � r���••,.., i�- twelve monthi at Lender's sale discretion. ___
<br /> � �::<� ': : '+ Upon payment in fu l l o f a l l sums secur e d by t his S e c urity Instrument. l.e n der s h a l l promp t t�� r�f u n d to B a r r o w e r a n y �---
<br /> ; .'. . . . „.�:-w-
<br /> � ' � �. ' .'� Funds held by L.ender.lf,under paragraph 21.I.ender sh�if acquire or sell the Property.Lend�r.prior to the acyuisition or sale ;=r;��
<br />- ;��=:''-: �� '�=u,' of the Pro shall a 1 ar► Fur�ds held b Ixnder at the time of ac uisidon or sale as a eredit a nst tQe sams secared b �=m�""
<br />_ „�' P�Y•• PP Y Y Y q 8� Y �s�s.x-
<br />-. .�,..'?f •-' . , this Security Instrument. �-'��f::;�.
<br /> ����.�ti
<br /> ?�}:':. ,•;�• 3.Application ot Ps►ymtnts.Q;nless applicable!aw provides othcrwise.all paymentc received by I.ender under paragraphs . :r_;.-_-
<br /> .. • 1 and 2 shaU be applied: fi�t.to a�1y prepayment charges due under ihe Nate:�ecand,to amounts payable under paragraph 2: • .
<br /> , � third.to interest due:fnunh,to prin�ipal due:and latit.to any late charges due under the Nate.
<br /> � :.-�'?�,.�;;,,f 4.Charges;l.tens. Borrow•er s�:all pay all taxes,as�escments,charges, fines and impmitions attributuble to the Praperty ,
<br /> ' �,�;.+'i���' ' whieh►nay attain priarity avcr thi� St�curiry lnstrument. and i;a��'�otd paymcnt�or ground rent+, it'any. Borrower�ea,kk pay
<br /> �, % � .. these oli[��atians in the ma�er prodided in paragraph 2,or if rsa7 gaid in that n�anncr, Borrower.hall pay them an tim���:�vrtty ',,:
<br /> `� � _ . � , to the pe�son owed payment.Bonnwer shall promptiy fumish to Lender all na:i¢es ni'amountti ta bc paid uetder this pat~�.,aph. -''S•�
<br />- ���=•� _• If Borrower makes these paymentc direcUy.Bnrrawzr shall promptly furnish to Lendcr receip�s evidcncing t�ie paymen�r-. '��'�:•
<br /> � �"�`' � -�"� - S�.�r.rower shall prumpdy dischzrge any lien w�hich has prierry over this Security Instrument unless Borrawer.(ar�,cees in . .
<br /> . �' �. ' , uritm�tn:t'he payment of the ahli�;,i.i+m'lecured by.the liet►;in.i m:�-�:�er nceeptable to l.ender.(b)contestr in good faac�et�e lien
<br /> ' ��'� 1��1`;�" � 'iip. ar ii'�ends agairt�t.enforcemtrr �if thc ifc� iir;'rtc�ai pr�u�:,ii4�gs ahi� in �he Lender'ti opinion o�cate to prevent the '
<br /> ' •r�,�;; ;. . • , . , . .
<br /> � �'�''' "' � - .:enforcemenc of the licn_��r(c►sctiu�a:s from the Ir�TJder of tiie(ica an agrcc�nu31:�,:atisfactory tu l.ender�uli�niinating the lien to
<br /> _,.��� 3;�'... , . ..
<br /> �?'''. + . ' , . � this Secutity Instrument. if La;nd��r,�i�;:ermine+that any pan of'the Propest;�'+y��tiubject to a lien a•hich ma�� attain priority nver � .
<br /> � . - this Security Tnstrumcnt, l.ender+v:;���,`;ve Bonawer a notirc idcntifri�ig thc licn. Burrrnser tihai�,atiyfy ihe iien c�r tuke ane or
<br /> � , • more of the actions set foRh abo��wiif'tYn 10 days nf the.giving��t'mnice. � �
<br /> ��' , _ �• , • Form 3028 9190
<br />_ :�`,: � . . . . .
<br />_ . , .. . � Pago 4 of B . •
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