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<br /> � ,. . � .. . . . . . .
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<br /> � r •` �e�lk Lw t�apecjty for�e�t)be�a Mis d is tli�o�e�iy�rrw�wt tci ar�Pa�'�►of+�oo��°�`�� � � :
<br /> �� S�ewit�6�ac tb}+�ry af�j�a/!�a�t a�i��7►�'!�� '11w�e aoeditioMa Ma Wt da�o�ret: (s) .
<br /> ` . pryt�Lx�dec sA�t.�J►icY�Yea�voWd b�e dwe �de+r INin SectritY 4�t�t�od tbe Na1c it N ao aoce�er�tion iq�d - .
<br /> --_�._.-�C�}�na a�.det�Ic.olas�t al�er.00r�ea�ol�.a«fre�:[��P�'+���jec.�rted b�ius tl�is'�ea�rity
<br /> y��e�i�cl��,bM aot 7id�ed�0.nro�bie�qae�Yr'fers:�nd t�'�wc�t ut�oo a t�ender�sy re�oa�Wy � � _
<br /> �, ___��r10 a��e i6�t�tl�c�ard'�5ec�y I�t�i,�adaY rijhl:[�p d�e�i+cQaty aod AaaoMrerti�bliption ta paY�e �
<br /> - s�p���ttu-Sa�»y�t�il � � UP��bY Boav��,�ac�jE- -;
<br /> LieiaaiaK�ed 1�e_a61i_�tiooe��ew�ed be�eb�►s�U ra�ut fuUy dfecdve aa if oo aoce�ation h�d occurnd. Haw�vtt.deq _
<br /> --� — - i!$de d N�y Ar/e�f I.�Swieer.` 'Ibe No�e a a p�rtiai uoterat in t6e Noie(wjed�ar with thiY Secuiity
<br /> . .. �mt)1�a1►�e roid.oMe q�times�rilhout piar notioe fo Bon�owet. A aie m�y ra�it ib a cl�n,e In tLe edjty . .
<br /> ' � (k�qwa as,We"•t.o�o Seilrioer")t6�t collects mo�iy payments dae u�nder�be Ka1e�nd tBis Seeuir�y I�at. `11�sbo
<br /> ' m�jr be oae a mone Wro�es d t6e Lwa Savioer uQel�red m a swle of tbe Not� If 16er�is s ch�nae o�tbe I.a�n Savker. .
<br /> - 8qrtowa wreU be gvea wiipen aopce of.die dun�e in�oicoe�0�ooe�riW p�sg�ph 14�bove and appliesbk law. Tbe mtice
<br /> �!stpe t6e uaite aod addr�ss of drc aew�laaa Sarvker aod d�e add�ess to which IxYments a1�a�uW 6e made. 17�e notia w�l
<br /> . _ al�o�in�aY ad�infoma�tian mquirod bY�pplic�bk law. �
<br /> 2!t �Si�o�s. Ba�e�sl�il not caase or parmit t6e p�esence.ase,disPosa!►�8z•or rdease af� ,
<br /> Hsado�s Sabsta�ces aa ar in the PloQe�ty. Ba[rn�Yet 6baU nat do,ms allow�ayaoe dse to do,anYm�B�8
<br /> PropacY m�c is;o.viotatioa of�►y Enviram�qi iaW. �rne preceaing cwo sencences snalt�oc appty�o d�e p�esa�as�ar
<br /> s�aa�u�tbe Ptope:ty of somill qa�tics of H�doas Sobstaac�es tbat�ne generauY iec�o�izod to 6e?ppopriate to no�al
<br /> � � ���es aad tam�ca of t� ,i-:;:;;
<br /> �P�S�B►��no�cx uf�,y imresagatson,claim,�naod,iawsuar.'c`�r�ll�;�ny
<br /> £ ;�4�!�9°�;�r:��9��'!'�"�'iuvohring thc Ytopest-y.wd an�r�dnQS S���m�,,;..•.'
<br /> '-�"�;� ,r���iP.rx.':!�!�1e.�:b�s;?�'�'w`:�.� If Bamwer k�,'�i��:��.�,��,,-...,,,;;,�'�:�.�,,. ..�;�
<br /> , ;.;.
<br /> e A �:i`
<br /> '?'i:r ;i:`ir; ' ::��'3 � 'O� �ZaIdOLLS �'��1l�',�',.,,.�.�L���, '��a�� /._`:� n.,� .
<br /> c,J�,-.1+:;�r;�'4i;. _ li�:a,�t,'�ez.�h�� �', �.�r.�,;.< �;:
<br /> ,r � .r �;� , � � � .-' ;': , ;;.:;';';•,:. • :.?;;,.;y::
<br /> ' �l�l{��..�-�"T;�Gt1�1.ti��.iC1S��tt�Ld.}n4�W1I(l�17A,��' ��': i
<br /> ,, < < �1#Y��S,�;�!►�s�:�t��-�£�v�+��Qe��?t-e�g��c�s��3:ds�acar '�r��u�by
<br /> �,.r�. 5 ,.�E�:�sw and tbe follawiag:�';�s�"a�4�U�se�athu i�a`miifabte or toxccp,�r�sin�mudncts.tasic
<br /> .� ' �°pi�tic�es��aiiii fiabicides,volatile sol��:�.,�u'��t��t`.a..��•�isbesto`s or fonnaickbyik,and fad'ioaclive matcriais. As
<br /> used in this pv�g�aph 20.^Environn�ental I,avw';�f�3�:a1 laws and lews of the jurisdiction whcie tha Property is Iocated
<br /> that rol�te w 6ealth,s�fety a envitunmentel protoctio�.'� � '. � .
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower aad Lender fuN�er covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21. Aooeteratias;Remedies. Lender sball give aoNce to Burrower prior to scsekratbn folbwis�Borrower's
<br /> bracU d�y covawt or ap�eea�t i�t6ts Secarity Imdrumeat t6at eot prlar to aooekration uoder pa�apr l7
<br /> �des�ppiialk law.prm�ida otlunrt�e). T4e aotice a6a11 speeify (a)tLe de�aWt:(b)the actlor req�ired to twre the
<br /> de�arN;(c��d��et te�tlun 30 dsys tlrom the date the notice is givea to Bormwir.by whkb t6e defwlt must be
<br /> crnd;ard ld)Ihat hllrre W are tke defsMH ow or before tYe date apccifled ia tMe uoNce�y r�lt ta saele�tto�af
<br /> tLe sqa��awnd 6y tMis SecYrlty InstrMmeet aed sak o�tUe Property. 7'he eotice sYall�urther info�e Botrower d
<br /> tiie si�it to fei�aM�te Attee accekrallon and f!�ei�ht to brin�a court sictlou to assert the noa�ezistsace of a default or
<br /> �uy otrer defense d Borrower to acoekntion snd sata It the detault is not cured on or beiore the date specitled in
<br /> tbe natto�I.ender at Ils optioe msy requirc immedtate paymmt in tull o��II sums secured 6y thb Securit9 Iagtrument
<br /> witMout tiurtwer denisnd and mpy invdce the power of sak and any other remedks pe�mitted by Applicabk law
<br /> 1,e�der eofi�ll be entided to colkct at1 expenses incurred in pursuiog tfie nmedks provided ie this paragraDb Zl,
<br /> I�dudl�,6at aot limited to,reasonabk attorneys'[ees and costs at titk evideece.
<br /> It t6e power o�sWe is invoked.lYusta s6a11 record a notke of defautt in each county in whk6 any part ot the
<br /> properly i�bcated and sball mail copies of such noNce in the rtwnner prescribed 6y applicabk law to Borrower and to
<br /> tLe otber persons prescribed by applicaMe law. ARer the time reqoired by applkabk law.7lrusta sball gtve pu6lic
<br /> noNoe af sak to the persons and ie t6e maaner presc�bed by applicabte law 7lruste�withoat demand an Borrower,
<br /> s�all sell tlie Property�t publk auction to the higUest 6idder at the time and ptace and undec the terms designated in
<br /> the notke of sak in one or niore parceLs and'm any order'llrustee determines. Trastee may postpone sale of aU or any
<br /> parcel of the Property by public aneouacement at the time and place of any prevbusly schedofed sa1e. Le�r or itg
<br /> dealg�ce msy purchase the Property at a�y sate.
<br /> Upon receipt of paymeet of t6e pr�bid.'ilrustce sball deliver to the purchaser Trastee's deed con��eying tbe
<br /> properiy. T6e recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prlma tacie esidence ot the truth ot the statements made tberein.
<br /> '�'�K��aDD�Y t�D�'�s of the sale in the tdtoRing arder: (a)to all costs and expenses ot exerc�siag t6e power
<br /> y_
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