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<br /> � �: Y tlr t�rrt�i a ial�;td�i�d aie lf�pw�r.�cMi���is�/i,et 14•t��;wc�w�4!r rib.l�iraiftY
<br /> . . . wWA�etiirrot���'�►iiMraqreo�ww , fiQ�e�ne!wrer:-I�i�14e's�i�atd-a���Yl�tii��oti�r �s�.- - .;;.��.�
<br /> --- -: ���tv�s"�tt�eft;�pwty�aa��eh:�r�e�ici�isqw�i�o.�r�ta�il�paooas�i�s====- :_
<br /> . ��e!!!ii.lr�.liit--..- -. iilniMentl�o�ediMel�►_ Iie_ wk�s�sort!anef�dt+�taie�ewi��-- �' - � .
<br /> �a�riT �e aie�a���� _ .
<br /> s�–- -
<br /> . _
<br /> :i�"�i'sn'ii��' -.-3!°i''f�r-1i'�!"_t_ — '> - — —-- -- . �t--- •
<br /> �+�tiar (�re�iot�t awowit of�c st�t;ecw�i�i bda��tb�ta��;dir��id�g(�}ie c�� .: . ,
<br /> -. =�ty i�el�,��rsr�sL�:s3�a•,.-�j�3�x��-Le p�l��drmwr,_l�re t+�t sf a�u�i_p�4�.1M�e . -
<br /> � hepNty i��iielr�t t�ir�lcet i►Y�d die Pt�o�ety inMe�r 6etae ttie i�ici�s iai d w 4�a aioo�t d �e�ws .
<br /> , Neawd iiiwe�iildj�beta�d-ie�i�e.�..ileis B�ar��nd t.eiidef a�ia+M�e s�i�-�+�iti�at u�les�!�ic�ie-iinn � -
<br /> ai�Mieroeiides;A�a�ooeed�-��i11:li�.ippliedb�eiwi�asaM[edb�tris�Seaurity�.�taiqe�t-w�e�ar-iatlie.wrw��re<. � �-- .
<br /> iea4a;: : . . . •.:L.�;;,,, � . ;�.,.� � '. � -
<br /> � � �'11ki,#�il�Op4�y is�dared�y,Aatm�rer.or if,N1a eotice 1ry�i.epd�r�tb port�t1a�t t6'�caede�nor dfas w w�iae
<br /> �aw�d.a sdd�a d�ford�es,Har�r t�ik to m�iad to I�'�rithin 30 drys allei d�e dMe t6e sooccia jir�e�r. �
<br /> . � IxMer Ze�uiibotined to c�ollect aud appiy We proceeds,�its aptian;�ei�er�o i+estaration ac npir d ilr Propaty ar so tt�e
<br /> �recu�ed iy tl�&Secu�ity I�n�aK.�v�x ermt thea dne. . ' � .
<br /> tln�aR I.e+�der aad Baraw+er ud�ise�ee in�a.a►y licatian of p�oi�eeds w pru�cip�l si1�U eat actad or
<br /> puppoqe�be due d+pe af the moqdily p�yma�ts refq�ed to in p�agap�ii 1�d 2 a�e ibe anauat a�a�ch paymq�s.
<br /> 1!. �+awe� Nrt'ne1e�/; �e�rarc�e 17 I.e�ia Nlot i Wah�n'. Fatent�a4 of the tiqie�fa paymeat o� -
<br /> -modifiaNiot►of�an fl[d�e��aps�ec�red.bY���Y�E�����+�!►�+a,�'in iolar�t • .
<br /> �oP Aanr�ver sMU aat epei�le t��-tb�.liab�fy of the acipnal Ha�QO�ves er Han�ertc suaoeuas in Ltteneat.�I.eptkc�
<br /> �i aot be�equi�ed,to ,...,��;a�at any-w�wr in i�Me;te�t a ieCu�e�e:tead dma far paymeot ar
<br /> ad�wiae modiiY�ma�tiz�aon��1�j►�iis'Securi�y Ii�npneaiFTig.ie�o�c�,�r,3e�trd�de t�r We ari��pat. . �. .
<br /> Basn�s a Bann�i�erB socoes#o�(��i iakCest.;Aqry!��i�°.�,��;`A!�!!�,cfi�t a amedy�hali iNp�;;B��a�
<br /> waii�eca��ltprecloMl��eeacenCiseoPanyti�tart�mpdy� '``.;.".`<,.:1 . .,:• 1 :<. •' � ;'-•;,, t ''
<br /> ��y�� ly(��y � ' �-� �� ,.[{�oijt�yy����`r � ��..
<br /> � �����!�l7�F.��, Q�.P,,J,,,��,��i i�};i,l,�",r,",y��p,.�z, '" ���'!}1/!1!�."R�"�'.�� . SI .:
<br /> .SOCIRI[�`�`?���11f1d 70d bCIlEflt t�IC�1GOCS50[B�,ipn�}us'`�"'1Y!VP:�11d BOITOWCIs fUb�f�t''�IC pI�VlsiOps pf t J;
<br /> :,. ..���' •s��a.��ri��-;�i;�"::'�:.U,y��w��+,���s.s�iy,.;• ,r _
<br /> �`�u�t���':�txecute tLa Note: (a)is+►�5�8 tliis Sccurity I�ra�tnt oaly t4 mottga,�G,graat and convey thqt +J�
<br /> ;�.�t;:��;;•.:�'��ainw6r�inte�sl;�;�e.Prop�?cty±un34 the teuns af this 5ecu�iry Lutnqqep� (b�Is not ptrsonally'obtr�ed to pxy ttws wms {, �':
<br /> se�med bY ihis.: .,-"�.:.... .. aii�(cY��s thu l.ender and any oftierHorn�wer may agnea w ei�tend;modify,fal�au� .
<br /> , , a m�te any•ac�it�tiaes�i�`i regatr!to the tertns of this Sa;urity Iristrument or tAe Note witlwut th�t Bamwerk
<br /> .,canseot. � '�
<br /> „ 13. Lo�C�. If the Ioan secund by this Security Inatnuneqt is subject w a law which sets mucimum lo�n
<br /> chargea.and tfwt law�is finally inte�(xeted so thu the intercst a otber toan charges colloctod or to be wlkctod in ca�nection
<br /> ' wltt�the{mn as�oed tNe permitted limits.then: (a)aay sucb toan ch�ge shap be trduced by Ihe tmouM tKCessuy w�educe
<br /> the ctur�e us the permiued limi�and(b)au�y sums�Iricady coUected frum Barrower which excebdedpennitted limits wi116e
<br /> afunded to Ba�rower. I.ender may cNoose to maice this rcfund by adncing ttre ptincipal awed under the Nae or by malcin*a ,
<br /> dlrcet paynknt to Botmwer. if a rofund radaccw principal.the rcductian wiI!be trcaced as a puti�l qepRymem wili�ut�ny
<br /> - pepayment chuge under the Note.
<br /> 14. Notiees My notice to Bo�rower pmvided for in thi.r Secudty In.nromem�hall be given by delivecing it ar by
<br /> maiGng it by first class mail unless appl4cable law rcyuims use ot onather me�had.71ie notice shall 6e dirccted to the Property
<br /> _ Addtess or any other addms.s Borrower designates by notice to Lcnder. Any notice ro Lender sAa11 be given by tirst class
<br /> m�il to l.ender�s addass stated herein ar any aher nddress L.ender designates by aotice to Borrower. My nwice provided for
<br /> In this Security In.mument shall be deemed to havc Ixen given to Barrawer or l.ender when givcn as provided in this
<br /> �15 Governina Law;Seveab(lity. This Securiry Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the law af the
<br /> jurisdktian in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security lnstniment or the Note
<br /> conflicu with applicable law.such contlict shull not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument ar the Note which can
<br />_ be givea effect without the canflicting provision. To this end the provisions af this Security,lnstrument and the Note are
<br /> declaced to be severable. ,
<br /> 16 BoROwer's Copy. Bomower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Insuument. . _
<br /> 17. 7lrander af the Property or a BeeeTiclal interest ia Barrovrer. If a!I or any part af the Praperty or any interest in
<br /> - it is sold or transfetred(or if a beneficial interest in Bonower is�old or transferred and Borrawer is not a�atural person)
<br /> • -' without Lender's prior written consen�.L.ender may,at its option,nequire i�smediate paymeM in full of all sums secured by
<br /> ��:4 this Security Instrument. However.this option shall not be exercised by L,e�.if exercise is prohibited by federal law aq of _
<br />-� �Y the date of this Security lnstrument.
<br /> =�: �� »,.:
<br /> �� �� ������^ If Lender exercises this option.Lender shall give Borro�.er notice of acceleratinn. The rtotice shaU provide a period of =
<br /> �'i•:� ���`:°� =•= ' �n o t l e s s t l r s n 3 0,d a y s f r o m t h e d a t e t h e n o t i c e i s d e l i v e r e d o r m a i l e d w i t l i i n w'h i c h B o r r o w e r m u s t p a y a l l c u m s s e c u r e d b y t h i s -°
<br /> ,��f..��,-� �;~�
<br /> �;f, ,• Securiry Insdument If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the e�piration of this periad.Lender may invoke any
<br /> .a.•".. =.•.
<br /> K``.���,?: . remedies p e r mitted b�this Securit y Instrument without fuAher notice or der�and on Boaower. ___
<br /> 18. Borrax��Right to Retastsite. If Barrower meets certain canditionk Boaower shatl have the right to have _
<br /> q�� i�,. enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior ta the earlier of: (a►S day�(or such other perioQ as _
<br /> , ,,y, Single Famlly--taek blaelFYeddk bfac t;NIF(flt�t I�S'PRL;biEti'f�•Uniform Corenanl.+ !I!� IpoRtO nJb po�e.rl , �.:.
<br /> � - . . . . � . . . .
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