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<br /> cmdeur�tion a a�er t�to�af aay put af tbe Ptopeny.ar for cahvey�ioe io liw of aoeid�maW oa.iie beid�r�pd�d` ' .
<br /> � �In�e�rsat af s taht t�k�of the Piropertg,.t6e p�oceeds sfiiU 6e�pplie�to the`a�nn secur�d bq this Security� ., , `
<br /> l�ait,�ed�er br aot that du�with,�ny exoas pud w Bo�m�er, In the eva�t nf a P�tial d�'sit of t6e Prnpaty in
<br /> wl�ich:d�e fa��ricet valae af the PtapeKy irtur�edi�6ely.befa�.the tak+ag is equa[to or�r�n tLe aaio�mt ot tba swn�
<br /> �bY���Y���Y�°�t6c tiltina.unTess Bon+aver and L.`eodet at6erwise apoe in writit�.
<br /> � tbe atmt eav�ed by dus Securiry Instnm�ent shap be teduoed 6y tbe inwu�u of t!r p�oaals rtx�ltiplied by the fdlo*rine
<br /> fraction: (�)t�e tonl a�uow�t of tbe snmc sec�p�ed irntned'ocety befaoe the W�ina,dtvided by @)the fatr tt�rlcet vatur of d�
<br /> , ` Ftopertq inqme�rety befae drc W�inE. MY 6a�ace shili bt pu+d�o Bu�wer. In ti�e eveet of a p�tisl bdting of Ihe ` ,
<br /> � PYopeity in�vluch the fair nwket vatae of the P►t�pe�ty,unmr��,•�+y 6efon Ihe talciag ic kss dart tbe smouaR of the sw�as ,
<br /> . secuned immodirtely befae dx taltin�,unlFss Bamoaer ard Lender otl�wise sgroe ia writin�a unless applicabk taw
<br /> o�he�w'is�Pmvides.t6e pracaeds sb�U 6e applird to the wms secu�ed by tltis Secariry Lsson�meat wNether or rwt tbe sums a� �
<br /> Wen duer ' • .
<br /> If thc Pk�npe�ty is ab�odone�by Boaower,ot if,after n�ice by ls�ndcr to Bamwer thst the candemnor offe[3 to m�ice
<br /> ao awnM.at sdtk a c1�im tbt dun�es.Bormwer fuls to�espond w L�eader within 30 days after tbe dste tbe notice is giva�,
<br /> Len�is aumorined to collo�K aad appty t6e pinceMs,at its option,either to rrstora�inn ar�epair of tbe Pwperty or w tbe
<br /> . �s secured iry this SecuritY l�aam�wlied�tr or not d�en due. . .
<br /> . Unieas I.eoder�d�ormwer ethawise agnee in wri6ng,any application of p�oceeds to princ.-ipai slnll not extend ar
<br /> pnsq�oa the due date of the monthty paymentsiefsmd m in paragcaphc 1 snd 2 or ctiangc the amaaqt of sach WY�
<br /> 11. �arnawer Nat ltde�red; Farbe�ra�e ej i eader Nd a Wairer. Fxcrnsian of the time far paymmE ar .
<br /> modification of amativuia�of the sums secuced 6y this Secu�ity Insaument gnmoai by Lender w aay sucre.ssor ia u►�st
<br /> of Bo4[oarer s1�aU not opaste w ielease-tbe liabiliry of the ociginal Barrower or Samwer's sooaswrs.in interest.lr�der
<br /> �sl�ll rwt be ceqw'te�w cumd�rnce P�.&4�S��Y�ssa�in iutei+est.or nfuse w extend qme for payment or
<br />- ad�wise modify�mortiation of tbc sums sxutrd by d�is Se�wiry L4chuuxnt by�eason of any dem�nd arad�Dy the ariginat
<br /> Ba�wa or Bormwer's successas in iate�t. My fabearanoe by I.coder�exe�ising aay rigl�t or temedy sb�II'aat be a
<br /> waiver of or proclude tbe exe�i.5e of any right or temedy,•
<br /> IZ S�ecesso�s a�d A�Jps aaa�d;loiat�d 5everal Lia6ility,Co�sipa�. The coveaants aad sg�ee�r�er�ts of this
<br /> Socuiiry Instiumem shall bind and benefit thc successors and a�cigns of l.eader and Bcxmwer,sibjxt w the provisio�of .
<br />-_ para�rapb 17. EoRawer's covmants ane agreemenu snall bc joinc ana several.Any sonower who co-s;gns rh;s secu�icy
<br /> _ _ �asuama�t 6ut das uot execute the Note: (a).is co-signing this Seauity,inctrumentoniy to aw�tg�ge.grstnt titd camey t1�at .
<br /> '. Boaoaer�s inte�est in tlse Pmperty under the terins of tbis 5ecurity Instramen�.��fil is not pecsonalty obligated to pay the sums _
<br /> - — secu�ed by this Seq�rigr/nsuumen�and(c)agnees that Lender and aay other�ann��may ag�ee w extrnd,modify.forbear
<br /> - - or malce any acconunod�tions with negazd to the terms of this Sec�rity L�nen4 or the Note withaut that Bormwtrk
<br /> _;� coasent -
<br /> i� 1� 1.we C6srid. If the loan secured by this Securiry In.�nunent is subject to a Iaw which sets mazimum toaa •�
<br />-- - - chuges.and that 1aw fis fin�lly interpneted so that the interest or omer loan charges collected or w 6e collected in co�nectiw
<br /> with the taan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any such toan cha�ge shaU 6e reduced by the amount necessary to reduce .
<br />. -- - - .-.the ete3sge La ih.e�,.;.�tted tisrri�and(b)a�sy sums at��dg catkcted froirr Bo�rower whieh exce4deQ permitted limits will 5e
<br /> • �: nfunded to Borrnwer. Lender may choose to make t6is rrfuad ti}r reducing the principal owed�de'r the Note or 6y ma�Cia�a:::::=•:;:,..`,�,7.
<br /> " ditect payment w Borrower. If a refund reduces prir�cipal,the ced,y,,.�,�nn will be treated as a Panial Prepayment without any :;';`;:�
<br /> ' �: . PnepaYment chsttge ander the Nae. : �= , .
<br />: _��. :•^;.-a: y • 14. Nodce� Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrur.�nt shall be given by deliveriag it ar by
<br /> �'^=�.y mailing it by first class mail unless applicable!aw requims use of another method.'�ie notice shall 6e directed to tho Pro
<br /> .., l r..�::£'. PertY
<br /> <<�:�: Addcess or any other addmss Borroaer designates by nodce co Lender. My rta�;ice to L.ender shall be given by fust class
<br /> •�.+r
<br /> � � ,E�; • mail to l.encter's•address stated herein c*r any other addmss Lxnder designates by notice to Borrower. Any notiee provided for
<br /> . '�;:s` `�r':; in this Securiry Insuument shall be cieemed to have been �ven to Borrower or Lender when giv�n as provided in this
<br /> �=°�. p���• �,
<br /> �••�� 15. Goveraieg Law;Severability. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the iaw of the
<br /> 1C��_`��:�;;-� . :j�isdictiao in which the Property is located. In the e�;=:,�t tfiat any provision or clauce of this Security lnstrument or tite Note
<br /> >.. .::
<br /> �•� � '�''� � conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall�ac ai3i;;ct other prmisians of this Security Inxtrument or the Note which can
<br /> ��';�;,�.�.°;. �= °'"' , be given effect withoui the confticting provision. Tv tbis end the provisions of this Security lnstrument and the Note are -
<br /> =,�-;='-�-• .. _�,,�• declared to tae sevcrable. , =
<br /> �I� �+'--'-- .�`• � If. �rrower's Copy. Horrower r.fiall be given one conformed copy of the Noce and of Ihis 5c�nrity tnstroment.
<br /> � "'s'"��"':--:`• 17. Traosfer of tlee rt or�Beneficial lnterest in Borrawer. If all or�n -
<br /> � . p� 9 y part c�tire Property or any interest in
<br /> � �"��>. .•:-._ it is sold or transferred�;a�if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sald or transfv=m�d:and Botrower is not a rtaMal person)
<br /> •�;.,�i,,; without l.ender�prior wrizitn consent,Lender may,at its option.require immedT;i.r�payment in futl of all sums secured by
<br /> ,�:, this Securiry lnstrum�m� 7�#owever.this aption shall nat be exercised by Lendbr if exercise is Frohibiced by federaf law aS of =
<br /> _� ~� tbe date of this Security instrument. �
<br /> '�':��s If l:ender eaercises this optfon.Lender shalf give Borrower notice af acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of o
<br /> '�'�: •, not less than 30 days fmm ihe date the notice is delive�t:d or mailed within whicb Borrower must pay all sums��+a:red by this -
<br /> �`� �� ' , Security/nsm�ment. if Borrower fails to pay thex�ums prkv to the eapiratiori of this period.Le�der may invoke any
<br /> -�'���� �� �emedies pemiitted by this Secun Instrument withuut C�rther notice oi demand on Borrower. -
<br /> �3�'=` -' = 18. Borrower's Rig6l to�elactate. If Borrower meets certain conditions. Borrower s}iafl have the right to have
<br /> �� enforcement of this Security/nstrument discontinucd at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)S days(or such other period as -
<br />-=,� � 5ingk Famity•-taenk bfar/Freddk Nx UtiIFOR�t 1�5TRC!NE�T••l,'nifurm Cuvtn�nb !t!� fpaRe 4 oJ6 page�l , �
<br /> •� ,.. � , —
<br /> ._ _— - —_ _- - __ ._ .
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<br /> - �r_�f �'��� ' . �\, '�i-� t{. r�"� ;� ___--_ __-- _..�� i_+iSY'1!,�_
<br /> -_ . . .. �. ._��.,s.�,.a. ,_ �'
<br /> ��"'_. i GT`��-: :- ... .- . . . -. - . " , . " - -�` .. . �'7r'�r .«.^r�.1�'T'p!'°.•--' �.--- : ' - . -' " .
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