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<br /> : ` ; � ` �7
<br /> . . .petiod�dq!lreada tequire�. 1Le i�aaoe�p�wWio�tre5owt�ooe 9LW 6e cbo�ee by Bw�oweet sabject b Lshderl� �M•
<br /> �� appeor�t whie6�nll mt be uo�a�biy wi�eld. If Bamw�er fa�s�o-ma+otain oaver�e dacr�ed�bawa.l�adr.r m�y.+i�
<br /> 1 eader�'�psion.oaain cove�e�o peo�ec.rt Leffder3 r��ts ia the A�opatY b�oca�d�ooe�with pr�ac�ph 7. ;
<br /> AU�suraooe poLc�a�nd reaew�Cs shW�be aooe�t�bte ta l,eiida�d stiU ixlnde a adod�nd awiittaje ci�wa La�der .
<br /> . stt�ti htve tbe ri�6t to lald t6e policies ad ua�rals. I€Len�er eeqni�es.Ba�o�rer ah�ll P�Y E►vt w Laeedei aD�eoeips �
<br /> �P�P��aod�.nodoes. ln tbe eva�t of tass.�otrn�wer shall give p�ompt nooce to tbe�vcanoe carrier�rd
<br /> Lender. l,ender m�y nWce poof af ta�ss Jnot an�de P�ampttY bY Ba�o�wa • '
<br /> � Unkss L.etidtr aid Bo�mvrer atLerwise s�x in writia�.iasutaoce p�oceod�s�N b����Rstoratiarror reprnr of ,
<br /> � tht.Ftoperry damtged.if dit�or tepir is booaomic�tiy fe�'6te md�,ender�s seauiry is nat kssene�" tf thp
<br /> itistor�tioo a.trp�ir is twt ecaoomia�lty fezsi6k ar L�d�er's seciuity wanld be lessmed.the iasa�aoce pocaeds'aMU be
<br /> : sppliad to Me sums seca�ed by this Secutiqt�.wbet6er ar not tbea duG wmh a►y excas p�d w gomov►�er. If
<br /> Sbmonvir abrndoas the Ptope�ty.oc does not mwer�rithin 30 days i notioe h+nm l.endeir that the iasuraooe carrie��s
<br /> • affeied to'senle a ctaim.thm L�eader mry coliect tbe ms�a�oe p�aa�eds�.. Lender mry�e tbe p�+uceeds to repa'v oe�estone
<br /> ' the Ptape�ty or to pty sams socuted by this Secutity�.�whdbecaFnot thm due. T6e 30�day period�v�l besio wben
<br /> • tlde nadcr is given. - : • . -
<br /> Uaiess Lender aad Bomowa ahe�wise agnee ia vr�idmg.au�►aPPlic�oQ of p�acads to prirci�al sbal!not exad or
<br /> postpone the due date of the montttly paymarts�tt'eriod to ia p�ntgr�pbs 1 aad 2 ar c6mge tbe amotmt of the papmeiYS. ff
<br /> 'under p�uag�aph 21 the Ptnpeity is acx{uued hy�L.tader.Bamowds rig6t to any iauu�nce policies�d Povo�re.aatin�
<br /> , ' from d�mage ta tbe l�roperty prior oo the�siti�oa stuU pass to l�der to tbe ea�tmt of tbe svim secoied by this Secarity
<br /> tn�uumem immaliately prior t�n the acquisitiao. ` • �
<br /> f� Or�cup�c�P�rpervatior� Mai�te�ce awd 8roke6o� of tie Yropert�: Barrower's l.ou Applieatlo�;
<br /> I.es�dloisTs�..BmmvYU shall occupy.esta61is6,and use tb��Ropaty as Barzowa's principal tesideact witLin sisty dsys aEiet
<br /> dtc exxutiap.of,this 5ocurity l�meat aod s6�1!cuotiutic t�s axupy the Ptoperty as BoROwer�s princip�l tesidaocae for�t
<br /> teast are ye:u;-atier tbe d�te of accupa�wy, w�kss i.ender�othecwise agree§ in vrriting, wliicb �auent s1n11 not 6c
<br /> ' , unma.waaWy atith6eld,or untess extenu�tinE circumstaaoes e��ist whicti ata 6cymd Bottvwds control. Barower sl�not .
<br /> �Y,�8e or impair the PtopertY,aqow the Property w daeriarmt.�rartunit wacte nd tiu P1ropMy. Bonnwer sinll
<br /> � he in defaWt"ff any farfetiu�action ar pioceed'mg,whether civ7 a cr�is begiun ti�at in L.eoder's good faifh jodp�ent� •
<br /> coald Rsutt in forfeitune of t6e Property a utheiwise materi�lly impa'v tl�e lien rmaed 6y this Security lastr�m�ent ar
<br /> ---_ . I.e�Wer'a s�onuiry iatenst. Bocrowec may cure safi a defaalt and reinstate.as P��P�"+�'��8•bY��8�� '
<br /> -------- or pnoaeding.ta.be dismissed with a tuling tbat,ia Let�der�s gaod faidt det�mirrdtiaa.p�ecindes fafeituie of t!u 8amwec�s ,
<br /> — interest in tho Pcoperty or other material impaim�ent of the tien created by this Secutity Instrument or l.ender's savrity �
<br /> — --- - intereu BormRer shall aLso 6e in defautt iiff Borrower, dwring the loaa applicatioe'•pnnces.�,gave materially false ae
<br />'���.'T.. inaccu�ate inform�tion or srnements to La�dd ta failed W provide Leuder with any material infomiatioa)ia coru�octiat witb .
<br />�. � � th�.loan evidenced by the Note.including,but not tiarited w. r+epresentations cauaning Basmwer�s occupancy of the
<br /> ���,�.-:� Rro�erty as a principa!iesidence. If this Secnrity Ias�rimxnt is an a leasehold.Bom�wer shall comply with all U�e prwisions
<br />-'� of the kase. If Borrower acquires fee 6de to the Pr+nperty,'tf�e Ieasehatd aud rhe fee titte shall not merge wiless Lenderag�ees
<br /> '- lg�p . to the merger in wTiting..
<br /> •f' ,*t: :' �• 7. Prai^�ctias d-II.eadcr'&R3�is��r-Propert�. If Bomrirei �aiis tv perform thrcovenants amt�gcoements- ---
<br /> '• . ' �' Conlauled m tliis Secutitv in. nnH.n�, oI ihece'is a Iegal P�oCOedinB ttf3t 2�3.y sigoif'�C�dy affeC! l.e[xlerts tigh
<br /> '`�'•''�:''�'.�,�,`:' . Pto such as a a¢e banlau e.for candemnatian or faiF.�assre oF to enforce laws or ladons then
<br /> .��;t;�;;;����t_?":::�;:='_ PenYt P�i PtcY•Pmbat ngu 1
<br /> ' :��-�:.;,:�'-'- -;;- ;, l.ender may do and pay fai+�iiatever is neassary to protect the valae of tf�t�i�'r�raa�I.ender's righu in the Prapeny. . , _
<br /> . , . Lender�actions•rtwy inctude payin8 aay sums swured by a lien which has�iorh�r��et this Security Insuument,appearing ��-
<br /> . in coun,payict��onable attomeys'fees�entering on the Pt�nperty ca�ak�repairs.Although Lxnder may take action �
<br /> -. , under this��b 7,Lender dces not 6ace tv do so. ` � =
<br /> ' . �. . . Any amcs�ts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall becofs;e additional debt of Borrower secuted by tl�iis �".._
<br /> . - Scxurity Instrumen� Unless Borrower and Lender agree to�terms of paymen�these amouats shall bear intenest from:the �'�`±
<br /> � = date of disbarse3me�tt at the Note rste and sha11 be payabl��=:*.h inte�est,upon notice from Lender to Borrower r�q�ing
<br /> ' . . ' payment. .-
<br /> ��_
<br /> _. ` a Moit�e Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insurance as.�a condition of making the toan secured by this ���:-
<br /> � � " � ' Security In�trumettt, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to mair,�z,;.aa rthe mortgage insurance in et�'ect lf.for any ` ��'._
<br /> �•.. .. . . �r..�: � -
<br /> ,._ � �•;;� reasam,the mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or Geasrs to be in effec4 Borrower shall pay the . .� . ,•�,
<br /> '•'•'°' ,_�:J�„r.:•, � premiums r+equiied to obtain cacerage substantiatly equivalent to tlte Rsurtg�de insurasice previously in effeet,at a eost
<br /> �:���;,:';�:�>;.'•;`,;r'"• substatitialJy equivatent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance��iausly "sri effec�from an altemate mortgage •� ��=�
<br /> ;;.�:`;.',"' �. ;:,';�{ insurrr approved by Lender. If substantitilh•equivalent mortgage insur.tnce eav�rage is not available.Borrower shatl pay to - _
<br /> .��"' `��'•' ' l.endereach moRtb a sum equal to one-twetfltr�f the yearJy mortgagc insuca�ce premium being paid by Borrower whe�the —
<br /> '�� insi�rance coverage tapsed ar ceased m be in effi�ct. l.ender will accept,ase and retain these paymenu as a loss reserve aa liett �
<br /> ._�``�• c'. ` of mongage insurance. L.oss reserve payments may no long�be required,at the option of Lender.if mortgage in�urr� ' . �
<br /> '� ` ' cover�c�in the amount and for the od that Lender uiras)provided b an insurer a roved b L.ender a
<br /> 8 P� �i Y PP Y 8���� s,-
<br /> «. availaMe and is obtained.Bormuer shall pay the premiums reyuired to maintain mortgage i�urance in effect.c�r to pravide a -
<br /> ��.� �� : ' . � loss reserve.tu�ri!the requirement for mortgage insurarece ends in accordance wilh any written agreement between Borrower . --
<br /> and L.ender or applicable law.
<br /> ��'- � .�'"� 9. Inspectba Lender or its agent may make reasonable enfies upon and inspections of the Property. Lender sha11
<br /> �,. $ gn��Borrower nodce at the time of or prior to an inspection spec'ifying reasonable rnuse fos the inspection. ' p..;,,
<br /> �+�•`� _��_ 10. Condemeation. The proceeds of any award�r claim for damages,direct or wnsequential,in connection with any ;,.:;'
<br /> - : � Singk Famity..faete NxfEYedQk�tac l;\IFOA�/11157'Rl;�]E!iT»1'niform Covenan�v !!!� /page3 nJb pog�s)
<br /> .,��, (irt fates Y�sr fas►de■ -
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