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<br /> coada�rioa a otLer ninng of aay paQt,of tbe Pmpe�ty,or fa conveyanve in lieu of�nd�wtlon.ue 1iae11s}►aui6ned+iad • �
<br /> sbaU be pud w i.a�ler . � -
<br /> L►d�e arau of s tonl Wung of�tbe Pmpaty:�he P�veeds s1iaU be applied to dte sums secw�ed by this SeayaIty
<br /> � ?aspramrnt.wi�dha or not tLea dne.witd any exass paid ta Bormwer. In ihe event of a p�tiV nicing of the Ptnperty in
<br /> whicl�d�e fair matl�+et valae of tbc Prapertg immediauly befae the tatomg is equal m or g�eaur t6an tha anaount of the sums _
<br /> . soctued 6y ehis Sccusicy.Iasuum�enc immediarely 6efo�e the�akuig,amless Bo�awrr and Leadet otherwise.agme in wriqng,
<br /> t1�sums sxated by this Secuaity Incnument shsll be nduood by the amount of the proceeds muitiplied by,tlie'fqlbwing
<br /> fcaction: ta)the wtal anwant of thc sums securcd itamodiatety 6efa�e�he taking.dividpd by(b)ti�e fyii muQet valne of the , .
<br /> , fmQerty wniediatety 6efore the talting. Any 6aisnce s4�a116e paud to Bo�rower. In thc event ot e partiai talcieg of the
<br /> _ Propett�►in wbicl►ti�fiir market value of the PtoptRy immediatety 6efare�e talcing.is tas th�ti�e�nwu�t of the�t►ms
<br /> aoWred irtrmediauly befae the akL�g,unkss Borrower and Leiider ahervicise,agroe m writatg a unkss applicabk Isw .
<br /> - otherwise provides.tAe pracerds ah�il 6e�pplied to the�ums secu�d by thia Security teswmeet whetfiet or not the sums sue
<br /> thrndoe. � -
<br /> � U the Ptopecty is al�ndoaed by Barower.a if.d'ter notiCe by Lender to�oaowcr that thc caidemnor of�ers to malce
<br /> --- ' �o�w�M ar settle a ct�im for dun��es.8amwer fails to Tespcmd,ta Lender within 30 days after tLe due the ixxice is givea,
<br /> -_ l,ender is autl�orized to wiiect aad�tly tl�e proceeds.�t its aption.oiU�er to nstoratinn or nepair of tbe A�ape�ty or to the
<br /> - a�secutad by ti�is Security Instiutnenb wl�etAer or not theet due. ,
<br /> �; ' 1lnkss Lender aisd Bormwer otherwise agrcc in writing.any applifariat of pmcads ta{uincipal shall not extend of
<br /> postpEx�e t6e doe dau of the mauhiy payments refernd to in paragapi�s 1 and 2 or change the arnaunt of such payrnurts.
<br /> - 1!.Ba�rawer Not Retd�edi Farbeuance By I.tadt� No1 a Wat�er. Extensian of the rime for paymcnt or
<br />_;.r� mod�a6an o�unoctu�on of the stuns secuoed by.this SsctQity Ir�sUUfument granted by l.e�er to aay saccessor m iuterest
<br />:._;. of Borrawer s6at�rxx operue to nkase d�liab[t"ity of the origiirsa]Borrower or Borrower's success6rs i1l interest.Letxler
<br /> �� sball uot 6e rcquired to commeuce pcqceedings againsa'any s�ccessor in intecrst or nfuse ta exund time for payment or.
<br /> -- otherwise modify amatizatio�o�the smns secwred 6y t�is Security Instnunent by nasoa of any dcrt�and madc by the originai
<br /> = Samwer.or Bamwer�successo�cs ut�in�cest Afly for6tar�nce 6y Lender in eaentising any right or ranody shalt not te a .
<br /> - . waiver of ar pnclude the eaenict o$a�r�grit ocremedy. �
<br />:-" 1Z Suoeesaors and As�Borr�At ldAt a�td Seseral LiaWllty,C,o�nets. 7'he covenants and ag�ents of this
<br />�� � Security Instrument shall 6ind and bcnefit the�sors and assigas of i.ender aad Borrower.sobject to the prnvisiau of
<br /> -: parag�aph !7.Bomuwcr§covenants and agreeri�rov shall be joint and several_Any Borrower who co-signs tlus Secudty
<br /> f Insmrroeni 6ut does not execute the Note: (a)is co-sgning this Security Inshurnent onty to mortgage,g�aat and convey that
<br />-_ .ta ��� BorrowrecTs intetest in the Property imder the tera�s�if tisis Security Insmrmen� tb)is not personalty obligated.to pay the sums.
<br /> ,-� .
<br /> - •° � �;�`; , secuned by this Securlry Instrume�and(c)agre�s t�rat Lender and any other Borrower may agree w ex[ead.modify,forbez�r
<br />- r , or make any accommodaaons with negard to tGe Y�ins of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borra�`ea's
<br /> _ : - '�,��=,;.=- consea� :
<br /> .. ,��••;=: '.••�.'.: 13. Loan Cha�ges. if the loan secw�ed by this Security Instrument is subject to a taw which seu maximum loan
<br /> .7 S�.a�;;�, ,'
<br /> � �:-�-: ,--,°.°.'i. charges,and that IaWt is finally inteipneted so that tP�intenst or other toan charges collected or to.be calfecte�in connecri�t �
<br /> . '�i�.,��, ' ...
<br /> ��. ,� - with the loan exceed the pertnitted limits.then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced bv the,amount�ecessazy to.�Qure
<br /> �-. x�, ,�
<br /> �.���*�,;� � the eharge to the permitted limi�and(b)any sums already eolleeted from Borrower wi�ich e�cceec�d pertmtted Iimits will be
<br /> . _ .'�:����'%.--.'=%=T}''�'';.y , ref�nded to Bocrower. �..ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed unrkr.the I�3ote nr by making a-
<br />_ � � .�'�,'.. ' Qirect payment to Borr�rover. If a refund mduces principal,the redaction wi11 be'treated as a parGal prepayment wuhoiit any
<br /> `���`,L. .. n prePaYment charge und�the Note.
<br /> -- - . - �- - 14. Plotices. A�notice to Borrower provided for in tisis Security Instnrment sball be given by detivering it or by
<br /> ,. , • mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Proptrtal
<br /> � . �-` '. AdQras or any other address Borrower designates 6y noace to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class '
<br /> ��^:�� � � mail to Lender's address stated herein or any othec address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any natice provided for
<br />` -- � in this Security Instrumtnt shall be deemed to Aave been given to Borrower or Lender when given as pmvided in this
<br />' �,-:__�. ...,. ._ . P�S�Ph, '
<br /> .,.;;�°�:�;�'.,�.• . �• 15. Governing Law; Sever�bUity. '�'his S:carity Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the taw of the
<br /> �'. 'Y.�.� jurisdiction in which the Prope�ty is tocate�. In the event that any provision or clause of tfiis 5ecttrity Instntment or the Note
<br /> �:�;::'�: � : ' conflieu aith applicable taw.sucb conflict shall not affect other provisionc of this Securi[y Instrurtient or the Note which r�i
<br />_ ;,�;�r;;,.'•:." 1. ��• be given effect witho�t the conflicting provision. To this end the pravisions af this Security Instnrment and the Note are
<br /> � �,:n._ �• ,,� declared tobe severabte.
<br /> .->ir,�
<br /> �'"'� ���-�� � � ,�• •� 16. Bo�rower's Copy. Borrower sfiaq be give�s one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Inctrument.
<br /> _ �,��' �:� - . ' 17. 71�nsfer of tlte Property or a Beneficia�Inierest in Borrower. If alt or any part af the Property or any interess ia
<br /> d° � it is sotd or transferred(or if a benefcia!interest in Borrow•er is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural pe�sanj
<br /> ' � °�.` �" ' �'. � without Lender's nor written cansent,Lender ma at irs o tion,r aire immediatc a ment in full of all sums secured b
<br /> i-`, , p' Y� P W P Y Y
<br /> ` ' this Security Instrument. However,thix option shalt nat be ezercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of
<br /> --�e� .:'•:•;��'.. • the date of this Securiry lnstrumen�
<br />- ��•i i'�,:r•� .. � If Lender exercises this option,Lendrr shalQ give Bonower natice of uccel�ration. The notice shall prw:de a period of
<br /> " • nat less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or maited within whirh Borrower mutit pay all sun►s�;urc�3��tftis
<br /> ; `�,`•- '� Security lnslrument. If Borrower faiSs to pay these sums prior to the expirstion of this period. Lender m:i� isiCUkc:�at►y
<br /> ,_.;:....,r, ;�
<br />� , j,;..,... � rcmedies permitted by this Security Instrument withow further notice or demand an Borro�ver. ; � '.�,
<br />- �":"•"'''"� ' IS. Borrower's Rlght to Reinstate. If Barrowermeets certain conditions. Bortower sh�U have ili�,�right to have
<br />- �:�'"�`"�� .� e�forcement of this Securi lnstrument discontinue6 at un hme rior to the earlier of: (a)S da s �r�►iGt otlier nod as
<br />- _:-�..t- . jY Y � P Y• � V��,
<br />— , Single Fami(y--iim7te�lat1F11'edAk M9c U�IIFOR'.111htiTR1:NE'.�iT••Unitorm Coven�nts..41'1�,.`r/aa,tr�tiiJ,�i�:uXta)
<br /> -~� . �;�'
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