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<br /> � , Pe�'sods a�i.enaer requiees. '�Le n�auier pavi�me�eoce�ati ve d�ipen:by Bwnow�a�bjecE In I�� � , �
<br /> apptovd which ahall not 6�ucer,aton*biy w�i�eid. If Bo�tc�rer,f�s to usaiataia c�om�ase descn"bed abo�►e.I.ender ttaY.at
<br /> . I,eoaerb up�on,oDmnowec�eoop[u6oatLmdrr�n�mt�P'ropaty'itt�xotd�ce'�p�sgriph7.
<br /> AU insiaa�r.e poticies aad nnewajs abal�be aoc�ptable to l�eader aad sba11 include a staodatd matgage cl�use. Lender
<br /> sb�U have the rig6t oo hotd the poticies aad cecev�aL�-if I�der roquic�es,Bormwec shall P�PUY�wLeader all zoaiprs
<br /> of paid premiums and renewaE notias. �a tt�c eve�t af 1ess.Bo�mvPa-strall give pmmpt notix�t5�iaau�e�cacrEer and -
<br /> i.rnder. Irender may mm�e ptaof�E k�si�+r�tmade P�P�Y bY�� '
<br /> Unless Ixrtder and Soaowec.at�eiwist agta ia writing,inst�rrnce p�oceeds sl�al�be apQlied w�tion or npair oE
<br /> �e ptnpeity d�magr�iE the r�rocaa�or sepeir is ecan�nicaily las�k snd I.enderl�securitg.is mt le.sseoQd. If the._ •..
<br /> . r�staradon or c�epaic is�mt ecoanmicaliy fr�si'bEe or I.enderls aesarity waild 6e.teuened,the i�oe pr�uoeeds aha116e , -
<br /> a�plied.ta ti�sna�s ae�aned by tbis Sxuety tnsonunau,wbed�er or aot d�dQe.wit6�p excess pid to Hoaower. 1f
<br /> � BaQaaer ab�adons the Property.a dots not�nswer wtd�in 30 dstys a natice fmm[.end�er that tha Inwnnce curier hac .
<br /> - o�'ect�w..seccte a ciairt�.t6a�l.eader may colloct the in�urance pioceeds. 4ender msy use tbe proceeds to i�ep�ir ar ieaNMe
<br /> the Btoperty or to pay sums secueed by Wis$ecwitSr Jls�antent,whether a not�hen dne. The 30�dsy periExxl wi116ejin�Len
<br /> tbc t�aticc is givrn. . .
<br /> � Untess 4ender and Barov�ra ahetwise sp+ee ia wdtinl.anY�DP����P���!p�neipsl�hdl iwt extead nr ,
<br /> postpone the due d�te of the marnblY P!Y,���'ete�ted�in p�ng�phu i �nd 2 or cMrKe!ht a�tiount ot qfe payments. If
<br /> ` . under Quagr+ph 2l the Ptopeny ia acqu�rcd by L.snder.Bw�ower's n�ht[o my insur�nce policie��nd proceed�resulun�
<br /> fiom damagr to the I'tapeRq Pnor to the acquisition�11 p�to Lender toti�e extent of tha sains seeurcd by 1bis.Securily
<br /> Instrumeat immediat�ely prior tv�he�cquiaition. - ' ,
<br /> i. Oce�pu�c'• Pranvatlo�. M�te��ece aeA PrW�ctlo� aE tie, Propertyi �r+uRa�� l.aso AppYealior,
<br /> Lea�eMold�. Bortower�hall occupy.estabiish.ond uae the Ptopecty as BMmwer's princip�l�eaidence wilhitt aixty day�s�fter
<br /> - tlx executiaa of this Secarity Instnunent and sl�att.caatinue to occuAY��RnY as Bamwer�pcinctpal�eaidenoe for at `-
<br /> least a�e year aRer the date of ocsupaacy. unless Lender otben�vlsc agtecs iu wtiting. which coasent shall not be ,
<br /> unre�onably withheld.a unkss extenwting�ie�cutnsta�xs exist wlueh a�+e beyond Bormwer�s controi. Barmwer shaQ iat
<br /> destmY.dama8c or impair the Ptuperty.allow thc Ptupetty to detetio[ate.or commit waste an the Ptope�ty. Bamwer shall .
<br /> be in default if any forfeiUm actioa or procooding,whether civil or cTiminal;is begun thu in Lender�s goa!faith judgment
<br /> — could nsuR in fafeitute of the Pmperty or otherwise materially impair the Uen crtatod by this Securiry Instrument or
<br /> _ ;�s- I.erxier�security irrte�st. Bomawer may cure such a defauh aad neu�state.as pmvtded 1n pata8raph 18,by causing tha xtion
<br /> -.-=-:�:� or proaeding ta 6e dismissed with a mling that,in Lender�s good faith determination;precludes forfeitura of t6e Bomuwer's �
<br /> �-..��.� interest in the Froperty or other matedal impafmKnt of the liea creaud by this Security Instrnnxnt ar Lendtr�s�sc,c�r
<br /> -�� intenest. Borrower shall also be in defauIt if Borrower, during the loan application process, gave materialJy false or
<br /> -_==�a=-�,'':� inaccarate iaformauan or statements to Lender(or failed w provide Lender with any material infom�ation?ia coanection with --
<br />��� � .. � the loan evidenca�.by the Note. including,but not limited t0. �p�n'tatioas conceming Borrower�s occupancy of the
<br /> �y'``"`"'`�^" Property as a prinrr3pal residencc. If this Security Instr�mmt is on a leasehold,Bomower shaU compIy with all the provisions
<br />__J.i-l::Tw.
<br /> =`��:'`-''{:�. of ine.A.�as� L.�Bairower acquiies fee ttde to the Property,the Icasehold and the fee title shall not merge unkss Lentler agrees
<br />_"�=�"',=�z�', � to2h��.agerina�titing.
<br /> '�'�4��'�'�'t '7�` �te�on of I.ender's Rights in the Property. If Bomawea�fails to perfortn the covenants and agrcemenu
<br /> -,.� ���.:.a.,� .
<br />-`�;�-"�`�_,;;:,��ti_ ------c6nta�edr�tius Secorit}rinstraman��rtheie-is�lega}-proceeding-ai�a--inay�'sgnifiearidy-affect--L�ders-�ight�in ihe- .
<br /> - Property(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate.for condemna6on`or farfeiturc or to enforce lnws on regulaaons),then
<br /> _ Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of ifie Property and Lender's aaghts in the Property. ,
<br /> ` ` : Lender�acrions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has pdority over this Securiry Insnumert.appearing
<br /> �� _ ' in court,paying reasona6le attomeys'fees and entering on the Property ta maice repairs.Atthongh i.ender may take action ,
<br /> . . . . " ; under this paragraph 7,l.ender dces not have to do so. '.
<br /> My amonn�s c7isbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall becaqne addirional debt of BoAr+awer secured by this =
<br /> . ,� � Securiry Instrumerrr, Untess Borrower and Lender agree to other teans of�ay�nent,these amonnu shail bear interest from the
<br /> • .' date of disbursement at the Nate rate and shall be payable,witfi interes�upon notice frum Lender t�Borrower tequesting
<br /> . " payment.
<br /> 8. Mostgage Insucance. if Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making thc loan secu�d by"this
<br />. • Securiry Instrumen�Borrower shall pay the premiums required to mainfain the mortgage insurance.in effecG If,for any '
<br /> . . � reason, the mort�age insurance coverage required by Lender lapses'ar ceases to be in effect. Borrawer shall pay the
<br /> .... premiums required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cosi
<br /> ' � substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previausly in effec�from an altemate mortgage
<br /> • insurer approved by i.ender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not availabte.Bomnwer sfia11 pay.to ,"
<br /> Lender each month a sum equa!to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage'snsurance premium being paid by Borrower when the
<br /> �^ insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept.use.and retain these paymenu�c a lass reserve in tieu •
<br /> _'::�:�#; ' - of m�age insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer 6e cequired,at the option of I.ender,if mortgage insurance
<br />- . - ce�ver�g�2Qn the Amount and for the period thas➢.ender requires)prwide3 by an insurcr approved by L.ender again 6ecort�es ,,
<br /> - -�.,� : available aad is obtained.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain mortgage insurance in effect.or to provide a
<br /> l�ss reserve,wntil the reyuirement for mortgage insurunce ends in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower .
<br /> '" ��r, '�.� .. and Lender or applicable law.
<br /> - . � 9 lnspeciion. Lender or its agent may make reasonabte emries s�on and inspections of the Property. Lender shall -
<br /> __' ' �• give Barrower irotice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying r�anable cause for the inspection.
<br /> ;a��''�` -��' 10. Condemnatlon. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages,direct or consequential,in connection with any
<br /> '"' T�• _'
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