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<br /> � � Ire�rirc�l awMME�[IMe a��IC at 1�liwe�t�s iat�rall���t�11wM.wi e��M��a��Mn�! � ,
<br /> . ' lys it.�'(i}10��..s.ee�re�y I�i.�ee�rle�t�M�t3�i+tcl Mr aoa�l�qMt�itNM1«`w�irr I��Y� < ..
<br /> � ���7� UP�PY��sii sipas sEcat�d by this"Securiry I�ttrtuitent.l.e��der�lt�iequtst'Rtis�ee to �
<br /> 1rCA[IYC�I�1C PYO�GI[y�SLtU SllIIE�G!1�OS�OC1�1�1 Il�[Iqlldlt�t1A�II OOfES CYIdlJIC��'IX S�CYlOd�I�US SO�IRI� ,
<br /> ' II�Q7p11d1t IO�. ZEOSLEC SIWI ICL'OI1YEj�tSC P�QERY MI�WOt W����WlNIOYZ C�Y1jC 10 t�L�C1fOD O[Qlt�l1�
<br /> kgaIIya�tii�od w it. Sw�pasun or pasons stiall pay any ra�cd�ioe.�sts. , ` � ,
<br /> _ � Sd�ef�t�e'�1r.Me� i,eacta,at�ts opcioa,u�y fior�cime ta tia�e�+anosrc'i�aed a�ppainc a aucecsaat ttuzue.so_
<br /> � � any ltusoae sppoin6e�baeuMa by m iastrun�►t iecaded ia tt�e couoty in v�rbich t6is Sav�ity I�utturne�is mo4�dQd.'
<br /> . � Withoat conveyioca of d�e PiupeRy,the sac�ssor trustee shall suxoed w all the.iitl�e.Powa aod dutie.s confemed upaa
<br /> . 7�usteehe�ei�and��yapptic�bklaw. . : ' . .
<br /> . 1�, Re�c�E�or Notia3. Bc�v�ar�uiha�coptes of the ndices of default ud sak bo srax w Barnwec's ad�isss
<br /> � ' �`��3, ftWera�W�tib Secw�it9�+:��:�•di�;ac�moce riders acr exocuted by Borrovrer and�tagether with
<br /> � °,�%�ity�nstrt�ment:the.��..�' .�t's'iof eacb such rider s6all 6e inca�poratad intu wd shari amend ard
<br /> � --'st��pkment t�e covenants and'��sc�E'�Security Tnsapment as if ti�e rider(s)wene a pa�t of t6is Seciuity insavaxoG
<br /> : [t�eetapplic�blehox(es)1 `' , .c�.,;, ' .. . , _
<br /> � ` . � . �a Ad;itstabl�Rate Ri�c._ � � � 'o C�m�itm�Rid� �. , ,� .: �D��1�y R�r .
<br /> ''" ;i;;_ �Gtaduated Paytqec�'.Yu''der �Planned Unit Developmettt Rtdet � �Biweekly PAymeiltRidec � .
<br /> ';�';`' '�;�: � ';'. . . •
<br /> J' �"i'`,r��� '. �BaQoon Ride� : � �Itate Improxe�ent RiAer �.�Second Hame Rkie�"
<br /> ,. '`,f,�a;> r'r:,,;.,,,-. .-;?;-- ` '` " , � ,
<br /> _j' •��;`?x �s)���':�;���� �� R�;'�� ;- ..' •
<br /> '�%�- . , � ' .. • ' .
<br /> �:.; . . BY SI+GPIING BEL01N,`Borfower ac��d agm,es to the terms and covenants eantained in.�sS.eciu►tY,Iiuunment ,.`: .
<br /> - :- ,'"'� �:sad in any rida(s�execated:by�#ortb�?ac�;fi�with i1. .. . . . . • . `,
<br /> ::�i ':;�,: .. , : :';;."' , .
<br /> ';, .;;�;: .. ,. r. . . , � .. ; , . , . :
<br /> a9i�C'.11QSSCS: , ... • . ` f+`" ' • _ . . . .
<br /> ,. , ,.
<br /> �. • .. . ���3..•�� It � ��,�{' .
<br /> .j
<br /> . . . � � � - Y �.. ANA Sp7-44-7096 -sw,ro� ,
<br /> � ' Sacial Securiry Number
<br /> -- _ . _ - - - --, . ; --.. :'_ .- _ �/ � CJ .� - -(�� - -- ---
<br /> , CAROLYI� F. OSSANA -B«mwer
<br /> � , Sacial Security Nnmber ���-47�
<br /> STA'fE OF NEBRASKA. �J� County ss: .
<br /> On this 14� day of D��� 1gc�3 .brfarc me.the undersigaed.a Notary Poblic
<br /> duty commissionedand qualifieA for said rounty,persona-1(y came �1tRY L. OSSANA AND CAROLYN F.
<br /> � �� �� to me known to be the
<br /> j�S�A�tA �s w osAe n�ame s e subu�bed ta the faregoing in�trument and acknowiedged the execurion thec�eof to
<br /> be �IR voluntary act and Qeed.
<br /> wmess my-hand and notaria!sea!at GRAND ISIJlND, N$BRASRA in said county,the
<br /> y •�� �- kaa.lP..�Na�ywbi� "
<br /> 'TO TRUSTEE:
<br /> • ' 7t�e undersigned is the hoider of the note or notes secured by this Deed of'tlust. Said note or notes.togett�er with all
<br /> dher irideMedness secured by this Deed of Tnut,have been paid in full. You are hereby dimcted to cancel said note or notes
<br /> and this Deed of 7iusi,which are delivereq hereby.and to reconvey.without warranty,all the estate now held by yon under
<br /> � this Deed of 7lrust to the person or pe�sons legally entitied thereto.
<br /> ,
<br /> Date:
<br /> For�3�2A !!!� f�xrge 6 nJ6 pageil
<br /> _____ --1 r-�-�.��1i�:it'_`-cr.�s�i'=��---
<br /> __=';:�',�;�..�:'ai►��.�—=-. •
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