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<br /> 'L , �i�fA1M�f�t t�C�T 10�'lriYO11�1�■1)�Ol�!111t d I�d�OpL'�t�t p��lrlst 1D pOM1lt.d'q10 COnta�fOd�11� ' ,
<br /> f �IC��MMi����ME�0��.��OI�C�1{�{�OL��I� Z�O���Iwt aOfN�Yi'�: (�)
<br /> � � �i {�C11d1[�NMMi�I�M 1YOII�d�IG d11�1I11�I�i�9��1�1C r101!Y �i��00!'�i'f�011� '
<br /> acc�e�(0)cYra aay Aetauh ol�ty QIMr coveo�ar�peaneeb:(C)P�Y+d1lxpeo�e�ioc+rred iQ eafoe�ia��6is 5�avr'sy.
<br /> ' tm�a�ent.inch�buE not lim�10.re+u�otwbla apomeYs�fas:�nd(d)ttlrea tYCh actloe at Lenda msp rea�on�bty . .
<br /> nequin b wure dWt tba lien ot dds Secutity L�t,txndart�ri�ts ia�e Rapatp�nd BarowetYvptiptia�t�pay tbe '.
<br /> wunc �ecw�eQ by 8� Securiry T�pn�nt �M1E cantlaufe uad�ad. Upon rei�emau by BonoMer, � Sea�ritY . '
<br /> � ImaunKet�od�6e obli�ations�ecuad be��il rene�in tutlY et�ective�s it ra acoderaiion hsd ocan�ned. !�lowev�r.thi+ '
<br /> � te�6t�o teimEtlC�tll aot�pply ia the t�se of aocete�ion�mdec}�nlph l7. . �
<br /> � •�l,.�le�1�;C��d I.o�Senloet. 11fe 1Vole cr a p�ctlal iat�e�eat in 8�t,Nate(waedKr wiih t�is Sec�uity
<br /> � ��)mt�6e ltold ode or more times wIthbat priar.aotiae to Bormwer. A�k cdar[eault in a cMae ia ibe mtity `
<br /> pmb�vn as d�e'E,o�a Savioer')tl�t colloca monttJg payments due noder t!x Noie and this SeGUIry Iastnmxat. 11�ete also •
<br /> may be oae a more�an�pes of tbe Lan Secvicu wml�d to a sak of d�e Note. If d�eez is a clw�ge of the La��s-Satiia�
<br /> � HaQOxer xill be 6ivm�►ritom notee of tbe daiige in�cerd�ooe witb p�ta�sph 14�bove aad q+plicable law..The noti�s` -
<br /> wt�l saoe�e a�nc aod ad�ness of dfe new I.oan Servicaad the sddness eo wAich prymmta s6ould 6e msde. '[Ue notioe w7!
<br /> ' aiso coataia any at6er infa�m�tian toquir+ed bY�PPI��Vw .
<br /> 21�. Bmrio�S�ees. Bacmwer a6�U aot ause a petmit d�e pns�enx,use,�ispo�i.aronge:a reiase of auyr
<br /> l�ivandous Sn6st�noGS on ar in d�e Pmperty. Baaower shaU not do,aa allow aayare dse to d�,�aything affoc�g d�e
<br /> FinQerty thu is in violuioa of smy Eavimmne�l Lw.Tf�e precoding iwo sea�a�oes shaU uot applrto tbe p�es�rnca.use.or.
<br /> staage oa tbe Pmpaty of sm�ll c�otities of Huudous Subspnoes t6u ace generally ra;ognized w be app�opiate w namd
<br /> nesidendal uses and to maiateoarxe of d�e Pl+operty. -
<br /> Barmwer shall pmmptly give L.ender wriam natice of aay investig�tioi+.claim,�lawsuit oc othcr acrion by any
<br /> gov�ental or r�tory aS�Y�Pn�P�Y invotving the Plroperiy ana aqy Hu.ardous'Snbstance or�FaviioameMal
<br /> : .L�w of wh(ch Bo�rower has actual imqwledga. If Bamwer i�arns. oc is natified by ury goveaamtntal or negul�tory
<br /> ` :';':`�_�� sudtotity,that aay t�Yai or a�i�er remadiatioa of m►y Hazrtdous�5ubswna affecting the Phpperty is neoessary,Bot�: ' _
<br /> �''"�'i� �". :sh�ll prnmptly take all aoces�ry iemedial xtiats nia�u�ce.iq►it�`Fnvitonn�entsl Iaw .-��. � ��'�.`�": -
<br /> . �. � As usod ia t6is,-�b 20."Ha�ardo `.`
<br /> `�;;. ,:. �: as S��s"aieifpse substances�defined as Wxic or hazsrd�issa�bstante's bjf;`
<br /> �` ; Lnvirnnmeatal Law-dva�.a?�e�..�Ia�freg sub.sfances: gasolinG.�latcosene odier ftammable or toaic peuokaln'��.,t�c . .
<br /> `"?��```I."', c��s.�ad h�tii�,;;�uuL�e�ut�t�,materiats cootaiam�g�os or famaldehyde,and�adioacav��¢sataiats.:As��.:.-
<br /> . u,�ud $.,f7,,"�av�Law"rmans fedtral(a�azd taws of the jwisdio�i wher+e t}te Pl'�npetty is tocat�. .
<br /> — _ uF�'�&'�P�: ._ .
<br /> - __ '@►aice�;s�jiKatth;s�l`ei"+}o�tet[vaa�IProte�ion: . . . . :,� .
<br /> — � ' i�ti;�t•UNfFOR�iC31'bYENAN�. Bomower aad Lender fui�rer covenaut and agne as follows: . .
<br /> -- � Z1. 'Accekratl�.�kwaedies. I.eader sLaU give noti�e ta Borrower prior to acakntton[elbwi�,Borra�ver's '
<br /> - -- ----� .;�Y;{`:�.a�aey covengaf 4r�����9 Iastr�t(bat not p�tor to aoa�eradon ander p�n�esplt��..
<br /> -_—== ;';:::aiaJe��bk taw p�+nvtdes ot�). 7be aotiae sbalt�j: (a)tLe defaulh,(b)Q�eaation req�iored to care tbe.
<br /> . ..
<br /> ----- : .; .::.
<br /> -_--_ --. :� '�f�.a dat�net less ttrsur�eii�s from tie date tl�e zoi�e is glves to Borrovret,'Dg jsiicl�tLe defautt mast 6e
<br /> — '::r:�rieii;a�{d)t6at tailure to�iic tie�daett oa or bdare t�a�e spe�tied is t6e notict n�s�nesait i�sooeleratb�at
<br /> -__-_-- '�he su�secured b9 this 3ecarity Iastrument aad saEe of ifie�Pibperty. T6e eotice sbad f urtber iafa�a Borrower o[
<br /> ---_= - .___tMe rfgui�u re3nsiste atter aecct�sttaa aad the sf�ht tss�riag2�st.aetI�a ta�rt the�nu�[isteace d g de�i�uM or . --
<br /> -'��.%�� say d6er dekase d Borroper to accekratioo and s� If tiK default�aot a�red on or betore Me dste sp�dfied ie
<br /> -='>:xn-ortx,.
<br />_�=�'f9. the natic�i.ender at its optioa may require immediate payment in full otail sums secarM b9 tht�Secnrity lsstrument
<br /> �=�,•'�:".•:,;- vriWwt turther demaed and may irrvoke the power ot sak and any ot6er remedks permitted b' spplkabk la�v
<br /> ;r.?�'•.±-:�•.-_: •Lender shall De rntitkd to¢dkct all expeases IncurrM In porsuing the remedks provided in t6is pangraph 21,
<br /> �;`:i�=��s,°�" inclading,but not Itmited to,reasonabk attorneys'tees aad costs ottitk evidenc�
<br />'•"-` �s`�r` It t6e poRes o�sale is invaked.'Iyrustee sfial{remrd a aotice of detautt Io each county in�rhich any psrt ot the
<br /> , „. ,;.. :;:.
<br /> ' ►•�•'�''"�:: PropeKy is laa�ted and shaii maii copies ot sucb aotice in the mannee prescclbed by appUcabk law to BorroWer aed to
<br />,�;:�,,_ -
<br />_-'•.-�.•�.;• the olber persons prescribM by applicable law Atter the time required by applicabk law.7lrustee shaU give pu6lic
<br /> noNa of sak to the peesdns and in the manner prescribed by applicable law 7Yustce�without dereand on Borro�rer,
<br /> r1`�� SII�IO sdl t6e Property at public auction to the hlghest bidder at the time and place 9nd ueder the terms desi�eatal ie,.
<br /> ,r,. .?'' .,. � tUe aotice otsnk in one oe more parceLs and in any order 7lrustee determines. 7lrustc�may postpone sale otaU or any
<br /> .. ._ '?� pucet of the Property by puWk anaouncement at the time and place of aay pre�Iously scheduled sate. l.ender or its
<br /> .. � :'�..; . desiBlst��Y Purchase the Property at any s�le.
<br />'.F�:i.. ..ia:..
<br /> • � llpon nceipt ot payment of the price bid,Trustee shatl detiver to the purchaser Trnstee's deed conveying the _
<br />_��� '`��•" Property. T6e recitaLs tn the 1Yustee's deed shall 6e prlma tacie evidence ot the trutb ot the statements made therein.
<br />"�'_;�:�_:�;,N,: 7lrnstee sball apply tbe pmceeds af the sale in the fopowtng order: fa)to all costs and expenses oiexerc�sing the power
<br /> -^�_��r t:,`,'3.`i. ' . . .
<br /> -'�iS;r•. �• • . .
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