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<br /> �: .
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<br /> _�_,.i_. __._ � . � _ � _ _ _ _"�_ � —__"
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<br /> __ ._.�..�__-"__
<br /> � - .. . . �Z " _ '_--_ �--__ __—_____— .�_ —_—__ __ —_-- _ � _
<br /> ... . ,—_ _� � __r.._, -�_ �..__ , i ' - .` , -- - ��� `- , _--� .__..
<br /> ` �~�°� i. 1fe B�ci�►.ac its a�eats.a�e s�tLo�ixed W d�er�t my rasoo�tt ttme apos a�any prt af t6e ptnpetlx iot 31e�
<br /> p�po�af ieipec�is�t8e�ame�d foc tt�e pYCpo�e cfpedoRmin�s�►d'tlr aas t6ey m auty�o�it�ed io��a�onr i�nd�er iia ta�s af ' :
<br /> � mry lora imRcmppks a�ae�ed 6y Ttupors. � " '
<br /> . ! V ali a any p�t d tLe:propecty a aay intere�of T�mtocr is�oW,u�ed a li�ttHer eacamband�ritLoat ti��rritta
<br /> ooneat af the Hmd�iat9:iLe B�aaY n�y decv�e all wms sanQed b9 tLis Ttust Dxd to be immodiudy�e and pryabk aad
<br /> praeedto tbc ranedies.avaitabie to it under ti�e ddaaIt pmvisions ooatai�5ecein.._ . � . • :
<br /> Ts An�cf�ne rouowina eva�s1,au ee aeaoed an cvau orae6nic Laa�naa:
<br /> a T�ars s�U bave faibd w m�e payme�of aap iaStallma�t of p�imcipat a iatecest or aay atLer soms secuced Leieby w�ea
<br /> - — � .
<br /> b 7�ett Las oocanod a btacfl of oc dd�It imder aay tam, aovenaN,agreemeo�000di�on.Provisiaa. r�o�e�on ot
<br />.- �raraoty ooatained in tbis Dad�7'mst,the note a any atLer Iaoa ins�oment s�ecviced�y', �
<br />.- c. The�e 1�ban a ddadt bq tLe Ttasoo�s ia the payment of�ag prior or subseqoent tien a soa�mbcanoe in.�to ali a.aay
<br /> - pat af tLe p�opatY a�.4 a.sbat!�m�lr+c aa;
<br /> = i. Tmstoia sh�ll fite a votumaty petition in badwptcy a sLa13 6e ��
<br /> _ a�gnmeot fa tl�6eoe6t of cYedimrs�in.nspect to tLe pmpe�ty;a�a actiaa tu m5�x�oe aay tiea a a�cambcano�aE judEmmts �
<br /> p� ��P�P�Y��- �.� . .;
<br />`�--' Il. Ia the e�ent of a�r deFaait:tLa Be�ma�dcc�e.aI6 indebtoda�ss��eby W be due�nd pay�;t;a�d tL�saa�
<br /> _- � s�ll tl�on beoome dale�pan?de��y►Y��PiO�°��_���ltiad..TLesai�{.;t�iicB�a�y
<br />=� � , '. � . ...,, �r;�'��;:. ..
<br /> a, dtLer ia petwn.a by a�eot,withdr�}�fiqOt bcingin8�9��P�.,�by ixairret.�ppoiatad bq a oomR add -
<br />::�. � � withotd ngdrd to t�te ado4uac�'ofa�'sew�itY enta�n a�d tatic possession csf tt�Prope�tY,or aay part theroo�in its aRm r -
<br /> n�me or ia tlie pame of the Trast�'and da anY acls wluc�h it deems neo�ra�y and desirabk ta pre.s�ve the value.
<br />_;'� ' mMcda6iliry����P�'oP�►n'��r P��ot intencu tLe�ein,inct�ease We mcvme tberefrom or protect the
<br /> searity he,�euf and,virithoqt talon$Possasion°Fti�p�4�'�soc f�or atl�er�vise oolloct the rents,is.�tac and pioSts tbtc+eo�
<br />__ iucctodittg Wose patit doe and�paid, and appiy the sam� le.s�sS��of opetatition aad wlloction,i�ciadia&.;
<br /> � ,.
<br /> �� ;z auomey f�s,opon anY mdebtodness sec�Qed LeiebY,aU in snch otdar as it�e Hene6ciaz9�Y�. T���S'�°?: -
<br /> L
<br /> `:��.�'• aad takin$poss�ssion of the tnut esfat��tbe wDxdan of sacL rmts.ass�s a�P��s aid application theroof as afa�+es�a�<: ' �._
<br /> �''��;:�'::x°�''=:� s�all not c�to or waive a�default or notice of ddautt�ec�eunda or" '�a�Y act and'ut respoa�e to�defaulE oF —.�
<br /> . `. `�; � �,: � � ' tLe conunaa.�aa on of tlie ar the coIIaxion,receipt -.
<br /> r�`a::-;'--�r>y.° Pu�uant W such notice of default and nat�vitlntandmg ... . @�. p�rtY �=�`_
<br />-� ,'�-.-.;---'-;::-=_, aad appli�iaaaf rents,issues or pro6ts,Trastee or the Heneficia�+�z���ii?�ta accrcise every rigat pmvide0 for tn any s..�
<br /> ' ;�;yt_;; �tl�e ioan iashumems or by law upon oxumenoe of a�event of de�s;iri�u�8 the right to e�ntise the power of sate; ----
<br /> '�4" '� . ' 6 wmmrnoe an acxiBn w foreclasc tLis Deed of Tnist as a mortgag�.a��ut a reaiver,or spxi6caUy en5astx any of the �-�_.
<br /> ����'�� - mvenaats bcreot: • ,: , ' . � .`
<br /> ;. S�.x::�_.�.`�.;
<br /> .' � . . �..delivec,tu Tn�ee a wtiuen declaration of defaUlt and demand fos sal�and Raitta�notice of defaWt aa�s�e�tion to� _-
<br /> f.- ' �t'-.r�e _ , ��--
<br /> .: .t _ -- - -- • - '
<br /> .. ..,,�,�"�r;,:.- - Tcustors'interest in tt�e property to 6a sold w�c�notxe Ti�utee s3ralt cause to be dWy filod for reoord in the a�ffic+a1 ncvids s,,.�,_
<br /> ! . � oEtUe rnoutS in wlrich the property is located. . ��''`,:�'=°-
<br /> . . ���-•.�:� �-.:'�
<br /> � - , � " 12_ Shaatd t'he Bene6ciary eleet to foreciose by exercise o#'the power of sa�e hecein maatai�ed.the Beneficiary s�aU�otify Trastee r r�r`q'�°��' '� --
<br /> • � and sLat�deposit with Trustee tbis Deed of Tnut and the note and such reaeipts and evidence of expenditares made and secutod t..:,,:;ti�' '�_ _
<br /> . . � he�as Trasiee may raluire•anci upon request of the Beneficiazy,tLe Tnutce shaU caase to be reoorded,publist�ed and deliverod `� "�
<br /> -� to Tnrstor such Notioe of Default and Notice of Sale as then requin�d bY law and by this Deed of Trost.Tractee shaU without dea�aM ,
<br /> . . , . . w and after rocordation of such Notice of DefaWt and after NaRice ot Sale ��... - .�`
<br /> ,„ . . on Tnutor,after such time as may then 6e mqwred by la �
<br /> � � ; hatii�been givea as roquired bq taw.seU the praperiy at ihe time and place of sale fixed by it in snch Notice oi 5ate.either as a : .:�-
<br /> - `�`�� � wholz,ar ia scparate lots or ga�oels or items as Tmstc�e shall decm expedien�and in snch order as it may deotamine.at public �
<br /> � . �"::.
<br /> � �, auctian to the higLest bidder far rash and shail deliver to such purchascr or purchasers thereof a deed to tlie propenrr sNd.wnsistert s. ,
<br /> . � `
<br /> � ' ' � .. .. ,_,' with the 1aw tl�i�u eQcct. Reciials in the Tiustce's dcxd shall 6e prisna facie evidence of the truth of tt�e statemer�s made tl�erein. i-= ._-_ . �:
<br /> "� � ' � �`'"' ' T:astee sLaU apg��y cDe proveeds of the sale in the following order:(a)ta aUl reasonable costs and expenses of the sale,inciuding but �
<br /> :�,;:.�� . .. ...---..,:.:5i�'; . . e f
<br /> , , � �'?;r; not limited to Trasiec's fces of aot more ihan 2%of the gross sate price,reasonabte attomey fces and costs of tiQe evidenoe;(b)to aU �' ,..;'�� �� < i��
<br /> ' � . ��� . '"';':; sums secured by ihis Deed af Tn�st: and(c)the cxcess. if any. to the person or persons legally eatitled thereto. Mp Person.
<br /> �:<:y .� . ' including 1Le Beneficiary,may putchaSe said property at said sAle. Trustce may in the manner provided by law.pas�ne sale of all �.'. :
<br /> : ' ` ar any pprtion t�'e3�e property. t
<br /> '..;f,,.,
<br /> . ,.:s`�"�-. �,r.
<br /> .__ �,•. . .. :;�t Fi� f3. Tnutee ancE�te Beneficiaty.and each of thea�.shall be entiAed to enforce payment and perfo�rancc of azry indebtede�ess or �y ° ._. ..
<br /> � �:"1' d�ligation sec�ueQ hereby and to exercise all aghts and pou�ers un d cr t h i s D ce d o f Trust or un d e c�toan i�s i n�n►c a t o r o t h e r �_ �. ; �'
<br /> . ��
<br /> ..�•: �, agseem��ennt or any taws rar�¢�ercaftcr cnforocd c�w�vithstanding some or all of the d�lstedness a�ub13�scaued hereby j _ :: .
<br /> , '. : e j
<br /> � •«�� w9sich may now or herea�a�bc otLern�isc s�xured. whethcr by moegage.�doed of tcast, pledge. lie�. asssgn�t or othecvvisc. ,
<br /> ":- . � . °�:�;:� Neitha the ao�ce of tbis Deed of Tnut nor its enforcement.whe t het b y oouct action or putsu�fo ti r�p b�sr o f s a l e o r other i ...... . .
<br /> �• - �� .,;r�:�,;? powers herein co��ed.s2�all prejudicc or in atry manner afT'cct Tnistces a�:the Ben�ciary"s ri�t�rc�ize upon or enfotoe a�ry ' ,<�. . . . � ..
<br /> �: `;"'. � : .�,''�,:.,,,; dher stauiry no�os lsear�.'�.r hetd by Trustee or the Beneficiary. it bea�g agrecd that Tn�stcc�c'I tlat Beneficiaty.and each oi .
<br /> s�;.i;r,;; •
<br /> - r;{�=s.��•• tt�em,shall be entiUal to em�fls�oee this Dced of Trusi and any dhcr securin now at da..�aRer held by thc Benefi�y�or Tnutee in �.
<br />_�s� _'_ .5 sucb order ud manner as t�:"�ay in their absotute discretion determine. No reme�gr:.ein conferred upun er cts�vd to Trustoe � '���';,.; . '
<br /> ' or Heneliciat�r is intended to 6e exclusive of aey olher remedy hercin or by law proti�m�permitted,but ea�h s�+a11 be cvmWad��e ;.: '', ,
<br /> - --— and s6�U be in addition to every dher rearedy��ven hereunder oi aow or�hareatie:�dsting as latr cu aquity or by statute. Every � ----__ ,:`.�;,.�
<br /> - prwer or ranedy�given bY anY of the loan ia�umeats to Tn�stoc or tt�Beneficiary•ot to which eitLer of tlKm may be otLe�wise ; � � ��.�;'`�`
<br /> m6tled may be exercls�d,c�coarentZy or indePendentlY.from t�me to iime and as�eas may be dcemod expodiKat by Tn�ta or � .
<br /> _ — -- Bene6ciary,and eitl�er of them may pursue inconsiscent remedles.Nothing hereia sb:71 t�e constm�d as pmtti6iting the Beneficiary � . •
<br /> — fmm sadcinE a deficieay JudBmeat a8ainst Tnutors to the extent such action is permr¢��ci by law. ��
<br /> 14. Tnvtors La�eby ccq�xsl a oopy of any naioe of default and that aay notia of sale herander be mailed to Tnutas at the . �. -�- - � - -
<br /> _ addrGSS set forth in the first P�S�Ph of this Dad of Ttust. �
<br /> - IS. Ttse BeneGaary maY.bY a written ins�ume°t executed and acknawtedged by Benc6ciary•,mailed to Tn�stors and ceoorded in �. . .
<br /> tLe CaudY in wLich tLe p�+cpeity is toeatod and by othavvise complying with tLe prevlsioac of the applicabk law of the State of i. . --.
<br /> NobnW�t,aabstiqKe a wooes�or W tLe?tustex n�med ixtcin or actiag Lerew�der. {� . .
<br /> � li. Ttds Deea o��tusi appii�s to aad inun�t�ii�te�t oY assd siads alt p:uties l�eretg!h�r�"sr�.P�sonJ nt��nt2tnes. ►_._._--,-;-
<br /> ' suooe�lors wd assi�. TLe ura►'Bendxtiary°s1aU man the ownet atd talder of tbe mtG.whet6er or not namod as Beneficiary � •
<br /> �endn�. �
<br />.__ ._. ._.�.--.-.-.... „ ., -. _. _. .�, . • . . ' ' . • 3_._—__•—
<br /> .__.. .. .. _._ .. _ _. ..... _' .' _.. . _ . .. . _ . . . . . _-____ .__ _.__.
<br /> • 1. . ' '
<br /> j.
<br /> . . ' ' . . . r." ' .
<br /> i .
<br />