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<br /> • ..�.,��[Z� , �``i , ' � , L � --
<br /> � _�.�'_ _- '_� . • . � ( ' , � ... . - , - , ^ .. . -. `-, -- - _ . - -.. .... .
<br /> _ . ,; , � : . _ . , � ', ` . DE�D E)F TRUST � ��' ���� ��'. .
<br /> i _ . . . - , � , �
<br /> , , , � Ttis DFED O�TRUST u mde� 17di dYy oF Deeea�bar; 1l93, by aad aawag THOMAS lYL .
<br /> COrIWAY a�d�RIMnQSE CONWAY allt/a�a3E ALBEE,�wbud aM1 wY��Ha�anafter rdarepd ,�
<br /> , to as "Ti�to�," v�hetixr ona or mora�whosa mWinB �ddress.�t 42! F.ut 3�oi�r lark Gra�d It��d,
<br /> N�I�a iqOt;TH�5TATE BANK�F CAIItO,a Nebr� Ba�=Corpontie�,l�rdn�fta rcf�rod
<br /> to as"Tratee�" wvnse m�ng addr�is Bo:4li,.C�irw.Nebratics 6s324;aad TAE STATE BANK OF
<br /> CAIItO,a Rebra�i�s 8�Corporado�,hereindter referned ta as"B�adfciary,"wliarse n�7ing address is .
<br /> Bez 42i,Catr+s,Nebra:l�s fi�'l4. ` , � �
<br /> . For valuable consideration,Trustors i�revoc�bly gr�nt,trans�et, comrey aad�sssign to Tnute� ia uust.
<br /> witb gowa of sde.for tl�e bcnafit snd saa�rity of HeoeFiciuy,uader and sab�ect to tLe te�ms and conditio�of
<br /> - this De�d of Tnut,t6e foibwing descrlbod reai propaty locatal in HAI.L Camtjr,Nebraslc�: _
<br /> ti�- � Lot t?ne(1)in Blocic Twa(2)in Roush Subdivisioa in tBe City o€Cnatfd Isiand, Hsll County,
<br />.�, ,
<br /> -- Nebnske, �. ,
<br />���n . , �
<br /> -=� tvgeE�er with all bu�d'mg�,improvemeats,�'nctures.streets,alleys,.P��B�Ys,�,ri8�+.P�Sa�
<br />:-'��- appurtenances located thereoq and a11 personal property tl�at may be or hereaRer boc,ame an integral part of such
<br /> - bu�dings and improvements,all crops raised thereon,and all water rights, all of wlricb, including replaacixi►ts
<br />- !� sind addirions thereto,aie here6y declued to be a part af tbc reai e5tate wmn.yed in mut lserebY;n�8�&�
<br /> ��'r thu�ap of the foiegou►g si�all be haeinaRer referred to as t�ae"Property.» .
<br />- � '`' �� � � FOR THE FURPOSE OF SECURING:
<br /> _ ���`'��_ .': . .
<br /> z�,.,�=:;;;�;: , .
<br /> :��`����'�'':�i:4'
<br /> _ �, ,��' zl�r.�',�, • .
<br />_= E{�,:_,=?:_:��.��+::•.; . �. Payment of indebtedness evidenced by Tn�stors note of even date her�wit6 in tl�ee principal sum of �
<br /> � ..f=�� .;�r%'� �3 000.00, together with intcrest at the rate or rates provided therein; and any and all renewals, modifications
<br /> Si:�N��<<;'�.,,:'��r.`.f`�, y �Id extensioas of snY�nute,both principat and interest on the not�iieing payable in aecordaace with the teaas
<br /> ,�`s;;y - � , set forth therein,v��ae8�.by this reference is��y made a part herea�._;�:
<br /> .�, . �.::
<br /> -' .. 6 The�Crfosmance o��acb agreemeM anit covena�t�rf Tsustors�berein contau�ed;arnd. `:�- --- � - -- ,-�.'��', � �--
<br /> ti Z.
<br /> �:-_. �
<br /> . � c. Th��ayment of all sums advanced by B�eae�c��der the terms of this Deed of Trust,toge�ea�'it$�.�;,.'` :
<br /> -- - ;,. � - - - interest therean at the rate provided in the nore: '�r..; ;� . .
<br /> . ' �� • d. The above amount is secured even thougb a�l or part of it may not yet be advance.Fucrar�advances under =
<br />