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<br /> -�- — i_ . t . , R- _..,i_ r;-`( --L- -_ ��r��. , T�
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<br /> ' �a�i1t w�►ir iei�M w�.u�tl�t�aa a�Y�r�.`�roi'Mye iii�oe miii�,4a is�wnit��is i.wefM�.�` .y�
<br /> ` . ' �,ir,LiriK �iro)�i�i�t ti!►�ra•�er�0+►�40�.f,!�id�M�h.f�rao�w a���,ri i�d`,Il�iii.•l��ii��r�r. .
<br /> . �!�!�!���!!�a�ari�i�aiw��e iiwrMOe ia dfe�t,ar�a�wiie a iois�eMir�i�t tMs ii�iwrw�t b�so�l�t..
<br /> `. i�i�c ade i��ooaeiroe�id�airy wtill�at a�ree�e�t bbc�fee�lon�o�rer�tl Iaoier ar�iie�b�c 1'rir: � , < , F .
<br /> ' � !1�M�eliw.t+eAde�trc iit�eet ttr�r ar�a re�owilie�ai�i�pos�Md irp�0adtww ot tia itnpartr.L�e�det�lWt�e�... ' , .
<br /> � D�ctaw�ir�otioe�t�e time otar p�io�c ta an�ioe�pecifj�teroo�bie cawe ior!�i�ti�oR. , . � , � , .
<br /> � ' l�.Gi�fer■Nint.'!Le p�ooe�ds of aay a�vnd ar cLim tor drarlet,d'aeet c+r co�reqYeati�ll�.'ia ao�a�7iao�rid�a� .
<br /> `aoodpee�tion a adret tdcia�of a�r P�et of the Prapetty.or far caov,ryaaoe iA lia.oicadaoo�tion.a�+e 1.�ae�Y a�iied a�d
<br /> � s4dlbc�ial.eader. . - � � � - - - . -. � .
<br /> � In�We ereet of a tatal talve�of tk Pi+opaEly,!be pooaedt a1Mil be appli�+d to tbe�racyiod by 1�Se�c�ority�Y�e�, .
<br /> � . ' � �bptier a not Wea da�. �ritb aa�►esais prid w Bo�ira.Ia t6e evat.of a pretW t�of�e Fropaty ia whic�dre f�ir `
<br /> ' n�rkt v�lue of tbE Paopeit9 immedirdy 6efaie t6�.d'ona is equil to or pe,ater�n tbe�nount of t�e aist taarod bY tb�iE.
<br /> Se�.y�ment 3�edia�ety 6efae ihe t�,�ie�s Hor�a�a aad I.cnder a1liswire�ee in�.t�c sp�sewoed b�
<br /> t�is 5ecnriiy Imtn�at sh.0 ea iea�ea bS► the amoQot of ih�pYOOeods mWtiplied b�►d�e rdlo�wi�fractio4: (a)�ue Zoaf .
<br /> asaw�t of tbe sum�sowred imraodiitdy befone tbe t�ia�,.divided by N)tbe tiir�dcst v�toe of the Piapaty.inq�oipdiald�r
<br /> befae tbe taidoa. My bdal�e sh�lt be prid to Bam�er Lt tbe cvaat a�:pntid t�lu�of t6e.Pio�ty in�ehid�du Sir_
<br /> nrrket v�e of dm FropeKy immedi�td�6efoeee the Wcins is{w th�n t6e ama�at of the s��oc�+ed ipanaedi�dy before tlk .
<br /> • takiq�, tuilGS:Boria�rer aod I,eader a�isG ayee in writiog oc udess�pp[icabk i�r otl�p�#tc peu+�s.d�e proa�s s�lt.'
<br /> be applied to the mms sa.vied by this Seum�tty Ia�eaE w�etLer or mt 1Le sums�ne then due. � `
<br /> If tbe Pmpaty�is�bvdooed by Borto�es.or'if.after notia by I�etder w Hono+irer th�t the 000dema�or offers to arl�e�n
<br /> a�vatd'sx seule s cWm for d�o�ges,$orrowa fiIIs fn cespoM w'I.ader within 3Q drys after d�e d�tc the�aotia is sivea, �- .'-
<br /> ,' � ,I.ender is autl�ori7�d w collect ud apQly the procaeds,at its•option,ather to reuor�tion or rtp�ir of tbe PmQaty or W We a�ms
<br /> �sa.wed bg.8fis Saoarity Iaucwuent.whether os mt:�m.�pe. • • � �_ ,
<br /> Untess I�ender aad�Batorver otherwise ag�nt.rriting, m►Y�PP��of p�nceeas to priaipd s1aU not extead or .� .
<br /> postpone the due d�te of the aantbly payait�xs referra�ui in paragr�hs 1 u�d 2 nr dm�ge the smoa�of aucb p�ymeats: `� • .
<br /> , 1l.Eoreowee Not Relwed;For6earanoe Ey IRpdt�Nat a Watva.F.xte��on of die time for payma�t-o�nnodificatioa
<br /> of amortvation of the sums savrod by this Secvr�ty Tn�timti�ept granted by Lender to any suooes.wx in intece�of Borrower shaU
<br /> � not aper�te to teteate fhe 6�bility of 1be osigm�sl Borroker or Bonoxer'a sueces.sors ia intetest..i:maer�eot be neqaic�e�ta -
<br /> . oonuaasoc pnxoediags again.�t any s�uxessor in iater�st or nfu'se w_extead time for payment ur ot�vise aadify amurB�atian
<br /> . of tbe suats sa,wnd tiy tlus Security In�ument by.teason oF any demud m�de by tGe originat Borrower or Borrowec's
<br /> • sucassots in iatecest.My forbeardnce by Lender in exercjsing any rigbt or nmedy�all not be a waivet of or precWde the
<br /> exenis�of aay rig6t or remedyr. � �
<br /> � 1Z.5000e.�a's add/i�Boaad;Jolat,and 5evaal Lia6ilityi�.The oov.wutts aod agroensents of this
<br /> Security i�a�t st�ll bind and benefit the suocessois and assigns of Lender and Borrower,.sibjoct to the provisioas of
<br /> gn�ta$rdyfrl7:Bor�vvEt'�Cuve�3n[�-atid age��lt� s7�f,1 bE�in[�ct-severat. Ac��Borrower who a�signs ttris-Sxurity---- _
<br /> � � Lns�ument but does not exacut��he Note:(a) is co-signi�this Savrity Instrumec[t a�to mortgage.gr�nt and oonvry th�t -
<br />� Horiower's interest in the Pt�ty under the terms a€t#LS Security Instr�men�(b)is c��pessonally�obligatad'tss pay the sums
<br /> savrod by this Savrity Instni�enr.and(r)a�sees t}iat i,�der and any other Borrower may agree tn'extend,mo�iiljr.forbear or
<br /> maice any accommodations with regard to ci�e cems of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Boaower's oonseat.
<br /> 13.I,a�e Chfrges.If th�toan secured by this Securiry Insavment is subject to a law whicb sets ia�imum loan chargss,
<br /> and that law is fmally interpreted so thae the interest ar other loan charges collected or to be tollected in cora�ection with[he
<br /> lou�eaceed the permitted limits.then: (a)any sucb loan charge shalt be reduted by the anwunt netessary to ratuct the charge
<br /> to the pertnitted limit:and(b)any sums already wltected from Borrower which exceeGed permitted limits wiil be nfundod to
<br /> Borrower.I,ead�a may choose to makc this refund.by reducing the pdncipal owed under the Note or by malcing a dirat
<br /> payment to Sar^3wer. If a refund reduces principal. tfl.� reduction wiU be treated ay a partial prepaymem without any
<br /> per�a�•�eat ch De under the Note. � --—_—
<br /> • !4.Nott�es.Any notice to Bormwer provided for in�:"ss Secutity Instrument shsll be given by delivering it or�y mailing
<br /> it by first cta�s rcrail unless appticable law re�).:res use of nnother method.The notice�-.:I1 be directed to the Property Address
<br /> or any other address Borrower designates b� notice ro Lender. Any natice tv Lea�+�:: shal� be gitien by frst elass mail ta
<br /> Lender's address stated herein or any other"address I.ender designates by natice to&:r:vwer. An�czotice providod for in this
<br /> Security lnstrument shaU be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender whe¢�;:�as provided in this paragreph.
<br /> 15.Governing I.�w; Severa6ility. "fhis Security Instrument shall be.gatiemrl by federal law and the law of the -
<br /> jurisdictiQn i�wh9ch the Property is located, in the event that anl provision or clsa�of this Securiry Instrument or the Note
<br /> conflicts�w•ith applirable law, such conilict shalf not aifect olher provi.ri�»t�of this 5ecurity Instrumer.t or the Note which can be
<br /> given effect wit}wut the conflic�ing pmvisinn. To this end the provisi�in..�.f'this Security Instrument and the Note are declared . �_
<br /> to be severable. ;
<br /> t6.Borto�'er's Copy.Borrower sha11 be given one ca^fprmed copy of the Note ar*j of this Seeurity Ins[rurtFer�s. �
<br /> Fornt30Z8 9/90 n-
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