` , �. . . . . 'f , ,, •"!r_—
<br /> , � .. . . .. -_ . _ %_' . __ , � ' ,. ' ` ___r -` z ; _,_ _.'.___ .�..._.�.�_"�. C —: . .
<br /> ' � . • __, _"'_'_— ` < - � ' �` ' ` { !" � ..� < . _ ��� l.' �4 , .
<br /> �� �
<br /> , . �..�i�ie�!l�eb i�rrL�+ �alowr�4ti i�aip tis i�re�M�w4�syr fR r�iir we1�O!� . �
<br /> � �a�1etY irwed�i�M loas lr�liir.l�rda i�rJrd�i w�illii it�lrrr,'a�lwt�i�oo�wie�."<�d s!►;udrs Lr�i�.baiM�
<br /> lloodi dr lboi�,f6t�f�t�e�tler taqrirr,+�iew�nr.Y'ais i�r�oe i�11 iie�rid�i�ed i�1�e��t�d fot�tie paioda �
<br /> ` , d�t t�eoda req�lres.'1'IK�ca�rier provibia�!�e�a�ett�aoe�hdl be cLo�ere b�r�ardw�x aibject a I�der's ap�o�rd
<br /> �vtrio�s1�lt ao�be,..un�soe�i�witi�eld.�if Host�nwa faits to mintaia cover�e daa�he�ab�ove.l�eader my.at l.eaaer's .
<br />. optiou,obuin oo'vp�e w protec�I,eadar•s ri�bts ia tbe Pt�pMy in aooa��d�ooe�riW p�rwaph 7. ` . .; ., .. �
<br /> ' � � . 'A1t�noe Pdicia�od ieseMats st�lt b�acapt�6k b I.s�tiet aed aWl bcl�de a et�ndn�d ntoMp/e clw�et i,radqc ,
<br /> sl�lr�ve�Me riSLc in hold tir p�a aud t�wals.If�eade�%4�u�s.Boa�aret�lt pt�oapRiy�pvc on l�eder ait nceipoo af , ,
<br /> Pid�miu�aed rs�ewai'bot�,es.In t6e eveat of lo�s.Hornorrer�6d!�ive p�a�pt i�Rioe q ibe nw�aooe c�rriet a�d I+e�i�ec
<br /> ' i�eoder�Y m�i�e pootof lon if not md�p�va�ptty by Botto�er- . � .
<br /> � U�L�det sod Bocmwsr oll�er�vlse sp+ee iu�nitius.i�u�aaoe pmce�ds�It 6e applied k�r�ataatia�ar rep�ir ol th� � _
<br /> Y�v�atY d�ed.�if the reYOatioa a'n�pir i�moaomicaliy fea�'6k ad l�de�'s�eca�ity is noE la�a�ed.It the mlaaticn as
<br /> . «p�i�t i�not aooaoaialiy faobk ac i,eoder's aecArity�uld be 1et�eaed,drc ieanoce peooeed's�11 be appliad�e i�e�a
<br /> secwed by Nds Security Imttameat,�vLetber or not thn dup,wii6 aqi exoas pid w Hur�. If Bat�nw�tr ab�edoo�t�
<br /> Proppty;ar does mt am�er�rittin 3Q dajra a notice fmm I�eeder tlNt tLe ie�ata�cc c�rrier Ms at'hted b tqtle a cl�ie�.tl�o
<br /> Iaadst mry ooltact tt�e insu�n�a prd�aeds. I,eader m�y use.We piocaeds w repir-qc resto�fbe Ptopaty or to pry s�ms
<br /> aecared b�r tbis Sa�aty tnstrumaK,�c a nat thm�ue.T6e 30�d�y paiod wal beaio wbeo tbc aotice is 6ivea.; • �
<br /> Udexs�.eade�aad Boriuwa dbawise astot ia �rritin�, anY �PPI���P���P�P!t�u!!uot a�td�d oc �
<br /> postpooe the due d�e of t6e n�ootWy pryments refemed w in p�raphs 1 aod 2 or.�e tbe�moeuK otd�e paymmt:. If
<br /> mder p�C�.21,tbc!'tvpat�r i�aaNicod by i�odec.Bonowr's iiSLt w aay insurrooe poli�ies aiod Pcaoeeds�sekiaE 5om .
<br /> �to ti�e Pi�opeic�i pr�vr w the aaquiaitiaa si�ll pass w I.eades to tbe e�ta�E of the sam�sacmtid by ttn�t S�ecanty L�trumeat
<br /> �Y P�m t�e acquisi�ic�o. .
<br /> ir�l�.7,A�a�atii�.M�i�learoe a�i lteie�ttw�u�tie Tt�ertJ;�es�►p's I,w�A�llieatMR:L�li.
<br /> Bormwr.r�qli accupy.estahUsb,aad use the Yroperty as Borrowa's principl resida�re w�ittin siuy daYs aita t�e exaa�tion of
<br /> t6is Savrity Inshunowt and shall rnatinue to oacupy tLe Pcnpe�ty as.Boemw�er's principal re.s�deaoe fac�t last ooe yar al�a
<br /> the date of uoc.vpaicy.unt�ss Ledder otherwise�groes in�rcitiqg.whic6 aooseot s1W1 nat be amaaon�dly fvitl�id.�or unless ,
<br /> ' attetMl�tiqg..pt�staoors eriat which a[+e b�Yood Bomnwer's cotla�l. Bomawer sh�11 mt desut�y. dam�e or`impa�r We . _
<br /> �3f�•pitlow the Pc+npetty to deterionte,or oq�nit wasoe au the Bra�paty. Bortower shali be in defaWt if�ty fotfaiQtre
<br /> xtioo�_pr+000eding,.whetlkr civ�or crimin�l.is be$un ttiat iu I.ender's good fsith jndgn�ent conld ie.wlt in farfeituc�a�tl+e
<br /> Feaperty or otbeTwi�e uqateriallY im�ir tbe lien c�tod by this Soarity It�suuaxnt or I.ender's socurity irrec�e,st.Bonower�sy
<br /> cure such a defanit,atl(��te,as penvided in par�g�aph IS,i►Y�sing the actioa or piocceding to bt dLstmssed with a tWing
<br /> tl�at. in Leader's go6d t5ii6 detecmiauion, Procludes forfeitunc of t6e Bormwer's iuteresi in tbe P�i-p or odkr m�teriat
<br /> impairia�ent of the liea cirakd by this.Socarity Ia,�v�ent or Lender's securiry inte�+est. Borrower�Lt also be in defailt if
<br /> Barntiwcs.-daF':ag slse tasa�sn�s�ss.-Sa-'z�Y=fafse Qr_ia�c��rase informatic+��r es,ate�tc to.i.endee(or fsu'1od.--.--_
<br /> to provide i,ender+v�r any m�#3��.`om�tiaq)in vonnxtion with the toan evidenoed by tEie-3tiote;ind�g,but not timited
<br /> w,representaHons eo��camiiig$ottoatar's oavpzu�of the Property as a principai resideoce:if this Security ia�ument is on a .
<br /> leasehold. Borrower stiat�'complq ��th all tt�s provisions of the lease. If Borr+ower acquires fa title r+��e Pmpe�tg,ti�e
<br /> teasehold.aad the fee tide sball t�t�e unless I.ender agrees to the meBer in wridng.
<br /> 7.PbM�ectioo of I.ender's Ri�is in the Property.If Borrawer fails to perform the covenants and agraments oonpinod in .
<br /> this Sewrity Instrumem,or then is a legal proceedinD that may significandy affect Ixnder's rights in the Pmperty(s�s as a
<br /> procading in bankrupecy,probate.for coMemnation or forfeiture or to enforre IawS or regulations),then Lender may do and
<br /> p�y for whatever is necessary to prota.K the value of the P�uperty and Leuder's rights in the Property.Le�Wer's actions may .
<br /> include paying aay swns secured by a lien which has priority over this Seourity Insu�unent. appearing in couR, paying
<br /> reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to matce rep�dirs.Althovgh Lender�•:��alce xlion under thls par�g�ph
<br /> , 7.Lender dces rat have to do so. • � '
<br /> Any amouats disbursed by Lendec under tkis pazagraph ? shal!become additional debt of Borrower sec�irod by this
<br /> Security Insttument, lJnless Bonower and LeIIder aE,�-ree to other terms of paycr.ent,these amounts shall bear interest from the •
<br /> date.of disbursement at the Note r.tte srrd shalt 'Ge payable. wirh interest. upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> ' QOy��r . . . . �.. . �
<br /> g;Mort�ge In�orana:If Lender required mortgage ins�rance as a oondidon of making the laan sea�red by this S�rity
<br /> lnstruma�t. Borrower shall pay tUe premiums required ta mair►tain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. for any rcason.the
<br /> mortgage inwrance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect.Bonower shall pay the premiums requirod to
<br /> � obtain coverage snbstantially equivatent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect.at a cost substantialiy equivalent ro the
<br /> cost to Borrower of the moRgage in�urance previously in effect. from an aYtemate mortgags:insurer approved by Lender. if
<br /> substandally equivalent mortgage itt�ur:ace coverage is not avsulabie.Borrower shall pay to t.ender each month a sum equal to
<br /> one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage i�u:ance premium being paid by Bomower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> be in effec�I.ender wifl accept.use�td retain these payments as a loss reserve�in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> . FOfT 3028 9190
<br /> Pape 3 oi 8 ' .
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