:� . =- ' . _
<br /> :�
<br /> -- � t , `. ` � � I... ` . , � : . ` ��,� � : . _, _ _
<br /> _ . � . ��9.
<br /> pariodt.�t 1.endei'requica. 71re i�csrler p�o�vitl�Ibe ioainooe ahwU 6e cbo�by B�xrn�rei wbject b l.tetiet� �
<br /> : appro�vat which shtU not 6e uaraeombly with�eld. if Eat�faih oo uNintain Coverqe dcscn3a!�bove.l.c�ader mry.K�
<br /> I.eader*a optioa,o6ta�a covera6e oo pedect I.mder�r�6ts in tbe Ftopeny in ac�otd�ooe�vitb p�raar�pb 7. � '
<br /> All ia�ace pbLcKS�ed�M�la a�l!6e aooept�6ie tu Laider and a6�ltiachid��sf�nd�td a�oR�a ci�u��I.endet
<br /> sh�l1 f�ve t6e rgi�t to lwid dtie pdicies ar�d ieeavrals. It�.eeder requ6es.Bor�vver slp�p�a�npt(y give to Lendet ali rEeeipts
<br /> of pud pemIun�s�nd�wal notias. In tht eveot of tass.Bortower sh�ll g'�ve prompt noti�e�o the iewr�ace c�rrier�od
<br /> 1�e� L¢dtr may maloe poaf of lass if not madc p�omptfy by�arowa. � .
<br /> LTetesc I�ender aod Bo�mwer atdecwise�gpae.in wn'tuog,ia�ranoe piogeeds sh�Jl�e spplied to rato�ation a npair of
<br /> .d�e ProQerty-daau�,if the tesDocadon or iapair is ecanomic�IIy feasibk and Lsnder�security u�wt k,ss�od. .tf the - �
<br /> ��sta�tian or iepdr is eot a�naamically fe�'bk ar Irnder�s securiry wadd he ksseaed.the msmanoa p�vaeais�116e
<br /> �ppi+ed w the su�s secu�d by Qns Sa�uriry Im�ument,whel6er a not 16eu due.wid��ny exass pud to Boaovrer. If.
<br /> Ba��z�:�We Prapecty.ar does aot�sv�rsr with�30 days a notk�e from I.en�er thai t6c ros�aooe�
<br /> offend to seab a clsim.dxn Lad�er miy collect the nu�ana procaeds. Lendrr a�y use the prooeeds ro nepo�tr ar zesaa+t
<br /> the Ftopeity or m pay sums secu:ed by this Sec�uity Imtrurtreat.wbdJier oc t►ot that dne.The 3Q-day Period_wiifl Degin vrheo ..
<br /> the notice is given.
<br /> Uukss Lcrder�ad Borrower.�ise�grx m writin&e�►7►�p�m of.procxeds to p�eipd.sl�sU na ext�d ar
<br /> . postpone the due date of the moatbly,paymeats�efec�ed Lo in puagr�phs I and 2 or d�attge the awamt of tht paymmts. If
<br /> imaer paragiape zl we Ptopercy is acq�,iiea by t.eaaa;Eouower�s riglu w any;nsuimce policia aM p�oceeds n�uisng.
<br /> from damage ta the P�oge�ty prior to We acquisitian shW p�sg to Lsoder to thc extmt of tLe sum4 secuced bjr this Security,
<br /> lnsutmnent immed�Iy prior to the acquisition.
<br /> i. Qccapwc�, Presavatioo. Maidauu�ce sud Ylrotatio� of t6e Ptope�tj: aotrower's I.aiut Appiialuo�;..
<br /> l�e�serdd�.;Soimwer sball occ�py,esmblish.aud use We.Pk+a�pettx as Bormwer�s principal raidence wlthin sixty daqs�
<br /> tbe execution of this Sectuity U�pruuueac and sLall coatinue w occupy sbe Property u Barower8 p�incipal�stdance fa u
<br /> kast ane �rear after the daoe of accupaocy. untess I.ender ot5erwise agnes in writing, w�ich coasent shaU not be
<br /> _ . �r.�sambiy withheld,or ankss exteaastmg cu�eaiu which ace 6eyand Batawer�s coatmi.'�3omower siull tat '
<br /> a�oy.a��or�p���y.aIIow the Pmpe�ty w deteriorate,a oanmit wa�e on ti�e Ptopecty. Bo�w�r�u
<br /> Ix in defaWt if aoy,forfeitune action or pmcading,whetber civ�ar cria�inai,is begwt tiat in Lender'a good fautll jadgaxnt ,
<br /> • could tesult in forfeitu:e af tl►t Ropeity or otherwise materialiy impair the liea cctat�l by this Sceurity Instrumrn►or
<br /> � I.ender's secu�iry in[enst Boa�ower may cun such a default and reinstate.as provided in Qaragraph 18.by causing the actioa
<br /> , _ or procee�ng w.be dismissed with a tuling th�t,in t,ender S good faith detertamujon.P�ecTudes fafeituoe of the Bamwet�
<br /> utterest bi ihe Ptoperty or odxr material impaitment of the lien creaud by this Security tns�ument:or L.ender�s securiry
<br /> ' inuenesL Boaowa s6a11 also 6e•in default if Borrower, during the..to�a appliptioa pmcess,g�re Ynatexiaily,f,alse or
<br /> - inacauate infomiatioa or statements tu Lender(or faled ta pitirolde Lender with aay material infonnation)in c�with
<br /> the loan evidenced by the Note, including.but not limit�t►k.tep�esentatioas c�onceming Borrower�s occa�¢i�:,ef ihe
<br /> • Fmperty as a principal residence. if this Securiry Inununec,R isc�i a leasehold,Bomawu shall comply with ap tFie�r�risians
<br /> of the lease. I€SorroN�er acquires fee 6de to the Property.tl�e 1i�sehold and the fee tide shatl not merge unS�ss Lender agmes
<br /> w the merger in writing.
<br /> -- Rig6 __ Property_If_Sorrower.faiLs to perfo�m the coveu�ts and agaments
<br /> -- T. ,Protatiun_ot:I.cadcr's _ tc in tbe__
<br /> _coit�iaed in this _L,��
<br /> Seeurrty L�s�ment�.or there is a lega! proceeding.that may sigmfrr.a�dy affGCt�ic+�e-rTS ngt�s in t1je.
<br /> Pta�rty(such as a procceding in bankruptcy.prabate.for carc'emnation or forfeitute c�nsc-a.Farce laws or regutari�rrs)s then __
<br /> Lea�r�ay do�d pay for whatever is necessazy to pratec�t�e vatue of.die Ptupert�a�,�ender?s rigMs in tt�•f�,ierty. ",�
<br /> Lender's actions may inciude paying any sums secured by a�.as which has priority oti•er�.^s Security.ln.strumen��„�ing ?
<br /> in court.paying masonable attomeys'fces and entering on the,Property�to make repajrs.�Althougtr Le:ider may take:,action �'"II'
<br /> under dris b 7 Lender does not have ro do so. � '�-
<br /> P��P • �
<br /> My s+mounts disbursed by Lender under[3�is paragn�7 shali become addicionaf debt af Borrower secu�:L'xr,shis -
<br /> Security Insbvment. Unless Bomnwer and Lender agree ta c+:t�ecdem►s oi payment,these aa�:ants shaU bear interest�the ? :�;;,
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable.:wi�7t intenest,upon notice�'nx,�Lender to Borrower reqt:esting , :.
<br /> paymen�. , f-;
<br /> S. Mortgage Insuranee. If I.ender required mortgage tnsurance as a condition of making tE:�,�an secvred by this "
<br /> Security Instsument.Borrower shall pay the premiums req�-red to maintain the mortgage insura^c�:•�effec� If.for any
<br /> n'
<br /> rea.eon. the mort a e insurance covera e uired b Lec^.:u�la ses or ceases to Ge.i:�s_effect. 3i;.�iiswer sh�lt a the �� .`��
<br /> S 8 8 �1 Y P C�Y i`.�..
<br /> .+,i:;ams requirad to obtain coverage substantially equir-.��i;to tfie mortgage ins�s��previaas'�v in effect;,i�s a cost •�:��`�;;
<br /> sa�tially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of tl�e mor.s5j,e insurance previously ir•�.�£eci.fror�4�.altemate�mortgage �""'Y'
<br /> insurier approved by l,ender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is�•ot availab�e.sarrower shall pay to
<br /> Leader each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mongage insura�ce premium being paid.�a�$orrower wIten the - -
<br /> insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender w���accept.�se and retain t!;ese payments as a loss reserve in lieu -
<br /> of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no lon�a be'requi'ed,at the e��af Lender,if mortgage insurance
<br /> covetage(in the amount and for the period that Lender req�c^nra,}pmvided by an insun��^�.aved by.Lender again becomes �_;:
<br /> avaif�bie amd is obtai�d.Borrower shall pay the premiums��ired to maintain mortga�.c^.sutarsce�*a�.€fect.or to provide a -
<br /> loss reserve.until the requirement for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any written agreei.�.rc�beiween Borrower • .
<br /> and.l.ender or applicabte taw. . .
<br /> 9 Inspecfion. I.ender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the L?operty. l.ender shall �,;
<br /> giv0 Borrower nodce at the 6me of or prior to an inspectiar,specifying reaaonable cause for the inspection. .�. +';':
<br /> 10. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or cFa�ra for damages,direct or consequential.in rnnnection with any �•';,:r;,
<br /> <<.;;ti�::
<br /> Single Famiiy--Faeek MadFYeQ�k�Hac UNI�ORM INS7RUMENT-•Unifomi Coven�irs.!/!� (pa¢e 3 njb pogttl ':,.,',,s.,
<br /> (irat t.�a 9�Yea Pa�Ir.■
<br /> to0ldesGtC�1�"lDWAOQiA11iiB79Y1131 - .
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